
September 15th, 2008 | 1,323 Entries

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1,323 Entries for “proud”

  1. i’m so proud to be a big brother. i’m proud of myself. why am i proud of myself? because i’m successful, and because i have a family who loves me. i’m grateful for everything i have, and when i grow up, i’m going to be proud of my children because they’ll reflect me in their image.

    proud means to acknowledge the good in something or someone, and this world is proud. so proud, that it makes me beam.

  2. something I think my mom would not be of me. My marriage is a farce and my husband has no respect or love left for me. I am useless to him now that our children are gone. Proud does not exist.

    Ellie Frank
  3. i am not, i am not proud of me even if sometimes i feel like i am i really shouldn’t.

  4. I am proud to be a mother. Iam proud to be a teacher. I am proud to be American. I am proud to be a friend. I don’t know

  5. Proud. Black assholes make meproud,. When i take a shit and my asshole is black, I am truley proud.
    I love to be prud.
    You feel happy, warmth; Proud.
    When your daughter goes out and has a black baby with an man who she never saw since, that makes a man PROUD.
    That’s me, and I’m proud.

  6. proud as punch proud as a man proud as a child with a kite on a hill many proud things stop and start you many pass you by be proud with pride but not overly so other wise…..

  7. because the lion stood ever so, and he faltered in his step, pride was something he was not accustomed to, yet he embraced the concept all the same

  8. I like who I am, flawed though I may be. I am proud of the good I do, selfserving though these ideas are. What I like is that I choose, even though the choosing is sometimes in not making a decision. My life is my own and I do it as I wish even with guilt and shame, I must take responsibility for them too.

    kate s
  9. wheni was young i was insulted by my mothers strong one word advice it seemed so cruel i was proud of her sound advice many years later

  10. It’s a human emotion for a stupid human subject. Next, please. It sucks. Rosy cheeks and spools of blood red gleaming thread. Secrets behind the ears, but nothing worthy of human word.

  11. I am extremely proud of myself, and my two daughters Alex and Kara. I am becoming more and more proud of my husband Scott who gave up drinking about two months ago.
    I am proud of everyone who is trying to make the world a better place – especially our children.

    A Nelson
  12. I wish I could be proud of my accomplishments in life thus far, but honestly, I haven’t done much to truly be proud of. Soon, perhaps, I’ll be able to say I’m proud of myself and what I’ve done, but for now, I’m just working towards that goal. Hopefully I’ll make it. Who knows.

    Kaitlyn R
  13. and i fall through the air and think about everything i have done, and everyone i have touched, and it all comes out to nothing.

    is there an afterlife? is there more than violins and rushing crushing falling crashing crescendos of symphonies, the dinging of cell phones, pj harvey’s voice? am i just who i think i am?

    too late.

  14. i am not proud to have a boyfriend like mine. i am not proud of how he treats me he doesnt treat me well. like crap. i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. what I am of you.

  16. Pride is a sense that the accomplishments you had in the little, so little time you’ve taken for yourself and your works are enough to make matters count. You are wrong – and will always be right…

    Pavle Batuta
  17. i proud of me. and my family,i have a good job, and i think i am a good person… i proud of myself. amen.. =)

  18. Proud, comes from pride. There is no pride in writing this since it is midnight and I have to do loads of work, a lot of travelling in the morning and either won’t be there in time, or don’t have my work done. I’m not proud that I’m typing this…

  19. What everyone has in them. Nobody can claim they are not proud, for the human race is born to be proud. Yet we are all so proud and lacking in confidence at the same time, this is the root of all our problems.

  20. I’m not proud of myself. I try so hard to do things that I’m proud of, but…Ugh. Other people are proud of the things I do, my parents proud and supportive and wonderful, but I’m never satisfied. Never. I think I’m a complete piece of shit. Why can’t I just get my shit together? Why am I always stuck feeling shitty, no matter what?

  21. Pride is something you have to work for. in order to own something so sacred you must reach it. You must have goals to obtain it. once you feel successful you will own it and it will only be yours. this proud feeling can never be taken from you. as long as you remember where it has come from and where it can get you, you will always be proud.

  22. me
    my mum
    prima donna

  23. Ill be proud when I accomplish surviving this break up, its been hard and I cant wait to just be ok with it. I will be very proud when I feel ok again.
    Not to say im not proud of many other things in my life. I am, this is just the most difficutlt thing in my life right now.

  24. proud pride gushes out of his every pore until he realizes there’s nothing of him left. too proud to seek help for what he knows will eventually finish him, he faces death, chest wide, head back, eyes focused.

  25. I AM behaving in the way that i am supposed to. My mother is proud of me my father would be proud of me. I’m a comic, I’m a growing actor, people look up to me woman are starting to adore me. I have love in my life and the love of God. I’m a good person and I deserve everything the universe is giving me.

  26. People are very proud of things that they accomplish. For example, you might win a competition or your soccer team might go to state. Sometimes people have too much pride and it makes them arrogant. People think arrogant people are cocky and rude. It is better to be humble and don’t brag so much about your accomplishments. Pride can make you feel very good inside.

  27. I’m proud of my cousin for getting help. I’m proud of myself for helping her. I know how hard it was for her to ask for help. I didn’t think she ever would ask me, but eventually she did. I hope things work out well for her. I can’t imagine what her life will be like now. It’s going to be great!
    Writing for a whole minute without time to compose my thoughts…it’s difficult, but I like it!

  28. The name says it all! Well, since I have time left:
    Proud is never a bad thing, but arrogance is another matter.

    And Mr. Darcy wants another word, thankyou.

    Fitzwilliam Darcy
  29. proud is something I’d love to feel more often. I’m 23. I felt proud a few times. Not enough. Wish I’d stop moaning about it sometimes and just do something about it. Sad really.

    I’m not proud of this.

    Steve Dunn
  30. Brian was proud of the canoe he built. Being proud in this case was proper. He proudly built the strip canoe by himself from plans in a book. Proudly, he show it off to everyone. I was proud of him for he is my son.


  32. i am not yet proud, other people are. i wish i was. i suppose there is much to be proud of, but the true test and the opposite of pride, is that of being humbled by it.

    kylie nasif
  33. Why would I be proud?
    Because he’s my life.
    He’s my future, even.
    He is who he is and so I’m proud of him because he’s doing his best.
    I’m sorry Wil, for being disappointed with you, dear, but we were not meant to be, I suppose.
    I’m sorry Dustin, but I miss you like hell, baby.

  34. I am proud of my mother who has overcome so many trials and tribulations in her life and still manages to wake up with a smile on her face. Even though we know many times she is faking it, she tries. What more can you ask of a person? She tries to have a positive outlook everyday, and I am proud of her for it.

  35. Wow, there are so many things that I’m proud of. First of all, my son, who is growing more and more each day. He makes me proud when he says please and thank you and he also makes me proud when he’s not so polite, cause I know that he’s jsut being a kid and that’s exactly what I want. I’m proud of where I am at in my life right now – right at the edge of a high

    Laura Porras
  36. I already did the word proud. sad day.

  37. And I’m proud to be an american where at least I know I’m free and I wont forget the men who died and gave that right to me. and I’ll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today, cause there aint no doubt I love this land… God bless the USA.

    the walking dude
  38. when you mom sees you in a graduation kind of uniform, and she has these tears in her eyes, and you feel it swelling in you, that proud feeling. that feeling that you did and you can’t wait to show how proud you can be. the feeling of being proud is throbbing all over the place and you just can’t help but smile and laugh about it. being proud is just great.

  39. parents
    alpha males

  40. Pride of lions. That comes to mind first. Not because of they’re lions, and not because a group of them is called a pride. But because of the way the actually do exude pride… vanity… self-absorbedness. And it is justified. I want to be that self aware, self loved, self worshipped enough to experience that level of pride within and without myself.

    Stephanie Dolan