
October 23rd, 2009 | 334 Entries

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334 Entries for “piano”

  1. ive always wanted to learn to play the piano. ive always found it to be the most interesting intrusment next to the guitar. ive always enjoyed a solid piano coming into a classical song or even a modern song, however incorporated. although ive always wanted to learn how to play, ive never had the chance to own one.

    Jose Leonardo Hernandez
  2. My mother plays the piano she has played sence she was in the third grade and she is the best at it. Every morning I’m awakened to a melody perfected to the very last eith note.


    Nhu Tran
  4. black, keys with white keys making wonderful sounds if you get really good. you can go from jazz to classic to country to gospel to funky to rock… I played the piano when I was in 4th grade but only because my mom thought I should, I learned to love it as I got older tho’.

  5. i like to play the piano. My name is Peter. Thanks for reading this. ;0

  6. haha

  7. haha

  8. haha

  9. And I was so gorgeous back then. Not that I’m ugly now (or that I really was gorgeous, that’s just my biased opinion) but I looked so much better. And that was when I was five pounds lighter. By no stretch of the imagination am I overweight at all, but I don’t know… I want to be 115 pounds again, but those five to ten pounds seem like miles to me. LIke I’ll never be able to go back there even if I wanted to really badly. I just like food now, and I think it’s lame to deprive yourself of food to reach some beauty standard. But I hate all pictures taken of me lately, and those old pictures are just so gorgeous.

    I don’t even know. Maybe I just need some sleep. It’s like playing a piano that’s out of tune. It just make me sad and want to hit myself, because I’m not one of those girls who cares about weight. And I don’t. It’s totally a weird thing to obsess over. If only the girls at my college here in NY didn’t almost ALL look as skinny as the ones on this season of ANTM, then maybe I’d feel better.

    Nineteen in NYC ):
  10. if i’d have a piano i’ll play it all night long, i’d think of you and i’d let my heart wisper “be free”

  11. nice

  12. The piano notes floated through the window, a smile of recognition landing on the girl’s face.

  13. I love pianos! . . . In theory, that is. I really like to play piano, but I dislike practice. It’s so cumbersome to practice, and I must spend so long practicing before I can play anything. I wish I were one of those people who could just sit down and improvise.

  14. pianos make beautiful music. i wanna learn how to play piano

  15. Chopin. Rachmaninoff. Tchaikovsky. Grieg. Masters of the piano. Such skilled concertos. I wish I were talented enough to play one of them. My musical talents, however, lie in other instruments.

  16. My cat loves when anyone plays the piano. He loves any music really, but since this is about piano, I thought I’d better mention that. He likes to sit under it and match his black and white fur to it. I think he feels pretty regal. He will listen to anyone play anything, regardless of his or her talent.

  17. I like to play on the piano it has black and white keys and is long. Sometimes I play songs like Disney songs Little Mermaid, Under the Sea, actually that’s the same thing but then I play Cruella de Ville and Do Rei Me. That is a song from the Sound of Music. Their is a green bar that is telling me how much time I have left. The word is purple. I love to play the piano have been since I was a kid. Anyways, looks like I’m about out of time.

    Julie Red
  18. His fingers ran along the keys, effortlessly. I had a deep gaze, all my attention focused upon him. He made magic with music, and that made him out of my league. I wasn’t beyond diminishing my own confidence when it comes to thinking I deserve him… nobody has any idea.

  19. one time i was sitting in a room and i heard piano music outside of my window. I immediatly opened the window to find out what was going on and a bird flew in throug the window. He started flying around the room in quite a panic and i was also quite startled by this as i tried to direct the bird out of the room.

  20. I’m a music major, yet I really do suck at piano. Class piano? Despise the class. I don’t despise the piano iteself… just learning it in school. I’m already bomb at Indian Dance. I learned silly old Summer Smile. I think I’m good. Violinists don’t need to know how to play piano. My brother plays piano. That’s good enough for me.

  21. I knew a girl who played piano. She was great. I mean, overall she was a pain in the ass. But I cannot knock the girl as a pianist. She initially hated playing but it grew on her. I wonder if other people could train themselves to love something the way she grew to love piano.

  22. keys black white music chords melodies composing beautifulk loud muted soft organ shrill

  23. I pulled out the black keys off the radio, like pulling teeth. The piano moaned and bled white tears onto the floor. The cat licked it up and promptly started to puke white rainbows. The flowers outside laughed and sang.

  24. 88 keys… all greek to me.

  25. i was forced to start taking lessons when i was 8 years old. i hated it. my piano teachers house smelled of dead flowers and cedar chips with a hint of raspberry tea. i dreaded wednesday afternoons when i would be forced to experience the odor again. hours spent at that piano bench. i complained about going as if i was being forced to sit through a sermon. i took piano for approximately 7 and half months. i wish that i could go back and make a new decision in that moment. i can’t play piano… but i think about bah bah black sheep almost everyday.

  26. my dads fingers are long – someone told me when I was a child that his long fingers made him good for playing the piano. I have his fingers, but these things are relative. my hands aren’t as big; my fingers are long for my hands, but not as long as his.

    just me
  27. i used to play piano when i was little. i didnt really enjoy it, just the thought of distributing music to everyone around me was exciting. I played for about 8 years, then I quit.

  28. I have always wished I could play the piano. So elegant and stately an instrument it is. I should like to be playing mozart, but find I am stuck at Blow the Man Down. Having a late start, I am

  29. I played piano when I was younger. It was a really old piano and since we were poor my parents had to give up a lot in order to buy it. I took lessons with my older brother. I played until I was 12 but stopped to play the violin. I was terrible at that but I never played the piano again.

  30. playing softly at grandmothers no talent for hitting keys in any musicial alignment but pounding was fun

  31. all i can think about is yesterdays word, dial. how does that relate to piano? instead of dialing to talk to someone you had to spend time together, perhaps singing around the piano. the so called good old days… i dont know about you but my family had plenty of people who didn’t talk to each other back in the ‘good old days’. today works for us

  32. piano

  33. The keys were shiny with use, so many years, so many fingers running across them. Andrea sighed as the workmen hauled her mother’s piano away. Life was going to be very different now.

  34. jaychou, music, nice, briliant, relieve, cool, hard, difficult, black and white, skillful, fun, love, secret.

  35. melody

    chrry waver
  36. I touch you like tender bones
    Stroke and softly
    You whisper to me
    The quiet touches
    They do not hurt
    We do not fear
    We do not weep

  37. She sat at the piano and idly plucked at the keys, trying to think of ways to make up for what she’d done. It was a distraction and a stall tactic. She knew the apology would have to come sooner or later… hopefully later.

  38. musical instrument. beautiful to listen to but I can’t play for anything. It’s relaxing, almost magical, and helpful to get to that happy relaxed place that we like to go to on occasion.

  39. I used to have a piano in michigan, a table with buck teeth. I always think of piano’s as the first kind of furniture that would kill me, you know, if furniture ever rose up against the people of the house, like those chinchillas did in that commercial. Actually i guess pianos are instruments not furniture, so maybe i don’t have to worry about that. I’ll still keep an eye out for them though. Piano’s are tricky. Hard to master too. I quit playing piano after a few lessons, mainly because i never asked for them and my mom assummed I wanted to take some. I never liked it much. ok, i’m done now. I should be studying anyways. Biology, in case you’re curious.

  40. There was a sad old piano standing there abandoned like all the childhood dreams I had. It reminded me of the life I once lived. But like me, it’s not rotten in several places and just waiting for someone to take notice that it never fulfilled it’s purpose in life. To make music. To bring joy.
