
May 12th, 2009 | 259 Entries

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259 Entries for “pose”

  1. like in a theater, you take a pose and become someone else. It opens a whole new world of endless possibilities, that someone could come off as someone completely different from who they are. So strike a pose, and become someone new today, meet new people, make new adventures.

  2. He stood in front of the mirror wearing just his underpants. He struck a comedy pose, flexing his muscles, but looking at his flabby body, all tired and loose fitting, he just wanted to cry. He turned away and poured himself another drink.

  3. i posed for him, my body shining bright against the dark wall. He smiled briefly, then motioned for me to come forward. I hesitated, then walked closer..each step measured. He snapped a photo, thought, then snapped again; aiming at the parts of me I grew to hate. The pendulous parts of my body shook and he grinned.

    barky mcgee
  4. posing for things, for people, for your boyfriend or girlfriend. I shouldn’t have to, you shouldn’t have to. We shouldn’t have to. It should be natural, not unnatural. Not posing. I don’t want to be a poser. I want to be me and I want my love to be themself. Posing… is not for me, I think.

  5. In ballet class, a group of girls line up, left hands on the barre, right hands rested against their pink skirts. The music starts. Legs beat in unison, one-two-three-four,five-six-seven-eight.

  6. im such a poser and i think you know it
    you can read my face, can’t you?
    I pretend and act my way through life. Don’t enjoy anything. awkward as shit.
    life :|

  7. It’s easy for some to pose as something they’re not. Perhaps it’s because showing themselves is such a frightening prospect.

  8. pose is that seriously the word i have to write about? i guess thats jsut what i get. no big deal i kinda like it. i mean seriously you can use that word all the time. Like, for example, i just posed in the newest magazine of truckers. yah thats right i did it. No i didnt actually but yo never knwo i might someday and when that day comes it will be great.

  9. like a model models are too think they should gain some weight or stop complaining about how everyone thinks they’re too skinny. pose like dancer i love to dance posing in dance is pretty awsome unless it’s a crappy pose.

    Saskia Kowalchuk
  10. The model stood striking a pose in the old navy window. As people walked by they stared. Real or fake? Many could not tell. However, one girl was brave enough to touch the model. She stood still posing. The girl tickled the model in the side and she giggled. Some ran from the store while others stoof

    Kortney Knight
  11. i dont pose in a picture, my sister does she makes funny face she poses like a rockstar or whateever and my cat as well i never pose im just there in the photo looking like regular old me and just being stiff and a small smile i hate my body i hate everything about me i never pose.

  12. He never imagined her in that pose. But it was more than just a nice view. He loved it.

    Tinker Bell
  13. strike a pose for the camera so they won’t have anything bad to say to you. because of course they’re going to say something about you to make fun of you. be careful. strike the wrong pose, and your humilated for life.

  14. I posed for a picture.
    This was so wrong, so superficial. Why should I be smiling, when I was angry, hot, tired, and hungry? My subconcious was screaming to me about that my face was messing up. But it didn’t matter. i was posing..

    At that minute i SWORE never to pose again.

  15. strike a pose for the camera so they won’t have anything bad to say to you. because of course they’re going to say something about you to make fun of you. be careful. strike the wrong pose, and your humilated for life.

  16. I hate so many pose’s. Just the fact that they are so closed up and will not talk to anyone else. My parents are part of an indian pose. they HAVE to do everything together. go to restraunts go to cruises. its so fucking annoying. Can’t you just spend some quality time with your own family?

    ankur s.
  17. The girl stared at the ballerina figurine that turned around constantly in her jewelry box. It was almost hypnotizing to listen to the twinkling music and watch the tulle-covered ballerina spin around.

  18. every one does it, no on can deny it. We all dress to impress. to loook our best adn to not be judged. posing as some one else while hiding the real you on the inside. Living life day to day worring about what other people think is ridiculous. Why? No one really cares, everyone just thinks they do because thats what everyone thinks. One person thinks it every one does. Posing is not a crime, it just hurts you more then helping.

  19. Posing on a balcony, which was the word we had here last night, but I can’t help but feel something forced about this word: forced poses, forced excitement or love, etc. Pose seems so negative here, now.

  20. She gathered up all of her strength as she pushed herself forward. What was she to expect. The mirror stood there, glaring at her like an unbeatable foe. She gulped, shaking her head. Today she would do it, if never again. She was afraid, and very nervous. And she hated herself so, but she needed this. So badly did she need it.

  21. ıt ıs look ıum a turk thatswhy ı cant descrıbe englısh words

  22. Posen er i huset
    kan du mærke suset
    mår mikrofonen koger
    og publikum de’ råger

    Dr. Løg
  23. i feel like i have to pose. not only for pictures, but for people. i have to pretend to be someone i’m not. it hurts. it really does. i spend too much time on other people. not enough on myself. i wish i knew how to love myself. maybe others would love me too.

  24. sitting at a desk and wondering what will happen within the next few seconds. Will someone call and tell me that I will have a new job? I will sit and hope and wait in a position that makes it looks like I’m working but I’m really dreaming of the next step. Perhaps I’m just posing as a person who likes what I’m doing. a new pose should be found where I’m in movement.

  25. i pose in this postion just because.

    Brian Dunlap
  26. pose yourself this way” the photographer said.

    “No, no, like this”. He demonstrated with his arms.

    “Yes, better, better”. s he began snapping away

    Angus MacArthur
  27. Posing usually has a negative connotation but I think that posing can be a display of pride and self esteem. Posing for a picture of sorts, I mean. You can always tell how well someone knows themselves and their body by their poses. I am always impressed when a posed photo looks candid.

  28. looks like prose. it’s a form. the shape of your body. the way you throw out your hip or the fact that your lips are pursed. it’s something you strike, unlike wives or children. you take it. own it. it’s your pose. Blue steel. magnum. the one that dominates. It’s still but dynamic.

    Cory Chapman
  29. the supermodel makes time for no one else and the world is spinning and shit the world is spinning. it’s like she’s drunk but she knows exactly what’s going on and she sees the sun and the stars and the photographer says to here strike a pose.

    I don’t know why I’m writing a story about a girl who is posing for a person with a camera. Why is my life behind a set of lens. Someone else’s lens? who knows what I’m really thinking about

    subliminal messaging here.

  30. Pose is a command to be something for a period of time. Posing involves holding a position for some time.

  31. Posing is a fascinating thing. People pose, posturing throughout their existence. Social poses are funky, some people want to be what they are.. some people want to be what they aren’t. Everyone wants to be something else. Noone can be everything. But still, they’re pretty important things, poses, because they allow us to effect some other persona, even if fleetingly.

    H. Tugboat
  32. Her face is carved crystal; her features are carved with the icy perfection of goddesses. She is a living sculpture, poised and posed. She is too beautiful to be real, too beautiful to belong in this world.

    She belongs to me, though. I will never let her go.

  33. To understand how every thing in life will alture someone to pose is unique. When we pass by someone that we are afraid of our pose shifts to the sumisive pose

  34. you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone…

  35. to pose a question I would first have to think of one that would cause you to ponder. Words worth writing are words of substance. There is so little time.

  36. So many people today are busy posing. They are occupied with how the clothing/hair/style choices they make will affect how they are perceived by others. Thus, excessive posing. Must be this, must be that. just be.

  37. posers… goddamn. there are so many posers at our school. they try to be cool. but they’re just conforming. everyone is conforming. strike a pose. take a picture. what for? just take a picture of someone without the pose. poses are just fake.

  38. I saw this girl sitting on the bench in Central Park and it seemed like she was posing for a photo. She was bent over her book, poring over the page, oblivious to the onlookers, including myself. I felt like taking a picture, but decided against it, thinking it would be too much of an invasion of privacy.

  39. He pose for the picture was straight and stiff. The photographer shouted out positions for his hands but all he could think about was the fact that she was gone and was never coming back.

  40. Take a deep breath. There’s nothing to worry about, just pose. She’d never been so nervous in her life, posing as someone else. There she was, in the morgue, id’ing someone she didn’t know. He was cold, dead and on the table. Eyes closed and she whispered, “That’s him.” But it wasn’t someone she knew.

    R. D. Wolf