
February 14th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “robin”

  1. When I first started writing about the robin, I only used words. I love to listen to them sing and chirp when there are several together in the afternoons. I like watching their little red breast when fluttering in flight. Thank God for the birds.

  2. bird, soft red breast, fly, God music, life , light air song, listen, flight name happy

  3. the birds were singing as the early morning light shone through the windows, the rising sun promising a new day, a new chance. she listened to the soft notes of the robins, the sparrows, the soft trill of hope as the night faded and with it her despair.

  4. my chest
    turned as red
    as the robin
    that flew
    over us
    that thursday.
    i craved
    an answer
    with every bone
    in my being.
    why would you
    hurt me, out
    of everyone.
    what exists
    within me
    that triggers
    your coffined evilness
    to blow up
    around you?
    i wish anger
    painted me
    a different color
    so it wouldn’t
    scorch whoever
    walked by me.

  5. The bird looked out on the water, white gashes crashed against the cliff, receding like an army, gathering it’s forces again to attack with greater might. The bird’s neck is red, like blood flooding from a victim.

    The Punslinger