
April 25th, 2009 | 217 Entries

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217 Entries for “recall”

  1. Try to recall your childhood. Was it bleak? Was it playful? Recall the good and the bad. Never forget. Recall your family when you’re alone. Recall your childhood best friend. Recall your favorite toy.

  2. I can’t recall the last time I wrote something on oneword. Lately, I’ve been having a lot to gripe about, much more than just “one” word.

    My problems include words like

  3. I recall a time where nothing was really that important..the hardest decisions we had to make was what ice cream flavor to pick when the truck drove by…mmm vanilla. From popsicles to pop-culture.. who knew?

  4. Recall, I suppose we all want to just recall a memory.
    What about remembering that movie, Total Recall?
    Which leads me to Arnold.
    Arnold leads me to that Seventh Day or something?
    The cloning movie you know.
    That reminds me of all sorts of summer plans.
    Two summers ago.
    I fell in love with this girl, they type a girl you would like to marry because it would be nice and sensible.
    Too bad we were both 16.

  5. recall all of the tomatoes
    the peanut butter
    the rice cake crackers
    the leftover egg salad that was kept on the counter all night
    the rotten portion of my soul

    kiki weetz
  6. I recall the time when me and benjamin went tping and that night was perfect
    I recall the time when brayden carried me to the park with jeremey
    i really hope i get to see him again
    the word recall makes me think of old memories
    good and bad it almost makes me sad
    thats weird its a word I also use a lot well not a lot but sometimes or frequently when im being sarcastic hah its a funny word. I recall a lot of memories.

  7. Itn is hard to just recall simple things, yet you can remember incidents from your childhood, your youth and even your middle years. How is it that you can’t remember what you had for tea last night, but can remember what you had for tea the night your mother died, the day Princess Diana will killed, or when you had your first sexual encounter.

    Karen Johnson Mead
  8. I’ve been recalling a lot of my dreams recently. Two nights ago I met a girl in my dreams. She was infected w/ such sorrow. It’s weird, I don’t usually recall any of my dreams. Maybe I don’t dream anymore. But I’ve found that I can recall my dreams better after taking sleeping medication. Drugs..

    Yan Zhang
  9. recall your mother nature boy of my dreams

  10. I wish I could recall what it was about you that I noticed first. I still think I would have been okay, we could have gone on normally, but you had to go and smile.
    Sometimes I think that fact that I see you so often is a sign that I still have something to say.
    But what is it? I could never tell you that I love you. It would destroy me. Maybe I should tell you that I hate you, because I do. I don’t hate you, I inevitably end up loving you.

  11. memories of the future, the things i think and the things i will be. I recall everything and everyone that i want, and will and have known in my life. Recollection is sacred, without it we could never learn from our experiences. The world would be a much much worse place. Recall.

  12. i recall i already did this one, is it not a new day yet, did noone break u today? yes they may they may you do what u let them and when your broken they will take more than they can oh your out, well theres the door.

  13. I recall being in sixth grade, and hearing that I was chosen to go to Japan. I loved Japan–I loved the name, I loved the feeling that the photos gave me, of the brightly lit capital, and the smiling people flashing peace signs. They told me I was too young, at first, but maybe they realized that passion mattered more than a number on paper. Maybe passion means everything.

  14. has faded beyond recall or desire

    total recall– sci fi movie

    psych tests more recall than recognition because it is a better measure of how much you actually learned, according to my professor

  15. recall what i told you and think of nothing but i tell you dont think just write and recall recall it all memories and thoughts and places that you no longer care abut
    recall what people have said and done recall what you wanted to say to them and ewhat you wanted to do to them
    whether it be happy or sad just recall recall it all and think of nothing but it. so recall
    and live.

  16. To remember his face is almost a task. He was wearing a yellow hat and blue jeans. His black shirt was faded. It almost looked navy blue. I wish I could recall what his face looked like.

  17. i recall the time i was with your mom. it wasn’t as much fun as one might think. the night ended poorly, but i felt so rich. rich of the lack of your mom. she is a tramp, as i suspect you to be. But ill never know, because i just don’t care. I care about important things, sex, drugs, sex. not you.

  18. i recall one day I was heart broken by a boy that didnt deserve me in the first place. Recollection can be a painful way to get over the past.

  19. i recall when i was younger and i liked to dance alot, i danced wearing a hula skirt, i recall loving my boyfriend i recall a lot of interesting things i recall walking i recall trees and animals and many things other than that i recall tasting apple pie and i recall drinkin from a water bottle and i wonder now why i am writing this

  20. ok so i dont get what this guys problem is like i onviosuly like him and he is driving me nuts. i just want him to come back. i am sometimes lonley, but ultimately i am at a place in my life where i just want to do what i want to do. I dont want to worry abot anyone or anything. Just me. m

  21. I recall, when I was really young, how we would always go out, the group of us, and sit in the clearing… we each had our own tree. I recall..
    one time, I climbed up the big-kid one (the one reserved for our leader) and started crying because I couldn’t get down, and because I was angry.

  22. i don’t recall the memory very well. You see I was just a little girl. I remember the fire took many victims including my little brother. People were lined up everywhere. They had flooded out of that tiny apartment building so fast that most of them had forgotten those little trinkets and heirlomes that made them who they were.

  23. memories. thinking about the past. remember.

  24. i recall the time a guy i still reely liked kissed me evn if he didnt he did it cuz he sed it wuz fine he told me l8r that day it wuz the rite time i recall him and the 20 seconds that waz i wish i could have that agen!!!! i lov carlos!!!

  25. Today the pillow factory had a recall. Apparently they over stuffed the pillows (if that is possible). Customer complained that they were “too light and fluffy” and that they were having “sweet dreams of floating on a cloud” a local lawyer said that his clients were sleeping too well and no longer had the urge to sue. What does this say? That more sleep makes people happy.

  26. i used the phone. it was broke. i couldn´t call for a recall

  27. I recalled her beautiful face. I knew from the first time I saw her, she would be mine. But life went on. I hadn’t seen her in years. Then she walked through the door. Just as lovely as ever. I went over and embraced her. I looked at her and told her how much I loved her from the moment I saw her. We have been together ever since.

    J. M. Tomes
  28. I don’t recall what it was like to be married. I don’t recall what that kind of love felt like. I only recall having a baby and everything was differe nt from that day forward.
    I only recall the love of that child. I do not recall ever loving my husband the way I love that child. I only recall now that it was all over the day she was born. There is nothing like the unconditional love given to and received from a child.
    I am sorry I don’t recall his love. I only hope I will have it better next time and I will never forget the love of a man again.

  29. I recall the night the fire came and took my uncle away. The sky was already dampened with the tears of my family, the clouds were made out of our sadness. The burning light that was our uncle was extinguished by the blaze that night. I recall his death.

  30. memory, photos, friends, beach, life, eternity, space, family, sleep, dreams, good times, drunk nights, music, love, hate, world, vacations, travel, fights

    Erica Geggie
  31. “I don’t recall.”

    It’s a cop-out, yeah. A polite one. I’ve heard it, with its attempt at officialness. I’ve also heard the others… “I can’t remember, I’m not sure.”

    Whatever. You know you’re just scared to death to go there.

  32. theres too many times i’ve had to think about what i was going to do. stop thinking and start acting. your memories will lead you subconciously. the more you think, the less you will learn, the less fun you will have.

  33. Recall every memory inside my soul. Barrel down the consequences until i start to fold. Oh the people that i loved are getting old. I still miss our youth and how much we used to know.

    Hernan Guarderas
  34. I seem to recall a lot of things lately. Graduation is coming up and all I can do is think about everything I’ve done lately. Seems to me that things have been going well. Pieces fall into place and my future is looking like its going in the right direction. Good times

  35. what i remember of the past, memories, searching the many compartments of the brain for a piece of information.

  36. What is your name young man? I don’t seem to recall it?
    It’s Benny, Grandma, I’ve been here before. I come everyday to make sure you are okay.
    That’s nice of you. What did you say your name was?

  37. The act of calling again? It implies that you must have called once and nothing happened, so then a “recall” would be the next step. It works for phones as well as memories. You try and call up your brain and it doesn’t respond so you need to do it once more to get the right thought. Sort of like a wake up call, only for your brain. Only you have to do it twice.

  38. to call again =]

  39. i don’t recall when we started fighting.
    or when i changed into a terrible example of a girlfriend, or when i started to think that cheating really wasn’t so terrible…

    but nothing has changed since that moment.
    i don’t care anymore, if i hurt you, because i’ve been hurt so much more.

  40. Recall reminds me of the movie “Perfect Recall”. I’ve never even seen it but it reminds me of that regardless. It also reminds me of psychology, when I studied memory. There was this experiment I had to do where I had to recall some words. I failed at that class. I still remember a lot of memory stuff though. I just don’t blabber on about it.
