That’s what she used to call me in the days when our love was new and so forbidden. She would pamper and baby me, even when I was at my most selfish and in pain. She was my light, she was my everything, and I was hers. I still have the pink princess slippers that she gave me when I went into the hospital after everything went horribly wrong. I stare down at them and wonder what it was I did to make her go crazy, and to make myself join her.
I still feel like her princess though.
a prince in a castle fighting off a dragon for a beautiful girl with long dark hair thats shiny and soft
fairtales, princes. dragons, castles
Jenny Amanda Gray
Princess brings so many images to mind. The most relevant to me would be my 3 year old granddaughter. I have never meet a toddler that is so girly girl. She has a purse which contains her chap stick, hand lotion, tissues, sun glasses and toy cell phone. She never goes anywhere without it.
The princess lives in my home, unaware of how she changed everything, how meaningless the days were before she arrived. She does not know her value, her
Mayberry Magpie
High in a tower, sat a princess waiting to be saved by her prince charming. her knight in shining armor. whatever you want to call it, she was waiting to be rescued, and there was little time left for them to save her.
she walked in the room. the king was standing before her. it was her birthday and as princess, she was to get a large pony. however, there were no presents because her mother had been killed. Now she was to become queen. happy birthday, kitten! her father said to her! Oh, i still have more time to write. jeez…this is a lot of pressure.
She stood silently watching the scene below her. The sea of people was alive with noise and movement. A frisson of fear passed through her until she realized they were not there to harm her but to laud her. This was a new feeling for this daughter of the warrior
sick. i don’t want to be one. spoiled, materialistic, annoying. no seriously. i would not want to be one. well at least not a conventional, girl in a tower one. maybe a jungle, warrior princess. now that would be cool.
All tales do not finish with happy endings. Do you know the the sinful princess of fairy tales, Sin-drealla?
Sindrella shows her real evil identity when she gets rid of her step mom and sisters
My pug is a princess. She asks to be carried when the going get tough. Her perch is high on the blankets on the couch, and on her bed in the sun. She asks her bed is moved with the sun during the day.
I love her with the fearosity of a king and she sleeps with the sprawling
angela Mallery
A princess is usually someone of great beauty who also is spoilt beyond belief. This term has changed more now to mean more of a brat than someone of importance.
A term of endearment, a derivative of royalty obsessed days gone by, a sweet salutation from my Grandpa, on the other end of the spectrum a sardonic term implying a spoiled person on the other end of the comment, a woman in royal lineage…but we are all royal.
You are a princess they tell me, you are a queen, they tell me, I only want to feel like that, but I feel like a peasent and scum
peach toadstool was the most beautiful of them all, but she had a dark secret…
an evil mystical bond with the vile and evil king koopa, or bowser. she always found herself with in his clutches.
rachel, royalty.. there’s no way that I would be a princess.. someone who always gets what they want who always thinks that what they want they should have. jewish american princess…. a dog in the park with that name. young starlet, the female protagonist in a fairy tale the purpose.
princess daphne’s dress was on fire and there was no water. she was an hysterical type so it was impossible for her to come up with the idea of rolling on the ground to put the blaze out. Besides, she was after all, a princess and princesses do not roll on the ground. Horses roll on the ground, dogs and other animals. She’d seen people roll on the ground – small children that is but never had she see someone from the royal family roll on the ground.
Really! Oh, the fire was quite hot and getting close to her petticoats now.
Alice Lake-Zachary
I am the princess. So often has it been said. He called me that he called me that, in anger and in love. Toughen up princess, he used to say, toughen up.
Yet when the sword fell, it was he who bled. Is bleeding still. His princess, cruel queen, unsheathed were her claws and vicious was her attack. Ha Hahahahaaaa do not call me princess for I will have you executed at a whim.
And not pause to see you fall.
when i was young i wanted to grow up and become a princess. all i wanted to do was grow my hair long and hang it out of the window… sadly i now have holes in my face and listen to heavy metal. what happened?
A beautiful princess woke up; no longer beautiful she found herself at the vanity. She quit there on everything she had ever known. No longer a princess, just a girl with a crown.
Girls always demand to be treated with respect. Some earn it. Most Don’t. You can be my princess when you show me that you deserve it. When you do, I promise to treat you like royalty forever and such. Also, princess peach is hot.
Well she called herself this. She walked around with it tattoed on her arm as if by placing it there it made it so. Not like any I had ever read about that’s for sure. I don’t recall seeing any sitting at the bar at 3am sucking back cocktails like they were soft drinks and learing at the face of every guy that walked by…
the princess walked by me i stood gasping for some air.I haven’t had the time to look at her beauty for so many days.She has been there all along what shame to be so involved in work.
SHe drew the handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to the prince. He took it as a token of her graditude. He looked into her eyes and imediatly fell in love. as did she….
There are so many things little girls want to be,a dn a princess is always one of them. Their parents read them stories about how their prince charming will one day come to sweep them off their feet and tell them about the lavish castles they’ll live in when they are grown. Is that really every girl’s dream?
she walked high, a careful step after step. How did she get here she wondered with an attitide of wonder and yet deservedness. Where was the other part, the prince? Where was the happy ending?
bl pawelek
For one moment, she wanted to be a princess. She wanted a man to be looking for her instead of the other way around. She wanted to be beautiful instead of seductive. She wanted to have riches instead of having to work for it. But who would call a whore a princess? Unless that was the costumers thing.
She looked er best in her princess dress. She could wave her wand and make her servants bow down and maybe, if she wished hard enough, make everything right. But no matter how hard she waved that wand, mommy and daddy would never be happy again.
Savannah Berkleigh
beautiful girl. star. needs a prince. is lonely. needs power. needs comfort. needs a knight. sweet spirit. sometimes conceited. essence of a lady. gentle nature. strong willed. stubborn. intense. breath-taking. a woman of justice. a lady of peace.
She only existed to please. She was the most beautiful thing in all the world, blonde hair sparkling and flowing under her tiara. The rubies touched every corner of the silver crown on top of her head. Her eyes were the deepest shade of brown.
The princess was sad, she knew no other emotion except sadness. Daily she was called your highness and was told how beautiful she was. She had servants everywhere taking care of her, doting upon her, loving her. Yet she was sad and she couldn’t feel anything else.
Maggie Elkin
miss america, england, old english, high class bitches in la and hollywood and on the east coast but also on the west coast and everywhere, japs, people who generally thing their shit don’t stankkk. tiara’s and crowns and too expensive jewelry. a concept that should be long dead by now.
not going anywhere, whore.
in everyone you know.
even yourself.
We lay in bed in my dorm room, surrounded by stuff junk on the walls boas and fountain bubbling egg crate mattress and two comforters and he called me princess and it made me so so mad because I felt like I was afflicted, I did, afflicted always like nobody understood what it meant to be me. Not privileed and poofy and pink, but down and out and dark depressed nights up overcaffeinated.
me.. once upon a time there was a spoiled little girl who lived in a tower that wore pink. the tower was gaurded by a fire brething dragon…locking her in their was her cruel step mother……..very lucky little girls, she was rescued by a prince and lived happily ever after in her palace with er pink convertable
in the far far land of yoodles. All across the land was a love that could be felt by many and was seen by all. The king was always happy and made laws that all could practice with eagerness and agreed upon. And no dragons ever came to this neck of the woods, due to the happiness of the country side that it kept them away like an bubble of protection. All lived happily ever after. Except for the dragons, of course.
That’s what she used to call me in the days when our love was new and so forbidden. She would pamper and baby me, even when I was at my most selfish and in pain. She was my light, she was my everything, and I was hers. I still have the pink princess slippers that she gave me when I went into the hospital after everything went horribly wrong. I stare down at them and wonder what it was I did to make her go crazy, and to make myself join her.
I still feel like her princess though.
a prince in a castle fighting off a dragon for a beautiful girl with long dark hair thats shiny and soft
fairtales, princes. dragons, castles
Princess brings so many images to mind. The most relevant to me would be my 3 year old granddaughter. I have never meet a toddler that is so girly girl. She has a purse which contains her chap stick, hand lotion, tissues, sun glasses and toy cell phone. She never goes anywhere without it.
The princess lives in my home, unaware of how she changed everything, how meaningless the days were before she arrived. She does not know her value, her
High in a tower, sat a princess waiting to be saved by her prince charming. her knight in shining armor. whatever you want to call it, she was waiting to be rescued, and there was little time left for them to save her.
she walked in the room. the king was standing before her. it was her birthday and as princess, she was to get a large pony. however, there were no presents because her mother had been killed. Now she was to become queen. happy birthday, kitten! her father said to her! Oh, i still have more time to write. jeez…this is a lot of pressure.
She stood silently watching the scene below her. The sea of people was alive with noise and movement. A frisson of fear passed through her until she realized they were not there to harm her but to laud her. This was a new feeling for this daughter of the warrior
sick. i don’t want to be one. spoiled, materialistic, annoying. no seriously. i would not want to be one. well at least not a conventional, girl in a tower one. maybe a jungle, warrior princess. now that would be cool.
All tales do not finish with happy endings. Do you know the the sinful princess of fairy tales, Sin-drealla?
Sindrella shows her real evil identity when she gets rid of her step mom and sisters
My pug is a princess. She asks to be carried when the going get tough. Her perch is high on the blankets on the couch, and on her bed in the sun. She asks her bed is moved with the sun during the day.
I love her with the fearosity of a king and she sleeps with the sprawling
A princess is usually someone of great beauty who also is spoilt beyond belief. This term has changed more now to mean more of a brat than someone of importance.
A term of endearment, a derivative of royalty obsessed days gone by, a sweet salutation from my Grandpa, on the other end of the spectrum a sardonic term implying a spoiled person on the other end of the comment, a woman in royal lineage…but we are all royal.
princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess. princess.
You are a princess they tell me, you are a queen, they tell me, I only want to feel like that, but I feel like a peasent and scum
peach toadstool was the most beautiful of them all, but she had a dark secret…
an evil mystical bond with the vile and evil king koopa, or bowser. she always found herself with in his clutches.
rachel, royalty.. there’s no way that I would be a princess.. someone who always gets what they want who always thinks that what they want they should have. jewish american princess…. a dog in the park with that name. young starlet, the female protagonist in a fairy tale the purpose.
princess daphne’s dress was on fire and there was no water. she was an hysterical type so it was impossible for her to come up with the idea of rolling on the ground to put the blaze out. Besides, she was after all, a princess and princesses do not roll on the ground. Horses roll on the ground, dogs and other animals. She’d seen people roll on the ground – small children that is but never had she see someone from the royal family roll on the ground.
Really! Oh, the fire was quite hot and getting close to her petticoats now.
I am the princess. So often has it been said. He called me that he called me that, in anger and in love. Toughen up princess, he used to say, toughen up.
Yet when the sword fell, it was he who bled. Is bleeding still. His princess, cruel queen, unsheathed were her claws and vicious was her attack. Ha Hahahahaaaa do not call me princess for I will have you executed at a whim.
And not pause to see you fall.
when i was young i wanted to grow up and become a princess. all i wanted to do was grow my hair long and hang it out of the window… sadly i now have holes in my face and listen to heavy metal. what happened?
A beautiful princess woke up; no longer beautiful she found herself at the vanity. She quit there on everything she had ever known. No longer a princess, just a girl with a crown.
Girls always demand to be treated with respect. Some earn it. Most Don’t. You can be my princess when you show me that you deserve it. When you do, I promise to treat you like royalty forever and such. Also, princess peach is hot.
Well she called herself this. She walked around with it tattoed on her arm as if by placing it there it made it so. Not like any I had ever read about that’s for sure. I don’t recall seeing any sitting at the bar at 3am sucking back cocktails like they were soft drinks and learing at the face of every guy that walked by…
the princess walked by me i stood gasping for some air.I haven’t had the time to look at her beauty for so many days.She has been there all along what shame to be so involved in work.
SHe drew the handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to the prince. He took it as a token of her graditude. He looked into her eyes and imediatly fell in love. as did she….
Pretty. beautiful. elegant. smart. gental. spoiled. TIna. Gabby. Micala. Money. King. Queen. Prince. TOwer.
There are so many things little girls want to be,a dn a princess is always one of them. Their parents read them stories about how their prince charming will one day come to sweep them off their feet and tell them about the lavish castles they’ll live in when they are grown. Is that really every girl’s dream?
she walked high, a careful step after step. How did she get here she wondered with an attitide of wonder and yet deservedness. Where was the other part, the prince? Where was the happy ending?
For one moment, she wanted to be a princess. She wanted a man to be looking for her instead of the other way around. She wanted to be beautiful instead of seductive. She wanted to have riches instead of having to work for it. But who would call a whore a princess? Unless that was the costumers thing.
She looked er best in her princess dress. She could wave her wand and make her servants bow down and maybe, if she wished hard enough, make everything right. But no matter how hard she waved that wand, mommy and daddy would never be happy again.
beautiful girl. star. needs a prince. is lonely. needs power. needs comfort. needs a knight. sweet spirit. sometimes conceited. essence of a lady. gentle nature. strong willed. stubborn. intense. breath-taking. a woman of justice. a lady of peace.
She only existed to please. She was the most beautiful thing in all the world, blonde hair sparkling and flowing under her tiara. The rubies touched every corner of the silver crown on top of her head. Her eyes were the deepest shade of brown.
The princess was sad, she knew no other emotion except sadness. Daily she was called your highness and was told how beautiful she was. She had servants everywhere taking care of her, doting upon her, loving her. Yet she was sad and she couldn’t feel anything else.
miss america, england, old english, high class bitches in la and hollywood and on the east coast but also on the west coast and everywhere, japs, people who generally thing their shit don’t stankkk. tiara’s and crowns and too expensive jewelry. a concept that should be long dead by now.
not going anywhere, whore.
in everyone you know.
even yourself.
We lay in bed in my dorm room, surrounded by stuff junk on the walls boas and fountain bubbling egg crate mattress and two comforters and he called me princess and it made me so so mad because I felt like I was afflicted, I did, afflicted always like nobody understood what it meant to be me. Not privileed and poofy and pink, but down and out and dark depressed nights up overcaffeinated.
Cat. Furry. Rich. King. Queen. Prince. Witch. Tower. Blond. Annoying. Spoiled. Pain. Horse. Castle. servants.
me.. once upon a time there was a spoiled little girl who lived in a tower that wore pink. the tower was gaurded by a fire brething dragon…locking her in their was her cruel step mother……..very lucky little girls, she was rescued by a prince and lived happily ever after in her palace with er pink convertable
in the far far land of yoodles. All across the land was a love that could be felt by many and was seen by all. The king was always happy and made laws that all could practice with eagerness and agreed upon. And no dragons ever came to this neck of the woods, due to the happiness of the country side that it kept them away like an bubble of protection. All lived happily ever after. Except for the dragons, of course.