
March 21st, 2009 | 295 Entries

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295 Entries for “reward”

  1. i feel like i am always wanting one of these but never truly am satisfied with the every day rewards i receive. i also feel like i never get to reward anyone with anything significant

  2. fuuuuuuuuuuck you you fucking website, i don’t want to write about this fucking gay word. but i am. and i don’t know why…boredom? most likely….

    am i having fun doing this? possibly…if i weren’t i think i would’ve hit the stumble button by now.

    so now what?

    matt winingham
  3. reward is a gift given by someone special for doing a special task that is special to you are that special person who gave you that special reward for that special thing that you did

  4. As a young girl. i knew i deserved a reward, but all i got was a messed up head, extreme bi-polar, depression..and a screwed up family. I d0ont know what i did to get all this bad karma, but it must of been something bad. Or just not worth the good things in life..

  5. i feel rewarded by a job well done but for some reason the anticipation of trying to achieve that reward leads me to sabotage my chances of getting said reward by procrastinating, as I can assure you I am doing now. Will I be rewarded, do you think?

    Clancy Balkis Catelin
  6. something that you get when you are good and have behaved maybe a chocolate or candy or a present from mum. I like rewards a lot because they reinforce behavior and make me less confused about what to do and how to behave in life. Maybe one day rewards will be a bad thing, the meaning of the word will change and then people will be very confused and anxious!!-

    Megan Hartridge
  7. reward is the value received from doing what was intended for the task. We are all rewarded when we do what is in our best interest.

    Ryan Best
  8. i couldn’t have imagined my good luck. first, he did not think i was entirely insane – a bit, but that’s to be expected – he moved in with me, we’re roommates, he’s my best friend. when i kissed him he looked at me, shocked, and then leaned into me; it was all the reward i needed.

  9. you get it when you do something good. it always make people happy, its something to work for, sometimes money, it makes people happy and do better. Good way to get someone to do somehthing is to tell them they will get an reward. Like a pay

  10. do you earn a reward? maybe. rewards are suppose to be special. not given as punishment. you must do things right, help someone, show some effort. not just given as a good deed.

  11. I fell into a giant vat of orange sauce and realized that this was what I had earned. Out of all the beauty pageant contestants I was the most ambitious and here I was face first in this vat of orange sauce. I wanted to scream and throw the hissy fit that was caught in my throat, but I knew that this was my reward.

  12. I never needed a reward. I only want the best in life for myself and for others.
    He thinks this is a game that he must “win”.
    No one will win here. No rewards.
    Must think of the child. That is the only one that deserves an award. He threatens suicide and screams when I leave. I have an affair. I don’t care for him. He thinks he cares for me.
    He held a fucking knife to his throat! Who the hell does that? OF COURSE I’m keeping him from his son. I must protect him from seeing these things. I’ve dealt with this for 5 fucking years. I have put in my time. I have tried to fix him. I’m tired of locking up the sharp instruments in the house. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of the drama. The dramatic scenes as though he’s reading from a script. Shut the hell up. I’m leaving. And I’m taking my child, his child, our child, and I will protect him. Yes, I had an affair. I had to. I had to know I was still breathing. I found a wonderful kindness, closeness. This is not a physical thing. This is simply a similar soul. But this is also NOT why I left. I left because I suddenly realized that my life was not normal. Was not healthy. Was not good. If you ever wonder to yourself if it is normal to hide the keys to the gunsafe, know this: It is not. Get out. Get out now. And don’t fucking look back.

  13. So when you do something really nice you get rewarded with something cool, like a new notebook, or a giant mecha, because how awesome would it be to be rewarded with a giant robot? That would be sweet. like, beyond all sense of reason. Good times, giant robots. Wootness.

  14. I wan to be rewarded with the sweet touch of love. I want to feel your breath, and your heartbeat. I want to be held, I want to be touched, I want to be with you.

  15. our lives are usually based on a reward and punishment system. we’ll do anything to get a reward and we’ll do anything to avoid punishment. i like rewards

    devin floyd
  16. The reward came swiftly, depositing into my arms,I revered such a moment. The man had uniform features, but the gift he held made his hands smooth and milky. That week had been tough, but the capachino I recieved from my boss, was a sign of the promotions to come; working in a restaurant can be difficult!

    Eric Harrell
  17. The reward came swiftly, depositing into my arms,I revered such a moment. The man had uniform features, but the gift he held made his hands smooth and milky. That week had been tough, but the capachino I recieved from my boss, was a sign of the promotions to come; working in a restaurant can be difficult!

    Eric Harrell
  18. ahhhhh finally.

  19. yesterday I was in a wreck. bad one. I really wish that I could give the man who helped me a reward of some kind, I think I’ll cook him dinner one night. Yes. I think I will. or bake some bread. :) I am truly blessed that he was there. So blessed.

  20. “Lost: One formerly white rabbit which has been dyed purple.” I stared at my feet. There was a fluffy purple something sticking out of the drain pipe. It had to find me, didnt it?

  21. i would this that i could finish a simple thesis if i had some type of reward at the end, but i just break down and reward myself early and skip the paper, not that it matters, really the reward will be my masters, then i will make everyone call me Master.

  22. to get the best you can from doing the best you can. it’s the light at the end of the tunnel and it keeps me going day to day. to imagine the awards you will recieve is to plan for your future. someone proving you’ve done good.

  23. I don’t want your rewards if they come with the cost of losing my facade. She says this as she pulls the loose sweater over her naked shoulder. What if you break my fragil skin? I don’t need another harmful tender love. You know me too well and I will not risk the pain of falling away.

    Sara Klassen
  24. She said you get this awesome reward if you guess correctly. But i was still in such a daze that I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to be guessing. Uh, how about seven hundred fifty eight. And that’s pretty much how we met. I still get a little hazy when she looks at me the right way.

    John Hurley
  25. Working or loving or forgiving. Listening and questioning.


    Daniel Arntz
  27. no reward
    where is the reward?
    i try so hard
    no reward

    it is missing
    it got lost in the drama

  28. pirates’ treasure chests are what come to my mind first when I think of reward. After that, the reward of a hard days work, or the reward of the game won. Then there is the old wanted posters..wanted, dead or alive, reward $10,0000.

    So who knows what rewards the day may least in my own imagination.

  29. It’s the little things that keep me going. The big stuff helps, of course, but it’s the little things.
    The little things that flutter free on tiny wings.
    The little things.
    It’s only the little things I see as a reward. The big ones don’t matter in the face of all the little smiles.

  30. take up my reward yourself be true blood brothers keeper of the keys to the kingdom

  31. When you do something honorably most usually you’ll gain a reward to show a job well done, and to encouraged another action similar to the one just done.

  32. The bigest reward in life is simply caring for someone as if that human where your brother. No matter what “rewards” might life hand out to any of those persons, they will always have the bigest reward of all time. Unconditional love, companionship and friendship for all eternity in their hearts.

    Itachi Emilio
  33. It is the best reward to culivate true friendship and care like a brother for all of lifes time together with that persons success or faliure. Yet only being there with that companion is enogh, no mater the “rewards” that life handed out.

    Emilio Soto
  34. Sometimes, we want to be rewarded for certain things we do. A lot of the time, it is things we do selfishly and secretly want to receive a reward. Is it really selfishness that motivates us in order to stroke our own egos?

  35. He truly was my reward. My reward for fighting, my reward for persevering, my reward for living. His love was my reward, and it was the only thing I needed for the rest of my life.

  36. Something you get for doing something good that benefits anyone and/or everyone.

  37. I sighed. The fact that my mom was out partying as I sat there writing an English essay was just totally unfair. The prompt I had to use was completely pointless, I mean it’s not like our school would ever actually make us wear uniforms, that’s just what teachers always make you write about when they can’t come up with anything else. Lazy butts. So of course, being the procrastinator that I am, I minimize it and start blasting Lily Allen. There’s just something about British people that intrigues me. Her music curses a lot, but when I got hooked into that phase, that didn’t matter.
    Music is my life. That and my friend Cerise are about the only two things that keep me from getting depressed and cutting myself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to go commit suicide or something. I just get pissed off really easily, especially when people don’t take me seriously. Take my mother, for example. Every time she brings home one of her gay ass friends from work, they talk about things that have never happened. And I really mean this; I sometimes think I’m going crazy. For instance, my mom says she got her job at the insurance company, which she is now CEO of, by bringing me to a party when I was a toddler. Apparently, the boss thought I was so adorable that he decided to hire her. This is all wrong. Well, except for the part about me being adorable, that was true of course. But I specifically remember being dropped off at my neighbor’s house that night. The main reason I remember this all so clearly is because that was the day I got my first boyfriend. I know we were only a couple years old, but I’m telling you we connected. His name was Nathaniel, and he was the best thing that had ever happened to me up to that point in my life. My ignorant mother says she does not recall ever knowing a boy of that name. Liar. We moved shortly after that though, so I never again saw my Nathaniel.
    Only Cerise believes me when I tell her about this. She is the only person who takes my whining, even if we are entirely different. She has brown hair, with faded blonde-red highlights, and is basically scene. I, on the other hand, have short, choppy blonde hair, good grades, and have never kissed a boy.

  38. Taking
    More and More
    Until there is nothing left
    to g i v e
    to r e c i e v e
    to r e w a r d.

  39. Taking
    More and More
    Until there is nothing left
    to g i v e
    to r e c i e v e
    to r e w a r d.

  40. Huh, how ironic lol. Reward. He wants a reward for every little thing he does for me. Nothing is done out of kindness or love. He expects something. He expects sex. Sex: at the crux of every problem between us.
