
September 15th, 2008 | 1,323 Entries

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1,323 Entries for “proud”

  1. ‘Could not be more proud?’ Yeah, right. I’ll settle for any pride at all.

    Ednor Therriault
  2. Pride, ha what a funny concept. People are constantly associating themselves with other people. Doesn’t quite make sense to me. Isn’t pride more of a vice afterall? I mean why be proud of anything that isn’t originally yours?

  3. Tell me, do you consider pride to be a virtue or a vice? Do not be prideful, dear one. Life is too short to boast and be hated for…

  4. I am proud of my family. My job. I am proud of the person I have become. I am proud that I have an education and can become a decent part of society. I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be Mrs. Lakes and can walk down the street holding my husbands hand. I am proud that I can stand up for what I believe in and not care if others judge my beliefs.

    Danyelle Lakes
  5. I’m not proud to be an American. we’re stupid, selfish people. I wish we could live more simple lives. I’m not very proud of who I am lately. even less proud of those around me. I need to surround myself with more stimulating people.

  6. Proud. We’re a country of “Proud Americans”. Proud of our ability to push other people around. Proud of our cars, our houses, our electrical devices. Proud that we believe in God. Proud of being proud.

  7. To be proud of something is to be so confident that that thing will stay the same in the future…how wrong that is!

  8. i am a proud boy. i like to jump and when people tell me that i’m bad at jumping, i scream in their faces. i never said i was a kind boy, or a smart boy. but i am hella proud. its probably a trait from my father, he was a proud bastard too. never let me win a game, even if it was a thumb war. but i dont care. great man, he was. couldnt get my mom to stick around though… but it’s alright. she loved me too. my girlfriend tells me i need to learn when to step back in an argument and when to give up… i tell her she needs to accept me for me. and then i run into my room and giggle about it. i’m a proud boy.

  9. i wasnt really, afterwards
    i thought i might be, but i suppose im too reliant on feedback

    so they told me i was really obedient, but i already knew that and doesnt it seem kind of like an insult?
    like, oh wow you cant think for yourself?

  10. i just wrote about this word, isn’t there a different word i can write about? i’m not proud of this site for giving me the same word twice. i wish that there were more words. i enjoy writing. i enjoy books. i’m a geek XD. tralalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala.
    and in conclusion, i enjoy things.

  11. proud….very useful word. example; i am not very proud of the things Ive done, the things Ive seen, the things Ive pushed and convinced. i love my life as it is and am proud of its current state.

  12. proud is a very interesting word. The definition:very accomplished feeling, or something like that. I personally love the feeling i get when i am proud because i love accomplishing things. proud is what i want to be of everything i do.

  13. no, no. this negativity i am not proud of. this doubt and speculation. i am ruining this. i am desperately searching for a reason not to like him more than he likes me. for a reason to stay in control. to not be so fucking vulnerable. i am terrified of getting hurt again. but this time… this time if it doesn’t work… i will actually lose a good man.

  14. Everyone who writes on this website today is proud of what they have to say. If they were really ashamed, they’d keep their fingers shut and A.F.K.

  15. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. How sad and tragic and fearful to be opposed by God. I want grace. I need grace. I crave grace.

  16. Oh, I’m turnin’ the light on now and I’m translatin’! Transfiguration, up on the upway!

  17. 400,400 children assumed the state of power. They looked down and saw all the LEGOs, waiting to assume any shape they liked. What medicine to the ego. Such closure, unlike their adult life to come.

  18. I thought it awfully strange to be accused of “narcissism” because I referred to myself more than three times in a forum post. But I think it would be better to live narcissistically than as that bastard.

  19. I’m proud to say, “crack cocaine has changed my life. I smoke rocks. This isn’t the first time I’ve tasted penis in my line of work.”

  20. I’m proud to be me. Proud that I can say that. In many ways I am proud to just be without being anything at all.

  21. i am not proud of they way i am. i am a anxious basketcase. i am jealous. i am rude to the people that mean the most to me. i hate myself. i wish that i could just be proud to be the person that i am, but all i want to do is change it all.

  22. proud proud to be alive here i am alive i strive to survive when all you do is run and hide you are not proud

  23. I am proud that I am not voting. I will not assign approval to either of these puppets (even if one is black and charismatic.) It is a charade based entirely on manipulation of empty words. Assert your independence. Let’s overthrow the government and create a new state based only om music and love. Chaos never died.

  24. I am proud of you to be mproud of me. i had a business with proud that made me proud for a while but then I stopped feeling so proud about it as I reckoned it was easier to do on my own and better to do on my own and made me prouder to be on my own.I am proud to be on my own.

  25. I’ve never had too many people in my life say, “Hey, I’m proud of you.” It finally happened…of course it took everyone else in my life fucking up to achieve it.

    Heather M.
  26. i’ve never been so proud of myself in my entire life, and at the same time i hate myself for doing what i’m doing

  27. i am proud of it, the thought encompassing the ideal situation in which i will be proud. that day is soon upon my being, the day in which i die…

    matt braun
  28. I am proud of the way i am, the way i was raised and how i live. Through my life i have grown to be proud to be gay, despite the challenges that a gay teen faces when living in a spanish-speaking home. I am proud to be me.

  29. What would it feel like
    to stand on the highest
    cliffs in Dover, and not
    throw myself

    over the edge?

    Chantal P
  30. I am proud of the person I have become. From a child living in a trailer to a college student at one of the best journalism schools on the east coast.
    Other people should be proud of where they come from. I hate people that cover up who they are just to impress others.

  31. Pride comes before the fall. The bible says so.

    To be proud is to take credit for something and all glory belongs to Jesus.
    God created all of this and us so feelings of pride are ridiculous.

    Proud = arrogance

  32. Looking back, the only real thing that I have done that fills me with pride was finding the bravery to talk to him that day. My reward was a painful break-up and 6 months of heartbreak getting over him. But I am still proud of myself for that moment of strength.

  33. You think that I’m upset that you’re just amazing.
    The thing is, I just don’t understand how someone like you can be emotionally attached to someone like me. In my selfishness, I’d like for you to never notice.

  34. I was proud, and that was my downfall.

    I looked up at the man towering above me and I knew it was over.

    I prayed it would be quick.

  35. proud of what?
    people tell me i am pretty, but i look in the mirror and know they’re lying to me. people tell me i’m smart but i look at my grades and know they’re lying to themselves. but nobody tells me i’m a good friend, and i know it’s because they can’t bring themselves to lie to anyone quite that badly.

    grace h
  36. I am so proud of my family and this makes my life full. My family is everything for me . My wife is a treasure which is incomparable too. My kids are my treasure

    chris anciller
  37. “Strange how sometimes, I seem so proud that I nearly burst out laughing when I see his face. It strengthens him, though, to see me cry. He’s proud of something he didn’t make happen. But I’ll get revenge. He’ll never bring me down, nor my friends, nor my mentors… He will die.”
    A dark grey tail swished underneath the darkness of the cave, and then the flash of whispy golden eyes.

  38. I’m proud of myself, in fact I think pride is one of those amazing things that is apart of being human.

    I am so proud of my family, my friends, we’ve all been through some serious stuff and I wish they knew it more. I feel like theres so much insecurity floating around, merely because of lack of pride.

    Lack of pride in oneself, and lack of pride in actions you perform and do.

    Love yourself, it’s necessary. :)

    Jake Greene
  39. I am proud. Pride is often a mistaken word meaning ‘selfish’. No, I would rather be proud of myself than unsure. Many intelligent and kind people are proud, including musical artists, business people and your everyday American. Pride is only bad when one takes it too far and turns it into arrogance.

    Kirsten Scott
  40. i am proud of the person i am, of the person i will become. I have a hope that others are proud of all that they have achieved and will achieve but every day witness a distinct lack of pride in self and others. I have hope for everyone but they don’t have hope for themselves, and I am trying to realise that my hope alone does not cut it, it is through God’s hope and mercy.
