
August 14th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “pirate”

  1. Robbed again. Never once. It’s routine if you chart these waters. You put a pin on every event here and it looks like an infection, spread from the base of the Horn, along the eastern shortline, the pox taking hold up to the Mediterranean. It’s survival, really, on both ends, for you and I and them. And I would say, in that equivocal way, who could blame them for doing only what they know, but it’s best not to look down on the folks holding a gun to your head.

  2. She dressed the boy up as a pirate for Halloween. He followed his older brother, who was a goat and sister who dressed as a princess. He felt that he was in a strange group of people and wondered what it would be like if they had these roles in real life. When he woke up the next day, I found himself on a creaking boat, rocked by waves.

  3. ar ar hahah.

    my uncle is a pirate. lots of music and movies. my sister thinks he will go to hell for it. that’s what happens when you grow up religious haha. good ol pirate jerry