so there were these pumpkins in this patch one day and one of them decided, fuck this patch shit, i’m gonna take over the world. so he got all his pumpkin henchemen, and they marched over to the cornfield, and started there. bye-bye cornfield. then, on to the white house, cause i’m runing out of time.
The color pumpkin looked terrible on her. And that is precisely the color her mother bought her for her annual Christmas sweater. With orange-red hair, the pumpkin-colored, lumpy sweater didn’t look too attractive. But she wore it anyway to please her mother.
Claire Hardin
You wanna know what’s ridiculous? Pumpkin marketing. Really, I mean, there’s this coffee place down the road that, as soon as fall rolls around, just pumpkinizes everything. Pumpkin spice coffee. Pumpkin muffin. Pumpkin milk. Pumpkin freakin’ napkins. You’ve gotta wonder how the hell the market works this well for them.
I never really got the point of pumpkins, the carving and the eating. I never really saw how it related to Halloween. I mean yes you can carve a scary face into them, but you could just as easily do that with a water melon.
Lucas H.
my pumpkin is round and orage. Like my left nut. Why is it that way? my nut, I mean. Was it from that Thai pumpkin hooker sucking on it that one night in Bangkok? I fucking hope so. Because life has never been the same since. My orange ninja balls are superior to yours.
pumpkins remind me of fall. I always think of their beautiful color and scent. how appropriate considering that today is thanksgiving. I love pumpkin candles. But do NOT like the taste of pumpkin pie… EITHER WAY how fall like and wonderful and beautiful.
…….winks at me as though he had a chance
my dad always called me pumpkin when i was little. it was a strange term of endearment, I suppose one that father’s have called daughters for a long long time. but it always bothered me. See, to me, i thought he was calling me big, and orange.
now that I’m older, he rarely calls me pumpkin. I find myself missing it. A lot.
thanksgiving pie carve sex scenes halloween party costume dress up shopping
“I think I’m going to name the monkey ‘Pumpkin’,” Becca said cheerfully. “What do you think?”
Nora blinked. “Ummm,” she said. “Maybe wait until after he or she is stuffed before you decide that.” She remembered her first build a bear stuffed animal. A stuffed bear, and she had named him Georgia before she stuffed him. Then she had put the stuffing in and by the time the hug test pleased her, he was definitely a he and not a she, and he did not look like a Georgia or a Georgie or even a George. He looked like a Francis, but she had already dubbed him Georgia. And he did not like that.
pumpkins. this past halloween pumpkins are again a big hit. i’ve seen my friends and their families abroad out picking pumpkins for the holloween. i wish we could also have the same traditions here in our country. it would have been fun for my little one to do when he grows older.
Halloween is when we do this. I used to be sad when we didn’t get one on time and we’d go to Terhune and there would only be small ones left. it was terribly sad. I felt like I missed a part of my childhood or something. And then deer would eat them. We didn’t even get punpkins this year. it was so sad. I spelled this wrong.
Pumpkin pie is the best pie every made. It’s just so great the taste and consistency is just amazing. Pumpkin pie is the only pie I eat. I love it with whipped cream on top.
Orange and round much like my ex girlfriend however the metaphor extends. Behold the grace with which my knife cuts into the skull, scooping brains by the spoonful and creating a masterpiece to place in my front yard. It is a warning. A warning to any would-be pursuers of relationship.
Seth Timmons
pie, muffins, bread, toasting the seeds
carving a jack-o-lantern for Halloween
holiday cheer
orange, round, farm-fresh
i love to eat pumpkin it is just so fucking delicious. they are orange and only grow in the fall. you can carve a pumpkin and makje a jck o lantern. kinda like the movie titanic the main character is named jack and i saw that movie when i was much younger, although it was rated R. i saw it at my friend ron’s house. ron moved to florida in 7th grade, then we moved to florida in 8th grade. flor
it was hallowing and the pumpkin exploted bright orange all over existence, covering and dropping. the taste in the ceiling and the odor in the window casted a grim shadow around
The man’s face turned distorted as the white gloved hands pushed him back into the piano. He started to grow, become a part of the garden. A massive, disturbing, disjointed pumpkin. His face was pulled tightly into a smile, but had a gap in his lips as a soulless person would.
round orange, i plant them on farmville because they grow quickly but really it takes forever for pumpkins to grow. they have competitions where pumpkins grow really big and then they make boats out of them, like cinderella’s carriage. they race the boats. the boats look like venetian gondolas.
He was only a month old and it was his first doc check up. he was in a little orange colored one piece sleeper suit. He cried and i said, “Oh, it’s ok you little pumpkin!”
orange little blods with tails coming out if their heads. They taste funny but are fantastic as pies. I have this guy feeling that the white pumpin behind me is secretly rotting. But it’s not letting anyone know because it’s rotting form the inside out. I know it’s gross. There’s pumpkins in allll colors shapes and sizes around here. It’s silly.
ange balls of fruitful goodness
haoolwwen it grows
carved into people
personifying others
then smashed, anihalated
poor pumpkins
they didnt ask for it, yet we torturt their very beings after death. how inhumane are humans
raewyn danvers
pumpkin pie is really popular, but I don’t like it. I like making jack o lanters though. They are orange, have ridges, and kids love to draw them at halloween. I carved them with the kids in my class last year and they loved it…
Yesterday my best friend Alison came over and I whipped my costume out to show her. I was high but she’s the best either way.
the pumpkin is orange and round. it has a stem and it looks very pretty. it is a jack-o-lantern. there is a candle that is lit inside it. it looks scary. i love pumpkin pie. it tastes good with whipped cream on it and vanilla ice cream.
jackolanterns with my dad. every year since i was young we’d make them, he’s in charge of holidays with us. the designs kept getting progressively more complicated, but since i’m not that creative they were never masterpieces. it’s always fun, but the pumpkin guts sting your hands as you scoop them out.
Id like to have my friend liking onw of my most loved characters and feeling better with some things I do, because I love her very much, she’s my best friends ever, and it makes me sad that I annoy her with something I don’t know…
I bought myself a pumpkin pie this past week. I told myself I’d save it for Thanksgiving. Alas, I was so poor that I ate it for dinner 3 nights this past week,
the next day, after halloween, my boyfriend and I went around the city to pick up all the pumpkins we could find…we brought back 8 huge ones and made pies.
pie. right now. delicious. fluffy and yummy and super satisfying. with cool whip, with french vanilla ice cream.
giant slice.
happy thanksgiving to me fuckers.
karlie rae
Halloween and carving I remember always getting the pumpkin guts on me. It was disgusting. I didn’t used to like pumpkin pie but now I do–a discovery I happily made when I was in high school. There are a lot of things I think about now that I’m glad I think differently than I used to. Pumpkin included. It’s nice, you know? Jackolanterns and all.
i like pumpkins they remind me of holloween, ive always wanted to wear on on my head. i tried to blow one up one time but i failed miserably and only set it ablaze. and thats all i got on pumpkins im about to eat pumpkin pie.
eat eat eat play play play …why leave the pumpkin all alone in its dark corner…pick it up and brinf it home. make a child happy
I waded through piles of forgotten leaves and high grass until i stumbled upon a pumpkin. It sat lonley in the field.
pumpkins are round and orange
i dont like them very much but when they are in a soup then i love them
they have to have sour cream mixed in
i wish that we had more pumpkin soup and less pumpkins. If we did that then we would all get along better.
The rotten pumpkin sat on the porch, looking out at the abandoned street.
A man stooped down to pick it up.
i watched a show called chinking punkins earlier today it was retarded. full of red neck pumpkin launchers. i cannot believe i wasted an hour. but i was too drunk to find the remote.. im runnin out of time noooo. one time carved a pumpkin
the pumpkin grew. at first, we all just ignored it. but when it grew larger than the town post office, we decided we should do something about it. Harold left town two days ago, and took the pumpkin with him.
I love pumpkin, especially the way it smells while it’s burning from the inside out. The smell of the sweet fruit infused with the wonderful scent of burning wax. This makes for why autumn is my favorite time, and why the air is so crisp to me.
round and orange
the obligatory child’s pose
in spilling bright leaves
and a white knit cap
seeds in the oven
with salt will anti depress you
so will chocolate cake
(in moderation, of course)
so there were these pumpkins in this patch one day and one of them decided, fuck this patch shit, i’m gonna take over the world. so he got all his pumpkin henchemen, and they marched over to the cornfield, and started there. bye-bye cornfield. then, on to the white house, cause i’m runing out of time.
The color pumpkin looked terrible on her. And that is precisely the color her mother bought her for her annual Christmas sweater. With orange-red hair, the pumpkin-colored, lumpy sweater didn’t look too attractive. But she wore it anyway to please her mother.
You wanna know what’s ridiculous? Pumpkin marketing. Really, I mean, there’s this coffee place down the road that, as soon as fall rolls around, just pumpkinizes everything. Pumpkin spice coffee. Pumpkin muffin. Pumpkin milk. Pumpkin freakin’ napkins. You’ve gotta wonder how the hell the market works this well for them.
I never really got the point of pumpkins, the carving and the eating. I never really saw how it related to Halloween. I mean yes you can carve a scary face into them, but you could just as easily do that with a water melon.
my pumpkin is round and orage. Like my left nut. Why is it that way? my nut, I mean. Was it from that Thai pumpkin hooker sucking on it that one night in Bangkok? I fucking hope so. Because life has never been the same since. My orange ninja balls are superior to yours.
pumpkins remind me of fall. I always think of their beautiful color and scent. how appropriate considering that today is thanksgiving. I love pumpkin candles. But do NOT like the taste of pumpkin pie… EITHER WAY how fall like and wonderful and beautiful.
…….winks at me as though he had a chance
my dad always called me pumpkin when i was little. it was a strange term of endearment, I suppose one that father’s have called daughters for a long long time. but it always bothered me. See, to me, i thought he was calling me big, and orange.
now that I’m older, he rarely calls me pumpkin. I find myself missing it. A lot.
thanksgiving pie carve sex scenes halloween party costume dress up shopping
“I think I’m going to name the monkey ‘Pumpkin’,” Becca said cheerfully. “What do you think?”
Nora blinked. “Ummm,” she said. “Maybe wait until after he or she is stuffed before you decide that.” She remembered her first build a bear stuffed animal. A stuffed bear, and she had named him Georgia before she stuffed him. Then she had put the stuffing in and by the time the hug test pleased her, he was definitely a he and not a she, and he did not look like a Georgia or a Georgie or even a George. He looked like a Francis, but she had already dubbed him Georgia. And he did not like that.
pumpkins. this past halloween pumpkins are again a big hit. i’ve seen my friends and their families abroad out picking pumpkins for the holloween. i wish we could also have the same traditions here in our country. it would have been fun for my little one to do when he grows older.
Halloween is when we do this. I used to be sad when we didn’t get one on time and we’d go to Terhune and there would only be small ones left. it was terribly sad. I felt like I missed a part of my childhood or something. And then deer would eat them. We didn’t even get punpkins this year. it was so sad. I spelled this wrong.
Pumpkin pie is the best pie every made. It’s just so great the taste and consistency is just amazing. Pumpkin pie is the only pie I eat. I love it with whipped cream on top.
Orange and round much like my ex girlfriend however the metaphor extends. Behold the grace with which my knife cuts into the skull, scooping brains by the spoonful and creating a masterpiece to place in my front yard. It is a warning. A warning to any would-be pursuers of relationship.
pie, muffins, bread, toasting the seeds
carving a jack-o-lantern for Halloween
holiday cheer
orange, round, farm-fresh
i love to eat pumpkin it is just so fucking delicious. they are orange and only grow in the fall. you can carve a pumpkin and makje a jck o lantern. kinda like the movie titanic the main character is named jack and i saw that movie when i was much younger, although it was rated R. i saw it at my friend ron’s house. ron moved to florida in 7th grade, then we moved to florida in 8th grade. flor
it was hallowing and the pumpkin exploted bright orange all over existence, covering and dropping. the taste in the ceiling and the odor in the window casted a grim shadow around
The man’s face turned distorted as the white gloved hands pushed him back into the piano. He started to grow, become a part of the garden. A massive, disturbing, disjointed pumpkin. His face was pulled tightly into a smile, but had a gap in his lips as a soulless person would.
round orange, i plant them on farmville because they grow quickly but really it takes forever for pumpkins to grow. they have competitions where pumpkins grow really big and then they make boats out of them, like cinderella’s carriage. they race the boats. the boats look like venetian gondolas.
He was only a month old and it was his first doc check up. he was in a little orange colored one piece sleeper suit. He cried and i said, “Oh, it’s ok you little pumpkin!”
orange little blods with tails coming out if their heads. They taste funny but are fantastic as pies. I have this guy feeling that the white pumpin behind me is secretly rotting. But it’s not letting anyone know because it’s rotting form the inside out. I know it’s gross. There’s pumpkins in allll colors shapes and sizes around here. It’s silly.
ange balls of fruitful goodness
haoolwwen it grows
carved into people
personifying others
then smashed, anihalated
poor pumpkins
they didnt ask for it, yet we torturt their very beings after death. how inhumane are humans
pumpkin pie is really popular, but I don’t like it. I like making jack o lanters though. They are orange, have ridges, and kids love to draw them at halloween. I carved them with the kids in my class last year and they loved it…
Yesterday my best friend Alison came over and I whipped my costume out to show her. I was high but she’s the best either way.
the pumpkin is orange and round. it has a stem and it looks very pretty. it is a jack-o-lantern. there is a candle that is lit inside it. it looks scary. i love pumpkin pie. it tastes good with whipped cream on it and vanilla ice cream.
jackolanterns with my dad. every year since i was young we’d make them, he’s in charge of holidays with us. the designs kept getting progressively more complicated, but since i’m not that creative they were never masterpieces. it’s always fun, but the pumpkin guts sting your hands as you scoop them out.
Id like to have my friend liking onw of my most loved characters and feeling better with some things I do, because I love her very much, she’s my best friends ever, and it makes me sad that I annoy her with something I don’t know…
I bought myself a pumpkin pie this past week. I told myself I’d save it for Thanksgiving. Alas, I was so poor that I ate it for dinner 3 nights this past week,
the next day, after halloween, my boyfriend and I went around the city to pick up all the pumpkins we could find…we brought back 8 huge ones and made pies.
pie. right now. delicious. fluffy and yummy and super satisfying. with cool whip, with french vanilla ice cream.
giant slice.
happy thanksgiving to me fuckers.
Halloween and carving I remember always getting the pumpkin guts on me. It was disgusting. I didn’t used to like pumpkin pie but now I do–a discovery I happily made when I was in high school. There are a lot of things I think about now that I’m glad I think differently than I used to. Pumpkin included. It’s nice, you know? Jackolanterns and all.
i like pumpkins they remind me of holloween, ive always wanted to wear on on my head. i tried to blow one up one time but i failed miserably and only set it ablaze. and thats all i got on pumpkins im about to eat pumpkin pie.
eat eat eat play play play …why leave the pumpkin all alone in its dark corner…pick it up and brinf it home. make a child happy
I waded through piles of forgotten leaves and high grass until i stumbled upon a pumpkin. It sat lonley in the field.
pumpkins are round and orange
i dont like them very much but when they are in a soup then i love them
they have to have sour cream mixed in
i wish that we had more pumpkin soup and less pumpkins. If we did that then we would all get along better.
The rotten pumpkin sat on the porch, looking out at the abandoned street.
A man stooped down to pick it up.
i watched a show called chinking punkins earlier today it was retarded. full of red neck pumpkin launchers. i cannot believe i wasted an hour. but i was too drunk to find the remote.. im runnin out of time noooo. one time carved a pumpkin
the pumpkin grew. at first, we all just ignored it. but when it grew larger than the town post office, we decided we should do something about it. Harold left town two days ago, and took the pumpkin with him.
I love pumpkin, especially the way it smells while it’s burning from the inside out. The smell of the sweet fruit infused with the wonderful scent of burning wax. This makes for why autumn is my favorite time, and why the air is so crisp to me.
round and orange
the obligatory child’s pose
in spilling bright leaves
and a white knit cap
seeds in the oven
with salt will anti depress you
so will chocolate cake
(in moderation, of course)