
November 26th, 2009 | 562 Entries

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562 Entries for “pumpkin”

  1. pie

  2. Pumpkins remind me of halloween. I’m also thinking about the fact that I just clicked read instead of go by mistake, and I saw what a bunch of people had written for pumpkin. I was surprised that I got that same word.

  3. Pumpkins are orange. They remind me of childhood and the Halloween when I was forced to dress up as Elmo. It was rather traumatizing. My brother loves pumpkin pie. I hate him.

  4. pumpkins are orange and are seen on halloween. You can carve pumpkins into many different things!! Sometimes pumpkins get smashed and get very rotten once halloween passes. It is pretty cool to see the different sizes of pumpkins.

  5. Not really a fan of pumpkin pie .. but i do love looking at pumpkins … and carving them . i really like to decorate with them .. and i make stellar baked pumpkin seeds .

    Glam Damage
  6. orange delicious in pie form and very scrumptious. excellent device for showing artistic sculpting but unfortunately only on halloween. orange

  7. once when I was about twelve our jack o lanterns fell off the porch at halloween and into the flower bed. they rotted there and we left them long enough that a vine grew and next fall we had a front porch pumpkin patch

  8. The pumpkin was a masterpiece. It was vibrant, beautiful, majestic. I was taken back, it made me feel safe, it made me feel scared, it made me feel comfortable, it made me feel out of my element.

  9. A crisp fall day walking into the patch and smelling the horses and hay. I pick the perfect pumpkin. Taking it to the cart successfully, Dad smiling, money was exchanged and we returned home me knowing that i had a haloween canvas

  10. There is a dog across the street. he is small and black and loud. He has a name, but we refer to him as”pumpkin”. Today, when I woke up, the first thought that I had was “today I’m going to call my sister a pumpkinhead.”

  11. Pumpkin. Pie. Oh how very cliche. It’s Thanksgiving, why not make “Pumpkin” the word. It fits, right? But that’s one of the things wrong with us today. We think we’re being all creative and original, but we’re just parroting ideas already told to us. But that we’ve forgotten until that moment, so we think that they’re ours.

  12. today i had pumpkin pie and on halloween i went to my stepdads house and when we were carving the pumpkin he smelt the chronic bud on me and said you guys are smoking some good weed and i didnt know what to say and he said you never know who is a past stoner and i said its halloween and he said it didnt have to be halloween for me

  13. this year my family bought pumpkins, and we were all really excited. i couldn’t wait to carve them. mine was absolutely perfect! but weve all been so busy, we never had time to carve them for halloween. they are all still out on my front porch. darn. maybe next year…

  14. orange halloween stem vine plant gourd cat cheshire cat erm herm umm glass carving knife eyes shape child disgusting seeds guts beer fat fetish skin orange yellow ha

  15. I like to eat pumpkins. Pumphin Pie, Pumpkin smoothies, my ex called me pumpkinhead. I think its a coincedence that today Is thanks giving and I am writing about pumpkins, as if this is a randomtopic

  16. i hate pumpkins. they are used for Halloween.
    they are big and orange. I really don’t know a lot about them

  17. As a sat eating my pumpkin pie she smiled at him and brushed a hair that had fallen in his eye. He chuckled, glancing over at me and then down at his fork, his long lashes attmepting to cover up the betrayal. He always covers his tracks with those lashes. She is completely unaware as her hand moves from his forehead, across his cheek and than down his arm. My nameless date slings an arm across my shoulders and I move closer to him, handing my plate to him for him to set on the side table. I’ve lost my appetite and my head starts to spin, I’m not sure if it’s from the smoke in the room or the constant buzz of the crowd that divides me from him. I turn me head from my date, he disgusts me and I peer at him across the room. He’s laughing at a joke she just made and his smiling. Smiling up to his eyes that have lost their spark, the spark that only comes around when he is holding me in his arms. The spark that comes back when he’s making promises he can’t keep. The spark that comes back when he remembers how good we were together and we try to replay it over and over again in private spaces and hidden corners. But that spark means nothing, because despite the spark he still sits there, across the room with her, allowing something as little as a few warm bodies seperate us. My eyes well up and I look back at my date before anything can spill over the rims of the lids. He leans in and rumbles lecherous desires in my ears. I get up to lead him away and give him what he wants. He’s namelss to me, no one special, honestly just someone I met via the male searching for male classifieds. I make my way out the smokey room, being pulled my the hand of my date, and my eyes land on him. He’s still smiling at his wife, and pretending that he’s happy. Pretending like we all do, smiling through the pain and the selfish desires. Smiling over the pumpkin pie.

    Marie Mansfield
  18. oh darling it’s okay. it’s just another way to say her name. it avoids all true meaning behind the way you say it. she cannot speak from within those walls. pumpkin. it’s okay. i can feel you breathing through the vents. it’s okay, pumpkin. momma will see you soon

    kayla Rizzo
  19. please use me politely
    keep incisions neat

  20. Pumpkins are amazing. The pie, you know? That creamy taste just…oozing with spices and the amazing whipped cream topping it… Yeah, it’s pretty obvious it’s Thanksgiving right now, isn’t it… But what’s not to love about that shit. It’s fucking amazing.

    Yo mama.
  21. She sat in the brush outside the ball, slicing orange goop and seeds from her clothes with the edge of her hand.

    R. Panic
  22. i hate it.

  23. orange
    jack o lantern
    squash soup

  24. so sweet so nice, i like your lips, the smile at me when i see them. i like your eys too.
    i want you babe, i need you babe, your my best friend, that’s all i could ever ask for.

    (: smiles. yes indeed. ahhh, i love them so much.
    they’re my favorite people ever. just like you. just like him.

  25. nom nom nom

  26. pumpkins remind me of halloween and pie. my favorite of the two is the pie. there’s nothing i love more than a fresh, moist pumpkin pie. mmmmmmm. with whip cream all over it. i can just EAT it UP.

  27. Why do people use this as a term of endearment, it’s not fluffly or cuddly or sweet. “You’re really hard on the outside, only edible after hours of cooking and best when blended into oblivion in a pie or scones.”

  28. orange and shit

  29. the pumpkin didnt want to be anything it wasnt. she went to the market and drank some punch. but it was almond punch, so she was getting cooked tonight. poop pumpkin was sad. so she went to denver. she bought so ostrich sweaters and walked to the store. she met her love. and thats all she wrote.

    Johnny B Pierce
  30. Halloween, Orange, Autumn, October, Pie, Family, and the end of the year.

  31. I want a pumpkin for Thanksgiving. After all it is a holiday where that is EXPECTED for dinner. How yummy. Pumpkin pie. Especially since it gets rid of all those ugly pumpkin Halloween stuff. Right? Besides everyone would much rather EAT it than spend time craving it!

  32. His head was strange and coloured with a pumpkin-like tinge of something that I could not recognise. His still form lying on the side of the road with red liquid dripping from his eyes is locked in my mind.

  33. My dog ate pumpkin guts when we carved our pupmkin for halloween this year. we thought it was very strange bc he is a pitbull but whatever. We decorated 3 other pumpkins this year and it was really fun. It was my boyfriends first time to carve a pumpkin.

  34. i like pumpkins, they remind me of halloween. they are fun and they can be carved into many different shpates and sies. my frinds friend carved a dickpking once haha. it was hilarious even though rosa and i said that it looked like a sideways F. i carved many pumkins in my life, and i cut mysel once

  35. i hate pumpkins, well, not hate them,i like that they are orange. they remind me of halloweeen and pies and the fall which i’snt so bad i guess. it was rash of me to say i hate them. i just don’t like the way they taste. what good is a gourd if you can’t enjoy eating it.

  36. Pumkins are great. Especially when made into pie. Or beer. Oh man, they taste so good like that. Oddly, pumkins themselves taste horrible, but their processed versions are fantastic. I LOVE pumkin based foods.

  37. Pumpkin!
    That’s all I hear from my mother when she sees her cat. Really. That cat has so many nick names it isn’t even funny.

  38. I had a HUGE pumpkin in the front of my house for Halloween. It got rotten a few days later. When my brother threw it out, the rotten pumpkin splashed in his face.

  39. i like sex with pumpkins … feels so good how they squish when i penetrate them… o god i m geting turned on

  40. The pie sat on the table, the candle’s lights bouncing from it’s shiny surface.
    “The burnt sugar definitely added to the affect.” She mumbled to her self, prancing from place setting to place setting, adding nametags, straightening cutlery and pushing in chairs. She kept her hair in a high ponytail to avoid the candle’s bright heads.
    Any minute now, the guests would begin arriving and she would be over her head in requests for small talk. She flicked the table cloth one last time and walked to the door, always the perfect hostess. Within seconds, the first guest arrived and she flung open the door with a grin. She murmured welcome and gave a slight curtsey but then realized that all that was presented infront of her was a rather large and unseemly, unlighted jack o lantern.
    She blinked nd shoke her head questionly, trying to figure out what happened. She cautiously stepped onto the porch and glanced back and forth. No one was there but she was sure that she heard something, a deep growling, coming from the bushes.
