The bottle said the stuff was supposed to smell like pine, but I don’t think it was quite accurate…the acrid smell burned my nose as I bent over the scummy toilet. We used to get pine trees for Christmas, and they were the most beautiful things in the world, but now they’ve been reduced to chemicals swimming in human waste–and so goes my life.
he snow on the pine trees made the branches droop, but they still sparkled in the waning sunlight as I walked by. I was almost too far away to consider it another moment, but I returned to gently kick the sturdy trunk and relieve the branches of their burden. I returned later to find a new weight upon its boughs. This time I let it be.
a needle fell and I found my way
pine trees smell so nice :) a white pine has 5 “pines” in a clump on it’s seed pod. Red has 3.. how coincidental.. :) red.. 123, white 12345
CRAZY!!! haha… it’s helps me remember :)
Mina Northrup
In south carolina there are so manypine trees. When I moved there my brother and I loved the trees but then we realized that they’re good for little more than pine straw, which makes your feet hurt when you step on it without shoes on. But now I never see pine trees.
Ashley M.
The pine trees scampered their way through the forest – unable to be sure who or what was coming. It was soon to be the Christmas holiday, and they all sat, expectantly, excitedly about what was to come. Each stood a little taller, a little prouder, hoping they would be the one chosen to stand at attention in a place of honor.
my sweet new car smells like pine. my great new car has a pine in the mirror
the smell of pine was in the air. The christmas tree stood tall abouve the family, the glittering ornaments making the whole room seem beautiful. The smell of pine was in the air lovely.
I stopped to smell the pine tree. It was beaming skyward, and its scent lowered to me gently, like snowflakes drifting from a quiet sky. I lifted my head and let its scent find its way to my senses, and it took me back to that place. I could practically see Grandma’s pine baskets.
a pine is something you put in a car…or a tree you see in the woods that some people use as Christmas trees in the winter
I the smell of the rainforest fills my lungs with the sweet taste of nature. I close my eyes and I picture myself in the mist of pine trees and revel myself in the natural setting of nature where man has not set foot. I love you, nature. I love that you’ve given me pine, the sent that fills my heart to lighthearted-ness.
The snow on the pine trees made the branches droop, but they still sparkled in the waning sunlight. I was almost too far away to consider it another moment, but at the last minute I decided to turn around and kick the heavy snow off the tree and relieve the branches from their burden.
I love the smell of fresh pine around Christmas time.
The smell is so sweet and urgent.
It fills me with delight.
the pine needles scraped against her delicate skin as she raced towards the quickly disappearing figure. she screamed his name but he was not listening. She stopped at the edge of the road, waiting for him; catching her breath. At the last second, he stopped and truned around.
The smell of fresh pines makes me think of Eastern Oregon. Most people associate the smell of pine with the smell of trees, but there are few pines where I’m from, in the Willamette Valley. Pines, to me, are ugly. They don’t fill in the forrest.
Pine trees alone on a hill. Tree hunters looking for the perfect specimen. Chop. Chop. Crash. The tree is taken home and displayed, family looks at the trophy.
A pine forest. That was all there was separating the two of them, but– and this was the problem– the pine forest spanned miles. Hundreds and hundreds of miles, with hills and valleys and mountains. And it took years to cross, of course, so how did they even know each other?
The pinecone brushed my feet as I hid behind the bushes. I could hear the dogs howling in the background, in city street apartments, city corners, city bushes, city sidewalks. I could hear them howling to the moon, to whoever made them. They were howling to nothing. To wholeness. To break the silence of sleep. They were howling
to be dogs.
Pine trees are really green. I don’t know if they are good smelling or not. I actually love pine trees because I can take the needles off and poke people with them. Can you imagine what it would be like if pine trees exploded like porcupines did? It would be an explosion of smelly green needles flying through the air and it would be awesome.
A pine tree is a beautiful evergreen tree. It is the type of tree that hardly ever changes its colors. It will remain green the whole year round. I believe a pine tree is also very easy to grow. I think thats why major buildings who use landscaping use pine trees.
The best scent
a pine tree is beautiful.
the pine is a cone that smell like forrest needles that gill up the room with ever lasting smell of fresh adn clear thoughts, there is nothing more pungent than the smell of fresh cut pine at christmas to help bring in the mood for what the coming joys of the season is
trreeee wow that makes sense its sound idiotic but it does since its christmas and stuff this is wierd i am so serious im not pausing just keep typing about a tree wow i feel stupid hhahaha
trees. camping. fire and bratwursts. summertimes are not the same any more because i have to work two jobs to pay tuition. wow…hello pessimism
The leaves of the pine tree smell so sweetly and define what Modern day America believes Christmas to be. Pine trees are almost more connected to Christmas than Jesus, and this hurts America!
What’s up with “pine”? I thought maybe I’d get a new word after writing about pine, but no, same word. Safe to say, I don’t understand how this website works. Well, c’est la vie. I can’t know everything all at once. Damn kids and their interwebs. I wonder how fast I’m typing right now.
Ivory towers were never made of pine.
Ivory. That’s why they’re called “ivory towers”.
But they never smelled of pine, either –
sure, pine-in-a-bottle, but that’s not the same.
oh, how she pines for him. haha, what an idiot saying…it’s sounds so elemental…so green. to pine for something…hmm…sounds painful. I would imagine she may have some scratches and scars and pine needles sticking out of her skin, unless of course she plans to use an ax on him.
ben golden
the pine trees smelled stronger than usual today. i sniffed hard as i cranked my window open. moving into this log cabin was the best idea of my life; even though it seemed like the worst at first. all i has was forests and fresh air around me. the way nature was intended to be.
a tree usually used at christmas. a popular scent for homes. reminds you of being in a forest especially in the northwest. leaves needles that are easily carried around by shoe bottoms. green and tall. also reminds of a taxi cab air freshner!
pine trees,
this is my lonely forest
filled with pine trees.
The needles die,
like human beings,
they grow dark and ugly
like friends
this is my lonely forest.
and it was there, amongst the pine forest, that she discovered her inner strength.
For you I pine. For you I balsam. I think it’s from Stuart Little.
there are pine needles all over our bed.
i guess i should have known you’d come back covered in the crushed scent of outdoors; she was always a hiker, always crushing mountaintops beneath her heels and watching bears dance along her fingertips.
i should have known our scented candles stopped being suggestive and started acting as your mask.
She was going to pine after him for the rest of her life. She was just sure of that. After all they had gone through together, how could she ever love anyone else. No. This was how it had to be. He decided to leave her, and well that was his choice, but it wasn’t going to last if she had snything to do with it.
It’s a tree a very nice tree. It smells nice. Pine trees are also christmas trees i believe?! OH TRUE. Anyways pie needles hurt if you step on them. they’re green. theres
I love the smell of pine – it has been my favorite scent for as long as I can remember – you would think that it would be the smell of the ocean since I grew up around the sea but it’s not – it’s pine. It makes me feel safe and at home. I walk through the forest and go up to smell pine trees which may seem weird but I don’t think so.
The bottle said the stuff was supposed to smell like pine, but I don’t think it was quite accurate…the acrid smell burned my nose as I bent over the scummy toilet. We used to get pine trees for Christmas, and they were the most beautiful things in the world, but now they’ve been reduced to chemicals swimming in human waste–and so goes my life.
he snow on the pine trees made the branches droop, but they still sparkled in the waning sunlight as I walked by. I was almost too far away to consider it another moment, but I returned to gently kick the sturdy trunk and relieve the branches of their burden. I returned later to find a new weight upon its boughs. This time I let it be.
a needle fell and I found my way
pine trees smell so nice :) a white pine has 5 “pines” in a clump on it’s seed pod. Red has 3.. how coincidental.. :) red.. 123, white 12345
CRAZY!!! haha… it’s helps me remember :)
In south carolina there are so manypine trees. When I moved there my brother and I loved the trees but then we realized that they’re good for little more than pine straw, which makes your feet hurt when you step on it without shoes on. But now I never see pine trees.
The pine trees scampered their way through the forest – unable to be sure who or what was coming. It was soon to be the Christmas holiday, and they all sat, expectantly, excitedly about what was to come. Each stood a little taller, a little prouder, hoping they would be the one chosen to stand at attention in a place of honor.
my sweet new car smells like pine. my great new car has a pine in the mirror
the smell of pine was in the air. The christmas tree stood tall abouve the family, the glittering ornaments making the whole room seem beautiful. The smell of pine was in the air lovely.
I stopped to smell the pine tree. It was beaming skyward, and its scent lowered to me gently, like snowflakes drifting from a quiet sky. I lifted my head and let its scent find its way to my senses, and it took me back to that place. I could practically see Grandma’s pine baskets.
a pine is something you put in a car…or a tree you see in the woods that some people use as Christmas trees in the winter
I the smell of the rainforest fills my lungs with the sweet taste of nature. I close my eyes and I picture myself in the mist of pine trees and revel myself in the natural setting of nature where man has not set foot. I love you, nature. I love that you’ve given me pine, the sent that fills my heart to lighthearted-ness.
The snow on the pine trees made the branches droop, but they still sparkled in the waning sunlight. I was almost too far away to consider it another moment, but at the last minute I decided to turn around and kick the heavy snow off the tree and relieve the branches from their burden.
I love the smell of fresh pine around Christmas time.
The smell is so sweet and urgent.
It fills me with delight.
the pine needles scraped against her delicate skin as she raced towards the quickly disappearing figure. she screamed his name but he was not listening. She stopped at the edge of the road, waiting for him; catching her breath. At the last second, he stopped and truned around.
The smell of fresh pines makes me think of Eastern Oregon. Most people associate the smell of pine with the smell of trees, but there are few pines where I’m from, in the Willamette Valley. Pines, to me, are ugly. They don’t fill in the forrest.
Pine trees alone on a hill. Tree hunters looking for the perfect specimen. Chop. Chop. Crash. The tree is taken home and displayed, family looks at the trophy.
A pine forest. That was all there was separating the two of them, but– and this was the problem– the pine forest spanned miles. Hundreds and hundreds of miles, with hills and valleys and mountains. And it took years to cross, of course, so how did they even know each other?
The pinecone brushed my feet as I hid behind the bushes. I could hear the dogs howling in the background, in city street apartments, city corners, city bushes, city sidewalks. I could hear them howling to the moon, to whoever made them. They were howling to nothing. To wholeness. To break the silence of sleep. They were howling
to be dogs.
Pine trees are really green. I don’t know if they are good smelling or not. I actually love pine trees because I can take the needles off and poke people with them. Can you imagine what it would be like if pine trees exploded like porcupines did? It would be an explosion of smelly green needles flying through the air and it would be awesome.
A pine tree is a beautiful evergreen tree. It is the type of tree that hardly ever changes its colors. It will remain green the whole year round. I believe a pine tree is also very easy to grow. I think thats why major buildings who use landscaping use pine trees.
The best scent
a pine tree is beautiful.
the pine is a cone that smell like forrest needles that gill up the room with ever lasting smell of fresh adn clear thoughts, there is nothing more pungent than the smell of fresh cut pine at christmas to help bring in the mood for what the coming joys of the season is
trreeee wow that makes sense its sound idiotic but it does since its christmas and stuff this is wierd i am so serious im not pausing just keep typing about a tree wow i feel stupid hhahaha
trees. camping. fire and bratwursts. summertimes are not the same any more because i have to work two jobs to pay tuition. wow…hello pessimism
The leaves of the pine tree smell so sweetly and define what Modern day America believes Christmas to be. Pine trees are almost more connected to Christmas than Jesus, and this hurts America!
What’s up with “pine”? I thought maybe I’d get a new word after writing about pine, but no, same word. Safe to say, I don’t understand how this website works. Well, c’est la vie. I can’t know everything all at once. Damn kids and their interwebs. I wonder how fast I’m typing right now.
Ivory towers were never made of pine.
Ivory. That’s why they’re called “ivory towers”.
But they never smelled of pine, either –
sure, pine-in-a-bottle, but that’s not the same.
oh, how she pines for him. haha, what an idiot saying…it’s sounds so elemental…so green. to pine for something…hmm…sounds painful. I would imagine she may have some scratches and scars and pine needles sticking out of her skin, unless of course she plans to use an ax on him.
the pine trees smelled stronger than usual today. i sniffed hard as i cranked my window open. moving into this log cabin was the best idea of my life; even though it seemed like the worst at first. all i has was forests and fresh air around me. the way nature was intended to be.
a tree usually used at christmas. a popular scent for homes. reminds you of being in a forest especially in the northwest. leaves needles that are easily carried around by shoe bottoms. green and tall. also reminds of a taxi cab air freshner!
pine trees,
this is my lonely forest
filled with pine trees.
The needles die,
like human beings,
they grow dark and ugly
like friends
this is my lonely forest.
and it was there, amongst the pine forest, that she discovered her inner strength.
For you I pine. For you I balsam. I think it’s from Stuart Little.
there are pine needles all over our bed.
i guess i should have known you’d come back covered in the crushed scent of outdoors; she was always a hiker, always crushing mountaintops beneath her heels and watching bears dance along her fingertips.
i should have known our scented candles stopped being suggestive and started acting as your mask.
She was going to pine after him for the rest of her life. She was just sure of that. After all they had gone through together, how could she ever love anyone else. No. This was how it had to be. He decided to leave her, and well that was his choice, but it wasn’t going to last if she had snything to do with it.
It’s a tree a very nice tree. It smells nice. Pine trees are also christmas trees i believe?! OH TRUE. Anyways pie needles hurt if you step on them. they’re green. theres
I love the smell of pine – it has been my favorite scent for as long as I can remember – you would think that it would be the smell of the ocean since I grew up around the sea but it’s not – it’s pine. It makes me feel safe and at home. I walk through the forest and go up to smell pine trees which may seem weird but I don’t think so.