
December 14th, 2009 | 349 Entries

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349 Entries for “pine”

  1. The pine box stood open for me. It was a gaping mouth ready to swallow all that I had and had worked so hard for.
    What about all the time I’ve invested in working out problems? What about all the bridges I’d burned and need to re-build? What about the love I’ll lose and the friends I haven’t made?
    The pine box said, “tough.”

  2. pine sol kills in large doses. It would make a very unhappy birthday, with no cake, no remorse, and no dignity, just clean smelling death.

    junkie man
  3. She longed for him. Standing beside the fir tree she thought back to her father, to his ways, to his scent, and missd him. Just a simple miss. There was nothing only the fir and the pine.

    Oonagh B
  4. I don’t know why, but at first glance, I thought the word was pain.

    It probably has something to do with me felling very sappy at the moment–haven’t been laid in a while.

    Pine; you’re all I’ve got tonight.

    Veronica Aggrey
  5. Pine is a word with many meanings. The picture you get in your mind is a green prickly tree, the smell matching. but the feeling is always the same. Pining for it to be real.

  6. conessss and tress. nature and winter and maryland. cleaning on spring days and cleaning when i dont want to. school and english class where i had to do assignments like these. writing until my thoughts run out completely until my hand writes off the paper

    maegan Dennis
  7. the smell of pine seeps in,
    and i’m falling asleep again-
    God, I’m dreaming,
    never feeling,
    just reaching like I never
    knew love-
    & who’s to say I have;
    the ambiguous shivers-
    whether they be from the snowflakes
    or the fresh scent of sensation,
    this winter is the one
    i’ll remember.

  8. Pine tree, pine away. I see one and do the other every day. It’s always about a love, isn’t it? One I’ve almost got, one that is nearly perfect, but life got in the way.
    Actually, a stupid statement got in the way, but I swear it’s not my fault.

  9. Pine is not an only word I know. It smells like winter and forest. It gives me strengths and power

  10. Pines are coniferous trees in the genus Pinus (pronounced /paɪnəs/) in the family Pinaceae. They make up the monotypic subfamily Pinoideae. There are about 115 species of pine, although different authorities accept between 105 and 125 species.

  11. its a tree that smell good and is chopped down in forest because ppl like to put lights on it and materialize stuff

  12. pine again what is this one word a day how do you get another word! i cant even think to much pressure grrrrr i dont even know about pines or pining but i know about coconuts theyre brown and taste yummo does that count and now im out of time

  13. the pine tree was tall and lanky so spindly swaying in the breeze by the ocean oh to be that tree what sarah wouldnt give for that right about now. Before another thought could flutter between her ears it was done.

  14. Pine cones are so nice at this time of year. I used to collect them with my small boy then put them in a cool oven. they open up beautifully then you can paint or spray them for Xmas – just leave them natural for a great decoration.

    A Weir
  15. things that are often not the password game I think pine is the smell of nacogdoches, the fondest and one of the best years of my life. Not because it was a great yaer, but because I learned. AA

  16. pine trees
    smell like christmas
    lights, presents,…warmth

    i miss home sometimes
    especially at this time of the year

  17. The aroma of pine needles always instilled a sense of nostalgia within the old man’s heart, a memory of better days now fading into the distance; sleigh bells ringing in the wake of Father Time who drew ever closer with each passing year.

  18. there’s not a single pine on her tree and she regrets having purchased a billion dollar fake tree to save the trees. there’s plastic, but no pines. no smell, and apparently, the tree is more harmful for the world than chopping down real ones. “wtf” she says,”I wish they’d just stop doing research on every damn thing.”

  19. I am curious as to why this word appeared. The first thing that I thought about was tree, and then after that I thought about the smell. It makes me think of Georgia, of the Blue Ridge mountains, where my childhood friend lives. I came out to her on the phone last night. I would have much preferred to come out to her in person — possibly under a pine tree.

  20. tree green forest cone pointy brown put on christmas trees decorations bears

  21. Christmas smell. Broke this year. No gift buying. Makes me sad. Makes me hate catalogues. Of which I get dozens.

  22. i guess i think of the scent first. it’s not my favorite, but smell is my favorite sense. i like how it’s most closely connected to memory. pine would remind me of… maybe staying in a cabin in lake tahoe with my big family. i miss that. it used to be a sort of tradition, but we haven’t gone in years.

  23. the boy sat in the entryway, where the windows reflected the emerald green pine trees through the dimming light. he pondered what the girl had become.

  24. The whole room smelled of pine. The ratty sofas, the plastic card table, even the burnt rice. All pine. Needless to say, it wasn’t a bad thing.

  25. is freeware email client.

  26. i like pine trees because they smell so great

  27. cones are fun toride in the snow with. the dusty air seeks to bring out the sunshine from the cave. pines tall mighty magnus pinus and old caicillus, off to the mountainside. how i miss him.

  28. pineapple is a fruit about life. it is sweet horny sexy and a lot more to it

  29. pine is the smell of christmas to me, it always brings me back to when christmas was the most magical time for me. I always remember waking up christmas morning, truly believing that santa claus set foot in this house.

  30. tree. smells mighty sweet. reminds me of Christmas. green.

  31. its chtristmas time and pinetrees ate the traditional tree to decorate. the other dayu we foiund dead things wjile getting a tree. it was a unique experience. we even joked about the posibility of finding a dead boddy but when we saw the tarp with the ribcage it turned out to be an animal.

  32. a kind of tree; as verb yearn, long for someone, something; pineapple has no connection with pine tree;

    pavalamani pragasam
  33. I used to live in this town, full of pine trees. Everywhere you looked – out the windows, down the road. They were there, stacked close, claustrophobic. I loved the pines. I thought they smelled like home, like a place I’d love to visit even after I left. I sat among them, staring at them, letting them shield me from the sun or the rain or the snow. They were perfect.

  34. The smell of pine trees. green. How much i love christmas cooking, the woods, skiing snow, he loves snowboarding, but i am scared of it, safe and simple and clean and warm. content and dark and musty and mysterious. How much i love being alone sometimes. Just alone. The smell.

  35. tree smoked the pine ride the bench to lust after the one u love but doesnt love you back , northern california pines, michigan in the summer and xmas!!

  36. I am lost in the woods. This happens often, these days. I venture outside my home for longer than a few minutes and I inevitably end up here, in this forest, amidst the pine trees and rabid animals hiding just behind them. I’m not sure why but here I am. It is beginning to become a hassle. I can’t even go out for groceries anymore.

    Jesse C.
  37. trees green the smell of christmas. my highschool and seriously dreaded place. really going down hill these days. pineapples are so good. very sour which is the best part about them.

  38. I really love the smell of pine trees. Not the sap though. We don’t have a real Christmas tree, but we do have a fake one that spins and has built in lights. Part of the wonders of Christmas laziness. Pine pine pine. Love? Pine. Who knows. Weezer.

  39. the scent of the fresh pine trees filled the girls nose. All around her, pine trees were thick, tall, and reaching towards the sky. she looked up at the tops of the trees and saw that all their upper branches entertwined into one.

  40. tall, boisterous, looming among the saplings
