proud to be where I am. proud to live. I am proud. and as we all know, pride is the worst deadly sin. which I will have to live with and I guess die with. but we should all be proud. proud to be who we are. no matter what that means.
bwah this was yesterday’s word. blast.
I am not proud of much in my life or in the world, but I am proud of this: my sense of compassion for other people, for the earth, for animals. If anything seems worthwhile to me, it’s those things.
good feeling about something which u feel you have accomplished.
depends how people take it but its feelin is what you feel whate
good feeling about something which u feel you have accomplished.
depends how people take it but its
The magestic stallion, tail streaming behind him like a banner, galloping with the herd over the green plain glazed in gold from the setting sun.
This is a crucial feeling which, in essence tells us who we are, in moderation of course.
I think about my parents when I hear the word proud. so much of my life was decided based on what my parents would be proud of me for. Is that a way to live? I need to start living for what will make myself proud, not my parents….
proud is a big word, have pride thats yours you keep it feel proud about it you like it? i bet ya do but hey i suppose you dont have it any more, perhaps youve done something decieptful and your feelin
josh whitehouse
i feel so proud whn i achieve something good.. whn i do sth really nice .. or something that no one has done before… i feel proud when i start getting the results of my studies and my works .. whn i see a good frnd.. or whn someone boasts saying.. hiba is my frnd.. whn daddy tells me that he loves me or when my mother look at me with loveing eyes :)
obscene rude loved and hated simultaneously.
Misunderstood and standing with prejudice.
Only to be uncovered for who they really are.
What gave them the reason to be proud.
Jane Rouse
tigers and republicans and warheroes who are proud of their past deeds and crimes. people with money who forget the little guys. people who only accept their personal values without considering another person’s point of view. people stuck in their ways because they are proud. proudness produces strictness, rigidness, a reluctance to accept and become fluid, to constantly reconsider opinions and accept other people. being proud reminds me of red, white, and blue. of people standing with their heads held high, for themselves and no one else. they call themselves a country when they only look out for their own personal interest. they are too proud to look over their shoulder, or look next to them and see what’s around them. proudness is a value in this society, when really it’s a problem and is a downfall for all too many people. pride goes before the fall. well those who are absorbed in pride never fall in their own eyes. but of course, in the eyes of others, they are a failure. because people are so quick to judge one another and yet never realize the problem within themselves. they are too proud to realize other people are good too and maybe they need a little fixing. pride unites people and divides people. pride allows people to shrug off guilt for the people around them. pride is an excuse. pride is also an inlaid problem. pride is more of an escape.
Proud is the boy who skips his stone on the water eight times. I can remember when I did that, once. It was raining out. It seemed like quite the accomplishment–after all, I was a girl, and it was raining out. My hair swung down to my chest and began to get my shirt wet. My hand, holding the rock, was wet as well.
I am proud to be who I am and I think my mom is too. I am proud I have not followed the path that a lot of my past friends have taken. When I got in trouble when I was younger my mother saying “I am proud of you” was the best words I can hear..and the worst “I am so disappointed in you.”
I was amazed that he told me he was proud of me after I sold my first painting.
its important to be proud of yourself as its important to appreciate your work or talent. n similarly its important to appreciate ppls work.
I am proud of the fact that I have a brain and I let nobody get me down. A strong independent woman, w00t!!!
being proud is sometimes blamed as being over confident which i personally believe is really unfair.
proud is the name of the boy I sat next to in class he had holes in his jumper and an earring in his ear. I thought he was poor but he was just proud and the more I think about it the more I would like to see him again.
kim george
He was a proud man, despite all of his shortcomings. Beer can in hand, on top of his John Deere, he would not be told he was to dumb to be the foreman. He would not be told he was not management material. As soon as he had he GEd he knew he would be just as incompetent as the rest.
He was a proud man.
Pride is an entity which makes men insufferable and intolerable. However, there is a difference between pride and arrogance. While pride is something one strives for, arrogance is an overabundance of pride to a selfish and obstinate degree.
As long as you are proud and not cocky, you are ok. Nobody likes a hubristic person, so be meak and be proud of your accomplishments.
Pride is one of the biblical “Seven Deadly Sins”. Though an inordinate sense of pride, otherwise knows as “hubris” can be one’s downfall, a balanced sense of self-esteem is quite healthy.
my mother my father the chinese community we follow a set standard, criteria but set by who? I’m not sure I want to follow it anymore but I don’t know anything else. If I’m not making anyone proud then what am I living for? my mother my father but mostly my mother. and why do I write “mother” instead of Mom. she’s a judge and jury both, all, not a parent in most senses. and I’m tired, so tired, but also proud of having lived like this for so long. so long and so tired.
accomplishments that one considers important once completed may give an individual a warm, fuzzy, full feeling that some may identify as pride. Although this feeling may be attributed to other factors, such as: gas, pregnancy….
i am not proud to be a robot hunter the job is not glamorous but none the less I serve my country and do what must be done to protect us from the shemes of those who would build mecha to destroy us. It could be worse however I could be working in a mail room or some such i suppose.
too proud to admit my faults
too proud to seek help
too late to stop time
too close to the end.
proud to be a dream
I heard about a proud hearse proud to be diverse
not sad or sappy
but happy
and never down
never never never let’s do some
something I found free
let’s backwards through the subway
and makeup
and smiles
and teeth
and your smile
all the while should a been sad
glad I didn’t
never had to convince myself to melt
felt in our hands
slightly sweaty
slightly stupid
mighty proud to be
Pride isn’t something to be proud of.
After all, people fght wars over it, steal for it, kill for it.
They act as if their pride, there personal dignity is the most important thing to them in the world, and neglect to think of the other things that could do them good.
Then again, people with no pride are practically insufferable… What to do?
Pride is the essence of humanity. Without pride, cities would not rise over the hills, music would not waft on the breeze, and men would not rule the Earth like gods among ants.
I am proud of my friend. A girl I know, she has overcome. Nothing life-threatening, nothing fatal. Not a thing that is easily seen or explained or defended. She’s lucky she has her mother to be just as proud.
Can stop it
Satisfy it
Boring into me
Clawing at me
Someone please
Stop me
Proud is a form of the word pride. As in gay pride. I am proud to be gay, I am proud to represent change, I am even proud to create controversy. I am proud of all of my gay friends, and I am proud of them exactly the way that they are.
I am proud to write, life is too short not to. Reading allows people to write, both are the fundamental concepts of modern civilisation.
i was very proud to own such a magnificent horse as him, his mane flickered in the warm summer breeze, his chestnut coat reflects the sun like a diamond. His name was Mateo.
I am proud to be a mother and a wife of 22 years. I am proud of the life I have created even though it seems to be going down the pan rapidly at the moment. I am proud of my parents for everything they have achieved in their lives. I am proud to be a woman and to live in 21st century England
He was a proud man. This she found utterly repulsive and at the same time his most attractive feature. He was handsome, tall and very intelligent. But his sense of humor was astonshing. He was a man of many or few words, this all depending on whom he was doing the great favor of speaking. She hated him. And she was so intensly attrected to him she did not know what to do with herself.
To be proud is a sad reality of losing humble potential. To be humble is a learned trait that is only learned by a fortunate few. Those few who learn the art of being humble escape the bondage of pride and the negative aura around pride itself.
She was proud of everything he did. Every step, every single last chocolate mustache he had after drinking his chocolate milk. It was too bad he could only come out at night. Too bad he could never play with the other neighborhood children since all the other parents were worried about what would happen to their kids. It wasn’t so bad, really. His fangs just had to be filed down now and again. There’s a vampire in every family, they say.
Proud! I once knew a man named Proud. What a delightful man. He believed in hard work and would have made his mother oh so proud.
proud to be where I am. proud to live. I am proud. and as we all know, pride is the worst deadly sin. which I will have to live with and I guess die with. but we should all be proud. proud to be who we are. no matter what that means.
bwah this was yesterday’s word. blast.
I am not proud of much in my life or in the world, but I am proud of this: my sense of compassion for other people, for the earth, for animals. If anything seems worthwhile to me, it’s those things.
good feeling about something which u feel you have accomplished.
depends how people take it but its feelin is what you feel whate
good feeling about something which u feel you have accomplished.
depends how people take it but its
The magestic stallion, tail streaming behind him like a banner, galloping with the herd over the green plain glazed in gold from the setting sun.
This is a crucial feeling which, in essence tells us who we are, in moderation of course.
I think about my parents when I hear the word proud. so much of my life was decided based on what my parents would be proud of me for. Is that a way to live? I need to start living for what will make myself proud, not my parents….
proud is a big word, have pride thats yours you keep it feel proud about it you like it? i bet ya do but hey i suppose you dont have it any more, perhaps youve done something decieptful and your feelin
i feel so proud whn i achieve something good.. whn i do sth really nice .. or something that no one has done before… i feel proud when i start getting the results of my studies and my works .. whn i see a good frnd.. or whn someone boasts saying.. hiba is my frnd.. whn daddy tells me that he loves me or when my mother look at me with loveing eyes :)
obscene rude loved and hated simultaneously.
Misunderstood and standing with prejudice.
Only to be uncovered for who they really are.
What gave them the reason to be proud.
tigers and republicans and warheroes who are proud of their past deeds and crimes. people with money who forget the little guys. people who only accept their personal values without considering another person’s point of view. people stuck in their ways because they are proud. proudness produces strictness, rigidness, a reluctance to accept and become fluid, to constantly reconsider opinions and accept other people. being proud reminds me of red, white, and blue. of people standing with their heads held high, for themselves and no one else. they call themselves a country when they only look out for their own personal interest. they are too proud to look over their shoulder, or look next to them and see what’s around them. proudness is a value in this society, when really it’s a problem and is a downfall for all too many people. pride goes before the fall. well those who are absorbed in pride never fall in their own eyes. but of course, in the eyes of others, they are a failure. because people are so quick to judge one another and yet never realize the problem within themselves. they are too proud to realize other people are good too and maybe they need a little fixing. pride unites people and divides people. pride allows people to shrug off guilt for the people around them. pride is an excuse. pride is also an inlaid problem. pride is more of an escape.
Proud is the boy who skips his stone on the water eight times. I can remember when I did that, once. It was raining out. It seemed like quite the accomplishment–after all, I was a girl, and it was raining out. My hair swung down to my chest and began to get my shirt wet. My hand, holding the rock, was wet as well.
I am proud to be who I am and I think my mom is too. I am proud I have not followed the path that a lot of my past friends have taken. When I got in trouble when I was younger my mother saying “I am proud of you” was the best words I can hear..and the worst “I am so disappointed in you.”
I was amazed that he told me he was proud of me after I sold my first painting.
its important to be proud of yourself as its important to appreciate your work or talent. n similarly its important to appreciate ppls work.
I am proud of the fact that I have a brain and I let nobody get me down. A strong independent woman, w00t!!!
being proud is sometimes blamed as being over confident which i personally believe is really unfair.
proud is the name of the boy I sat next to in class he had holes in his jumper and an earring in his ear. I thought he was poor but he was just proud and the more I think about it the more I would like to see him again.
He was a proud man, despite all of his shortcomings. Beer can in hand, on top of his John Deere, he would not be told he was to dumb to be the foreman. He would not be told he was not management material. As soon as he had he GEd he knew he would be just as incompetent as the rest.
He was a proud man.
Pride is an entity which makes men insufferable and intolerable. However, there is a difference between pride and arrogance. While pride is something one strives for, arrogance is an overabundance of pride to a selfish and obstinate degree.
As long as you are proud and not cocky, you are ok. Nobody likes a hubristic person, so be meak and be proud of your accomplishments.
Pride is one of the biblical “Seven Deadly Sins”. Though an inordinate sense of pride, otherwise knows as “hubris” can be one’s downfall, a balanced sense of self-esteem is quite healthy.
my mother my father the chinese community we follow a set standard, criteria but set by who? I’m not sure I want to follow it anymore but I don’t know anything else. If I’m not making anyone proud then what am I living for? my mother my father but mostly my mother. and why do I write “mother” instead of Mom. she’s a judge and jury both, all, not a parent in most senses. and I’m tired, so tired, but also proud of having lived like this for so long. so long and so tired.
accomplishments that one considers important once completed may give an individual a warm, fuzzy, full feeling that some may identify as pride. Although this feeling may be attributed to other factors, such as: gas, pregnancy….
i am not proud to be a robot hunter the job is not glamorous but none the less I serve my country and do what must be done to protect us from the shemes of those who would build mecha to destroy us. It could be worse however I could be working in a mail room or some such i suppose.
too proud to admit my faults
too proud to seek help
too late to stop time
too close to the end.
proud to be a dream
I heard about a proud hearse proud to be diverse
not sad or sappy
but happy
and never down
never never never let’s do some
something I found free
let’s backwards through the subway
and makeup
and smiles
and teeth
and your smile
all the while should a been sad
glad I didn’t
never had to convince myself to melt
felt in our hands
slightly sweaty
slightly stupid
mighty proud to be
Pride isn’t something to be proud of.
After all, people fght wars over it, steal for it, kill for it.
They act as if their pride, there personal dignity is the most important thing to them in the world, and neglect to think of the other things that could do them good.
Then again, people with no pride are practically insufferable… What to do?
Pride is the essence of humanity. Without pride, cities would not rise over the hills, music would not waft on the breeze, and men would not rule the Earth like gods among ants.
I am proud of my friend. A girl I know, she has overcome. Nothing life-threatening, nothing fatal. Not a thing that is easily seen or explained or defended. She’s lucky she has her mother to be just as proud.
Can stop it
Satisfy it
Boring into me
Clawing at me
Someone please
Stop me
Proud is a form of the word pride. As in gay pride. I am proud to be gay, I am proud to represent change, I am even proud to create controversy. I am proud of all of my gay friends, and I am proud of them exactly the way that they are.
I am proud to write, life is too short not to. Reading allows people to write, both are the fundamental concepts of modern civilisation.
i was very proud to own such a magnificent horse as him, his mane flickered in the warm summer breeze, his chestnut coat reflects the sun like a diamond. His name was Mateo.
I am proud to be a mother and a wife of 22 years. I am proud of the life I have created even though it seems to be going down the pan rapidly at the moment. I am proud of my parents for everything they have achieved in their lives. I am proud to be a woman and to live in 21st century England
He was a proud man. This she found utterly repulsive and at the same time his most attractive feature. He was handsome, tall and very intelligent. But his sense of humor was astonshing. He was a man of many or few words, this all depending on whom he was doing the great favor of speaking. She hated him. And she was so intensly attrected to him she did not know what to do with herself.
To be proud is a sad reality of losing humble potential. To be humble is a learned trait that is only learned by a fortunate few. Those few who learn the art of being humble escape the bondage of pride and the negative aura around pride itself.
She was proud of everything he did. Every step, every single last chocolate mustache he had after drinking his chocolate milk. It was too bad he could only come out at night. Too bad he could never play with the other neighborhood children since all the other parents were worried about what would happen to their kids. It wasn’t so bad, really. His fangs just had to be filed down now and again. There’s a vampire in every family, they say.
Proud! I once knew a man named Proud. What a delightful man. He believed in hard work and would have made his mother oh so proud.