
September 15th, 2008 | 1,323 Entries

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1,323 Entries for “proud”

  1. im the proud owner of a heart you couldn’t tear, if fidelity was a game you’ve been playing to lose all along, i can see you now teary eyed pulling at the strands of your hair and i wouldn’t feel guilty.

  3. I am usually not very proud of myself. I am most often not proud of other, but actually ashamed of them. Pride can be either a man’s greatest gift, the tool that leads him to happiness, confidence, or it can lead him to his destruction.

  4. Pride. How much should you have? How can you distinguish the distasteful kind from the healthy kind? Read CS Lewis’ Mere Christianity. Seriously. Read it.

  5. im am not a proud person, pride is not a characteristic i generally have. i am proud of some of my achievements though. I think it is ok to be proud, just not

  6. to be all warm and fuzzy inside…makes you cry tears of happiness…to represent something with great pride…Proud to be an American /not.

    Alys II
  7. this is what it means to be happy with who you are.

  8. An hour ago a young man came over, looking for something that I was not prepared to give him… respect. He wore a look of pride on his face, confident in his new-found strength. “Strength”, I think. This miniature titan knows nothing of strength. Let him spend years working with his hands, sweating his life away, breaking his back, losing his knuckles on some un-caring log, and then he may have strength, but not till then. Then I’ll respect him, then I’ll give him honor due.

  9. i feel proud when i put a piece of art out there on steel that moves all over, then i may or may not c that piece for a long time or ever.

  10. im proud of the things i am going to do, not of what ive done.

  11. not knowing how he should feel, Jim djusted the rose on the lapel of his suit. he had not spoke to his father for over a decade and it all been over the decision Jim had taken to not join the army. His father wa proud the families heritage of being soldiers but it was not Jim’s career.

  12. is to feel fulfilled

    mandy Ellis
  13. I am proud of who I am, heritage plastered to my skin like a badge of honor. Honor coats my skin, and I am a Hawkeye. Hawkeyes don’t back down, fighting and staring failure in the face with unwavering commitmment. Hawkeyes don’t give up, wearing pride like a December coat

  14. Lions love to dance in the forest. My mother hates this. My father loves this. Everybody parties hard and proud. Proud Family.

  15. The lion was proud of the rest of his group, which is ironic; groups of lions are actually known as “prides.”

    yep, a pun. what more could you expect from me? what can I say? I’m proud of my puns.

    heh… proud, get it, that’s the word at the top

  16. Are we proud to be American? What does that mean? Are our soldiers proud? Are we proud to bear our banners? Where is the meaning in that? There are words, and there are emotions, but there is the media too. I don’t know what it is to be proud of my country, except when I say it sarcastically. O, Cynics.

  17. today i brushed away the black
    and let the gold shine through,
    dancing on your lips like crimson
    in summer’s yellow hue

    i took your hand and i
    kissed you
    as the saints swarmed the streets,
    calling out for peace, for order,
    for anything but we

    and so i laughed as they shot
    their sacred arrows of blue
    that simply passed right through

  18. proud, grateful, happy, I think that people who are proud are generally happy.

  19. I was proud of her. She had spent so much time on the backyard and I didn’t get a chance to let her know it. She worked tirelessly on the layout of the flowers and the right type of grass. I remember at the time I spent most of my time wondering why she would do such a thing. The backyeard was already great. Nonetheless, she outdid my expectations and made our house truly a home. I only wish thtat I had told her before it was too late.

  20. This is how I feel when I see my grown children lead their own lives with families, wives, etc. It is also how I feel when I look at my husband who has worked so many years to achieve when he has done. I’m proud too for my parents and what they have done in their lives. Pride can be a hurtful things tho, too.

  21. it sickens me that the thing that makes me the most proud is a stomach devoid of food.

  22. My mother, and my family. My legs, and my smoking roomates. My good grades. Alex S., as in Frank….Smiling in the sun with the spring breeze against your cheeks.

  23. i am not proud of of where i am.

  24. I’m proud of my life and every day I feel like life is more worth living. I’m excited about the future. This is a big change from my younger days as I was not proud of anything.

  25. The feeling of being alive is feeling proud. When you are young you feel a great sense of pride because there is no one around to tell you why you shouldn’t feel any different. People are our worst enemies.

  26. pride
    is something
    that I do not have
    because I’m nothing
    to be proud of

  27. as she came into the room looking more beautiful than ever. even on her wedding day after all she’s accompolished, her father never did say he was proud of her. 26 years of trying to get him to say it and till the day he died the words never broke his lips

  28. feeling good about yourself

  29. its funny the things we can’t think what to say about. being proud? what am i proud of? what do i deserve to be proud of? at this moment i’m feeling insecure and to consider what i feel proud of is an odd thing, what do i, silly littl me living a privileged life as a college student, have to be proud of? what can i claim as my own?

  30. If he wasn’t so proud he would have opened his eyes a little wider. He would have taken his hand down; it had been shielding the sun as long as he could remember. He always thought squinting was distinguished.

  31. I’m proud to be an American, where at least I think I’m free, even though you can’t even be who you want to be, inside or outside or in the army.

  32. I am proud to be me.
    I am proud to be American.
    I am proud to be Alive.
    I am proud to be here.
    I am proud to be there.
    I am proud to be a New Yorker.

  33. i’m proud of myself.

  34. I am proud to be an american but feel terrible lumped with all of the “respect the flag or pack your bag” people who ruin what being an american is all about.It frustrates me to have to allow these ignorant people to be called americans alongside me. The gaul they have in calling me unamerican is also what urks me.

  35. she was proud and everyone knew it. she owned any room she walked into. she wore red every night and black every day and she slept nude. prima donna, some said. diva, said others. They looked at her and saw a sin. i looked at her and saw a work of art.

  36. “Proud he was, don’ ya know, wearin’ the scarlet and green. Hi’d collar up some silk threads to occent the brocade of the shoulders. Proud he was then.

    Bill Kirby
  37. I feel proud that I have come to Duke University. I feel proud that I am able to balance a very active social life of going out ever Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with doing well in school. I am proud that my father is from India, and that he accomplished so much in his life to come all the way to the USA and help birth me. I am proud to say that my moral code doesn’t follow any particular religion, and I make my own choices. I am not proud of being a smoker.

    Trevor Narayan
  38. Pride (In the Name of Love) is a fantastic song by the Irish band U2. It chronicles the life of Martin Luther King Jr., using powerful lyrics and memorable sounds to drive the ideas into the listeners’ heads. A wonderful song by a wonderful band about a wonderful man.

  39. I was so proud to see her walking down the aisle. Lord knows it was a long time coming but she finally got her man. He had to give in after she chased him and chased it. My girl! You should never give up was her motto!

    Kristy B
  40. I love making people feel this for me, and I feel this for others. It fills me up completely, and when I fail, it shatters me. It is better than accomplishment, it is complete. It is emotional. It is true care.
