
October 23rd, 2009 | 334 Entries

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334 Entries for “piano”

  1. keys
    black and white
    bass clef
    treble clef
    grand piano
    classical piano
    piano class

  2. Rhapsody in Blue played high above the New York city streets.

  3. white black white black white white black white black white black white white

    the dynamic tones that slur together emotions and worlds

  4. The piano. It was black. The piano. It had a crack. The piano. It was real old. The piano. It got a cold. The piano

    Stupid Baffoon
  5. oh the beutiful music this instrument can produce and the melodies that are such pleasure to listen to

  6. i once knew a man who would always play the piano at the local pub. he was an interesting man, always was quiet and nobody ever bothered him. he would always churn out nice little tunes for the patrons to listen to while enjoying their pints and peanuts. i once asked him why he played everyday like he did.

  7. When I was little I dumped vinegar and baking soda on my brother’s fake vomit, trying to get it frothy and bubbly in time for my piano lesson. I figured with evidence of fresh puke, how could she make me take the lesson I was so dreading?

  8. the lessons i took were wonderful and painful. feedback sent me into tears and while i practiced, i had no tolerance for mistakes, so my stomach knotted up the way it does when i take exams, and i missed all of the enjoyment in the endeavor

  9. The little piano sit in the corner lonely and forgotten. Years had passed since its beautiful ivvory keys had been touched. Terribly out of key from years of neglect the piano sat in the corner day after day watching as people just looked at its covered in dust.

    Miki Jenkins
  10. Sometimes days like this give me nothing more to do but to remember those christmas’ with the family. Back when i was about 10. I’d always sit at the piano, saying look at me. I’ll learn how to play one day. But years have came and gone, still havent learned. What happened, how’d i get so carried away in life?

  11. I love piano. I play it every day. It helps me express myself. it keeps my sane. Its beautiful. Its beautiful.

  12. that reminds me of my friend named Duc. He does not know how to play the piano, but am struggling to learn it. It makes me want to study too.

  13. I once was a piano, but then I had surgery. It was a long and torturous ordeal, but I learned how to live in a world where we ex-pianos are discriminated against. Now I live a life of wonder as an elf.

    Willard LeCroy
  14. probably the first time I ever met her was on top of the piano. I walked into the bar and into the beginning of my life. She sang and swayed and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  15. Why don’t I play? I do I fear this absence and this presence? It defines me without a talent. A talent without definition. I could try harder.

  16. i was playing the piano one day…trying to think of ways to steal your heart. my fingers played the keys but it was not connected to my mind. the black and white is too simple for the emotions you invoke in me. notes like these will never do you justice.

  17. wonderful music coming out of a string instrument disguised as who knows what. amazing melody’s appearing out of thin air played by the master hand and perfected through hundreds of years of fantastic musicians doing everything they could.

  18. The Piano. I never saw that movie. But not because I have anything against Harvey Keitel’s junk. (Eeww… I wouldn’t WANT anything against Harvey Keitel’s junk, either!)

  19. i played it i liked it and it made me feel strong white creamy keys they lift my soul and spirit once was strong and free i made my soul i make my self i want to fly again but i can’t i need to stay grounded and keep to the trees adn below on the ground where the roots meet the soil so rich and dark like coffee the black keys on the piano roots that cling the white down otherwise it would explode

    kathryn fitzgerald
  20. my thought’s passed through the piano like the thunder outside

  21. The piano trilled softly through the room draped in golden mist. I looked around, trying to place where the noise was coming from. It seemed unearthly, so beautiful it made me want to simultaneously burst into tears and rejoice.

    ellie b.
  22. how come i am always on piano?

    Anonymous Dude
  23. It is cool with white keys and smaller black ones. 88 is no problem for many people who can play everything.

  24. You hear the old wooden friend call your name and you make your way to the familiar seat. The keys are worn and damaged, but like you, it simply shows from where you’ve come. Of course, both you and the piano don’t make the same music you used to, but you don’t have to, its great just to be in each others company.

    Ron E
  25. White keys with black smaller ones… 88 is no problem for a genius like ME. It is nice and easy, grand and expensive.

  26. The piano can be quiet. It can be loud. It can be utterly annoying and ear-piercing. But more often then not, when she played it, it was the most haunting thing you could ever hear on this earth.

  27. I used to play the piano when I was little. Black and white keys under my fingers, bending at my whim. The beauty created by muscle memory aligned with improvisation skills and a sense of music, style, and sound. Now, pianos offer little more than background music to pop songs, even so, synthesized….

  28. piano is a wonderful instrument to learn on. in my opinion it is the perfect simplification of musical objects. the sound it makes is as hard as you play it, and all the varying pitches are lined up in a row. every instrument configuration is constructed to suit the shape and composition of the object producing the musical sounds but none is so straightforward as the piano keyboard.

  29. I play a good piano. I am good at playing it.

  30. music keys, notes, white with small black keys in the middle of them, makes nice music, easy to play, must have skilled fingers, must be quick.

  31. franz liszt among the mist inside a tryst of whine and key lime pie alive arrived on time to the market

  32. it has white keys, with black smaller ones. It’s very heavy. Quite expensive. Beautiful sounds. Allowed some of the best music to be made of all time. The piano is one of my favorite instruments.

  33. keys

  34. A piano has keys that are black and white. Black and white makes me thing about racial harmony which should be achieved soon,under the Obama administration(haha just kidding.)

  35. a musical instrument with black and white keys; divine music, best for carols and religious hymns, also sober romantic songs.

    Pavalamani Pragasam
  36. The air was full of the notes of the old piano, yet no one heard them in the depths of their whiskey. It was no matter to the entertainer, who would still pocket the same take as he had any other night, though he longed for the days in his youth where a pianist earned his keep from a crowd on tips alone, instead of on covers.

    Alex P. Keaton
  37. pianos go ding ding. there are many little keys. andrew mcmahon plays the piano. zac plays the piano. the piano has blue keys and sometimes white keys. travis does not play the piano. there are many keys though, like I said. I wish that I could play the piano. Pianos are

    travis tamez
  38. The piano in the front room was very large, with the prettiest keys I’d ever laid eyes on. My fingers ached to play it, to feel the ivory beneath my fingers, but of course I did no such thing. Ella continued giving me the tour of her home – “That’s my little sister’s room…yeah, she’s little, so whatever, but yeah. Anyway, this is the family room, but basically we all just hang here and don’t speak. And this…is the piano.”

  39. the piano played the sound of the tuba, as the fat man walked across the screen “That isn’t fair, YOU BASTARDS!” with this its strings popped one after another due to the wait of his anger.

  40. ‘play me a song you’re the piano man . . “
    and the tune with it comes to mind
    and the jovial good friendship of everyone friend or stranger at Gluek’s Bar in downtown minneapolis on a friday night singing that song . .
