
May 12th, 2009 | 259 Entries

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259 Entries for “pose”

  1. who likes to pose? a lot of people nowadays like to pose in front of a camera, but a “pose” will always be fake. i think posers kinda suck, coz thats not really the true them; its the side they wanna show the world via an artificial network known as facebook or some other crappy service. this is crap. utter crap. why do people like posing so much? is it really that appealing?

  2. Pose:
    Performing a “pose” to the camera
    Models pose.
    Make a shape/form with your body/or face.

  3. Unnatural people pose only when they are observed, thinking that other people might think of them better. Not really a part of the animal world, where animals hold naturally their best positions. Nor birds. Nor children, (unless forced by photographers or parent).

    Krishnan Thodla
  4. I could pose as a person who is me and only me. I can pose as a person who is me who is pretending to be someone else but is still me. Pose pose what is a rose standing still watered by a hose then Ill doze of between trees wait legs of models who pose.

    Mosaic Destiny
  5. Pose. A sensual phrase. Poses can mean something, with body language…anyone can think of something to come of it.

    Body language is the language of the soul and mind. What comes out of your mouth may be different than what your body will want.

    So take it to the next level and travel the world with it.

    Let the body of the spirit show you how the world can change. Let the people in your life change your mind.

    For the pose you will have for the rest of your life is the one that is needed.

  6. models pose their lifeless bodies to create an image women envy. they are lifeless, dead, and not pretty. personality is beautiful and looks come last.

  7. Pose for the crowd, everyone is watching. act natural. dont be different. act normal. BE normal.

    everyone is watching as the curtain comes down.

    Josiah Hutchison
  8. I stand in the mirror naked with a knife in my hand and i wonder why i didn’t think about a psychotic life before. it is so simple. just run around naked with a knife until…..shit, that will just get me into trouble. Trouble…

    Aaron Hamm
  9. Poser une question. Ask a question. I never thought I asked too many questions. Contrarily, I didn’t think I was inquisitive enough. Maybe I only had to find that thing I’m passionate about. Then I can “pose tous les questions” that I have.

  10. “Now, pose pretty,” breathed the man heavily as the staggered into a standing position. He raised the barrel of the gun and fired right at the car screaming past him. It screeched to a halt and it was over before anyone knew what to do.

    The man lurched over to the car, a smirk of satisfaction on his face.

    At the window, “Son, do you have any idea how fast you were going? That was at least 20 over the limit…”

  11. Pose! Pose! Hahahaha, yes… don’t you look brilliant? Yes, but when you pose, you lose a little bit of the reality that is your being. Perhaps its because one yearns to be something they are not, something dramatic, something cool, something wonderful…. one can achieve this goal by posing. Posing up, getting down, looking cool… perhaps reality is not cool enough for any of us… perhaps we want to be something else from reality.

  12. Posing is fun but makes very little sense. To pose is to make a false statement about who you are

  13. pose, strike a pose. take a positon which will convey the message you want people to percive. its a facade, an image of the placement of your body that you are only in in photos. move through poses, stop motion animathon.

    Josh Reaume
  14. You can put the question to the test, and you can get whatever results you’re looking for. Because the question, it can be posed. It can be put to someone, and it can be put in position. Put through the paces. Put on display, on record, on file. You can pose your questions right here, today, only $19.95. Yes, my friend, you can today post your posed questions. Strike it!

    Shane Davis
  15. i posed in the morning, not waiting to hear what the passerby would say about me. Ugly! Weird! Stupid! I didn;t care. I knew someone would like me… And there he was. Right there in the corner. Hi. That was all he said.

  16. I think that this country is ridiculous with how people pose and how to let people perceive them. it’s crazy. All we care about is how we look, and are perceived by people. I don’t think that that’s the way that should be. People are like, oh this way makes me look fat. this is my good side. When is it all going to end. I’m not saying I’m better than anyone else, I just try not to let what people think about me effect the way i life.

  17. click click snap.show me the world behind your eyes,a universe in one fleeting moment.your love, your life, your pain, your anguish.for the right now,share with me your eveything

  18. Poses. I’m always striking poses, but who am I really playing? Is it who I want to be or who I’m made to be?

  19. hold it.smile.now show me how you love it.your angry.good good.what does it feel like?now you world falls apart . . .

  20. When a friend gets the camera and they cant get it to work straight away you take full advantage of the situation

    Thomas Lerpiniere
  21. strike one. make it elegant. model. make it count. you’re a superstar. You’re gonna go far. Just sit still. For one more second. Let me get you where I want you. Stand still. Not a muscle moved. Just go. Let it take you where you want. You’re a star. Pose. Just stand there.

  22. camera, pitchers, models

  23. Pose in front of the easel and think thoughts that make me look wistful, and I hope I’m conjuring up depths of emotion, hoping too that you can see all in me that there is to love. Is that coming through? Do you see that in the way I sit, posed so carefully, legs crossed and fingers fingering the hem of my skirt. Do you see everything I hope is seen?

  24. she was a model
    she was standing there, no choice, couldn’t move.
    She hated it and didn’t want to be there.
    She hated who she was and who she’d become.
    yet she had no choice, all she could do was stand there and pose.

  25. pictures

  26. she struck a pose as the camera flashed. modeling was her forte but somehow, she wasn’t satisfied. she wanted people to look at her personality, not just some pretentious photos in a magazine. she might quit modeling. it wasn’t something she enjoyed anymore. at first, she wanted people to notice her, but now after that is all they did, she didn’t want to be in the spotlight anymore.

  27. strike one, but not one you wouldn’t normally strike else they will append an ‘r’.

    K. O.
  28. in front of the camera. the picture is flashing on you. u smile and u feel insecure. you are pretty and you know this but you are unsure everyone else sees who you really are. you pose in life and you pose for the camera. you pose for your friends and you pose for your family. you pose for yourself and your self esteem and you feel pretty when you do this. this is why we feel the way we feel. this is why we love. this is why we love to be loved.

  29. I will pose for your picture Mrs. Donaldsen. What art project did you say this was for again? I don’t think that you should have a hard time finding subjects with the high quality of work I have seen you put out through the years. Ok, I will try and shut up and stay a little more

    Levi Martin
  30. pose, for a picture, a painting or even your lover. a pose is a mask you wear for a moment, it hides what you want it to and shows what you want it to, and only that

  31. flight girl funny sky blue cloud action hero monkey under red polka dots white target unclassy bad acting drunk dumb

  32. Everything we do in life is based on what we know people expect from us. Even the unexpected. Life is little more than moving from one pose to the next. It is the ultimate play.

    Anna Mortensen
  33. You pull that pose. Unimpressed. I play the drunk… as always you look down on me… all i want is your love.

  34. Pose for a picture. Snap. Flash. Pose again. Snap. Flash.

    How could anyone live an existence like that? With their whole identity in two dimensions, does it matter how large the billboard is?

    Do people with superficial lives never feel guilty? Watching Super Sweet 16, I realise why humanity will never be equal.

  35. strike a pose but don’t be a poseur
    be everything you need to be
    pose for yourself not for the world
    and you’ll see what you need to see

  36. It didn’t matter what she was wearing. She was on a mission to get the photographer on her side, every night. She wore lace and against her tan skin it looked electric. She posed over the chair in his room. He liked it and took many shots like that. He wanted to be the chair. The way her body hung on the wood, he thought, looked like he could catch her off guard and ravish her body.


  38. I pose before the camera uncomfortably, not liking attention. Even more, not liking to have evidence that my delusions of attractivness are just that.

  39. for the picture. Let me pose a question to you.

  40. She stood in front of me and struck a pose. Her big brown eyes gleamed in the lamplight. She doesn’t realized just how beautiful she is.
    I walked towards her and stared at the big smile on her face. All I could ask myself is how did I ever get so lucky?
