
December 21st, 2010 | 356 Entries

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356 Entries for “rejection”

  1. rejection. well everyone at one point feels rejection but the word rejection sounds like injection like a shot or something then that makes me think of like getting injected with super power stuff like becoming spiderman. spiderman was rejected a lot!

    Ashley Lynn
  2. Its something i always feel deep down inside. No matter where I go, it always seems to follow me. Loneliness, despair, grief — all these feelings of hopelessness. All because of this damned word: rejection.

  3. Rejection is one of the worst feelings in the world. But when you’re the one doing the rejecting, it can make you feel like the most powerful person in the world. It hurts. It’s lethal. It sucks. That’s life.

  4. “This isn’t what we’re looking for,” as the paper slid back across the table.
    The shadow of a hand covered my face. Cold. Didn’t you want to see me? After the countless hours you spent with your eyes fixed on mine, couldn’t you bear to look at me?
    If I’m not what you were looking for, if I truly have no use, what will become of me?
    Was I born only to die?
    Was I created only to be rejected?

  5. Rejection is the worst thing ever. The feeling that you are not good enough for anyone. That you are worthless. It isn’t very much about the other person at all, that the other person doesn’t want you doesn’t matter. The feeling that no one will ever want you, however, sucks donkey balls.

  6. It’s awful. A stinking pile of awful. Shunned. and bummed. Why don’t you want me? what is wrong with me? ohhh self worth where are you now? why is jimmy a more valuable boyfriend than myself? oh why god whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  7. when you are a loser and you have no style and people do not think you are cool. they may say you are lame and should go live in a hole. you try to do something but you fail because you are not smart enough or not strong enough or not cool enough. also you are dumb for trying something with the thought of being rejected.

  8. it stung him worse than any bee could ever attempt to, her rejection. that pinching in his heart would forever become a cramp, clinching him from ever feeling love again.

  9. It’s improb­a­ble to think that by the end of my life, I will have faced at least fifty rejec­tions. Maybe I’m giv­ing myself too much crit­i­cism (or not enough), but my dif­fi­cul­ties with the male pop­u­la­tion have left us at an agree­ment that regard­less of my phys­i­cal attrac­tion, my per­son­al­ity will never coax well with a man.
    It’s not as though the thought of rejec­tion depresses me — I see it as a rather stim­u­lus les­son — but the idea that I may actu­ally spend my life alone.
    I’ve often faced rejection, whether from family or peers, yet it’s not some frightening horror that taunts me in the back of my mind, but a rather engaging reality that regardless of how many times I face rejection, I will still have the strength and confidence to be, dare I say it, myself.

  10. I’ve never had it, but I think I might be afraid of it if I knew how it felt. It sounds terribly narcissistic, but it’s actually true. I’m very fortunate, but I probably won’t be forever.

  11. it hurts me so badly. I experience it far too often. I wonder if there is a way to make other people feel it like I do. That’s terrible…. oh god

    oh god

    oh god

    oh god

  12. Rejection is a harsh word that people might have negative thoughts about. The experience of rejection might have a negative psychological effect on someone’s life.

    Bassam Sheef
  13. loss, the lack of hope, I know what it is to be rejected. Lost and without hope, standing in the world alone. Wishing you were with someone with all your heart and soul.

  14. It’s improbable to think that by the end of my life, I will have faced at least fifty rejections. Maybe I’m giving myself too much criticism (or not enough), but my difficulties with the male population have left us at an agreement that regardless of my physical attraction, my personality will never coax well with a man.
    It’s not as though the thought of rejection depresses me — I see it as a rather stimulus lesson — but the idea that I may actually spend my life alone.

  15. Rejection is made of two parts; its a compound word.
    It’s the eject button of Relationships. That’s how it started and that’s what it is. It hurts the most when one is falling and the other ejects, floating to safety somewhere nearby. Sometimes you need to eject because you’re crashing or when it looks like it’ll crash, and always, always when someone is scared in the relationship. Or scared of starting one. Rejection is the Eject button of relationships

  16. Rejection is being left, wether it’s the first time you’ve met someone or after a long and important relationship. Feeling rejection is not fun. It stings.

  17. Rejection. I can’t handle your Rejection.
    Instead, give me a better reason to hate you so I can stop following you.
    Instead, give me answers and so I’m can stop asking what if.
    Instead, don’t make me be your crutch and learn to hold yourself up.
    Instead, stop playing games with me and tell me the truth.
    Instead, don’t mess with my heart and make it fight my logic.
    Instead, let me go.
    Instead, make me forget you. Hate you.
    Instead, leave me alone.
    Just be with me.
    I can’t handle your Rejection.

  18. I have been rejected so many times in my life. Every time I think I love someone or care about someone I’ve been rejected. It’s like no one wants me or needs me. Have I ever been wanted or needed? I feel so lost and afraid. So alone. I wish someone wouldn’t reject me so I wouldn’t be alone.

  19. Patrick, Daniel, Cameron, Kyle, I’m sure there’s others. It’s that feeling in my gut where I know it’s already too late, and it is horrendous. I can’t eat anything, and everything is blurry.

  20. jessie slid behind a tree just as a giant mechanical spider like structure rose to the top of the hill. “my god, “she thought, “it was an enemy long thought dead, the insane artificial intelligence known as, ‘rick rejection

  21. Let down. Alone. No one but yourself. But you can’t reject yourself unless you allow others to shape your definition of self. Don’t. Stand up and be one. Then, no one can reject you because ultimately you are you and that is that.

  22. Rejection is the reason everyone is so afraid of falling in love. Its the reason why we let those we love go. Rejection Hurts.

  23. rejection is one of the worst feelings in the world. the time that rejection most hurts is when you want someone or something with a passion and your turned down. with technology rejection has become as simple as rejecting someones friendship on facebook. its sad how feelings can we hurt from something so little.

  24. It was just the smallest twitch of his eye, but it was everything. Suddenly, all was clear: all the excuses, all the procrastination, all the rationalization.

    Dan Weathersbee
  25. women men people relationships letters love school money loans health disease medicine military

  26. loss, loneleliness, fear of rejection, fear of knowing no one really cares, she is alone and scared, knowing rejection intimately.

    Andrea Schnadelbach
  27. The beer sopping his shirt, his pants, his armor, his face… it hardly fazed him. He was used to such treatment by now. In fact, some would argue (loudly) that he deserved it. However, one rejection after another would not stop his ambition, nor stomp on his dreams. Somewhere out there was a girl for him… he just had to find her. …Preferably one with a nice ass.

  28. Something we are all afraid of. Something that makes us cry. Something that is way too abundant in today’s world. We pray for the day it is conquered by acceptance, and we can all live free.

  29. THe worst feeling in the whole world. I never want to be rejected; or, rather, I think, with me, i don’t want others to know I have been rejected. I can be rejected just fine on my own. Public rejection is the worst. Especially by a male. Which is why I’m not only letting people in who love at my level. It’s a form of protection from rejection. Love at our level.

  30. I should have known all along. You didn’t want to be here. You did everything you could to escape…I should have seen the clues. Color me dense. And when I finally found the strength to move on, you finally realized what you had lost. I wonder why it took me so long.

  31. REjection is one of the most hated feelings of all time. Yet it is one of the most common. Rejection from love interests, friends, jobs, arguments. No matter what we are doing, it seems like we’re pursuing something, and more commonly losing. Or we’re scared of losing, in which case we don’t even try.

  32. I was rejected from the Kettle Chips franchise because I had a suspicious looking grey lump on my back. People can die from eating those things. If only I were a worthy enough potato, like my older brother Jimmy.

  33. one world should have a fare deal to all human being and animals too. proper house school, food, clothes lots of children.

  34. My mom and I are always rejecting one another and to me I think it’s fun, however she gets mad a lot. It’s times like this when I think of all the times we went to theme parks, you know, six flags, the worlds of Disney; that we kind of got together, and stopped hating one another so much.

    Will Durham
  35. Why are we so afraid of rejection? When people ask me what I am afraid of I am ashamed to tell them I’m deathly afraid of rejection, of being alone. But why? It’s not like I am the only one. I think it’s because to admit we fear rejection, a natural occurrence in life, we admit defeat in a way.

  36. I’ve already told you how I feel about this word. And you disapproved. So i’ll keep trying, I’ll put my face in the dirt, I’ll come over to your house and mow your lawn every Wednesday, whatever it takes to get you to see what I have to offer. Still, I have the feeling you’ll keep shaking your head sadly.

  37. the first time i was about 12 and in elementary school. My heart was broken and even a trip to dysneyland didn’t relieve my rejection

  38. I was rejected by many people at first only by appearance. But over time my personality grew onto them and we became good friends. Do not judge a book by its cover.

  39. I’m afraid of rejection so much it hinders me from what I really want. Love, attention, affection, a relationship on more than a “just friend” level. I don’t know how one gets over rejection. How does one learn to live without the fear of rejection in their life?

  40. A rejection letter is never good…or maybe sometimes it is. It means that you weren’t accepted. Unaccepted. Denied. Thrown away. Forgotten. Rejected.