pum pum yellow fish is going to find a door and throw p his key and ride pneys
Halloween night.
Such a pleasant night.
Where ghosts and ghouls.
Goblins and hobgoblins.
Witches and wretches come together.
There was no way that she was going to stick her hand into the gooey mess that was inside of the pumpkin. She shuddered and hand the scoop over to Charlie.
“Here, you do it!”
Charlie obliged.
Mmmmm, pumpkin pie. That sounds really good right now. I think I could for some pumpkin pie. It is thanksgiving after all so it won’t I have some pumpkin pie. Pumpkins are orange which means they are bright and noticeable just like something shiny is bright
this year for halloween i carved a pumpkin.
The pumpkin sat lonelily on the front porch, teeth silhouetted by the flame that flickered inside of it. A gust of wind made it falter, but the flame fought back, standing up to scorch the top lid, to fill the air with the scent of cooked pumpkin.
gerhaw: a name i invented, for the selfsame purpose of creation. i didn’t actually invent it, but i did popularized, anyways pumpkin
the love of my life and i are too cool for them. squash-o-lanterns for the win. she also happens to be my favorite person in the world for saving me some pie made of them today. :)
they have different shapes and sizes they are carved during halloween and people enjoy their seeds no one in the world would know what halloween is with out pumpkins
pumpkins are orange and round like a ball they are bigger than apples
they are carved into faces
they are in competitions
they are everywhere in halloween
they are different shades of colors of autum
I like the traditional curry that my mother makes, out of it. But otherwise, I love the holes and figures people carve on its surface to make it look scary. For me, that actually looks funny. Pumpkins are huge, round, fat, and hilarious. But I puke at the thought of pumpkin juice!
This year on halloween, I carved a pumpkin that looked like he was eating a smaller pumpkin. I drew a scared face on the smaller pumpkin so it looked like he was scared to be eaten. I saw a picture of that before so I wanted to try it. I thought it turned out well, but it didn’t turn out like the picture. I should have printed out the picture before I started carving my pumpkin.
running through the pumpkin patch charlie brow n got the toe of his foot caught
Pumpkins make me want to kill everyone with a pumpkin on their porch. stupid society. stupid sheep. I kill SHEEP
Good Shepard
i’m going to kill myself
ooh yummm, thanksgiving was today, and it was wonderful. we had pumpkin pie after the big meal and it was a little different than last year. it was a no-bake pie. my mom likes to try different things, and with this one she did well.
its orange makes me think of pumpkin pie.sweet. pumpkin seeds are good as well. but theyre salty. why am i just thinking about food. pumpkins also symbolize the season of autumn. there are many things to do in autumn….like pumpkin picking. and…. scarying the shit out of little kids, then stealing their candy. I love candy, its so sweet and really puts you in the right mood. i could sear i’ve been writing for more then 60 seconds, this is wack . please someone stop me! i just can’t stop writing. when will this be over!
It’s good on Thanksgiving. Yummy in pie form. It’s nice to carve & makes me think of Halloween & Thanksgiving. Two nice holidays. I love Holidays. No school & you can spend time with friends & family. It’s an escape, that’s for sure. I had pumpkin pie yogurt with Nathan the other day. It was yummt. I loved it. I wish to have m ore. Yes. That’s about it I think. Yes. Pump
I love pumpkin pie so me. It reminds me of thanksgiving and what my mom would buy. She would never make it because she didn’t know how. She would make apple pie though, and they were so good. I love thanksgiving. People in the US had thanksgiving today, and I am extremely jealous because i want it back.
Pie makes me smile, it makes my mornings sweet!
It is thanksgiving and everyone is talking about pumpkin pie. it is tasty but after hearing about it a lot i am not interested in eating any. i guess that’s just the kind of person I am.
orange i love pumpkins i like pumpkin picking it makes me feel like im in the holiday spirit so much with my friends or my family with a coffee on a cool day with a scarf on and comfy boots then we can carve it tgether and make a jack o’lantern which i’ve never done and use the insides to make pumpkin bread and share it with all my best friends and family who knew it could be so versatile
When I heard of the word pumpking, the first thing that comes to my mind is either halloween or thanksgiving. in halloween, you’ll see pumpkins as jack o laterns. I never made a jack of latern in my life, but I remember when I was little i tried to carve one out. It was a failure. O well,
orange. orange carved into shapes, shapes reflecting the soul within, the feelings and thoughts implemented into the shape of a pumpkin. revealed only on halloween, a sinister grin? yes. reassuring but scary. association and good times roll, but most importantly, they smell bad come a week after halloween. infested with insects. naaasty. whoo.
Jasper Kozak-Miller
i made some pumpkin pie for thanksgiving on wednesday night… hmm i like pumpkin pie… i also like wolves they’re so cute… thats irrelavent but still… cheese is good too… i wish i had my hair back i just cut it last night and now its too short… i did it by myself… i do most things by myself… thats life today i guess right?
Torrie Foutz
awesome pie it’s just so good. some times they scare me
just sitting on peoples porches
waiting for something
or someone
creepy, so creepy
no good
but yummy.
Some people think that pumpkin is a vegetable. They are wrong! It is a fruit. Well at least I think it is. Either that or a tomato.
a vegetable good pies and is very delicious
goes great with what im wearing minus the one spice to the left of the table. do things like this usually take a bunch of manors to try more then once??? somethings in life mostly come true if that makes sense.
Halloween. Its my fave holiday!! And pie…I love pie hahaha. ILY Doug!!
Lucia V.
I love eating the baked pumpkin seeds my grandmother used to make for me after we finished carving them for Halloween. The burnt ones were always my favorite.
Halloween time, parties all over the place, going to hang out with my friends in Orlando, carving pumpkins, missing my ex girlfriend of 1.4 years, kids dressing up in costumes, drinking drinking drinking, the color orange, all of the parties I have been to before, missing my ex again…im pathetic.
Pumpkin1: How’s it hanging in there?
Pumpkin2: Aout to made into a pie. How do you think it’s hanging?
Pumpkin1: Kin. What will I do nce you are gone?
Pumpkin2: Follow me kin.
… pie.
pum pum yellow fish is going to find a door and throw p his key and ride pneys
Halloween night.
Such a pleasant night.
Where ghosts and ghouls.
Goblins and hobgoblins.
Witches and wretches come together.
There was no way that she was going to stick her hand into the gooey mess that was inside of the pumpkin. She shuddered and hand the scoop over to Charlie.
“Here, you do it!”
Charlie obliged.
Mmmmm, pumpkin pie. That sounds really good right now. I think I could for some pumpkin pie. It is thanksgiving after all so it won’t I have some pumpkin pie. Pumpkins are orange which means they are bright and noticeable just like something shiny is bright
this year for halloween i carved a pumpkin.
The pumpkin sat lonelily on the front porch, teeth silhouetted by the flame that flickered inside of it. A gust of wind made it falter, but the flame fought back, standing up to scorch the top lid, to fill the air with the scent of cooked pumpkin.
pie, halloween, orange, lines, green, vines, spikey leaves, mud, corn, maze, farm, animals, c
gerhaw: a name i invented, for the selfsame purpose of creation. i didn’t actually invent it, but i did popularized, anyways pumpkin
the love of my life and i are too cool for them. squash-o-lanterns for the win. she also happens to be my favorite person in the world for saving me some pie made of them today. :)
they have different shapes and sizes they are carved during halloween and people enjoy their seeds no one in the world would know what halloween is with out pumpkins
pumpkins are orange and round like a ball they are bigger than apples
they are carved into faces
they are in competitions
they are everywhere in halloween
they are different shades of colors of autum
I like the traditional curry that my mother makes, out of it. But otherwise, I love the holes and figures people carve on its surface to make it look scary. For me, that actually looks funny. Pumpkins are huge, round, fat, and hilarious. But I puke at the thought of pumpkin juice!
This year on halloween, I carved a pumpkin that looked like he was eating a smaller pumpkin. I drew a scared face on the smaller pumpkin so it looked like he was scared to be eaten. I saw a picture of that before so I wanted to try it. I thought it turned out well, but it didn’t turn out like the picture. I should have printed out the picture before I started carving my pumpkin.
running through the pumpkin patch charlie brow n got the toe of his foot caught
Pumpkins make me want to kill everyone with a pumpkin on their porch. stupid society. stupid sheep. I kill SHEEP
i’m going to kill myself
ooh yummm, thanksgiving was today, and it was wonderful. we had pumpkin pie after the big meal and it was a little different than last year. it was a no-bake pie. my mom likes to try different things, and with this one she did well.
its orange makes me think of pumpkin pie.sweet. pumpkin seeds are good as well. but theyre salty. why am i just thinking about food. pumpkins also symbolize the season of autumn. there are many things to do in autumn….like pumpkin picking. and…. scarying the shit out of little kids, then stealing their candy. I love candy, its so sweet and really puts you in the right mood. i could sear i’ve been writing for more then 60 seconds, this is wack . please someone stop me! i just can’t stop writing. when will this be over!
It’s good on Thanksgiving. Yummy in pie form. It’s nice to carve & makes me think of Halloween & Thanksgiving. Two nice holidays. I love Holidays. No school & you can spend time with friends & family. It’s an escape, that’s for sure. I had pumpkin pie yogurt with Nathan the other day. It was yummt. I loved it. I wish to have m ore. Yes. That’s about it I think. Yes. Pump
I love pumpkin pie so me. It reminds me of thanksgiving and what my mom would buy. She would never make it because she didn’t know how. She would make apple pie though, and they were so good. I love thanksgiving. People in the US had thanksgiving today, and I am extremely jealous because i want it back.
Pie makes me smile, it makes my mornings sweet!
It is thanksgiving and everyone is talking about pumpkin pie. it is tasty but after hearing about it a lot i am not interested in eating any. i guess that’s just the kind of person I am.
orange i love pumpkins i like pumpkin picking it makes me feel like im in the holiday spirit so much with my friends or my family with a coffee on a cool day with a scarf on and comfy boots then we can carve it tgether and make a jack o’lantern which i’ve never done and use the insides to make pumpkin bread and share it with all my best friends and family who knew it could be so versatile
When I heard of the word pumpking, the first thing that comes to my mind is either halloween or thanksgiving. in halloween, you’ll see pumpkins as jack o laterns. I never made a jack of latern in my life, but I remember when I was little i tried to carve one out. It was a failure. O well,
orange. orange carved into shapes, shapes reflecting the soul within, the feelings and thoughts implemented into the shape of a pumpkin. revealed only on halloween, a sinister grin? yes. reassuring but scary. association and good times roll, but most importantly, they smell bad come a week after halloween. infested with insects. naaasty. whoo.
i made some pumpkin pie for thanksgiving on wednesday night… hmm i like pumpkin pie… i also like wolves they’re so cute… thats irrelavent but still… cheese is good too… i wish i had my hair back i just cut it last night and now its too short… i did it by myself… i do most things by myself… thats life today i guess right?
awesome pie it’s just so good. some times they scare me
just sitting on peoples porches
waiting for something
or someone
creepy, so creepy
no good
but yummy.
Some people think that pumpkin is a vegetable. They are wrong! It is a fruit. Well at least I think it is. Either that or a tomato.
a vegetable good pies and is very delicious
goes great with what im wearing minus the one spice to the left of the table. do things like this usually take a bunch of manors to try more then once??? somethings in life mostly come true if that makes sense.
orange round lovely halloween memories creative growth newness perfection? ribbed guts squishy dirty
Halloween. Its my fave holiday!! And pie…I love pie hahaha. ILY Doug!!
I love eating the baked pumpkin seeds my grandmother used to make for me after we finished carving them for Halloween. The burnt ones were always my favorite.
Halloween time, parties all over the place, going to hang out with my friends in Orlando, carving pumpkins, missing my ex girlfriend of 1.4 years, kids dressing up in costumes, drinking drinking drinking, the color orange, all of the parties I have been to before, missing my ex again…im pathetic.
Pumpkin1: How’s it hanging in there?
Pumpkin2: Aout to made into a pie. How do you think it’s hanging?
Pumpkin1: Kin. What will I do nce you are gone?
Pumpkin2: Follow me kin.