
October 23rd, 2009 | 334 Entries

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334 Entries for “piano”

  1. My Grandmother played the piano. Every holiday we would gather around while she played and we would sing. Some of us would anyway. My cousins and I would not but now I wish we had, that we still did. The piano came to represent a family unity now lost.

  2. I think of when I was a child and was asked to play the piano. I think of my first recital that I chickened out of. I was to scared to go up and play on my own. I think of the pain that the piano in my house brought to my family. I remember when the college kids came to take it away. I remember when I decided later in life how much i wish i kept playing. I also think of playing in the future with my wife, being able to play music is an amazing thing.

  3. Fill me up with your sweet sounds. Let your fingers dance on the keys all night long. I want to be wrapped up in your music forever. There is no where I’d rather be right now.

  4. A piano was once in my Old house back in Albany. We never used it, but It signalize home and a place of safety. It was just a familiar object, and it’s familiarity made it important. It’s also a musical instrument used by bach and motzart. I kind o dadf

  5. Black and white keys
    chico plays so well
    he’s a condescending man
    he fires with his fingers
    harpo plays the harpo oh
    and groucho tells a joke

    Floyd Rock
  6. my fingers stop.
    black top, white bottom, round on the edges.
    i listen to the older men talk.
    i talk back.
    they can’t hear, when they aren’t listening.

    when did speaking become an impossible task?

    implausible rehabilitation.

  7. i left my piano downstairs simply because it was too heavy to lift on my own. granted, i had in the past lifted pianos comparable to this one, but i never was able to go anywhere with them. It seemed wise to leave this particular stringed instrument where it lay. Right?

  8. i left my piano downstairs simply because it was too heavy to lift on my own. granted, i had in the past lifted pianos comparable to this one, but i never was able to go anywhere with them. It seemed wise to leave this particular stringed instrument where it lay. Right?

  9. my fingers stop.
    black top, white bottom, round on the edges.
    i listen to the older men talk.
    i talk back.
    they can’t hear, when they aren’t listening.

    when did speaking become an impossible task?

    implausible rehabilitation.

  10. a large black musical instrument that is usually dropped on cartoon characters heads crushing their bones and turning them into accordions.

  11. I’ve never been good at playing piano. All those keys and notes to remember, I can’t even read music anyway. I do love the sound of a piano though, especially when someone really good plays. The piano can take you away, make you happy, sad, and so many other things. Classical music, rock, etc…so great!

  12. the piano is beautiful.
    the sounds which play are intoxicating,
    its not often that one can play with such ease but when they can there is nothing better than that in the entire world..

  13. Chris Martin in front of the piano, I’m in front of the computer Coincidence or deja vu.

  14. A tune. Mideval tune. A symphony of bloom. Strings and keys. Artwork. Whole arts of music and sound. Music is peace. Hopeful peace. And candies. Presents.

  15. piano is an instrument i love the sound of music, sometimes i wish i could be a piano.

  16. big the sound is going round in flies
    and flies
    flies to the room
    there will never be a room who could mess with a piano

  17. The girl’s fingers danced on the ivories, the music crashing out of the open top and filling the acoustically empty room with one of Beethoven’s piano numbers. She smiled, glancing over the top of the sheet music at the boy who was watching her in amazement. “Like it?” She questioned with a tilt of her head.

  18. Black and white
    Pairs and trios
    High keys and low
    Loud and soft
    Strike my heart strings

  19. I played the piano for 18 years because I was made to, by a midget with a ruler. Still, whenever I see a piano I think of rulers. The two will always go together in my mind.

    Rebecca Stoddard
  20. i played piano from age seven til freshman year of college. sitting down at those keys, trying to make something beautiful come out of them, was the most challenging thing ive ever done. it only got harder as i went along, as different parts of the hand would have to be stronger and weaker, different fingers at different dynamic levels, etc

  21. He slid his fingers across the keys like he always did when he couldn’t come up with the right words.

  22. We have a piano room in the front of the house. It just sits there, and no one wants to play it. My grandmother used to play it while I sang and was young, but now she’s too old to come visit us any longer. The piano just sits. It’s gigantic and expensive and black and stringy.

  23. THe old piano stood in the corner, with half the keys missing. Brenna had suggested repairing it when she moved in with Sam, but he had quietly refused. He dusted it everyday and never touched any of the remaining keys.

  24. Ever since I was little my family always owned a piano. The first one we had was almost always out of tune but I still loved it. I can remember telling my dad to play a song and having him play it from memory, no music, no thinking, just playing. I always wished I would’ve stayed with piano.

    E. Leikip
  25. All these musics have lost their meanings and all that matters is their sound.

  26. He was playing a melody I didn’t recognize, his long fingers moving gracefully over ivory keys. A perfect set of pianist’s hands. I wondered what it would like to hold one of those hands in my own.

  27. i started piano when i was about 6-7 and my first teacher was a hippy chic, then i had several others over the years, non as good as the first, i got bored with it after a while because the songs they had me play were horrible. one of the only things i have left to get my performance degree is my piano profiency

  28. It was smashed. Whoever it was that had come here had smashed her piano. It was one of the most important of her possessions. To see that someone had smashed it as if it were a bug devastated her. She felt hatred and anger well up inside of her. She knew from that moment on that she would have revenge upon the onoe who had done this.

    Malinda Clariese
  29. a large piano is like a beautiful whale. Small and furry. just like the rare upicidual lemming. A creature so messed up it runs backwards through time. From the point it throws itself over the cliff to the point it tries to crawl inside it’s squirming mother.

    William Moore
  30. When I was very young I didn’t really feel like playing the piano. I just banged my fingers against the keys. One day my mother and father decided to get rid of the piano for a couch. It was golden. A few years later I decided I wanted to play the piano.

  31. it illustrates the greenest of daydreams and vibrating visions, even for inexperienced hands, it resonates, i am washed in its presence

    samantha louise
  32. The piano was played by a very good artist. He was good at making music. He also went to music class every single day. He was very anxious to get out of school to play his piano.

  33. The keys tinkled softly as Melissa practiced, grudgingly. She hated practicing, though preforming at the end of the year was well worth it. She loved the delight on her parents’ faces when she met them after the show, and swelled with pride as they remarked on how much she had improved in the past year. But practicing? No, she could do without the practicing.

  34. keys they are pretty. you can write many songs from them. they make beautiful melodies. reffered as entertainment across the world. Little pianos, big pianos, cheap pianos and expensive pianos.

  35. piano row tastes good because it is bad for you. the food is so yummy and delicious and food and stuff cause food is good and i’m fat and the food is making me fat and i’m fat because of the food and SOOO FAT! ahh food i need to throw up. SOON

    JAKE L
  36. She doesn’t play often, not when her father coughs up a storm and her mother lays on the couch drying her tears. She never plays, and might end up never touching those pearl keys. She can no longer play because there is nothing else to play. She can no longer play because she has no limbs willing to listen.

  37. At first she just banged on the keys and laughed, but that was months ago. Now the note combinations actually sound put together, and lyrics have appeared, like “Max and Ruby had a farm…”

  38. uh. gee.

  39. My father always plays the Chopin’s appasionata when company is over. I only ever learned to play mary had a little lamb (with chords).

  40. The girl sat down at the piano, her fingers gently running over the smooth keys. It had been so long since she had played that she was afraid she had forgotten how to play, but as she placed her fingers on the right keyes, she started to remember. Plunking out a soft melody, her fingerings started to get more and more extravagant as she played more and more complicated songs.

    Megan P