A piano is very pretty. It can be very large and it has white keys and black keys. You can play songs on it and you can perform on it. A piano is very wonderful. A piano is full of instruments inside it to make it play.
The piano sat in the corner of the room. It was covered with dust, she noted, but that was probably because she despised the thing since she was six. But she moved on, and decided to concentrate on something else in the room. Like a vase, or a family photo. But her eyes were drawn to the piano. The white and black keys distracted her.
god. the way it sounds. the way he bloody plays.
i just. it makes my heart –
it makes my heart break.
it’s bloody beautiful.
music . maker
I sat at the piano, clueless as to where to go next with the piece I had been composing.
I got up to get a drink. Perhaps a break would do me good. Maybe the piece needed another instrument? I called Kelly, my violinist friend, and asked her to come over. It had been a while since I had collaborated on a composition.
The piano keys felt nice under her fingers. Her fingers seemed to glide over them as she played the melody. This was her peace. The song seemed to echo through the empty house, breaking the silence. Memories flooded through her mind.
The sound of the piano echoed through the stone halls of the castle. The only other sound were the light footfalls of the lady as she made her way to the caverous parlor to meet with him. The one who came to visit her, and always at night.
Her fingers moved smoothly over the ivory keys. How long had it been? It’s amazing how your life just slips away. Isn’t it? He always loved to hear her play. Now her music just flows outward into the empty room.
An amazing instrument that is played on white and black keys. Piano is one of my favorite instruments.
Alex King
its a big thing that you play music on. a grand piano is the best kind cos its HUGE!! pia-pia-piano piano piano.
Suck My Balls.
Victor Van Dort sat thoughtfully at the piano. It was his only true home and his safe place. He could get away from the criticism and lose himself in the music.
The haunting tune she played drew him to the room. The soft sound of her fingers on the keys of the piano drew him even closer. He knew she was there. The feel of her preseence, the scent of her perfume why did she haunt this place…
As she entered the barren platform, she couldn’t help but notice the large grand piano sitting heavily in the center of the abandoned stage. As if her thoughts granted wishes, a pair of spotlights suddenly beamed on the instrument, reminding her of her task at hand. The audience stared at her intently, studying her emotions.
I used to have to take piano lessons, from my mother. That time in my life was terrible. Every morning before I was driven to my small elementary school, I would be forced to practice my “finger exercises” as well as my “Performance Songs”.
play it
Das Piano klimpert vor sich hin, von geisterhand gespielt. Wer dr
Eva-Maria Obermann
The grand pianist entered the stage, silently trembling as he tried to remember all the fingerings to his concerto. Would he make a mistake? He knew that it was quite possible, but he had to put on a straight face for the audience. They came for a show and he was there to give it to them. He sat on his bench, lifted his hand, and pressed C.
It was over-sized, it took up too much of the room, and it’s dominance distracted from my objective. I moved around the room, hoping that a different angle would decrease it’s distraction, but after a few minutes, and several moves later the conclusion was inevitable. The piano was not going to get any smaller. Now what was it I had come in here to do?
“Piano” is the tag I use when referring to my favorite P!atD song. I wish I knew how to play the piano. I’ve noticed that I write in a different style on this thing every single day. Today is random thoughts day.
Piano… I wish I could learn to play the piano, seems just great, and the music that comes from it is just beautiful there is nothing like it, a beautiful calming sound that makes you smile and feel
i had a piano once. i loved it. but i was broke and needed money so i sold it.
piano solo. in an empty room. all white. with a window open. why is it that i can’t get rid of the thoughts of…i have to stop. i have to go back to my piano. solo. in an empty room.
A man sits in a chair. His long fingers rest on the piano and ache to create the beautiful sounds his mother did when he was a child. He lets them graze the keys feeling each groove in between and wrestling with the concept of music in the depths of his mind. He longs to make something beautiful. To captivate the minds of those listening would be his dream.
The piano sat there mocking me. Every ivory I ticked sounded sick and not at all magical like the notes did when she played his favorite songs. Thankfully, I have my own talents.
I wish I had never stopped playing the piano. It’s such a beautiful instrument and that way I could bust it out for new dudes as one of my many skillsets to make them fall completely in love. Maybe I’ll take lessons again. I miss it.
music, my one true love
everything ranging from borko to dave matthews to fleet foxes to shins to three eleven to neko case to WILCO
who use pianos and keyboards in their songs quite a bit, i must say
geez a ree. love music
love love love
On the second time he swung the enourmous beast around, white smoke poured from the rear tyres as he gunned the big v8.
Blood was spray across the bonnet. He floored the beast in the direction of his victim again and howled like a banshee as a piano sonata played on the eight track, jammed in the player.
The old, wise piano sits in the corner of the room, waiting for a player to awaken it, to make it sing. Its keys aren’t so tuned up anymore, it plays a little off key, but its beauty is like that of humans, wonderful despite of, or perhaps because of, its inperfections.
I was born wanting to do two things. One was to have a horse and the other was to play the piano. When I was a kid we were too poor for either. But when I grew up I bought 28 horses and made that dream come true but the piano playing has still evaded me. Perhaps in time I will make this dream come true also.
The piano sat in the far corner of the room, gathering dust. No one had played it since Dan died; no one had even touched it. It seemed to loom out of the corner, dark and vengeful and foreboding. But maybe it was just lonely.
Kimberly Pauley
the piano is the pain in the ano. ano means year in spanish. spanish means latinoamerica. people think of caucasians when they hear “americans.” but americans could mean mexicans too. so there. carry on soldier.
pia no
oh my goodness! I’m so excited that one word changes the word every day. it used to be that the word changed every three days–boo!
this is so much better! i wish i had a piano right now. i would play an overture dedicated to the fact that every day there is a fresh word on “oneword.com”
a music instrument. the sound of piano has been used to give form to creativity of great composers and syminists if taht is a word. and i hear it has a foot panel that is required to be pressed continously while playin it. used mainly in old movie and also in loegend of 1900. the movie has nice soundtrack.
tinkle tinkle
sprinkle sprinkle’
oh so forte
oh baby
oh baby
Beethoven rocks my socks.
Time to learn a new song. There’s only so many times you can play moonlight sonata.
La la la.
Piano’s can make any piece of music sound beautiful.
My grandma’s piano
sitting at it thinking
just thinking and tapping keys absently
she comes and sits beside me
“everything ok?”
piano sounds like shit.
keys that i have yet to really understand i sit patiently waiting for you to start as your fingers dance away i imagine the night when you were young and spiders were the most terrifying thing ever, and think of how much your fingers remind me of them
A piano is very pretty. It can be very large and it has white keys and black keys. You can play songs on it and you can perform on it. A piano is very wonderful. A piano is full of instruments inside it to make it play.
The piano sat in the corner of the room. It was covered with dust, she noted, but that was probably because she despised the thing since she was six. But she moved on, and decided to concentrate on something else in the room. Like a vase, or a family photo. But her eyes were drawn to the piano. The white and black keys distracted her.
god. the way it sounds. the way he bloody plays.
i just. it makes my heart –
it makes my heart break.
it’s bloody beautiful.
music . maker
I sat at the piano, clueless as to where to go next with the piece I had been composing.
I got up to get a drink. Perhaps a break would do me good. Maybe the piece needed another instrument? I called Kelly, my violinist friend, and asked her to come over. It had been a while since I had collaborated on a composition.
The piano keys felt nice under her fingers. Her fingers seemed to glide over them as she played the melody. This was her peace. The song seemed to echo through the empty house, breaking the silence. Memories flooded through her mind.
The sound of the piano echoed through the stone halls of the castle. The only other sound were the light footfalls of the lady as she made her way to the caverous parlor to meet with him. The one who came to visit her, and always at night.
Her fingers moved smoothly over the ivory keys. How long had it been? It’s amazing how your life just slips away. Isn’t it? He always loved to hear her play. Now her music just flows outward into the empty room.
An amazing instrument that is played on white and black keys. Piano is one of my favorite instruments.
its a big thing that you play music on. a grand piano is the best kind cos its HUGE!! pia-pia-piano piano piano.
Suck My Balls.
Victor Van Dort sat thoughtfully at the piano. It was his only true home and his safe place. He could get away from the criticism and lose himself in the music.
The haunting tune she played drew him to the room. The soft sound of her fingers on the keys of the piano drew him even closer. He knew she was there. The feel of her preseence, the scent of her perfume why did she haunt this place…
As she entered the barren platform, she couldn’t help but notice the large grand piano sitting heavily in the center of the abandoned stage. As if her thoughts granted wishes, a pair of spotlights suddenly beamed on the instrument, reminding her of her task at hand. The audience stared at her intently, studying her emotions.
I used to have to take piano lessons, from my mother. That time in my life was terrible. Every morning before I was driven to my small elementary school, I would be forced to practice my “finger exercises” as well as my “Performance Songs”.
play it
Das Piano klimpert vor sich hin, von geisterhand gespielt. Wer dr
The grand pianist entered the stage, silently trembling as he tried to remember all the fingerings to his concerto. Would he make a mistake? He knew that it was quite possible, but he had to put on a straight face for the audience. They came for a show and he was there to give it to them. He sat on his bench, lifted his hand, and pressed C.
It was over-sized, it took up too much of the room, and it’s dominance distracted from my objective. I moved around the room, hoping that a different angle would decrease it’s distraction, but after a few minutes, and several moves later the conclusion was inevitable. The piano was not going to get any smaller. Now what was it I had come in here to do?
“Piano” is the tag I use when referring to my favorite P!atD song. I wish I knew how to play the piano. I’ve noticed that I write in a different style on this thing every single day. Today is random thoughts day.
beautiful. art. roses. classic. elegant. love. paris. sleeping. singing. dancing. candles. music. thought evoking!
Piano… I wish I could learn to play the piano, seems just great, and the music that comes from it is just beautiful there is nothing like it, a beautiful calming sound that makes you smile and feel
i had a piano once. i loved it. but i was broke and needed money so i sold it.
piano solo. in an empty room. all white. with a window open. why is it that i can’t get rid of the thoughts of…i have to stop. i have to go back to my piano. solo. in an empty room.
A man sits in a chair. His long fingers rest on the piano and ache to create the beautiful sounds his mother did when he was a child. He lets them graze the keys feeling each groove in between and wrestling with the concept of music in the depths of his mind. He longs to make something beautiful. To captivate the minds of those listening would be his dream.
The piano sat there mocking me. Every ivory I ticked sounded sick and not at all magical like the notes did when she played his favorite songs. Thankfully, I have my own talents.
I wish I had never stopped playing the piano. It’s such a beautiful instrument and that way I could bust it out for new dudes as one of my many skillsets to make them fall completely in love. Maybe I’ll take lessons again. I miss it.
music, my one true love
everything ranging from borko to dave matthews to fleet foxes to shins to three eleven to neko case to WILCO
who use pianos and keyboards in their songs quite a bit, i must say
geez a ree. love music
love love love
On the second time he swung the enourmous beast around, white smoke poured from the rear tyres as he gunned the big v8.
Blood was spray across the bonnet. He floored the beast in the direction of his victim again and howled like a banshee as a piano sonata played on the eight track, jammed in the player.
The old, wise piano sits in the corner of the room, waiting for a player to awaken it, to make it sing. Its keys aren’t so tuned up anymore, it plays a little off key, but its beauty is like that of humans, wonderful despite of, or perhaps because of, its inperfections.
I was born wanting to do two things. One was to have a horse and the other was to play the piano. When I was a kid we were too poor for either. But when I grew up I bought 28 horses and made that dream come true but the piano playing has still evaded me. Perhaps in time I will make this dream come true also.
The piano sat in the far corner of the room, gathering dust. No one had played it since Dan died; no one had even touched it. It seemed to loom out of the corner, dark and vengeful and foreboding. But maybe it was just lonely.
the piano is the pain in the ano. ano means year in spanish. spanish means latinoamerica. people think of caucasians when they hear “americans.” but americans could mean mexicans too. so there. carry on soldier.
oh my goodness! I’m so excited that one word changes the word every day. it used to be that the word changed every three days–boo!
this is so much better! i wish i had a piano right now. i would play an overture dedicated to the fact that every day there is a fresh word on “oneword.com”
a music instrument. the sound of piano has been used to give form to creativity of great composers and syminists if taht is a word. and i hear it has a foot panel that is required to be pressed continously while playin it. used mainly in old movie and also in loegend of 1900. the movie has nice soundtrack.
tinkle tinkle
sprinkle sprinkle’
oh so forte
oh baby
oh baby
Beethoven rocks my socks.
Time to learn a new song. There’s only so many times you can play moonlight sonata.
La la la.
Piano’s can make any piece of music sound beautiful.
My grandma’s piano
sitting at it thinking
just thinking and tapping keys absently
she comes and sits beside me
“everything ok?”
piano sounds like shit.
keys that i have yet to really understand i sit patiently waiting for you to start as your fingers dance away i imagine the night when you were young and spiders were the most terrifying thing ever, and think of how much your fingers remind me of them