
May 3rd, 2009 | 247 Entries

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247 Entries for “pretend”

  1. I like to pretend that I’m someone special but I know I’m not, inside I’m still the 16 year old goth I always was and I hate having to conform and pretent I’m interested about my hair and my makeup and my fucking awful job, the mortgage and my marriage…life is ridiculous…I don’t know where it all went so wrong, I guess it was when I knew I made mistakes and tried to make up to society and my parents and lost myself in the process. I hate my life!

  2. Pretend that I make you happy. Just for tonight. Tomorrow, I know you’ll be gone and this night’ll mean nothing more to you than your choice of breakfast cereal, but I need this. I really need this.

  3. My imagination is something that I have been missing; I want to find it and capture it; hold it dear to me and let it flourish.
    I don’t want to pretend to feel content today.

  4. i hate when people pretend they’re your friends just to look cooler in the eyes of the world, or school around them.

  5. i pretend to be you, man
    shit, you pretend to be me?
    how pretentious of you
    i am of the pretentious kind
    to be

  6. Pretend that you love me.Pretend that there is actually meaning behind that kiss.Tell me that you’ll hold me again.As long as I have this moment I don’t care if your lying.

  7. I pretended I was in love. You looked at me and I smiled. But it was all pretend. I know its wrong, but I love the idea of seeing you in tears at the end of it all. So I just strung along until just the right moment.

    J. M. Tomes
  8. I love to pretend that I know you. Pretend we’re best friends. Pretend that you love me in a way that i’m so important to you. I can pretend to touch you, pretend to hug you, pretend to have you in my veiw, but pretending just doesn’t cut it.

    Kara Chiasson
  9. oh pretender, pretender
    let’s go down

  10. to be a king. throne, shiny. big kingdom, inevitably doomed to die a pathetic death. praries, woods, rivers, a few mountains, enough to call it home. But no people. Only you.

  11. let’s pretend we’re married. you can be cold and witholding, and i’ll be the pathetic fool trying to thaw your icy, impassive facade. because that’s what it is. and i’m the only one who knows it.

  12. I pretend that everything is ok – that I love my life, that I love my husband, that life is grand and wonderful. Time to stop that.Pretending is not safe although it seems like it. Pretending leaves a great hole in the middle of me that will not be filled.

  13. sometimes i pretend to like people when i don’t. i don’t know why i do it, but i do it very often. maybe it’s to avoid conflict. i really hate conflict. i also really hate pretentious people but when i stop to think about it, i am one of those people. i don’t like admitting this about myself.

  14. Just listening, pretending about what it might be like to pretend for another day. Just to sit at home, without worry, or consequence, and pretend that everything is gonna be all right. I wanna live in a world like that, but for now…all I have to do is pretend. Maybe someday it’ll come to life.

    Dylan Dohner
  15. Almost thirty years later, I still like to pretend.
    Fantasy is a happier thing than reality. Magic powers have no comparison with office drudgery. Use a stapler, pretend to pet a tiny dragon..

  16. Hope she’s just being a pretender, hoping she really feels like she used to.

  17. everyone pretends. they pretend not to, but i can see it in their eyes. everyone around me is a pretender. am i? yes. no one escapes this deadly fate.

    ingrid maravilla
  18. i like to pretend when i’m not doing anything and i like to pretend when i am high and drunk and i like to pretend when i’m day dreaming in class and i like to pretend that i never have anything to do when in reality i do have something to do. I don’t like to pretend about my life, i don’t like to tell lies, but sometimes lies are important, to protect.

    Jess Carney
  19. I’m not really me. I’m enacting a version of what I think people think I should be. But they’re just doing the same thing.

  20. i stood alone
    beneath the blinking
    street light,
    umbrella in hand
    waiting out a storm.
    i could pretend
    you’ll come for me,
    but i know you won’t.
    that’s not your style.

    the rain is falling hard now
    and the wind is blowing harsh now.
    but i’m still alone;
    i admit defeat, baby,
    i’ve given up on you,
    and the light finally flickers out.

    i’m tired of being the one to wait,
    the one to hurt, the one to cry.
    tonight, i’ll toss my umbrella away,
    like the way i threw your love away.
    i’ll let the rain wash it down the drain
    and i’ll dance under moonlight.

    baby, let’s pretend that you and i
    never existed

    j. kai
  21. pretend not to notice anything. pretend not to think. pretend not to be there.
    just breath.
    and feel.
    the people.

  22. can we pretend for one moment that this is just us and there’s nothing else in the way? we can hold hands wherever we want and whenever we want and no one cares and sometimes I can look you in the eye without being afraid of rejection.

    it was my favourite game as a child, to pretend.

    it seemed so romantic to be grown up and in the real world, to be the one giving the orders, to be the one living the life.

    it seems like the present world is no longer a pretend world.

  23. I like to pretend sometimes that i’m a famous author. or something. i like writing about things or in ways i’ve seen in other books. then i’m afraid to let other people see, even though i’m quite proud of what i’ve done. sometimes i’m a model, (pretend of course) and i put on a lot of makeup. but i really won’t be. even if nothing is impossible.

  24. i remember when we used to pretend we were married and happy and i would cook bacon on a plastic stove while you read an imaginary newspaper, the dog licking a hand that you’d dropped underneath the tabletop. and sometimes i would look over and smile softly like a mona lisa imitation but those were back when my mind was young and not to amnesiac lapses and i miss you.

  25. how are you?
    how are you feeling?
    i’m sorry to hear that.
    i’m glad to hear that.
    really, i never knew.
    sure, i know what you’re talking about.
    so many pretend
    in the confines
    of conversation etiquette.

    Allie Merrick
  26. d i have a zillion dollars or even better yet pretend all my bills are paid and everydime i make is mine

  27. I’ve spent most of my life pretending. I know some day the act will be up, and on that day, I will be screwed. And that day is coming so much faster than I care to realize.

  28. I’m snuffed but quiet. I leave my lips sealed. I keep my smiling muscles in act, and the truth will never be revealed. I’m unhappy and lonely, and what I really want isn’t here. I’ll just pretend for you that my happiness is real.

  29. an illusion, that is what it is, A tool used by cunning individuals to create a mask to cover up there true intentions.
    Melicious, vindictive?
    Innovative, Intelligent?
    It can vary. Pretending causes hurt pain, or laughater and joy.
    At the end of the day though, Im pretending i know what im talking about.
    Do you pretend?

    adam milne
  30. I pretend I’m lost in a sea of sepia tones and swelling overboard flash dolphin dive in sea world eating dolphins on a stick dolphin fins attached to flame and fire.

  31. I pretend to know what I’m writing. Like a fake facade covering crystal emotions, you know me like the tip of your tongue. I’m at the tip of your tongue, the words you wish you didn’t have to say. If I restrain these words now, it would be too late, wouldn’t it? It’s already far too late.

    Erica Extortion
  32. Don’t lie. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. Don’t pretend everything is all right, because it’s not, and it never will be, not if we keep pretending like this. Not if we keep lying to ourselves, pretending nothing happened, pretending, pretending, and lying to the world. You can never pretend well enough to believe it yourself.

  33. Sometimes I pretend to not care, even though I do. As if I’m supposed to be something other than I am, just to make it easier on everyone else or to avoid having to be really honest with myself. Sometimes I pretend like it doesn’t hurt.

  34. make believe games in the patio with grandma’s garden surrounding. that air conditioner that stuck out of the apartment. decorating it with fake cobwebs for halloween, green and purple and neon orange. pumpkins. the only time in my life that i ever had a fence. but it was so easy to open.

  35. Don’t pretend that you know everything. No one knows everything. The important thing to remember is that you learn something new everyday. One day, maybe you won’t have to pretend!! You could know just about everything!!

  36. i dont know if its pretense if you belive it on some level yourself. everything doesnt have to be said out loud.

  37. I like to play pretend all the time, I pretend that I am different people on different days, it is subtle and sly, only things I might notice, a slight variation in make up and hair and today I am Holly Go lightly, perhaps tomorrow janis joplin but I am always a different side of myself

  38. When you open the closet and carefully choose one of your masks and wear the lies you made up to cover up your wounded soul, we call that pretending.

  39. What a big lie you’re living in. Can you Stop the snowball?. Or are you snowballing with other liers like yourself.

  40. oh that something you have to know how to do properly, not everyone can do it, you m,ust be an artist on the subject. Pretend is something you are just born to do, and I admire
