
September 15th, 2008 | 1,323 Entries

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1,323 Entries for “proud”

  1. I am proud to be who I am. I am proud to be an american. I am proud to be british. I am proud to be a student. I am proud of my accent. I am proud to be in love with my 27 year old english teacher. I am proud. I am proud. I am proud.

    always will be proud.

  2. i am proud that I have found my brother Steve I can’t blieve that i waited so long to do so he seems great! I can’t wait to meet him in person. I hope that he and my dad can meet and maybe have a realationship in the future

  3. i am of myself, of my small and feeble accomplishments.

    will they be?

    are they ever?

  4. Proud is something people have,i don’t know why.But people do have it.I have it.You have it.Someones are more proud than others.That’s a good thing,but don’t get too proud.Proud is an adjective so i have said stupidies i nthe first 2 sentences.I don’t know why.

  5. Proud. Well, I can say I’m somewhat proud of certain things. I keep saying I’ve beaten all of the original Mega Man games. That’s something for me to be proud of, even if it’s not much. I also have the greatest husband in the history of the world, so I’m proud of him. If someone like that can love me, it speaks volumes about me. ;)

  6. I want people to feel this way about me

  7. Being proud is a lot easier when you have something to be proud of. It is also easy when you are the only one who possess the recipe to the tastiest chocolate chip cookies of all time.

  8. i am proud of myself for overcoming the crappy things in my life and improving myself.

  9. i feel this when im alone and the world stops prying into my businesswhen no one else can tell me that i am not or should not be

  10. I refused to avert my eyes. They could say, do, or think what ever they wanted. All that maters is that I’ve come this far, and nothing will stop me; not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

  11. I am proud of my hereitage. I love being German and Cherokke. It is fun to think about what happened there. hahaahha. I am proud of my school and my grades. Almost all A’s! Yay!!! This is so amazing to me. I am proud of my swimming abilities. I can’t express how thankful I am to my parents for letting me pursue this dream.

  12. Proud loud croud – that’s not a word – crowd crowed. I crowed with pride. A lion crowed with pride. A line of crows. aligned with crows I crowed witha a pride of lions!

  13. Is it a sin?
    Officially yes.
    But it means too much to identity to be disregarded.
    We need pride.
    We need to feel a sense of self.

  14. my college, the united states of america, politics, sports, parents, my life, friends, social networks, people losing weight, overcoming challenges, reaching goals, siblings, olympics

  15. I was proud. Too proud to give up. So i fought, I fought for you and I fought for us, I fought for our future. All because of my pride. Now, years later, I am sure it wasn’t out of love or compassion. I couldn’t stand to lose, not necessarily to lose you.

  16. there he is – tall, gentle, strong, kind, so proud
    He is my angel, my love, my soul and I smile in his light.

  17. she was proud to have finally reached the pinnacle. all her life she was in the shadows, watching from behind a maze of feelings. finally, she was the one in the spotlight. being the center of attention was never her style, it made her anxious and afraid. but for this, she would gladly feel her cheeks burn and her heart race. for this, she would do anything.

  18. I am so proud of myself, it’s disgusting. I am so great. Hooray for me. I’m so awesome, I’m even cooler than myself.

    Dan O'Connell
  19. courage shame crippled downtrodden uprising faith belief testamony over-active mind thinking spirituality

  20. im not proud of myself, what ever i do it seems its not good enough except when i dont eat then i feel proud of my willpower and my bones and how others need to fill themselves with what i don’t. I”m proud of windsurfing even though i know im not very good
    others dont need to know that.

  21. I’m proud to be who i am now..
    i’m happy with my life..
    life is do beautiful..
    i’m proud of being me,,,

  22. its okay to be proud, but not to proud. be humble, not stuckup. pride and predjudice is my favorite movie. proud is to humble as black is to white-complete opissites.

  23. she was so proud of her new dress. and her new car. and her new boyfriend. they were all of the best things she could ever hope for. but for some reason she went to bed that night crying. her pride had taken over her life and she could no longer see what she once had. she loved searching for things, getting things secondhand. where was that feeling now?

  24. feeling self respect or pleasure in something by which u measire yourself, displaying dignity

  25. “We’re proud of you, son,” he whispered.

    Those words he’d never heard before in the same sentence. It was like music to his ears, only bitter. He hadn’t done what they thought he had. He hadn’t achieved what they thought.

    He actually had only been keeping a secret from them this entire time. One that he was too scared to share.

    One that they would disown him for.

  26. tomorrow

  27. being proud is one thing. its alright to be proud about achieving something that you’ve really worked hard for. you cant help feeling proud in that situation. but when you’re proud and think that the others suck, thats when you’re going astray. thats what you should avoid. coz after all we’re humans all of us and we’ll all be buried in this same dirt.

  28. This is how I wish my parents felt about me.

  29. I was once proud to be an american. I felt that this country had something special to offer the world. but as we slowly slip into this mire that is what our country has become… I am increasingly embarrassed. I’m also embarrassed that my first thought of pride goes straight to “proud to be an America” because I have simply heard it so many times before.

  30. once i was proud. proud of my health and my strength. proud that i could do things others couldn´t. work for hours. walk for days.

    but then cancer came into my life and i am weakened and my pride is injured.

    i need to readjust the source of the pride and come to terms with the new me. The weaker me, the not so strong me, the failed me.

    di beach
  31. “im proud of you” the words you whispered in my ear after I finished performing at the open mic night, I nearly cried, I don’t know why, It just meant a lot to me, now you’re gone and im proud that im still alive and making a difference.

  32. i love cookies, it smells good, it tastes good… One i made some homemade cookies.. i felt proud, beacause they where really, relly good.. so now i love cookies even more then i did befor that! :D

    sindre borvik
  33. The man sat at the top of the building in reflection of his life. He honestly pondered ending it all. His wife had gone, his son died of an overdose, and he failed the bar exam what had he to be proud about?

  34. i am proud of who i am and of what i could be. this is what God has given me and the only thing that i could do is appreciate it and be proud of it .

  35. I am proud to be who I am. Sometimes, I am afradi to be myself because the people around me stare or I think taht I will be seen as fake, even though I am expressing how I really feel and how I see myself. I have a constant battle with myself, but I would like to be proud of myself and who I am. Maybe someday this will be the case. I am proud of my accomplishments, but sometimes I think that I am proud for no reason, that I didn’t deserve them or that they were too easy or something. I don’t give myself credit, but I don’t deserve it.

  36. Pride is, as we all know thanks largely to that film with Kevin Spacey and that other guy with the big lips whos name escapes me presently, is on of the seven deadly sins

  37. I’m proud of being Muslim, proud of my children, proud of being a loyal, tolerant wife, proud of being an excellent teacher, kind, innovative, hardworking, dedicated, effective, proud of being a stepmother and stepgrandmother.

  38. Pride is a very strange thing. When I was a child I used to be told to be proud of what was seemingly strange stuff, like what I got for Christmas and where we went on holiday, that sort of thing

  39. Sound of my arm flap flapping against my back fat. Yo, tons a fun hop off the bus and give me a hug.

  40. people thinking that they have accomplished something great – personal achievement – a human vice – pride can be bad – parents are often proud of their children accomplishments, but often try to live through them, which is not good.

    Nicolas Martin