
April 19th, 2009 | 253 Entries

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253 Entries for “roof”

  1. I stood on the roof watching the stars one evening. A cool breeze ruffled the trees around me and gravel roofing crunched under my feet. The feelings of desire that had stirred inside me in the heat of the afternoon utterly vanished, replaced by the calm coolness of a Sunday summer evening.

  2. He sat on the roof, thinking to himself of what he was going to say to Elise when she returned.

    Breaking up with her was going to be the hardest thing he’d ever done. And the easiest. This night was a long time in coming.

    Unfortunately, that didn’t make it any easier to come down from that roof.

    From up high, he saw her headlights approaching; it was time.

    Matthew Reddin
  3. it covers my head
    something that needs covering.
    Because things tend to escape.
    That’s what my mom always said happens to loose thoughts
    So i built a roof.
    Not out of stick, straw or brick.
    Out of emotions.
    Which are harder to break.

  4. on top of my head sometimes used as a flotation device in floods. sometimes makes you angry when windy provides shelter in a storm shingles hard

  5. It’s caving in on me. There’s little time to explain, but we must leave. We must get out of here. This place is no longer our home. Can’t you tell? The way the daisies sway are no longer inviting. There little yellow smiles are fading, and it’s time to go.

  6. I am lucky to have a roof on my house. I’m thankful for this because not everyone gets to have a roof… I will change that. One day, I will see to it that everyone has the opportunity to a better life.

  7. house, rain, shillings, chimney, thunder, clouds, slate, falling, santa, snow, star gazing, calm, tranquil, peace, serenity, cool air, love, light, heart, open,

  8. it keeps you sheltered from bad weather. A roof is part ofa home, everyone needs one. Somje people don’t see the greatness of having a roof over their heads and they just don’t appreciate it. A roof is something that people take for advantage

  9. fiddler on the roof! oddly I have never seen that movie or play or whatever it is. Dang, roof is oddly boring compared to infection. Um, on the roof, makes me think of on top of the world. I had a door to door sales job selling roofs once, it sucked, no one wanted to buy anything.

  10. the ceiling. sit. watch the clouds on mushrooms. raindrops make you sleep wonderfully well. great.

  11. this is on my house. its red, it keeps us safe, it watches over us all, it stands between us and the world,and we take it for granted. we have it and we can’t see the sky, we can’t see the stars. another barrier between humanity and nature. we were nature’s greatest invention and now we fin so many ways to stay away from it. what a horrid way to repay it!

  12. Sometimes, I sit on my roof. My parents hate it and say I’ll fall through, but I’m pretty sure I’m not that fat. Anyway, over Christmas I leaned out my window and smoked a cigarette. Over spring break, I looked out the window and the butt was gone. Somebody knows I smoked out there. Whoops. This summer I think I’ll tan out there. My sister tried it once. It seemed to work. Good idea.

  13. roof is on fire in my heart of glass houses shouldn’t throw stones in my pocket

  14. THe roof was red, but metal. It housed many people, animals and plants alike. People got married up there. It overlooks the Nile River. Babies were born up there. Magic, isn’t it?

  15. The roof is on fire. There is nothing but the fire. I stand, mouth open, unable to scream, call for the fire trucks, get water, anything. Where did the fire come from? Is there water? Water! No, that’s the wrong thing to scream. FIRE!

  16. the roof was red and had black spots. It rained a lot so it leaked everwhere since it was one crappy roof. In the summer I decided to burn it. The best barbeque I ever had was made off of that roof. yum yum.

  17. The roof over my head I am so thankful for. I thank god and pray every day that I don’t lose this roof. We all take things for granted, but please don’t overlook our roof!

  18. It shelters us from stormy weather, keeps the warmth in. Maybe it even shelters us from more important things that keep us oblivious from the cold truth.

  19. overhead
    under here
    take cover
    we are here
    the skies the limit

  20. the roof is over our heads. protects from the rain, a good place to sit and smoke

  21. They stood together, clapped hands, and rejoiced. Wow, he said. We’ve got it. A roof for the winter, to keep the rain out and the warm in. Suddenly, it doesn’t look so bad. We’ll make it. Not the greatest, but maybe the happiest. Well make it.

    She’d never tell him, but she missed the stars.

  22. I was sitting on a roof one time thinking about what might be underneath me. I then decided to look. It was a bunch of grass. Lots and lots of grass. I laughed and took a step off the roof. I died. Too bad!

    Jack Langston
  23. atop the roof. I see santa. And he has a massive missile launcher. It is time you see, for santa to punish the children. He will launch his heat sinking missiles of doom and despair at the children, for they have been naughty, and deserve no respite. But santas reindeer are like, NO WAI!. So he doesn’t shoot them.

  24. They sat on the roof, the two of them, watching the stars burn through the firmament one by one, little sparks born and breathing.

    This time the rules are followed
  25. The roof is the highest part of my house, which I’m selling, and then it won’t be mine anymore. It makes me scrunch my face up like a lemon. I want my roof back.

  26. It’s so easy to stumble,
    and trip off the roof of the house.
    The unsturdy home you built
    is falling
    falling down.
    A good foundation is all you need
    my dear.
    Strong cement
    will keep us together.
    But what will you say
    once the roof collapses
    on us all?

  27. there was a man on my roof one morning and he woke me up. I threw rocks at him and he fell into the chimney. I couldn’t really explain to my mom why there was a burly, middle aged gay gentleman in the fireplace that morning but she didn’t really care, she does threw him out into the yard and made pancakes.

    Jordan Byrne
  28. The roof looked as though it would collapse in an good wind. The house was not much better. Why in the world had they chosen this place for their vacation? There must have been a better choice.

  29. the top of my house, something id like to jump off of. something that birds sit on, love to dly, an escape, tanning is closer to the sun two oos in roof it spells foor backwards which is my friends last name. hes not really my friend anymore and why is this word the first one could there be some significance to it

  30. when we first moved into m house we out a roof on it. my grandparents have out 2 roofs on thier house in th 40 years they lived in it. roof is a silly word. i wonder where i cmae from. i burned the roof of my mouth on crappy pizza yesterday.

  31. my dad was a roofer. It made me feel bad because all of my other friends dad’s worked in offices and college degrees.

    everyone needs a roof. not everyone needs a ceo.

    why doent he make any money at all?

    our society. oh joy.

  32. I have a roof over my head, and I like that fact that is is there. The roof keep my head dry, and from getting sunburt. It also keeps the wind out. It’s great to have a roof. I also rent my roof, so when it needs repair I don’t have to do it. That is another great thing about my roof. I like to think if it as a lifetime extended warrenty, that I don’t have to maintain my roof, by paying rent

    Mary Jane
  33. trickle, dribble, splish and splash
    raindrops running down the eaves,
    splattering onto white pavement below.

    Micaela Arneson
  34. There was a man that was sitting on the roof of his house. He was staring at the stars, pondering life. He heard a dog barking in the streets. He got pissed off and started yelling. He realized he needed anger management.

  35. The roof had withstanded so much; hail, rain, snow and the odd pigeon, but nothing had prepared it for Gerald Thompson’s motercycle.

    Lame roof is an annoyin word
  36. i mentioned the roof yesterday;
    it was teal and steep
    and i wished the whole world
    were the same color for just a second.

    it took you a minute to see
    but then we were on the same page
    and it was lovely.

    Lena Soldner
  37. the upper side of the house. I love to stay tere and see the stars… sometimes the cats like to sing there and I hate it. Or the stuff stay there

  38. Up on the roof top, like a platform in the sky. Towering over your head, reaching for the stars, floating on the brink of a new day. On the yawn of a horizon we wait, together in crowds on the rooftops.

  39. i had an experience with the roof in my old house. it was a weird experience. i had to go up the guava tree to get to the roof and all the while little care bears helped me. hmmm… that probably was a dream.

  40. roof, its the top of every building and you can see so much from there, i love going onto the roof and just watching the fireworks.It makes me smile.
