
October 23rd, 2009 | 334 Entries

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334 Entries for “piano”

  1. wow….piano. again. im seriously considering finding the creators of this website, going to their homes, and sitting them down for a very long talk about just how ridiculous and LAME their idea of a “creative” website idea is. someone should do it. i kinda feel bad for them in all reality because clearly their parents did a terrible job.

  2. I love to play the piano. It makes me feel amazing about myself. The symphonies I feel as my fingers flow help me tell a story to those around me listening. Peaceful and serene, the piano is love.

  3. when i think of a piano, i think…why the hell when i clicked back and then hit go again did it give me the same word? piano is a stupid, neutral word. for most people, anyway. i mean damn, way to really dig in there and get to the interesting stuff. no we’re being productive. piano? wtf?

  4. Music. The sound flowed through her room. It cleared her head, All the thoughts and worries of the day prior. erased by an E minor chord. The grace of her fingers amazed her. She had never been much good at being graceful, but the piano worked for her. She worked for it.

  5. horse

  6. I think of Beethoven. I think of Alicia keys who can also play. I wish I knew how to play the piano, because I think it’s a real gifted talent. It definitely looks easier than it is and the sound is just amazing.

  7. the piano went crazy and jumped out from behind the couch and ate the family. the piano now plays tunes nonstop and strolls through town creeping people out.its always playing the same song!

  8. my girlfriend takes a piano class in collge. i miss her when she is gone. I listen to her practice and i want to learn also. i like the way the piano sounds. . i like the way they look so ellegant

    jessica rachel
  9. when i see this, i think of my sisters. being woken up on saturday mornings. i know so much classical without realising. i wish i stuck with it, at least be able to play dance songs from the 90s on it, there is a cle

  10. a piano is a lovely piece of music maker. i used to play piano as a small child. I didn’t like it very much. Pianos are black and sometimes white or made of very nice materials i like them.

  11. It plays beautiful music. one of the instruments i want to learn… esp. some tunes I’ve recently heard… Made from elephant tusks, elephants are my fav. animals.. i feel bad for them!:D

  12. The piano is gorgeous. I wish so much to sit at its base, stroke the keys, make tunes alive through our interaction. There’s gracefulness, there’s spunk, there’s everything in between.

    It is what you make it.

    Limited keys, but unlimited possibilities. This seems impossible, but is it really?

  13. there was a piano at my school intoronto. i think there was anyway. i never learned how to play it, but it always was interesting and I wanted to push keys down whenever i passed by it–didn’t all kids? Really, who can resist making music?

    pianos need to be tuned a lot, which could turn people off from learning them. but why do so many parents make their kids learn piano? so they can read music? impress at dinner parties? some old school custom? who knows…

    i have more questions than answers. it’s interesting to note.

  14. the piano sounds empty in the large room, empty of emotion, empty of sound, empty of tears. The man plays hunched over the keys, as though he is forced, as though he has no choice. He plunks at each key, pressing each finger hard against the ivory.

  15. the dark mahogany wood was so shiny she could see her reflection in it. what a beautiful instrument… and all it did was sit, collect dust and then be polished to a high gloss. what a waste!

  16. There was a man named John Presley. He ate a piano for breakfast. When he was almost done eating it, he realised he could use the thin, high pitched strings as floss.

    Elvis Jithendranathan
  17. My ex-girlfriend played piano, her fingers were the most graceful spiders I have ever seen on piano keys. My younger brother also played but gave up. I wish he didn’t.

  18. i love the sound of the piano chamber music> majestic. i would love to learn how to play the piano. i find it soothing and exposing to one’s emotions at the same time. every time i listen to a piano playing i cant help but doubt the fact that it is a string instrument.

  19. I PLAYED the piano once. wasnt very god at it. had it in living room. my friend is very good at the piano. mrs. houghton played it and so did mr. cook.

  20. The little girl was playing the piano in her great grandmother’s living room.

  21. i dont know anything about playing pianos but we had one in my house. my mother of course wanted me to learn how to play but i felt that it was a girly pasttime….and not something that a boy should do. so i never took it up..in hindsight i think that i should have becuase now i would sincerely enjoy playing the piano.

  22. Frail fingers pressed and clicked away at the ivory keys. Light touches, some where she even dung her nails into the material. She clicked and clicked away at the piano, creating a malicious little symphony.

  23. The light touch of the keys, the gentle melody. So beautiful to the ears and soul.

  24. THe keys string musical notes together creating varieties of beautiful melodies for the human ears. The key tones are simply delightful. I wish so dearly that I could play piano as well as some others, it is such a beautiful instrument and skill to accommodate. I’m trying to write as much as I possibly can and it’s getting very difficult. The different key pu

  25. Piano music is joyous, especially Beethoven’s compositions. Ode to Joy, Moonlight Sonata… But any piano music is wonderful. Jazz, classical, rock, country, new age, whatever!

  26. I play it. Each key is piece to my heart.
    Black and white, forget everything in between.
    Sing to heart, ears and soul.
    Give me the gift of music.

    Becca Enright
  27. I always thought that it would be gruesome to string piano wire across the dark tunnel at the beginning or the end of a roller coaster right at neck level. OUCH!!

  28. he shuddered and stroke one key of the ebony piano. the sound echoed off the plastered walls. the music coursed through him relentlessly until he gave in and played with his soul; with notes so piercing and movingly depressing, one might think an angel had fallen.

  29. She played a chord on the piano. It sounded awful, the piano was painfully out of tune. Looking over her shoulder she saw the corpse of her latest victim pinned to the wall.

    Comrade Matt
  30. Did you know that the piano isn’t an instrument? It has it’s very own category. The piano’s full name is Pianforte. It literally means soft loud. It’s pretty cool.

  31. She sat in the room with the silent piano. her thoughts drifted to him. of him playing the piano, of all of them in broken moments, their fingers gliding across the black and white keys. but now, it was dusty, covered up. the moments in the garage, or perhaps in the living room, out of tune with broken keys, or in the house, just she and him, beautifully broken, the start of a love.

  32. I’m typing this while 30,000 feet in the air. That’d be cool to watch a piano smash into the ground from this height.

    Capn Kirk
  33. Someone observing the violence with which the musician smashed his hands into the piano might expect a cacophonic din to emerge from the instrument, but the result was quite the opposite. The man’s hands produced a powerful, unforgettable melody that remained in the audience’s minds long after they had walked out of the concert hall.

  34. she stopped playing and sighed. it was like this all the time- the same monotonous tunes over and over again. just like the steady pattern of her life. she wanted something different..something edgy. but what? what else could she play besides the soft, harmonious tunes of the classics?

  35. a instrument that i want to learn how to play.

  36. piano is an instrument used by musicians to play music, it can be used a a rythm instrument or more like a lead instruyment in concerts.

  37. My sister and I want to learn how to play the piano because it makes beautiful music. I would love to see the notes fly out when playing flight of the bumble bee.

  38. Her fingers gently tickle the ivories as the rest of the room falls silent. Her eyes close. Everything is invisible. She doesn’t say a word, she doesn’t open her eyes, she feels it. She sits and she feels it.

    Her mother told her that. She sat at her side, watching her feet press the pedals, watching those gradually thinning hands stroke the same ivories (or so it seemed), watching her degrade; watching the spark burn out.

    The first chord comes out wrong.

    No one applauds.

    Yuki Hansen
  39. as my fingers touch the keys, i feel as if the world is at ease.
    it’s in the palm of my hand, all billions of people. all listening. all waiting.
    the beautiful melodies flow so softly.
    eight years now, and i’m still loving it.

    kara chiasson
  40. I sit and dream and out come the depths of who I am. No I’m not great, but I am gifted. My fingers sing with my voice and peace comes through. How can a mother of seven find time to caress black and white? How can melodies and chords flow from a heart that are fresh, new and never heard before? Improvised new songs, new life. Create, oh soul – sing.
