
September 16th, 2009 | 437 Entries

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437 Entries for “penny”

  1. shiny. lucky. helpless.
    pennys are innocent and helpless. beautiful and edearing, yet so easily and carelessly thrown away.

  2. Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck. I wish…

  3. small, brown, brings you luck, often dirty, usually found, i will never loose them, i like having pennies in a jar, they usually are collected from 99p stuff

    colin laidlaw
  4. Pennies add up after picking them up every time you see one.

  5. Flip a penny… heads you win, tails you lose she said as she slyly threw the coin over her shoulder and began to walk away. He ran to her coin hoping for a head only to find the coin fell down the storm grate.

  6. This is BIZARRE.. I have had 3 references to penny today… 2 FB quizzes,and a doll from when I was a kid. Someone is trying to tell me something.. I do this.. and I get the word “PENNY”… I am shocked.

  7. just the life is soo so hard to live it. and thing sometimes aren’t how you think

  8. penny means the most and girls name could, in more depth, aq penny is at the brim of society, as money makesthe world go round, and a penny is as basic money-wise as you can get, as well as being a cheap but tasty sweet

    Scott Osborn
  9. That was her name. I guess I should’ve known from the beginning, but I never even guessed. The thing about love is that it comes and goes without caring about inconvenience or reality or anything but itself. Love is selfish, like she was, but there’s nothing much to do about it now that she’s gone.

  10. Abraham Lincoln is on all those Pennys. I wonder if he ever went out with a woman named Penny? Or maybe he was gay. I bet that guy who shot him was a homophobe. I wonder if they will ever get rid of pennys? They just take up room in your pocket, really. I mean, is there anything cool about a penny? I suppose if you’re Abe Lincoln and she was a good date.

    Paul Kaiser
  11. If you see a penny pick it up and all day you’ll have good luck. That was a line in Grease, at the drag race in the viaducts. I remember watching that with my mom & she telling me about actually doing that when she was a teen.

    For whatever reason, that little saying has always stuck with me.

  12. my friend michelle was the one who taught me that a penny should always be face up for good luck. When she taught me that i thought it was silly, but then i found it was easy and fun to do. I would flip all the pennies i saw face down on the street and make a game out of it.

  13. Oh how I miss the penny. That little rhyme about seeing a penny, picking it up, all that day you’ll get good luck. I remember when our currency changed and I wondered if I’d still get luck for picking up a cent. I still don’t know.

  14. Oh I am so lucky to have found this bright, new, shiny penny! This must be my lucky day! What will I do with this lucky day? I think something good will come my way.

  15. The little black boy was hungry and he only had one penny. He obviously needed more than a penny so he asked his mother for 3 dollars. She told him no, and said to cherish his penny. He didnt want to so he asked his older brother and his brother gave him 3 dollars. He ate ice cream after that.

  16. a penny is not worth very much. in fact, you cant buy anything that isnt basically given away for free. They do make good projectiles though. If you want to hurl them off of buildings, you can do some serious damage to cars down below.

  17. I was walking one day and I happened to look down at my feet. A penny was there, so I said hi. I didn’t expect anything to come back, but the penny started talking to me. It was telling me about it’s day. He was talking about how he was once in some rich man’s pocket, hanging around with his buddies. Then he was thrown away at some homeless person, who carelessly picked up every cent, except the one he didn’t see.

    Danny :D
  18. Today i found a penny on the floor, it spoke to me. It told me to kill my best friend frank. So I did. Later that night I ate tacos. Two for a penny. And then i had no pennies. The end. Penny.

  19. a penny on the ground. heads up. heads down. one cent, lost. dropped. found. thrown. dirty.shiny. clean. where did it come from where will it go.

  20. Penny was her name. Penelope, I think, is the whole deal. She bore it ’til the day of her death and she bore it with such pride and beauty that even nowadays I find it hard to describe. She was

  21. copper silver round small hummingbird almost worthless girl’s name proud

  22. find a penny pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck!

  23. i saw a penny a looked it in the eyes
    staring back i thought in surprise
    this is more than a thrown piece of metal
    its what drives most to accel
    ive never seen a rustier piece of life
    that took me by surprise

    Joshua Raynor
  24. There has never been anything less valuable in the history of the world. You are thrown to floor like a expendable piece of garbage. Who would have thought that you were actually worth something. The mistreatement directed at you is a disgrace to the patriotic face that occupies your face.

  25. I saw a shiny penny on the floor and had to pick it up. My Mother always told me if you leave money lying around the Gods will think you don’t need any and stop sending it.

  26. Small things tend to dissappear. Like a penny. Where do they go, .. nobody knows? I try to collect all penny on the ground, just to see, if there are as many as I loose.

  27. pennys are shiney and they make homeless people happy, that little tinkle in their cup it’s like some human slot machine that you can put money in and make their eyes glow.
    you can flip them, probabilities, it’s all fun and games, heads and tails , i get the heads bit but…

    Duncan Coulter
  28. See a penny,pick it up.

    So I think of my cat,Penny.God,what a mean old hag.
    But she was my mean old hag cat.

    I also think of Grease and that goofy scene with the car race.Weird,huh?

  29. shiny, brownse. I find them on the ground alot, but don’t ever want to put them in my pocket. I find they’re kind of useless and at the same time have heard the emfamous phrase,”save your money, someday it all adds up!”. This is bull crap.

    Kyle Hanson
  30. Find a pennt, pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck. I love finding pennies but I always feel a bit cheap and trampy if I stop in a busy street to pick up one penny, but isn’t it illegal to just get rid of money? You know take it out of economy?

    Maddie J
  31. a penny saved is one cent more then I’d have if I threw it away. Seriously, I’ve seen people throw pennies IN THE GARBAGE. Who does that? You can give all your pennies to me, I’ll roll them up and take them to the bank. Ka-ching! Cash for me.

  32. i found it on the street just laying there forgotten. like some piece of trash or something and i realized that while i may not feel the need to pick it up, somewhere in the world this penny could mean the world to someone. it could be the start of a fortune, the difference between life and death

  33. money and war, penny is also a name.. money penny from james bond. penny also reminds me of a tree. a big oak tree for some reason. And hard stuff like metal and the bronze colour

  34. Pennies are fun to find on the side of a road.
    I love collecting them until they fill a cup. Then you can go buy something fun with them.
    People all ways throw them away. Even if they are useful. I think they are beautiful. So much fun pennies are,.

    Rachael Mess
  35. “Penny for your thoughts,” she said. I just stared at her. She couldn’t possibly understand what I had just been through. She couldn’t grasp that my thoughts were haunted endlessly with the trauma I had faced and emerged from. But I couldn’t tell her the truth.

    “You’re all I ever think about!” I lied easily.

  36. i once found a penny on the ground and thought I was the luckiest guy in the world. Man, that penny changed my life. I soon won a free baseball, found a unopened piece of gum on the ground, AND had a hot girl wave at me… all in the same day. Seriously, I love pennies. They’re full of good luck, and copper is sweet.

    Nick W.
  37. penny for them…keep the4 change.I can’t quite be sure which is apenny or one pence. One pence does not sound quite right to me so a penny it must be.

    Paul Davies
  38. in london they call it a penny. i miss london. its not easy being home, not hearing the bustling city, seeing the bright red double decker buses. but i’ll go back soon and see the penny again.

  39. The penny had been on the floor for weeks. She hadn’t touched it, hadn’t even mentioned it. She wanted to see how long it would take for him to notice. He usually had an eye for detail; she felt a surge of triumph, knowing that she had noticed such a tiny thing he unknowingly overlooked every day.

  40. A penny is worth nothing in comparison to cents as you know the word play when it comes to the crunch
    as it’s more than just a lunch
