Is a beautiful tree that grows mainly in mountainous regions in Notrth America. It is sometimes used as a chrtismas tree although the traditional favorit is a spruce.
Eric Warren
Though we are lead to believe otherwise from birth, there are things in this world that we will never achieve. There are things we will never see, actions will we will never complete, experiences we will never have, and people we will never truly understand. In the end, there will always be something we are left wanting, left pining for, and we will never escape that maddening reality.
This is yesterday’s word!
And pine or no pine
I am going nuts.
Though thinking of pint
of wine…
not whine!
okay fine
bye bye now
pine is a tree but pine is also another word for wishing desperately for something or someone. pine is a feeling that cuts through your heart and leaves you aching and breathless. to pine is to miss terribly.
the coolness in the air brings out the crispness of the smell of the pine. the trees have their cones closed up tight against freezing and their needles lay sticking out of the drifts of snow. It is winter time again, and a new life waits silently under the frozen water.
trees. smell. car air freshner. winter. christmas. sap. needles. park. breeze. pine cones. sunshine. pointy shadows. tall.
Trees. Christmas. These words fill my head with thoughts of warm, delicious Christmas cookies coming out of the oven in Mama’s kitchen. Kids running around the room excitedly.
listen to the pines and their needles will whisper sweet nothings and cruel everythings into your ears and it will be deafening, and you will lose all ability to hear and the beauty will drain from you, yourself, and everything around you.
Amanda oTt
i pine for an answer – how can i do it better next time? why did i do it wrong the first time? why can’t i figure it out easily?
the sap drips on my car – what will take it off? it sticks and hardens, impossible to rub off, impossible to hide.
I pine for the days we will be able to go where we wish without fear of contempt from others. Hand in hand we will explore the abyss. Nothing but out hearts beating.
the great pine at the back of our back yard was the perfect tree for climbing. it had a lot o.f branches to get up on and it was big and tall and the best tree in the world.
A smell so fresh and full of life. One I could never live without, not now that I’ve finally realized how spirited it makes Christmas.
Slowly, ever so slowly I slink forward toward the tree, the smell growing stronger by the moment.
Christmas is officially here.
christmas trees. as a child, our parents would always buy one.soon year, we decided we didn’t want to throw ours away like most families did. so we planted. it still stands. in our yard, 60 feet high.
I pine for my lost love, I pine for all those valuable moments. But I still love life, this quiet self-involved desperation. I won’t pine for her anymore. I will move on, beyond this bubble of self-righteous pain.
Pine. Oh dear god, where have I heard this word before? Alas! From Wilde, a great movie about the general life of Oscar Wilde. Great man he was. Anyways, there was this little ditty (is that even the proper word?) that Bosie sings and it goes something like, “leave me not to pine.”
Pine is a type of wood I think, I don’t know very much about pine, but I do recall knowing that it is a type of tree. It has very prickly leaves on they it and can hurt if poked witthe
Christmas tree
trees that make my car smell good and camp is fun i like the pines and playing camoflage and they smell good but sap is annoying fat blacks but i like syrup yum syrup pancakes are good with them creepy trees with eyes are pretty sweet too i like them YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His absence left a hole in my heart, a place that could only be filled briefly when I thought of his eyes, his hair, his laugh. Sometimes I thought I saw him sitting across from me, his eyes gazing across the room and landing upon mine with a fierce intensity, but it was only the ghost of him, disappearing into nothingness when I realized the truth. My heart was pining for him, and I could only sit by, helpless.
a sweet-smelling tree that is found in the forest. produces pinecones. make good christmas trees and the branches make good brooms. smells good.
jkherkjhekjghcnbvdfjgherhgmncbvfggejfbvjhv dfjdskfj dfjbshdfkj sjsadkfjds sdjadshfkljds dskfjnadskfj jdsbfsdj dbdbjand fmds d dfg df sad dfg adf gh wr ad c fghr v v sdfg rgh trh df fdghtwer gcfbvdf dfg fdh
Pine trees are green. They smell nice.
A tree can mean so many things. A Christmas spent with the family, or the one that finally caught fire and burned down the house, ruining your life (or setting you free). It’s the one that was cut down to print that first book, that report card, that birth certificate, your Bible.
i love you. i need you. my soul searches for you in the darkest depth of my heart. i cannot live without you. my heart hurts when i am not near you.
pine trees are often large and very beautiful. They riddle the town that I live in as I was born in the middle of a mountain. Los Alamos to be exact. Along with pine trees there are old people, scientists, and angry teenagers who are “so misunderstood”
With Christmas coming up, all I can think about are the pine trees in Colorado and that trip my family took to get a pine tree when I was younger. Actually, maybe it wasn’t a PINE tree but some sort of pine-like tree. I miss the pines being here in the desert.
it’s a tree
it has lots of needles
it smells of pine trees
it makes lovely pine nuts?
i am unsure, but to be honest, i really dont like pines.
pine reminds me of pineapple.
pineapple makes my tongue feel funny.
lots of things make me feel funny.
oh right, i’m supposed to be writing about pine.
i am unsure.
what is there to say about this noun?
could it possibly be a verb?
i am unsure
pine needles rustled under my nose. Warm winter woods
Green protruding needles
pine, the smell I think of when I hear Christmas,
the tree cut some time in Sept. or Oct. and stored somewhere then sold in Dec. with a “fresh cut” yet it smells so wonderful in the house,
needles, sap and all, ah… pine
D. A. M.
pine, the smell I think of when I hear Christmas,
the tree cut some time in Sept. or Oct. and stored somewhere then sold in Dec. with a “fresh cut” yet it smells so wonderful in the house,
needles, sap and all, ah… pine
the needles are brown and everywhere.. once smelling of fall and the holidays to come, they smell of the earth now, needles.
The forest swayed in the cool, autumn breeze. The evergreens were contrasted with their green needles, the smell of pine sweeping across the dried leaves that blanketed the soil. The sun shone through the cracks in the leaves.
Pine. Christmas trees are often pine. I don’t like to have a real Christmas tree in my house. While some people say they like the smell of a fresh tree, I prefer the less mess created by an artic=ficail tree. Also it seems that I can get the real effect by simply not fluffing the branches on my artificial one…..
this is a type of tree usualy fpr christmas tress
Pine trees on a snowy mountain, waiting for the night to come so they may be disguised until sun break, and when that dawn shines, they will be in their glorious state of oppurtunity to survive the wilderness in the midst of spring and fall and winter.
the scent is so comforting
i know im going to lose this
but until that day
i’ll wrap myself in you
and pull in that sweet scent
of pine and a bad romance
I pine for you when I’m alone at night. I pine for you in the rain when I’m cold. I pine for you when I’m sitting at a pub table waiting for my friend to come back from the bar. I pine for you when I’m at the endless nights out/parties/dinners that the festive season brings. I pine for you and you don’t even know I’m there, do you?
Is a beautiful tree that grows mainly in mountainous regions in Notrth America. It is sometimes used as a chrtismas tree although the traditional favorit is a spruce.
Though we are lead to believe otherwise from birth, there are things in this world that we will never achieve. There are things we will never see, actions will we will never complete, experiences we will never have, and people we will never truly understand. In the end, there will always be something we are left wanting, left pining for, and we will never escape that maddening reality.
This is yesterday’s word!
And pine or no pine
I am going nuts.
Though thinking of pint
of wine…
not whine!
okay fine
bye bye now
pine is a tree but pine is also another word for wishing desperately for something or someone. pine is a feeling that cuts through your heart and leaves you aching and breathless. to pine is to miss terribly.
the coolness in the air brings out the crispness of the smell of the pine. the trees have their cones closed up tight against freezing and their needles lay sticking out of the drifts of snow. It is winter time again, and a new life waits silently under the frozen water.
trees. smell. car air freshner. winter. christmas. sap. needles. park. breeze. pine cones. sunshine. pointy shadows. tall.
Trees. Christmas. These words fill my head with thoughts of warm, delicious Christmas cookies coming out of the oven in Mama’s kitchen. Kids running around the room excitedly.
listen to the pines and their needles will whisper sweet nothings and cruel everythings into your ears and it will be deafening, and you will lose all ability to hear and the beauty will drain from you, yourself, and everything around you.
i pine for an answer – how can i do it better next time? why did i do it wrong the first time? why can’t i figure it out easily?
the sap drips on my car – what will take it off? it sticks and hardens, impossible to rub off, impossible to hide.
I pine for the days we will be able to go where we wish without fear of contempt from others. Hand in hand we will explore the abyss. Nothing but out hearts beating.
the great pine at the back of our back yard was the perfect tree for climbing. it had a lot o.f branches to get up on and it was big and tall and the best tree in the world.
A smell so fresh and full of life. One I could never live without, not now that I’ve finally realized how spirited it makes Christmas.
Slowly, ever so slowly I slink forward toward the tree, the smell growing stronger by the moment.
Christmas is officially here.
christmas trees. as a child, our parents would always buy one.soon year, we decided we didn’t want to throw ours away like most families did. so we planted. it still stands. in our yard, 60 feet high.
I pine for my lost love, I pine for all those valuable moments. But I still love life, this quiet self-involved desperation. I won’t pine for her anymore. I will move on, beyond this bubble of self-righteous pain.
Pine. Oh dear god, where have I heard this word before? Alas! From Wilde, a great movie about the general life of Oscar Wilde. Great man he was. Anyways, there was this little ditty (is that even the proper word?) that Bosie sings and it goes something like, “leave me not to pine.”
Pine is a type of wood I think, I don’t know very much about pine, but I do recall knowing that it is a type of tree. It has very prickly leaves on they it and can hurt if poked witthe
Christmas tree
trees that make my car smell good and camp is fun i like the pines and playing camoflage and they smell good but sap is annoying fat blacks but i like syrup yum syrup pancakes are good with them creepy trees with eyes are pretty sweet too i like them YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His absence left a hole in my heart, a place that could only be filled briefly when I thought of his eyes, his hair, his laugh. Sometimes I thought I saw him sitting across from me, his eyes gazing across the room and landing upon mine with a fierce intensity, but it was only the ghost of him, disappearing into nothingness when I realized the truth. My heart was pining for him, and I could only sit by, helpless.
a sweet-smelling tree that is found in the forest. produces pinecones. make good christmas trees and the branches make good brooms. smells good.
jkherkjhekjghcnbvdfjgherhgmncbvfggejfbvjhv dfjdskfj dfjbshdfkj sjsadkfjds sdjadshfkljds dskfjnadskfj jdsbfsdj dbdbjand fmds d dfg df sad dfg adf gh wr ad c fghr v v sdfg rgh trh df fdghtwer gcfbvdf dfg fdh
Pine trees are green. They smell nice.
A tree can mean so many things. A Christmas spent with the family, or the one that finally caught fire and burned down the house, ruining your life (or setting you free). It’s the one that was cut down to print that first book, that report card, that birth certificate, your Bible.
i love you. i need you. my soul searches for you in the darkest depth of my heart. i cannot live without you. my heart hurts when i am not near you.
pine trees are often large and very beautiful. They riddle the town that I live in as I was born in the middle of a mountain. Los Alamos to be exact. Along with pine trees there are old people, scientists, and angry teenagers who are “so misunderstood”
With Christmas coming up, all I can think about are the pine trees in Colorado and that trip my family took to get a pine tree when I was younger. Actually, maybe it wasn’t a PINE tree but some sort of pine-like tree. I miss the pines being here in the desert.
it’s a tree
it has lots of needles
it smells of pine trees
it makes lovely pine nuts?
i am unsure, but to be honest, i really dont like pines.
pine reminds me of pineapple.
pineapple makes my tongue feel funny.
lots of things make me feel funny.
oh right, i’m supposed to be writing about pine.
i am unsure.
what is there to say about this noun?
could it possibly be a verb?
i am unsure
pine needles rustled under my nose. Warm winter woods
Green protruding needles
pine, the smell I think of when I hear Christmas,
the tree cut some time in Sept. or Oct. and stored somewhere then sold in Dec. with a “fresh cut” yet it smells so wonderful in the house,
needles, sap and all, ah… pine
pine, the smell I think of when I hear Christmas,
the tree cut some time in Sept. or Oct. and stored somewhere then sold in Dec. with a “fresh cut” yet it smells so wonderful in the house,
needles, sap and all, ah… pine
the needles are brown and everywhere.. once smelling of fall and the holidays to come, they smell of the earth now, needles.
The forest swayed in the cool, autumn breeze. The evergreens were contrasted with their green needles, the smell of pine sweeping across the dried leaves that blanketed the soil. The sun shone through the cracks in the leaves.
Pine. Christmas trees are often pine. I don’t like to have a real Christmas tree in my house. While some people say they like the smell of a fresh tree, I prefer the less mess created by an artic=ficail tree. Also it seems that I can get the real effect by simply not fluffing the branches on my artificial one…..
this is a type of tree usualy fpr christmas tress
Pine trees on a snowy mountain, waiting for the night to come so they may be disguised until sun break, and when that dawn shines, they will be in their glorious state of oppurtunity to survive the wilderness in the midst of spring and fall and winter.
the scent is so comforting
i know im going to lose this
but until that day
i’ll wrap myself in you
and pull in that sweet scent
of pine and a bad romance
I pine for you when I’m alone at night. I pine for you in the rain when I’m cold. I pine for you when I’m sitting at a pub table waiting for my friend to come back from the bar. I pine for you when I’m at the endless nights out/parties/dinners that the festive season brings. I pine for you and you don’t even know I’m there, do you?