
May 5th, 2009 | 89 Entries

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89 Entries for “return”

  1. I want to return back to the place where you’ll love me again. Back back back, where nothing matters. Not money, not food,

    just us.

    Kaila Karate
  2. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever come back to this place
    If I even want to
    Or if, when I walk away, it will be for the last time

    What reasons have I to return?

    What reasons have I to stay?

    I don’t know if my path
    will lead me straight or in circles

  3. foreign aid has diminshing returns in the bottom billion. the only way to get beyond that is opening up to other policy instruments in the bottom billion. Read Collier’s bottom billion.

  4. the word return is used a lot mainly to tell people that you will be back or that you are making a new paragraph. It can be used in place of the word ‘back’ sometimes. this is actually a lot harder than i originally thought. this minute is taking longer that a normal minute.

    Jennifer Robertson
  5. return with me to the place we once used to be. together and happy and in love. return to me so we can feel that again. so we can feel alive again. return to that state of mind with me, love.

  6. She was going to have to return, but she kept hesitating. There was too much baggage there- too much hurt. How could she go back to that? But one thing was for certain. She could not move forward unless she did.

  7. The ceremony was glorious. The prince had returned, but there were whispers in the street. The Carentian woman with him had caused the largest stir, sending the guards into apoplectic fits when the prince nearly knocked the captain unconscious when he laid hands on her.

    Christen Dodson
  8. When I return home, I will be a different person. No one ever returns the same person they left. Returning equals losing something, but sometimes nothing is sweeter than returning. I don’t generally enjoy returning. I like to keep going. It’s an adventure, and returning is inevitably the end of the adventure.

  9. i left him for the man next door. we didnt know what would happen to our future, but i had to do it. i just had to plunge forward and not look back. i think we both realized that something like this would happen, but really, its easy to be in denial about something like that. especially when yo’ve been with this person as long as i have. he was my high school sweetheart but i had to figure out myself and find things that i like…..theres no return!

  10. i will return the sweater i bought from The Too Thin Shop. What was I thinking? THE name alone should have warned me, but it looked so darn pretty on the model. I need to have my eyes examined or my head examined, or something. They should rename it the Way Too Think Shop. Lane Bryant.

    kim Fast
  11. the return of the gulls signalled a change in Susan. She had always watched eagerly as the huge gray and white birds fought and screeched amongst themselves on the beach, and she would happily make up stories about the ones that followed her Daddy out to sea. This year, however, the gulls represented for her a dark and ominous coming–the coming of fishing season, and the fear and sorrow that followed her like a cloud now.

  12. “I’m not sure I know why I’m here,” I said, as I played with the stones on the ground with my toes.

    “Me either,” he answered. I was quite aware that he was staring straight at me, waiting for something more than my sheepish embarrassment.

  13. I returned the box to him this weekend. It seems like I’m returning all the love, all the memories of the past three years. I will never look back.

  14. Back down the road to the grocery store where as kids we used to buy sweets because we liked the smile the old man had. Now the old man walks faster than me, I can’t catch my breath and continue the walk to the store.

  15. There are places I don’t want to go back to. Not physical places like an old lovers house or where a bad memory happened, but chronological and mental places. There are times I wish never to return to and states of mind I will forever seek to be apart from.

    Andrew Meare
  16. coming home from far away, families smiling and welcoming you back.

  17. are you going back to the one who loves you, or are you going back to the one you love? someone’s going to cry when they know they’ve lost you, someone’s going to thank the heavens above.

    chris tse
  18. Return home. Return to your roots. These make me feel safe.

    Return what you borrowed. Return a favour. These make me feel anxious.

  19. come back

  20. item
    Maryems leg

  21. i think of return like to return to a town or a state

  22. to return a gun. Returning a brooke trout to the water

  23. volver
    to arrive back
    return from vacation to my house

  24. money, barrowed, used, it reveive back

  25. The return on her investment seemed to be paying off. If she could just hold one another week, then everything would fall in to place. A week…that already felt like an eternity and it hadn’t even begun.

  26. My return was long and arduous but at last, I was where I needed to be and at the right time. The outgoing journey had been harsh, but nothing compared to the return. Sometimes, it feels like restarting and giving up but to be honest, it feels like starting over. Renewal.

  27. As he walked away my yearned for him to return to me. I wanted us to go back to the way things were. The way they were when none of this mattered. When it was just about me and him .

  28. Return to sender the email said. I spent hours working and reworking the text, it finally read the way i wanted it to. The words flowed and made perfect sense. I got the point across, and i knew that the email would tie up and loose ends. i worked and fretted, and in the send, it said, return to sender.

    Rusty Rhodes
  29. I went away for a long time. My return was a big day. I returned to my home after being gone for 7 years. My hwole life changed. Everything I loved had been torn down and replaced by something new and different.

  30. estaba regresando del calor del dia, volviendo al fresco de la noche. una copa de vino agonizaba sola en la mesita de noche de mi marido. decidi resistir a ella , pero, no encontré forma alguna de decir que no. hacía seis meses que no tomaba nada. pero, ya no pude más, el alchool le ganó a mi marido.

    laura Mercedes Martinez
  31. I would love to return to the place that I was happiest at. this word for me means that I have accomplished all that I wasntred to accomplish in life. If I was to return I would need a really good reason for it and I would know that it was for life. I would come backj and I would be content in the fact that I would ahve great storeis to tell adn be happy with what I accomplished in life.

  32. If I’m not back by Easter. Hide the eggs without me.

  33. I had to return a book to the library. it was long overdue. I didn’t intend to wait this long to take it back, but i got so caught up in it. The romance of the word and page gave me strength. As long as i don’t turn that last page, this book doesn’t have to end.

  34. For thousands of years the ship had travelled through space, visiting hundreds of star systems. Finally, when it got a bit repetitive, the crew decided it was time to return.

    Rich Lessing
  35. return to me, once again she said, and so he did . their lives from then on in where a whirl wind of emotion, lust, adventure and passion. theres lives became one again, as they should have been, as they will always now be, and how their fates had been destined

  36. please don’t return. it doesn’t mean as much to me now as it did then.

    b copeland
  37. back to me and not before turn again and remind the strictures not too soon

    Rile Crumble
  38. I would love to return to the time in my life just before everything went wrong. I have many regrets but I would do things differently and fix it all if I could.

  39. I returned to the very spot years later. The stain was still there, undeterred, staring me in the face, willing me to look away.
    Who could have said semen would be so difficult to wash away from naked wood?

    Nathalie (Spacedlaw)
  40. Where did the return key go ? It has been replaced by the enter key. I enjoyed the return key because it gave me a sense of home. Hey there is a home key, maybe I’ll just use that instead. FU return key…I hope you never come back.
