trees have never been his favorite thing. the smell reminded him of christmas – the same christmas his dad had left him. his dad decided he didn’t need them anymore, and left his son and wife with a crippling heartbreak. the cold smell of pine lingered in his mind, and the worst was that – he had died after the leaving. the cancer couldnt take it. so much for a christmas story, he’s sorry mom.
trees christmas decorating cones peanut butter bird seed woods snow hard wood fire place smoke bacon ham
oha okay
GREAT, USA is great and we will make it back from the darkness this president is taking our country into. He will not listen to the people, he thinks he is wise and knows all, he uses his silver tounge to spin untruths into dreams for others. He rules over us because our even greater Father in Heaven has placed him in this position for His purposes and in His time we will find out what this purpose is. That will be the time of healing and of rebuilding and of moving back to where we should be so we can once again bring light into this world. We will begin in 2010 and continue in 2012 as we vote the proper people into the positions of governing our republic. The cleaning of the mess we are going to be left with is not going to be easy but achieving true greatness never has been easy.
my friend and i have an inside joke, where every time we see a pinecone. we have an instant reaction to throw it at one another.
obviously there’s something seriously wrong with pine trees, because they don’t shed their leaves- when trees shed their leaves it means that they’re hibernating which i suppose pine trees don’t do because they’re too GOOD for hibernation. stupid fucking pine trees.
GREAT, USA is great anfd we will make it back from the darkness this president is taking our country into. He will not listen to the people, he thinks he is wise and knows all, he uses his silver tounge to spin untruths into dreams for others. He rules over us because our even greater Father in Heaven has placed him in this position for His purposes and in His time we will find out what this purpose is. That will be the time of healing and of rebuilding and of moving back to where we should be so we can once again bring light into this world. We will begin in 2010 and continue in 2012 as we vote the proper people into the positions of governing our republic. The cleaning of the mess we are going to be left with is not going to be easy but achieving true greatness never has been easy.
The Christmas tree sat in the corner of the room. The lights were on, but no other ornaments adorned it yet. Except for these lights, the room was dark. It was a testament to the tension in the house that no one sat near the tree, next to the fire. In better times, maybe, the room would’ve been full of laughter.
i remember last year, me and you went in the forest in search of the perfect christmas tree to hang up in our room.
it didn’t matter to you that i was jewish.
there was a rush of air as the lovely sweet smell hit my face. the smell of pine. snow was present and the crispness of the scent burnt my nose. it was green and minty with a hint of
Pine reminds me of Christmas. I like how the tree that my boyfriend cuts down with me on the four wheeler can make the whole room smell with the aroma of pine. It reminds me of the family and times around the table.
Pine trees are often used for Christmas trees. The smell is lovely and it brings back memories of traditions and of camping. Of course just about any tree will remind me of just climbing the trees.
You’re in Asia now, somewhere you didn’t tell me about. I’ve been checking my phone seven times a day. Nothing. I can’t speak anymore. I’ve been sitting out on my cold balcony, wishing your bicycle would be locked.
Ella Emma Em
tree green forrests smelling of the seeping honey of the trees. Woodlin elves run free, with pine cones in their hair making pine cone tee.
Hannah Brickley
tree in florida. green. brown. all over the place. tall boring. sap. sticky. wind. dirt. moss. bark. shade. forest. tree tree tree. faklsjdf;ajf i don’t know.
Christmas trees and car fresheners, yes yes? I love that smell, but not many memories are associated with it. C’est la vie. Not everything sticks, does it?
I’m wasting away here, three hundred miles from home, and I’m beginning to understand that you can love a place without belonging there, that you can pine away for the shape of a horizon or the color of the sky just before dawn, that you can sicken for the smell of snowfall or the sounds of the midnight forest.
The forest is cold and the tent is being lodged. It’s raining a bit. But more fog than a drizzle. The pine tree’s sap drips onto the hiker’s boot. The hiker, his name is Timothy, gives an exasperated sigh and wishes he could go back to living in the city.
pine reminds me of christmas. well really the holidays in general. even though i dont celebrate christmas i love the holidays. everyone just seems so happy and peaceful. plus pine smells really good. but it reminds me of cleaning spray also. which reminds me of my untrainted dog
sara loves zoe
i like the smell of pine. it reminds me of christmas and camp. two of my favorite things. its almost the smell of comfort, but not quite. it’s the smell of new beginnings, hope. it reminds me of my mother and her pine scented candles.
I love the smell of real pines. I search every winter for door wreath and Christmas tree with the most aroma. I don’t feel the same about pine cleaners, which remind me of gas station restrooms.
Pine tree needles keep falling on my car. One day i didn’t drive it for three days and it was completely covered. I kind of like the smell of pine trees, but sometimes it is too much, overbearing. I’d like to smell it now, or smell the smell of whatever kind of tree a Christmas tree is, but we don’t have one this year.
The only trees we have here are pine trees; six of them lined up in a row in the backyard. I hate them, perfectly green forever more. I want oak; I want maple; I want sycamore. I hate pine trees.
there was a pine tree outside my house when i was a kid. i climbed it all the way to the top once, but then the next door neighbor told me to get down. it was kind of disappointing, and i also felt strangely guilty for breaking a rule i didn’t know existed. her kid was my best friend…i wonder what ever happened to him? i guess he might be on some lame social networking site. i think.
he turned to look at the forest path he had just trodden over. He couldn’t help but think that there had to be somebody else who had walked the pine-laden path before him, but who? Little did he know that his first clue was the wad of gum now stuck to his carefully-laced hiking boot.
The cold is here and with it the beginning of the darker times. Not in the sense of the times turning evil but more that the sun sets earlier. Snow will start to kill the plant and the whole landscape will take on another look. Only pines survive.
i believe pine cones are named such a way because they emulate the same shape as our pineal gland, the center of our consciousness. tomfoolery.
Gabriel B.
pine trees are amazing creatures. nestled into the soily matrix of our mother earth. they dont get the respect they deserve. sometimes i wish they had eyes that nobody could see. what would they analyze?
Gabriel Beedy
I had always wanted one. I mean, everyone wants something that’s…well..there’s. What I wanted exactly you ask? Well, him. He’s sweet. Always there for me. Warm. He makes me heart skip beats; warms my body on a cold winter night. He’s like my pine cone. My fallen pine cone.
pine trees
There was a pine tree in my back yard. It was a big and beautiful tree. The nests were small on the tree. I think it was a hummingbird nest. Yes, it was, I just saw one fly by. How cool is that to have a hummingbird nest in your own tree.
Winter had arrived. The pine trees were beautiful, sprinkled with white glistening snow. Finding just the right one was quite the adventure.
im a trashy westerner from no where so all i do is drink and my iq is probably lower than i admit. but really i’m just a fool of myself asshole. pine is great to me.
Pine is a scent. Its also a tree, But this makes it two things. Pinecones are prickly, but they spread the seed of the pine tree. As a scent, pine is very woody. Pine burns, but the sap releases a pungent fume.
pine pine pine pine yum yum yum trees trees earth and forests forests of trees and earth and pine. the smell is forever lasting. lasting forever.
its not the way i want it, its just the way that i need it
trees have never been his favorite thing. the smell reminded him of christmas – the same christmas his dad had left him. his dad decided he didn’t need them anymore, and left his son and wife with a crippling heartbreak. the cold smell of pine lingered in his mind, and the worst was that – he had died after the leaving. the cancer couldnt take it. so much for a christmas story, he’s sorry mom.
trees christmas decorating cones peanut butter bird seed woods snow hard wood fire place smoke bacon ham
oha okay
GREAT, USA is great and we will make it back from the darkness this president is taking our country into. He will not listen to the people, he thinks he is wise and knows all, he uses his silver tounge to spin untruths into dreams for others. He rules over us because our even greater Father in Heaven has placed him in this position for His purposes and in His time we will find out what this purpose is. That will be the time of healing and of rebuilding and of moving back to where we should be so we can once again bring light into this world. We will begin in 2010 and continue in 2012 as we vote the proper people into the positions of governing our republic. The cleaning of the mess we are going to be left with is not going to be easy but achieving true greatness never has been easy.
my friend and i have an inside joke, where every time we see a pinecone. we have an instant reaction to throw it at one another.
obviously there’s something seriously wrong with pine trees, because they don’t shed their leaves- when trees shed their leaves it means that they’re hibernating which i suppose pine trees don’t do because they’re too GOOD for hibernation. stupid fucking pine trees.
GREAT, USA is great anfd we will make it back from the darkness this president is taking our country into. He will not listen to the people, he thinks he is wise and knows all, he uses his silver tounge to spin untruths into dreams for others. He rules over us because our even greater Father in Heaven has placed him in this position for His purposes and in His time we will find out what this purpose is. That will be the time of healing and of rebuilding and of moving back to where we should be so we can once again bring light into this world. We will begin in 2010 and continue in 2012 as we vote the proper people into the positions of governing our republic. The cleaning of the mess we are going to be left with is not going to be easy but achieving true greatness never has been easy.
The Christmas tree sat in the corner of the room. The lights were on, but no other ornaments adorned it yet. Except for these lights, the room was dark. It was a testament to the tension in the house that no one sat near the tree, next to the fire. In better times, maybe, the room would’ve been full of laughter.
i remember last year, me and you went in the forest in search of the perfect christmas tree to hang up in our room.
it didn’t matter to you that i was jewish.
there was a rush of air as the lovely sweet smell hit my face. the smell of pine. snow was present and the crispness of the scent burnt my nose. it was green and minty with a hint of
Pine reminds me of Christmas. I like how the tree that my boyfriend cuts down with me on the four wheeler can make the whole room smell with the aroma of pine. It reminds me of the family and times around the table.
Pine trees are often used for Christmas trees. The smell is lovely and it brings back memories of traditions and of camping. Of course just about any tree will remind me of just climbing the trees.
You’re in Asia now, somewhere you didn’t tell me about. I’ve been checking my phone seven times a day. Nothing. I can’t speak anymore. I’ve been sitting out on my cold balcony, wishing your bicycle would be locked.
tree green forrests smelling of the seeping honey of the trees. Woodlin elves run free, with pine cones in their hair making pine cone tee.
tree in florida. green. brown. all over the place. tall boring. sap. sticky. wind. dirt. moss. bark. shade. forest. tree tree tree. faklsjdf;ajf i don’t know.
Christmas trees and car fresheners, yes yes? I love that smell, but not many memories are associated with it. C’est la vie. Not everything sticks, does it?
I’m wasting away here, three hundred miles from home, and I’m beginning to understand that you can love a place without belonging there, that you can pine away for the shape of a horizon or the color of the sky just before dawn, that you can sicken for the smell of snowfall or the sounds of the midnight forest.
The forest is cold and the tent is being lodged. It’s raining a bit. But more fog than a drizzle. The pine tree’s sap drips onto the hiker’s boot. The hiker, his name is Timothy, gives an exasperated sigh and wishes he could go back to living in the city.
pine reminds me of christmas. well really the holidays in general. even though i dont celebrate christmas i love the holidays. everyone just seems so happy and peaceful. plus pine smells really good. but it reminds me of cleaning spray also. which reminds me of my untrainted dog
i like the smell of pine. it reminds me of christmas and camp. two of my favorite things. its almost the smell of comfort, but not quite. it’s the smell of new beginnings, hope. it reminds me of my mother and her pine scented candles.
I love the smell of real pines. I search every winter for door wreath and Christmas tree with the most aroma. I don’t feel the same about pine cleaners, which remind me of gas station restrooms.
Pine tree needles keep falling on my car. One day i didn’t drive it for three days and it was completely covered. I kind of like the smell of pine trees, but sometimes it is too much, overbearing. I’d like to smell it now, or smell the smell of whatever kind of tree a Christmas tree is, but we don’t have one this year.
The only trees we have here are pine trees; six of them lined up in a row in the backyard. I hate them, perfectly green forever more. I want oak; I want maple; I want sycamore. I hate pine trees.
there was a pine tree outside my house when i was a kid. i climbed it all the way to the top once, but then the next door neighbor told me to get down. it was kind of disappointing, and i also felt strangely guilty for breaking a rule i didn’t know existed. her kid was my best friend…i wonder what ever happened to him? i guess he might be on some lame social networking site. i think.
he turned to look at the forest path he had just trodden over. He couldn’t help but think that there had to be somebody else who had walked the pine-laden path before him, but who? Little did he know that his first clue was the wad of gum now stuck to his carefully-laced hiking boot.
The cold is here and with it the beginning of the darker times. Not in the sense of the times turning evil but more that the sun sets earlier. Snow will start to kill the plant and the whole landscape will take on another look. Only pines survive.
i believe pine cones are named such a way because they emulate the same shape as our pineal gland, the center of our consciousness. tomfoolery.
pine trees are amazing creatures. nestled into the soily matrix of our mother earth. they dont get the respect they deserve. sometimes i wish they had eyes that nobody could see. what would they analyze?
I had always wanted one. I mean, everyone wants something that’s…well..there’s. What I wanted exactly you ask? Well, him. He’s sweet. Always there for me. Warm. He makes me heart skip beats; warms my body on a cold winter night. He’s like my pine cone. My fallen pine cone.
pine trees
There was a pine tree in my back yard. It was a big and beautiful tree. The nests were small on the tree. I think it was a hummingbird nest. Yes, it was, I just saw one fly by. How cool is that to have a hummingbird nest in your own tree.
Winter had arrived. The pine trees were beautiful, sprinkled with white glistening snow. Finding just the right one was quite the adventure.
im a trashy westerner from no where so all i do is drink and my iq is probably lower than i admit. but really i’m just a fool of myself asshole. pine is great to me.
Pine is a scent. Its also a tree, But this makes it two things. Pinecones are prickly, but they spread the seed of the pine tree. As a scent, pine is very woody. Pine burns, but the sap releases a pungent fume.
pine pine pine pine yum yum yum trees trees earth and forests forests of trees and earth and pine. the smell is forever lasting. lasting forever.
its not the way i want it, its just the way that i need it