mirrors are often deceiving. reflections can be skewed, and the looker never quite knows if what they’re seeing is real. perception is also a huge factor. is what’s in the mirror what others see?
A reflection ppol. a mirror with cracks in it. what do you see when you look in the mirror? have you ever been surprised by what you see? have you ever seen your reflection and said “oh, well hello there.” who are you today?
A reflection is almost like another world. It seems you can be a whole different person in your reflection. I sometimes wonder if the reflection world is better then the real world.
I look upon myself and see someone with my eyes. Someone changes. someone who has dreams. I just see someone whos me.
picture mirror you eyes face hair lips nose torso legs shirt pants necklace jeans hands
I look in the mirror and see my reflection. It’s not familiar but is at the same time… i wonder how i’ll look like in a year or twenty. if i’ll be prettier or uglier. if i’ll be more mature. if whats on the inside is shown on whats on the outside. i look in the mirror.. will i see me?
i looked into the mirror and saw the reflection of someone not my own- someone meek, raw, and somewhat manic zealous. i tried my hardest to figure out who this new person was and where they had come, but it only made sense that it was myself.
I saw your reflection on my window pane, but I didn’t let you in. You’d hurt me way too many times already and my heart just couldn’t take another stitch.
The parakeet stood in front of the mirror, utterly fasinated with his reflection. He sang to it, crooned to it, and laid out his entire repetoir of stored up sounds trying to get his mirrored image to make some independent response.
You look in the mirror what do you see?
You look into water…what do you see?
Could look at your reflection many many times….and realize that what matters is what YOU see not what anyone else sees.
Your reflection is YOU
I saw my reflection in the water and knew something had to be done, and fast. The porcupines were getting away; it was only a matter of time before all the ice cubes were gone from the land. The water rippled. They were close.
sometimes i look in the mirror and am appalled by my reflection. not because i look bad, but because sometimes i dont know who i am. i look but dont see. its just a blur of thought, my reflection scares me and i don’t know how to define it. i hate not being able to understand who i am, or what my purpose is.
reflection; deceiving image. pitiful attempt to convey third person perspective to me, the first. backwards and highly variable, how can i ever trust you? to delve deeper, how can i trust any reflection? whether physical or spiritual?
seanna nichols
iv been here before. i know where i am. i just cant tell what im looking for. this is me no matter what i could do. regardless of this pain, ill never change. i cant get through.
It’s difficult to respect the reflection I see in the pond before me. It’s looming, and bulky, but somehow I still occupy that shadow.
Mirrors, showing what we least like to see, the lies, the facade, the eating away at ourselves from the inside out. That’s the thing really, it’s from the outside in that makes it worse. Reflection spurs reflection, internal and external
mirror images abound
glass sunshine cresting portraits
live on smooth surface tension
magic euphoria bliss you are forever in my heart
As blood spilled from my nose, and my head hung low, a pool formed, and with time it became large enough to reflect the guillotine blade above me.
picture. myself i see it do what i do i cant get away from this imitation. no matter what i do i cant get away from the hatred, the sorrow of what i really am the shame of this me that i cant change.
I looked at my reflection in the water. Brightly shining, glistening, reflecting the image of me. I wave but the image stays still. What has happened to me?
reflection is not thinking and thinking so hard that your mind goes blank. sometimes it makes you cry and sometimes it makes you crazy and most of the time it is just something you need. reflection is also that one song mulan sings to herself in the disney classic. reflection is really being honest about what you see when you look in the mirror every day; it is about no longer denying what you are. for everything, bad and good and in between.
Mirror of me and society, me plus them make we, governments what i see, love, blood, sweat, tears you fail, your trash, outcome the deepest of my fears. Some run but i embrace anyone of the mirros i face after i curse it then its over, i start over like its the first, Getting older with time quenches my thirst then its over like the words to this verse. My reflection, likes yours a face of family and friends. Do you see yourself as a person well it all depends on definitions values and boundries.
Gabriel T Flores III
I don’t know what I see in it, I just feel the presence of something much more than myself. It’s strange the person looking at me, she looks like me but it couldn’t be me it’s just not right.
it creates growth. look back upon something and see the good, bad, right, wrong. it is a process of thought, of writing, of conversations.
Hannah Rhea
A shadow of a reflection of an image
Smoothed back hair, arms slid through jacket arms, pants pulled up and adjusted with a few well-placed hops up and down. He brushes a bit of lint off the front of his shirt, looks at the mirror, and grins at himself.
“Lookin’ good, Touchdown.”
He couldn’t look at him, save for the reflection in the mirror. How was he taking the news that his wife was to be his husband? Or even just that his wife wasn’t a woman any longer? Would he keep him in suspense forever? Could they survive beyond this moment, this tear in the seams of their life together?
reflect on you
who have you become
who will you be
are you enough
reflection of yourself is very important. it is essential to take a step back from time to time and analyze what you’re thinking and doing. although other’s opinions aren’t as relevant, it is a good idea to consider what those opinions may be to better yourself.
jen bowers
In my time in the ed community I have had many opportunities to reflect on the good and the bad of our Ed system. President Obama
I could see my reflection peering back at me before I took that tumble into the pond. I came up, sputtering, angry. Angry that is, until I saw the reason I had fallen. There she was, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. “Sorry,” she said as she reached out to help me up.
your reflection in the mirror isnt just what you look like. it is you comletly only you, everything you arent, everything you wish to be, and everything you will be. see yourself in that light. its scary.
Look in the mirror. See nothing. You fail. He failed. You pretended. You saw something you liked in the reflection. It was not reality.
mirror, water. but clouded. always slanted. reflection of thoughts and perceptions on what is being reflected, creates the reflection itself. No reflection is honest, totally. real.
Anne Meyers-Welsch
Someone might as well have held a mirror to her face. She realized she was all wrong, they were right. As much as she hated to admit it, she’d made all the wrong choices – since it’s the choices that make you who you are, she couldn’t help but to condemn herself for her iniquities
i see this when i look into a mirror. i look at it and i see me. i can see myself in the pool of water. my reflection ripples with the waves. i look back and have reflections about my life. i think about the past and reflect on what could have been.
kristen Wise
the mirror shows my face. It is imperfect, but it is mine. My face. Myfears. My love. My eyes. My soul. My reflection.
Cory Knoll
I see my relection. I see myself. But all I see is no one. I’m still figuring who I am. What I want to be. What I want in life.
Reflections in mirrors. everyone has one, they look oposite of what you are. but the truth is theres another world in there. one where everything is backwards. we just can’t get there because of our inability to feel. when we think back on things that’s reflection and that’s a bit different.
Danny Kimble
relflection is like the word relation reflection i needed to retype it cuz i spelled it wrong the first time but didnt really want to go back back to where it all began my fingers dont fir the board tonight put it on the booooard baby bay bay love me forever and tenderly.
mirrors are often deceiving. reflections can be skewed, and the looker never quite knows if what they’re seeing is real. perception is also a huge factor. is what’s in the mirror what others see?
A reflection ppol. a mirror with cracks in it. what do you see when you look in the mirror? have you ever been surprised by what you see? have you ever seen your reflection and said “oh, well hello there.” who are you today?
A reflection is almost like another world. It seems you can be a whole different person in your reflection. I sometimes wonder if the reflection world is better then the real world.
I look upon myself and see someone with my eyes. Someone changes. someone who has dreams. I just see someone whos me.
picture mirror you eyes face hair lips nose torso legs shirt pants necklace jeans hands
I look in the mirror and see my reflection. It’s not familiar but is at the same time… i wonder how i’ll look like in a year or twenty. if i’ll be prettier or uglier. if i’ll be more mature. if whats on the inside is shown on whats on the outside. i look in the mirror.. will i see me?
i looked into the mirror and saw the reflection of someone not my own- someone meek, raw, and somewhat manic zealous. i tried my hardest to figure out who this new person was and where they had come, but it only made sense that it was myself.
I saw your reflection on my window pane, but I didn’t let you in. You’d hurt me way too many times already and my heart just couldn’t take another stitch.
The parakeet stood in front of the mirror, utterly fasinated with his reflection. He sang to it, crooned to it, and laid out his entire repetoir of stored up sounds trying to get his mirrored image to make some independent response.
You look in the mirror what do you see?
You look into water…what do you see?
Could look at your reflection many many times….and realize that what matters is what YOU see not what anyone else sees.
Your reflection is YOU
I saw my reflection in the water and knew something had to be done, and fast. The porcupines were getting away; it was only a matter of time before all the ice cubes were gone from the land. The water rippled. They were close.
sometimes i look in the mirror and am appalled by my reflection. not because i look bad, but because sometimes i dont know who i am. i look but dont see. its just a blur of thought, my reflection scares me and i don’t know how to define it. i hate not being able to understand who i am, or what my purpose is.
reflection; deceiving image. pitiful attempt to convey third person perspective to me, the first. backwards and highly variable, how can i ever trust you? to delve deeper, how can i trust any reflection? whether physical or spiritual?
iv been here before. i know where i am. i just cant tell what im looking for. this is me no matter what i could do. regardless of this pain, ill never change. i cant get through.
It’s difficult to respect the reflection I see in the pond before me. It’s looming, and bulky, but somehow I still occupy that shadow.
Mirrors, showing what we least like to see, the lies, the facade, the eating away at ourselves from the inside out. That’s the thing really, it’s from the outside in that makes it worse. Reflection spurs reflection, internal and external
mirror images abound
glass sunshine cresting portraits
live on smooth surface tension
magic euphoria bliss you are forever in my heart
As blood spilled from my nose, and my head hung low, a pool formed, and with time it became large enough to reflect the guillotine blade above me.
picture. myself i see it do what i do i cant get away from this imitation. no matter what i do i cant get away from the hatred, the sorrow of what i really am the shame of this me that i cant change.
I looked at my reflection in the water. Brightly shining, glistening, reflecting the image of me. I wave but the image stays still. What has happened to me?
reflection is not thinking and thinking so hard that your mind goes blank. sometimes it makes you cry and sometimes it makes you crazy and most of the time it is just something you need. reflection is also that one song mulan sings to herself in the disney classic. reflection is really being honest about what you see when you look in the mirror every day; it is about no longer denying what you are. for everything, bad and good and in between.
Mirror of me and society, me plus them make we, governments what i see, love, blood, sweat, tears you fail, your trash, outcome the deepest of my fears. Some run but i embrace anyone of the mirros i face after i curse it then its over, i start over like its the first, Getting older with time quenches my thirst then its over like the words to this verse. My reflection, likes yours a face of family and friends. Do you see yourself as a person well it all depends on definitions values and boundries.
I don’t know what I see in it, I just feel the presence of something much more than myself. It’s strange the person looking at me, she looks like me but it couldn’t be me it’s just not right.
it creates growth. look back upon something and see the good, bad, right, wrong. it is a process of thought, of writing, of conversations.
A shadow of a reflection of an image
Smoothed back hair, arms slid through jacket arms, pants pulled up and adjusted with a few well-placed hops up and down. He brushes a bit of lint off the front of his shirt, looks at the mirror, and grins at himself.
“Lookin’ good, Touchdown.”
He couldn’t look at him, save for the reflection in the mirror. How was he taking the news that his wife was to be his husband? Or even just that his wife wasn’t a woman any longer? Would he keep him in suspense forever? Could they survive beyond this moment, this tear in the seams of their life together?
reflect on you
who have you become
who will you be
are you enough
reflection of yourself is very important. it is essential to take a step back from time to time and analyze what you’re thinking and doing. although other’s opinions aren’t as relevant, it is a good idea to consider what those opinions may be to better yourself.
In my time in the ed community I have had many opportunities to reflect on the good and the bad of our Ed system. President Obama
I could see my reflection peering back at me before I took that tumble into the pond. I came up, sputtering, angry. Angry that is, until I saw the reason I had fallen. There she was, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. “Sorry,” she said as she reached out to help me up.
your reflection in the mirror isnt just what you look like. it is you comletly only you, everything you arent, everything you wish to be, and everything you will be. see yourself in that light. its scary.
Look in the mirror. See nothing. You fail. He failed. You pretended. You saw something you liked in the reflection. It was not reality.
mirror, water. but clouded. always slanted. reflection of thoughts and perceptions on what is being reflected, creates the reflection itself. No reflection is honest, totally. real.
Someone might as well have held a mirror to her face. She realized she was all wrong, they were right. As much as she hated to admit it, she’d made all the wrong choices – since it’s the choices that make you who you are, she couldn’t help but to condemn herself for her iniquities
i see this when i look into a mirror. i look at it and i see me. i can see myself in the pool of water. my reflection ripples with the waves. i look back and have reflections about my life. i think about the past and reflect on what could have been.
the mirror shows my face. It is imperfect, but it is mine. My face. Myfears. My love. My eyes. My soul. My reflection.
I see my relection. I see myself. But all I see is no one. I’m still figuring who I am. What I want to be. What I want in life.
Reflections in mirrors. everyone has one, they look oposite of what you are. but the truth is theres another world in there. one where everything is backwards. we just can’t get there because of our inability to feel. when we think back on things that’s reflection and that’s a bit different.
relflection is like the word relation reflection i needed to retype it cuz i spelled it wrong the first time but didnt really want to go back back to where it all began my fingers dont fir the board tonight put it on the booooard baby bay bay love me forever and tenderly.