
October 7th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “romance”

  1. Romance is the fluff of lace and flower petals falling but it is also the warmth of your hand around mine and having someone else to get the groceries with and not having to eat alone

  2. He had been sailing the sees for 6 months and he still couldn’t find the constellation what he was looking for. He was promised a romance of an adventure but it was the loneliness that shaped at any joy he would find

  3. It wasn’t corny, it wasn’t silly, Reese thought. Not at all! It wasn’t strange to have these feelings for his brother. After all, he was his closest friend, one of the few people in his life who actually respected him, defended him and never called him names. Malcolm actually enjoyed his company and he certainly enjoyed his!

  4. The romance was short lived, but it was thrilling while it last. Several months of walking on air, also anxiety when she didn’t call and wasn’t at home. He would ask her where she had been, and she would just answer vaguely, “Outside.” Then he learned that she was having an affair with another person, one of his friends.

  5. Many years have passed with stories waxing and waning. Waves of characters coming and going with a whim, some forgotten, but it all leads back to one thing. Wanting to explore a deeper connection within a different brain.