She was the lady pumpkin in the group. Fat, chubby, fun, interesting, full of life and zest. When I joined the group, what was I but a nomad.
i had pumpkin muffins in bed for breakfast by a girl i’m not sure i like
ri ri
“This pumpkin looks okay,” said Len as he pointed out a rather symmetrical squash to my left.
“It looks too perfect,” I replied briskly, walking right past it. “Imperfect ones with flaws are better. They create better imagery for carving.”
Pumpkins can be found on people’s doorsteps on Halloween. People carve scary, funny, happy, etc faces on pumpkins. Pumpkins are orange. Pumpkins can be found at Pumpkin patches
halloween. thanksgiving. id like to give thanks to the boy, who makes my world turn around and makes my heart beat beautifully. just like the pumpkin pies baking in the oven, filling the house with scents of autumn. its all beautiful.
i love pumpkins alot. every time halloween comes around, all i think about are pumkins. im not kidding its weird that i got this word i dont really know what to say. pumkins remind me of family and hope and love. and pie. and thats kinda the most important thing. because i love food and pumpkins and everything to do with candy and that first boy i kissed…..:) as always, love
It is orange and ribbed and full of guts that stick to your fingers as you eviscerate it and become entangled in the small crevices of the fingernail and once upon you have dug those guts from the gullet, you feast
The pumpking screeched to a halt!
Enough was enough.
A fruit and a weapon of mass transport.
Cinderalla by herself was no problem.
But mice turned into horses.
Horses into mice and all clambering over each other to catch a window seat was just too much for the pumpkin to handle.
i love pumpkin pie. pumpkins are actually for a lot of occasions. for thanksgiving and for after, decorations and halloween. i love pumpkins. there very usefull. pumpkins really have a weird taste. they remind me of family though, and anything that reminds me of them is very good to have. i love having the feeling of remembrance and pumpkins:) makes me realize how awsom epumpkins really are
mary mathis
I like pumpkinds. They are orange and round. They are gross when you have to carve them. They are sticky and smell funky. I do not enjoy carving them. They also are hard to cut holes in. They are think. They are weird. WHoever came up with the word pumpkin? it is so odd. hmm. Pumpkins. I like small pumpkins. The big ones bother me.
I don’t like pumpkins. Their seeds are all right I guess but still FUCK YOU that was what I’m thinking about does that mean I’m a bad person I hope not I notice I’m using some so-so grammar with obvious mistakes mb because I don’t think about punctuation? but I do use question marks and apostrophes so it’s cool
have nothing to say.
pumpkins are orange and delicious. they are round. they make delicious pie. i really cant think of pumpkins as anything but food. Maybe this is an indication of a deeper psychological problem. I think I have a condition wherein I see everything as food. I’ve named it “pumpkinitis”
pumpkin! pumpkin pie, reminding me of fall time. autumn. orange awesome little things. oh how you think you know all about them… pumpkin patches, and the corn mazes they have. love.
pie loves me and i love it baby sings to the bed and my hair and my chest. why do we pinch his sweet cheeks . .. . spicy and round, orange and green,’ gardens and vines tendrils
Holiday tradition. Frowned upon if missing
Spice, happy smiles, turkey day, cool whip, anything harvest, carving, little children all dressed up, dried up leaves, naked trees, all is calm, fall is here, cute kittens, warm fuzzies,
orange, round, lovely. melting after they are carved and loved.
pumpkim pie is a deliciously nutritious way to cap off an exquisite evening of thanking turkeys… in your name, mr. pumpkin, i salute for it is you that
I love Pumpkin. Only carving it, though. I hate the taste, the smell, and the consistency. I think I spelled that wrong. Oh well, though. On MANswers, they said that the smell of pumpkin pie turns chicks on. This interests me greatly. I kind of want to try that out on some chicks that I know. Boy, do I love to fuck. Fucking is amazing.
humpkin youngin dumpin on my next of kin
He cried and cried after he fell
A shattered dumkin was all he wuz.
pumpkin? seriously? i thought it’d be something nicer… i don’t really like it.
so many faces
but I’d like to know
which one of those
is the one that is real
sometimes I see
the girl that I love
and other times, a girl,
that doesn’t know how to feel
Josh Miller
The girl brought the pumpkin up to me without a smile on her face. I gave her the last ten dollars out of my pocket and picked the hefty orange lump by the rotting stem at the top and started walking back up 19th street.
the pumpkin man was in a jolly mood yet there was somthing sinister behind those tough orange skins.
pie on thanksgiving night with the family
That’s what she was. His pumpkin. His little girl. She had her mother’s eyes and his nose, her grandfather’s ears and the same rebellious spirit of her older sister. She would grow up. But for now, for an instant, she was his little pumpkin.
fuck u bitch i haten
it was a dark & stormy night. the girls were carving their pumpkins with knives & their best friends. too bad they didn’t know that they were going to die that night. as the man walked into the house, they screamed in terror and ran after he killed her best friend. it seems they would never survive…
Deadly Carve
pie, scones, lattes, carving, sweet name for a loved one,
Pumpkins remind me of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Autumn. Those times when the weather starts to chill, when festivities start to begin. There’s nothing like a carved pumpkin sitting outside the home, welcoming visitors in. Or a warm pumkin pie to divide and consume among family and friends.
Sara Luckey
round orange fall bumpy pumpkin patch family outings reminds me of cold fall days at hubers farm and painting pumpkins and carving them with silly faces to sit on the porch and put candles inside to glow
makes me think of my ma cause that’s one of the nicknames she has for me. it makes me smile when i think of this. i wish she would call me that more often. i’m 28 years old, but i would still like to be called pumpkin by my mom. i don’t think that’s weird. i hope she realizes this some day and calls me it again.
pumpkins are of course most commonly associated with halloween, but to me they mean knives.
While others are content to spend their evenings carving smiling faces, I used mine as targets for throwing knives.
Some may think I’m psychotic, but I think they’re just pussies who can’t do anything.
Maybe next year they can learn to do something interesting, but I doubt it.
I love pumpkin pie it is delicious. I also love carving pumpkins because this year I finally had a chance to do so. Also, I keep mispelling Pumpkin a type this. Why do I keep adding a G at the end so ridiculous. This is pretty cool.
She was the lady pumpkin in the group. Fat, chubby, fun, interesting, full of life and zest. When I joined the group, what was I but a nomad.
i had pumpkin muffins in bed for breakfast by a girl i’m not sure i like
“This pumpkin looks okay,” said Len as he pointed out a rather symmetrical squash to my left.
“It looks too perfect,” I replied briskly, walking right past it. “Imperfect ones with flaws are better. They create better imagery for carving.”
Pumpkins can be found on people’s doorsteps on Halloween. People carve scary, funny, happy, etc faces on pumpkins. Pumpkins are orange. Pumpkins can be found at Pumpkin patches
halloween. thanksgiving. id like to give thanks to the boy, who makes my world turn around and makes my heart beat beautifully. just like the pumpkin pies baking in the oven, filling the house with scents of autumn. its all beautiful.
i love pumpkins alot. every time halloween comes around, all i think about are pumkins. im not kidding its weird that i got this word i dont really know what to say. pumkins remind me of family and hope and love. and pie. and thats kinda the most important thing. because i love food and pumpkins and everything to do with candy and that first boy i kissed…..:) as always, love
It is orange and ribbed and full of guts that stick to your fingers as you eviscerate it and become entangled in the small crevices of the fingernail and once upon you have dug those guts from the gullet, you feast
The pumpking screeched to a halt!
Enough was enough.
A fruit and a weapon of mass transport.
Cinderalla by herself was no problem.
But mice turned into horses.
Horses into mice and all clambering over each other to catch a window seat was just too much for the pumpkin to handle.
i love pumpkin pie. pumpkins are actually for a lot of occasions. for thanksgiving and for after, decorations and halloween. i love pumpkins. there very usefull. pumpkins really have a weird taste. they remind me of family though, and anything that reminds me of them is very good to have. i love having the feeling of remembrance and pumpkins:) makes me realize how awsom epumpkins really are
I like pumpkinds. They are orange and round. They are gross when you have to carve them. They are sticky and smell funky. I do not enjoy carving them. They also are hard to cut holes in. They are think. They are weird. WHoever came up with the word pumpkin? it is so odd. hmm. Pumpkins. I like small pumpkins. The big ones bother me.
I don’t like pumpkins. Their seeds are all right I guess but still FUCK YOU that was what I’m thinking about does that mean I’m a bad person I hope not I notice I’m using some so-so grammar with obvious mistakes mb because I don’t think about punctuation? but I do use question marks and apostrophes so it’s cool
have nothing to say.
pumpkins are orange and delicious. they are round. they make delicious pie. i really cant think of pumpkins as anything but food. Maybe this is an indication of a deeper psychological problem. I think I have a condition wherein I see everything as food. I’ve named it “pumpkinitis”
pumpkin! pumpkin pie, reminding me of fall time. autumn. orange awesome little things. oh how you think you know all about them… pumpkin patches, and the corn mazes they have. love.
pie loves me and i love it baby sings to the bed and my hair and my chest. why do we pinch his sweet cheeks . .. . spicy and round, orange and green,’ gardens and vines tendrils
Holiday tradition. Frowned upon if missing
Spice, happy smiles, turkey day, cool whip, anything harvest, carving, little children all dressed up, dried up leaves, naked trees, all is calm, fall is here, cute kittens, warm fuzzies,
orange, round, lovely. melting after they are carved and loved.
pumpkim pie is a deliciously nutritious way to cap off an exquisite evening of thanking turkeys… in your name, mr. pumpkin, i salute for it is you that
I love Pumpkin. Only carving it, though. I hate the taste, the smell, and the consistency. I think I spelled that wrong. Oh well, though. On MANswers, they said that the smell of pumpkin pie turns chicks on. This interests me greatly. I kind of want to try that out on some chicks that I know. Boy, do I love to fuck. Fucking is amazing.
humpkin youngin dumpin on my next of kin
He cried and cried after he fell
A shattered dumkin was all he wuz.
pumpkin? seriously? i thought it’d be something nicer… i don’t really like it.
so many faces
but I’d like to know
which one of those
is the one that is real
sometimes I see
the girl that I love
and other times, a girl,
that doesn’t know how to feel
The girl brought the pumpkin up to me without a smile on her face. I gave her the last ten dollars out of my pocket and picked the hefty orange lump by the rotting stem at the top and started walking back up 19th street.
the pumpkin man was in a jolly mood yet there was somthing sinister behind those tough orange skins.
pie on thanksgiving night with the family
That’s what she was. His pumpkin. His little girl. She had her mother’s eyes and his nose, her grandfather’s ears and the same rebellious spirit of her older sister. She would grow up. But for now, for an instant, she was his little pumpkin.
fuck u bitch i haten
it was a dark & stormy night. the girls were carving their pumpkins with knives & their best friends. too bad they didn’t know that they were going to die that night. as the man walked into the house, they screamed in terror and ran after he killed her best friend. it seems they would never survive…
pie, scones, lattes, carving, sweet name for a loved one,
Pumpkins remind me of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Autumn. Those times when the weather starts to chill, when festivities start to begin. There’s nothing like a carved pumpkin sitting outside the home, welcoming visitors in. Or a warm pumkin pie to divide and consume among family and friends.
round orange fall bumpy pumpkin patch family outings reminds me of cold fall days at hubers farm and painting pumpkins and carving them with silly faces to sit on the porch and put candles inside to glow
makes me think of my ma cause that’s one of the nicknames she has for me. it makes me smile when i think of this. i wish she would call me that more often. i’m 28 years old, but i would still like to be called pumpkin by my mom. i don’t think that’s weird. i hope she realizes this some day and calls me it again.
pumpkins are of course most commonly associated with halloween, but to me they mean knives.
While others are content to spend their evenings carving smiling faces, I used mine as targets for throwing knives.
Some may think I’m psychotic, but I think they’re just pussies who can’t do anything.
Maybe next year they can learn to do something interesting, but I doubt it.
I love pumpkin pie it is delicious. I also love carving pumpkins because this year I finally had a chance to do so. Also, I keep mispelling Pumpkin a type this. Why do I keep adding a G at the end so ridiculous. This is pretty cool.