
September 15th, 2008 | 1,323 Entries

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1,323 Entries for “proud”

  1. Proud… the few – the greatest – the proud!

    I am PROUD of my daughters… on what wonderful women they’ve become…

    Im proud to be AMERICAN ! ! ! !

    I love Sarah Palin ! ! ! !

    Mushy daBeaver
  2. I am proud to be unlike anyone else. I love my individuality and those that I love who are individuals. However, I hate it. I hate being proud and I hate being alone. I want to be loved by everyone… but then I will not be proud. I will also be alone. From this I can inquire that I will always be alone, proud or not. So the question is… to be proud or to not?

  3. When he saw her on the stage, holding her trophy with a smirk of triumph, he couldn’t help but be proud. His daugher had never won many awards. This was her first one, and he could tell she was beaming with enthusiasm. He was proud.

  4. I am proudest of my son. Here I am a feminist. A lawyer. The executive director of a national organization. A name among my faith community invited to speak, to deliberate and to advise. And I am glad to say I am a Mom.

  5. Animals are prouder than people, I don’t tend to like proud people. Seems like an insult.High and mighty. I’m never proud of myself. Often proud of other people. I probably should take time to be proud of myself. It’s probably good for the soul or something. Maybe.

  6. Pride is the essence of a man’s weakness. Why do we cling to it as much as we do? Pride sometimes is tied up in our lies, and admitting we are not as great as we see ourselves in our mind is a challenge. Lies and pride are really one and the same.

  7. Punctuality, Rapid, Outword, Urgency, Domineiring

    jay contractor
  8. To be an American. What more is there to say? Even when we are not right in what we are doing, we are at least trying. There is a saying: Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way. America is leading and that takes guts.

  9. perch your necks high, pinky in the air. laugh at the paupers, smile on their graves. Because you are proud. You love yourself. You hate the others, the ‘vermin’.

  10. There are moments in my life where I feel proud of myself. When I look at Thomas and see the kind of man he’s grown into, that’s one of those times.
    I met him, when he was but a shy kid of 11 and through the next decade and a half, I was part big brother, part mentor and part friend to him. I like to think that the kind of man he has become, is due in part to me.

  11. Walking, pacing, to the beat. Of gongs and church bells ringing. Crosses swing on the necks of sinners. Shroud the proud and let them see no mirror.

  12. I am proud. Proud is a feeling. Proud is a feeling that you get when you are pleased of something that you have done. Pride can be humble or pride can be arrogant. Do not do be arrogant. Nobody will like you. Instead, be proud of your good, hard, work but do not brag about it. It is always good to be happy about your work. If you are not happy about the result of your work, what’s the point of doing the work in the first place?

    Andrew Fender
  13. I am proud to be a parent. My kids make me proud. I like to teach them life experiences. They like to hear what I have done in my life. They make me proud to be a parent. I like to talk about what my kids have done. I like to hang their art work on the wall.

  14. upstanding and happy, secure in what they do, the Indians feel the life of the land is completely theirs. And it should be. They are a good people who lived off the land as their ancestors, my ancestors did.

    Proud is standing up tall, straight, backbone erect. Walking into a room without any misfeasance or misgivings.

  15. Proud is a word that should describe everything. Most people will think of it in terms of sportsmen and women being proud to represent their country, but we should all be proud. Be proud of everything we try and do in all of our lives.

    Mark Vardy
  16. I think of my grandfather, who was always very proud. He was proud he owned his house, proud he had a good job with a pension, and was proud of his grandkids.

    Andy Benjamin
  17. ain’t to proud to beg. So the song goes. Humility is something we learn at an early age, but never really appreciate. It is something lived, not learn actually. And it is a constant teacher. Be open to it’s gifts. I’m begging you……..

    Steve Goldsworthy
  18. he was proud on that day of his little girl. never did he think she’d go so far.

  19. a proud man is a dumb man. he will do any thing to keep his pride, and will do what he wants, when he wants. never before has a man with out pride fought over stuff, and never will a proud man let stuff go.

  20. confidence, sure, confident,

  21. i’m not proud. I don’t think i am. Wait. I am. I think very highly of myself. I like myself. Who doesn’t? I mean you have to for self preservation. ITs natural. But it leads to other things. Not so good things. Like not asking others for help. I need others for self preservation too. WHat am I to do? I need. Others and myself. Who wins?

    Candace Tompkins
  22. There are many reasons to be proud. Mostly, do your best, always so you can feel proud. Your accomplishments are based on your gifts and talents. All of us have gifts and talents. It’s important to feel proud of your efforts, even if you have had failures and dis

  23. proud to be a failure. yep. I’m proud because as my good friend henry ford puts it, “a failure is only a chance for another shot.” that’s paraphrased. I don’t think we really failed, though. it just couldn’t work the first time. or the second. third time’s a charm, right? is it fair to gamble with our hearts? we seem to always do it anyway.

  24. Proud Mary. There’s no saying what pride is until you understand that it’s self-love – in a good way. It’s okay to be proud; it shows that you care about what you are and the person that you’ve become. So, go ahead, sing, dance, laugh… with pride! This life is not the time to cry about it.

  25. proud.
    con see ted.
    it’s a weakness.

    lance ziacha
  26. He was a general with proud plumes in his hat. A leader of men and a lover of women. Pride led to his fall and the plumes were trampled in the dust.

  27. I cowered away in defeat. Had this fool really been the bane of my power? Every move he made was made specifically to counter mine. I am the all powerful. How could one weaker than I be stronger in the end? This is madness. My pride will not alow it.

    Ian Phillips
  28. ive bever been proud of myself. from what i can tell no one else is proud of me either. or they just never tell me this. how much is one to do to make someone proud enough.

    Sam Crisp
  29. i am, can see the dimensions of an alienated world and for this i am… will you be able to be.. of your children, can you see waht they will become or have anny definition in the, no you will not…hopefully you may.

  30. naked American.

  31. I’m not a proud person. I am proud of the things I’ve done, but I feel like there is so much more I could be doing. It’s not that I’m not proud, I just don’t feel that I deserve to be proud. It’s not enough.

  32. pride is considered one of the seven deadly sins, but pride can also be a good thing. If you aren’t proud of who you are and where you are from then what do you have? You need to be proud of your accomplishments. Pride is different from arrogance. Perhaps arrogance should be a deadly sin and pride should be removed from that list. Be proud of who you are as long as it’s who you want to be.

  33. proud s d feelin f bein supreme.. d world s ure.. feelin satisfied

  34. I am proud of being the first…brown person at drew university. even though that aint true. Well I am a..uh FUCK a MINORITY! thats the word. It sucks being a minority. This is totally not about proud anymore. I should just be like IM HERE IM QUEER WOOO….but no damn…i think my times almost done. Im not even gay.

  35. to be proud is to feel that you have accomplished what it was you were attempting to accomplish.

  36. when i am proud, it is usually of other people. to me this is disappointing.

    hope fully one day i shall be proud of my self.
    may be i will become a therapist like i have been dreaming of, or maybe i will marry some one who truly love me and be there for me as much as i need him to be.

    it would be hard to end my life with out ever being proud of my self.

  37. Am I proud? No, Ive spent too many days passing time, too many mornings sleeping in, and too much time wishing and wait when I should be doing.

    I am proud that Im moving forward, that I discovering. Living. Am I proud of where Im at? No, but proud of where Im going.

    Kyle Donovan
  38. claramente estamos en un momento en que escribir una palabra es todo un problema, nos cuesta comunicar sentimientos, estamos atiborrados de problemas sociales que hacen ridículo creer que el dolor puede importarle a alguien cuya pega de mierda lo tiene pensando en su propio dolor, al final es tonto, porque todos los dolores son por lo mismo…
    porque nos cagaron la vida.

  39. My son got his first job today!=) Although i cant say I am proud of him. hes 47.

  40. i’m proud of being just a human being and nothing more
