
September 19th, 2009 | 497 Entries

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497 Entries for “resist”

  1. ygyug ygyug yfdsussdhf dgfsdfshgfjs sdfhhsjhghdsj shgfjshgfjshg kkghfsjhdgf sdfhjhgshfgiresla ahasfays asdasgasgas sas as a akdegege

  2. It was hard to resist the urge to just give up. They’d been at it for days and still hadn’t found either of their missing crew members. The odds of them haveing even survived the storm was slim, and the oddd of them makeing it to an island were non-existant. But still they continued the search, because if there was anything those two were known for, it was making the impossible: possible.

  3. i couldn’t. it’s easy to say that he came on to me, but i didn’t stop him, did i?
    she was heartbroken, but she deserved it. i truly convinced myself of that.
    because a year later, i decided i loved him. what had started as a release of sexual tension had become more meaningful than i had ever wanted.

  4. I must resist this urge to run away as soon as you come walking to me, cause I know you come from the bar…

  5. I resist!

  6. it is futile to do so except some of the greatest people in history are the ones who resist the traditions or oppressive systems that we create and impose on each other. electricity has resistance that’s something too…

  7. I find it hard to resist. Almost anything is hard to resist, for me. I am good at not putting sugar in my tea, though. Otherwise I am pretty unresisting.

  8. I’m trying to resist the urge to cry. There’s a rather familiar lump in my throat that tells me there are tears wanting to come out.
    I won’t let them this time. It’s simply not worth it.

  9. I like furnitures

  10. Resist the urge. Why though? Why should you not go with your instincts? Whats going to happen so awful that you’ll never be able to get over it? Nothing. Don’t resist. Go with it. Do it. There is no reason to say no.

  11. You shouldn’t resist fate. It is the most unresistable thing in the entier world because it controls your whole world of being. Does this remind you of Neji Hyuuga? It’s because he fits so well with Gaara. Gaara is my favorite Naruto character, so it is very possible that Neji would also be availiable in my train of thought. Resist also reminds me of a tight rope.

  12. Jeremy didn’t like the BMW, but he had to deal with it. It was his dad’s and for all he knew he was being watched by him now. That was because Jeremy’s father was insane.

    Anyways, Jeremy was hit by a toilet in a couple of seconds. That’s because his dad was watching.

    Carson R. Dick
  13. its hard to resist many things in life. there are so many temptations. but one must resist to truely have lived a complete and of course safe life. but its always fun to dream about those things in life that arehard to resist

  14. life is beautiful when we can earn passive income as per the require.

  15. resist temptations vitious

  16. I find it hard to resist things that I know I will regret later, whether it be that extra helping of food at dinner or staying up an hour later when I have to get up early. But some things will never change.

  17. i love boobies

    boobie lover pete
  18. resist
    resistance is key to a long life
    for if you resist that which holds you back
    is yours.

    so, resist

  19. resist the erge to spell check, you dont have time

  20. Don’t resist the love of another person. That is the one thing we are all searching for. If only somebody would love me.

  21. resist


    push away



  22. is amessage to those that don’t beleive conforming is the answer so i am here to tell you about a web site that can help you in case of a resistment:
  23. Don’t try to resist change. It is inevitable and the way of the world. Everything changes. Your self-concept. The world around. You grow older. You even go from full to hungry. That is change. Change is all around you. You can’t stop it so embrace it!

  24. stubborn person

  25. “no” i said, pulling away. i had to resist him.
    it couldn’t happen again.
    not after last time
    “come on, please? it’ll be fun. i promise” he said with the devilish smile i knew all too well.
    i had to resist.
    i could resist.
    i couldn’t.
    i was giving in.

  26. to combat the resources of tyranny that attempt to batter and stimie us by holding us to the status quo.

  27. To resist temptation would be like running from a cheetah; simply impossible. It was from that day on that I gave up trying to avoid the inevitable. Life is life, and temptation is impossible to resist.

  28. It got harder to resist you, the moment I kissed you. It was easier at first, but then it because impossible.

  29. Ugh, I tried to resist. But the urge was just too strong. It was like my own feet were carrying me, against my will, to that which I said I would never again let near myself. It is too powerful, and I want it too much… no, no! Not again! But I come closer, and there it is… so good… I can’t… resist! CHOCOLATE!

  30. im thinking about something to write down for the word resist right now… resist, resist the temptation to write down about resist. what am i doing hmm i need to ahve a shower i should resist the procrastination of it… mm resisting

  31. You must resist, and live to be un conformist, live to breathe, live to be who you want to be, and no one else. Just resist, all the pain that others bring, all the suffering, just be who you want to be.

  32. I can’t resist forming a sentence with the word “resist” !

    Quah BL
  33. I tried to restist the strong temptation in front of me, i could feel sweat drbbling down my face. I couldnt resist any longer, i had to do it. I reached out to take his hand, but it was gone.

    Rhiannon Kiloh
  34. resistance is futile… dyke.

  35. do not resist… you want my cock.

  36. it appears my arse wishes to take a big monster shit, but i will resist as i am still wearing clothes, and it is demmed inappropriate to shit with your clothes on.

    steve french
  37. I have to resist the temptation to call you, to text you… to feel the need to say your name in random conversation. It has been a long time since we last spoke to each other. I miss you, my best friend.

  38. It is hard to resist chocolate cake in the night. It’s sweet taste entertains my mouth even before I take a bite. I can’t resist anything tactile … or tasty … or quieting.

  39. It is easier to resist temtation as you get older, easier to know your own mind. But it is a little sad that you are no longer free to make as many mistakes and therefore find yourself in fewer unusual situations you can learn from.

  40. hat i do when there is something i need to accept for my onwn good and refuse to accept. i make excuses, i reframe i recolour i rearrange facts i repeat past experiences, i just persist. the wys of this are deep and broad but have a single focus denial. denial that what i want to be is not, denial that what i think or feel can be wrong or can be changed or can be improved upon. deep in thesense that mostly the things i resist have roots in early disappointments and messages, often untrue, that floated in and hooked on to some part ofme that was still fresh, impressionable, open, – somepart of me that had not or could not yet make distinctions between opionins, other people’s points of view, temporary states and immutable truths! learning that the brain can be rewired through repetative exposure to alternate views and stimuli has helped me take charge of that which i resist in the interests of becoming more whole.
