
December 4th, 2009 | 717 Entries

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717 Entries for “pedal”

  1. i like to peadle on a bike because it’s fu

  2. On bicycles.
    Like all those times when you’re going so fast that your foot slips and pedal scrapes the back of your calfs.
    One time i was riding down a hill and my shoe lace got stuck around the pedal and I fell down sideways. Honestly, the bike just stopped and fell down horizontal. Needless to say, I was a

  3. you use it to accelerate or brake, change gear or to do it yourself, like on your bike. sounds a bit like petal. flowers.

  4. This is my moment. Driving in the Indi 500. Last lap. Putting the pedal to the medal. Driving is my life.

  5. Pedal pushers is a name for capri pants. The worst pants ever created. No one looks good in them, yet middle aged women everywhere LOVE them. I don’t understand. So unappealing.

    Eva Cambria
  6. somehow i cant think of anything to write for pedal. except in the summer i was too excited to put on shoes so i just jumped on my bike and started pedalling down the street. it hurt

  7. The cold wind rushed across the pale freckled face of the red cheeked woman, as she stood on her pedals while she tore down along the stony path that meandered along the menacing majestic tall grey granite cliffs. Down to her left the sea surged to create a symphony of percussion, sending its salty spray high into the air before being whipped up by the gale force wind. Her blood tingled with adrenaline as she rapidly closed in on the feared bend from her youth which required her to pedal her bicycle precariously close to a near vertical drop hundreds of feet above the stormy black winter sea. This was not ever meant to be a joyful summer pedal through the multicolored flower fields of love and youth. This was her pedal to freedom, away from the torment of age, away from the loneliness she had found in that horrid room squashed full of all her memories that once leisurely were scatter around her loving family home. As she pushed hard down for the last time onto the pedal, she felt alive and proud for all she had achieved over her seventy three years. Plunging towards the icy water she was happy to be pedaling towards something and a smile once again stretched out across her face!

    Stephan Bolton
  8. today someone threw the basketball and the pass was missed at hit a stationary bike pedal and it looked like a ghost was riding the bike. it was hilarious.

  9. freedom creation evolution art expressioon human people goodness suffering i wish could be more happy live

    I love life.

  10. Pedals are man-made inventions that have various purposes. Bike pedals are for propelling a bicycle forward. Piano pedals are for making the sound flow. Pedals comes from the word ped for foot.

  11. Pedal pedal pedal! Uphill! That’s progress for you! Everyone knows you can coast downhill and don’t need to pedal at all! Keep it up, Lance Armstrong, you’re a winnner!

  12. You use it to ride a bike. i’m sure it was used in the stoneage. very useful.

  13. A pedal can be used as a lot of things. The first thing I think about is pedals for guitars. Like a distortion pedal og wah-wah pedal. I also think of the pedal you use when you play piano.

  14. push on me
    abraham, my

  15. bike make mefly down the hill and crack my scull

  16. i use a pedal to make a bicycle go faster

  17. I used to watch as she passed by my house, skirts all afly and hair a mess. I watched her stop at the corner, smile at the cars, and move in front of the bus. I can’t watch her anymore. I

  18. I pedal and pedal till I see the sun its setting on his morning run the one I follow to the moon is running faster away from me but I know he cares and still he understands my every will.

  19. bicycle pedal. bicycle petal. bicycle made out of flowers. riding a bike on a spring day. dirt paths. hot sun. faded blue jeans and t-shirt. picnic lunch in the basket and thousands and thousand

  20. I pedaled as fast as I could. There were trees wizzing past me. I didn’t know where I was going. There was something to the left of me coming closer. Closing in on me. There was no way I would get out of here alive. Despite how hard I had tried to think things through.

    michelle paperbowlsnlemons
  21. A bicycle need two. These help you to move fordward in create way. You and your padels will do the world! You, padels around the globe!
  22. The pedal stuck and she was sent soaring off her bike. Landing hard on her side she looked up to shake the dizziness off and found herself in a strange city.

  23. gas and speed an adrenalin rush, but is it worth risking your life for? a bicycle along a tree covered path up in the mountains peacefully going along.

  24. the pedals on a bike circle each indefinitely like doomed lovers chasing each across the world. satisfaction never comes until they are released from their mortal coil. likewise, the pedals will never meet until they are detached from their circle. life is a strange conglomeration of analogies and half truths.

  25. bicycle and green, irvine, just freedom and hippies and beaches and college students and riding and cars and feet and muscles

  26. it’s used for moving a bicycle and it comes in contact with your feet and it’s made out of rubber or out of steel

  27. I push the pedal to the floor as hard as I can. Faster, faster, faster the car moves. The wind rushes through my fingers and my heart flutters.
  28. She pedaled as fast as she could until she come on top of the hill. Adrenaline rushed past her as she let her bike travel down the hill…she hit a rock and flipped.

  29. bike

  30. pedal

  31. the pedals were flying, loose in the wind. As she sat there and watched the air take them, she couldn’t help but think of the first time he gave her flowers. That first date, when everthing was fresh, new. But over time, like those flowers, the romance died

  32. Sunday morning, cycling along the seashore, sun is shining, breezy wind cooling the perspiration ;)
    is how you picture yourself while you lie in bed on a sunday sleep in.

    Raybie ;)
  33. I used to ride my bike as a sort of an escape my senior year. I remember coming home every day after school and I would eat something, and then I would immediately go outside to ride my bike. I would make myself push up the hill, I wouldn’t get off and walk, just pedal slowly but surely up that hill, and then I would feel like I was flying as I rode back down it again.

  34. I pushed my foot harder on the pedal. I had to get there. I had to get to him. I could not imagine what I would do without him. Traffic distracted me from all of the horrible circumstances that could have happened.

  35. i like to pedal when i play poekmon red and sapphire. its alot of fun and i wish misty was the character because i love ash and misty together. theyre awesome dont you think so? :) i love them soo much i could write about how much i wish the stupid producers wouild make an episode where they get together. stupid dawn and may who need to die because theyre taking ash frm misty. the

  36. Pedal are you serious, well pedals are found in bikes and thats bout it :)

  37. pedal is good for your metab bla bla poo bike is fast under feet and is mariella is fat ad i mazos i too lazy to buy oneeeeee and i fingers and stupid but

  38. pedal your way over here said the old lady to little boy who had a bike and he said no i dont know you litle old lady and she said im your grandma and he said oh yeah and pealed his way over on his triycle. so then he said why did u say eal over here, she siad oh i forgott that i said that and he didnt kno wat she

  39. pedal pedal push meadows running through the green open forest
    pedal pedal push pushing gently by the stream
    pedel pedel push where on earth am i heading?
    am i searching for something?
    do i even have the key?

    pedal pedal push i keep going on and on
    it doesn’t matter anymore
    just gotta get there
    pedal pedal push
    almost there.

    pedal pedal push.

  40. Pedal? I already wrote about this. I want to write about something else. I don’t know how to ride a bicycle. I’ve tried. I fall down a lot. Actually, I fall down a lot when I’m walking, too. I’m just uncoordinated like that. I’m not quite sure I understand what this site is all about. I mean, the last thing I wrote about a pedal was all poetic and stuff. But this one really isn’t.
