
May 12th, 2009 | 259 Entries

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259 Entries for “pose”

  1. Once open a time I went down to the local shop and as I did so I saw a gunman flying through the sky he shot a pig and then me. So in my weakened state I was forced to pose as an iconic picture was taken of me.

  2. i like to pose.sometimes I pose like a cowboy. it’s sexy to put one leg up against a wall a light a cig. there is nothing sexier than smoking a cig. I wish that i could smoke cigs without chest congestion and emptying my wallet. fuck money. fuck health. fuck being guilty.

  3. strike a pose? cover girl work it girl i hate americas next top model i hate tyra banks for that matter.

  4. wait. shit. I didn’t know I was supposed to type and that stupid green bar is menacingly creeping towards the end. merrrrr. fuck my word was pose. the bar is turning yellow, now orange. I like grapefruits. and oranges. but not the orange bar of doom : (

  5. she posed in the doorway, with the sun behind her and making a corona around her head. i wish i had her poise an

  6. you can pose that you are good at something, that you are something you are not, or that you are okay. You can make someone think that you are going to be better than you are and you can pose as a completely different person. Or you could pose for the camera and let life catch you as it flashes by quicker than you could imagine.

  7. let’s pose for the camera, take another snap shot or two.

    what if this was forever, the best times of our lives, the best times caught on camera?

    stop posing, it’s not worth all the time to look good.

    make another silly face with me, no need to look perfect.

    it’s the moments we don’t make, the moments that are pure us in motion that really matter.

    it’s all a matter of candid, forget the poses.

  8. a hand,
    two hands,
    three intertwined around a center point,

    a smile,
    and tears,
    inside as you grin your makeshift happiness into view,

    a pose,
    two poses,
    three, and you know it’s all a lie.

  9. posing like a model on the catwalk of life makes fro a very sheltered being. why hide behind something. it will not help you in the long run so dont do it. the world is a stage.

  10. i pose for pictures on a daily basis. I try to draw people in poses for songs. I draw everyday. But I don’t like to draw other people. I’m critical of drawing other people. But I pose myself and take a picture of it and then draw myself. Sometimes I draw the face or hair or something else different. But I pose.

  11. Everyone said she was such a pose. She looked at herself constantly throughout the day, stopping to catch a glimpse of herself in shop wndows as she passed. I’m thinking, not just typing !!!

  12. She sits in that chair and pose as if offering fragmental treasures, her red dress not successful barricading too free a trade. Such a display of colors within one color, filling the eyes with excitement to set the world aflame…He cowers under her heartless gaze and stirs like a fly in the web
    of a spider.

    joy cagil
  13. Models often tend to pose, which I think is incredibly pretentious. I also hate the way they seem to govern how people think they should look, and somehow, how people think they should act. Way to encourage people to find out who they are!

  14. A pose represents a moments spent beneth the weight of time. A moment which is spent at a height, pressed, high but not stretched.
    I am describing what takes place in a mind (my mind) during a pose. I feel heightened because the pressure is on me. But because I have to free, to keep a pose, I feel pinned, sort of bound.
    I don’t know how other people feel in a state of posing. Maybe they aren’t posing when I think they are. Maybe they are posing at time when I don’t realize it.

    Kyle Dietrich
  15. I was in a pose once. It waspreetty epic. I decided to pose as a dragon. Its a lot less intimidating then you’d think when your goona get mugged. :( i still cry at night…….

    asa maguire
  16. pose pose pose
    models pose
    i dont know if anything else poses
    rhymes with
    so burn
    i press enter a lot when i’m under pressure

  17. Understand that the only reason we believe in the spirit of the human race is for its ability to create things that are greater then themselves.

  18. i practice posing in the mirror for tyra banks but i know i’ll never be on americas next top model because im not SKINNY enough. smiling with your eyes will get you nowhere in life. whatever stay fierce my curvy ladies! pose away pose all day long pose pose pose aint nothin that can go wrong.

  19. oh dear god do i love my boyfriend hes realy the only thing tht im thinking about right now. too bad hes not in any art classes or he could draw a sketch of me while i POSE for him. a nudie sketch?? lol, prolly not. thatd be fun though. i wonder if ill get to see him this weekend? prolly not. sighhhh this sucks majorly. i wanted to sneak out and see him and hang out with him and now i cant. stupid pneumonia. my grandma’s got it. ugh.

  20. posing in front of the mirror, trying to understand what you see in me. smile or frown.

  21. I hate posing in photos. The fake smiles that match so much– the dropped shoulders of the sorority girls, the sucked in stomachs of the oversized and the good intentions of all the matching outfit families. Most of us are lactose intolerant anyway, fuck cheese…

  22. Strike down the posed models. They are ofensive to a large market that we are trying to attract. Who approved them and why are they still here. Remove them…

  23. Pose – strike a pose – smile – laugh – no, not so much – yes, right there – Now Hold.

    Don’t let that go.

    Wait for the flash.

    This moment, this instant, will make it look like your life is so happy.

    Just pose.

  24. get the fuck out of here poser.

  25. I try to pose myself everyday…in work in the grocery store…at home bymyself.

  26. She thought she knew everything about modeling. she was wrong. She hadn’t counted on having a dog in her photo shoot, and that dog would NOT hit his pose for anybody.

    Stupid dog.

    Now she understood why they say not to work with children or animals.

    Stupid dog.

  27. It posed the largest threat in my life. Drinking begun as a solution and a getaway from daily reality but ended up to consume the best of me and captured me to a world of dreaming and illutination i wanted to break free.

  28. Models pose all the time – that is what they do. But, if you really thing about it…don’t we all? We pose at work to be pleasing, we pose for pictures to look happy and we pose in the mirror every morning. It’s all about posers, posing….and the immortal pose.

  29. this is something that an actor or proffessional model does. It is used in photoshoots and is a term used for body language. it can show different moods or emotions and

  30. Make a face. Act something out. Pose to yourself just to know that you can. Do a dance. Sing a song. Do something creative and don’t stop until your reday to pose.

  31. stop. stay there. arms stronger.
    I miss ballet in a way I can’t explain
    I know shyness can stop beautiful things
    I know that i have been stopped. THings end. Things end always and if I could just hold that pose and pretend they were okay, then I could be the prima ballerina. I could be the star of the play if I could just play pretend and pose.

  32. Hold a pose, he said. the model thought a while and was unable to stand still. Film me in motion, she said. I don’t want to be remembered as a static thing, a static person — I want to be remembered in action, doing things, going places, singing, laughing and inspiring

    anne whitacre
  33. I will pose for my next photo shoot. What pose should i use? Should i be sexy, or casual? How should i pose? What should i do? My whole career depends on this photo shoot! What should i do? What should i do?

  34. Strike a pose. Be a star. Enjoy. Express. Love. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be timid. Just be. Whoever you are. Whereever you come from. Be what you are, who’s inside you. Pose. Don’t worry about what you look like or who you will impress. Just pose for you.

  35. The smile on my face is hard to deny, as I watch you watching yourself in that mirror. The childish fascination is evident in your face, in your expressions, in those beautiful emerald eyes of yours.
    And then you twist your head, catch my reflection in yours, and I make a show of trying not to.

  36. sometimes i find myself posing when i don’t even realize it. I guess it is to impress a guy or actually anyone. It’s weird how i will be in an awkward stance and sucking in my stomach and i don’t notice until i feel uncomfortable. Maybe i should stop posing and be my self.

  37. Body bare.
    A slight tremble.

    A blush.

    The brushed traced the canvas.


    Her pose.

    Leyla C
  38. Pose estimation is the process of figuring out how an object is oriented in 3D space. It is useful in robotics for determining how to interact objects

  39. strike a pose! bam! bam! bam! cameras flashing, her sequined dress reflecting and shimmering in the yellow light, glowing off of the red carpet. glamorous.

  40. Hear, I pose in my new shoes.
    I pose in my new pants.
    I pose in my new glasses,
    my new shirt,
    my new eyes,
    my new body,
    my new everything.

    But if I posed in the old me,
    what would you say?
