
August 3rd, 2024 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “robot”

  1. A robot can do more than a human will dream, yet without those dreams it would never exist It’s a vessel that surpassed its user. It longs for the ability humans have, emotions, and connections, it watches in jealously of their ability to live. Humans also watch in jealousy, the robot’s ability to work efficiently, quickly, and improve out trying.

  2. The robot made mechanical repetitive movements during the day, when people were watching. It was very careful to place the items in the proper location. But after work, when the people had gone home, it moved away from the work table, and danced.

  3. The robot moves in exact angles, no human wobble. It doesn’t need to apologize for bumping into someone because you were lost in your own thoughts. In its perfection, the robot may never be touched.