
April 19th, 2009 | 253 Entries

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253 Entries for “roof”

  1. The roof was steep, and more than one child had tried to climb it, to no avail. But there was another way to retrieve the prize

  2. Roof roof roof
    Suddenly gone

    Ejay Cabral
  3. top of building, house, protection.
    made of many different materials, structural section of shelter

    Bill Krause
  4. I was sitting atop my roof at home this evening watching the planes in the sky, crossing over the sunset. It was magical. I never expected my roof to give me such bliss, and make me feel so amazing. It was like magic. That night I slept on my roof.

  5. she was sitting on the roof. feet bare against red shingles, singing the soles, she stared at the sky alone. next to her was no one, where there should have been her brother. the warmth she would have felt was provided by the warmed roof tiles, and nothing but her heart was missing anything.

  6. The roof jumpers leaped through the city, finding chimneys and soot.

    reaching into their pockets the brought out a knife and picked the locks on the doors that led to the apartments, every man for himself.

  7. tiled sunny place of rest and relaxation. I love the garden and the view is amazing, brings me a great sense of peace and a feeling of serenity. Some are black, some blue, some green, some mossy, some tin, some tiled, all seem to share a larger view and give some kind of wider understanding of the world.

  8. where do i go from the roof of the world, the roof of mz mind ß all i have left it to jump off into the … iäll follow the gulls

  9. Roofs are for shelter. My roof covers me from the sky above, the elements at large. I sit on my roof and gaze at the stars, watch the planets, enjoy the night air.

    My roof, though, blocks me from the rest of the world. Not an enviable position.

  10. It was hot that summer as you and I sat on the roof, me in your arms. I never wanted you to let me go. But as summer came to a close, so did our time together. I still remember the way I felt the day you packed your car and drove away.

  11. i had sex on the roof. in the rain. and sunshine. it was hot AND steamy. ROOF!

  12. its on top buildings, it somtimes has a chimney on it, it begins with the letter R, erm it rymes with hoof, spoof and goof… I like lemmons.

  13. There is a man on my roof. I don’t know why he is there. I don’t know when he will leave.

    Holy shit.

  14. climbing the roof, he saw all the way down the hill and into the town square. There was a colorfl parade winding through the main street, filled with bright floats and crowds of joyous people. From his perch, he could discern the Torah scroll. Men hoisted it on their shoulders and danced wildly.

  15. i dont know what roof is.
    if i had a roof, i would throw it away from the bridge. and it would start flying. and then i am suprised. i can noot explain this to my friends
    they dont believe me.

  16. Alex clung to the smooth terracotta tiles, his palms sweating. Holding his body as close to the building as possible, he peered over the ridge of the roof, into the eyes of…a polar bear.

    Holly Eliza
  17. A weird thing to think about, but a place that exists undoubtedly. A place i never go, take for granted… never really notice or wonder about. The roof has nothing to do with me :)

  18. there is a roof over my head. i believe i use that expression often. like, when explaining how children in africa who are dying at rates of almost 300 every 15 minutes are lucky to even have a roof, let alone clean water and food.

    i feel like making a difference, but roof or no roof i’m failing to do so.

  19. Where my husband makes his living,checking for leaks atop the building.

  20. On a house, barn or building
    Protects you and keeps you safe
    Made of shingles, wood, has beams and a chimney
    Nesting place for many
    Home of snipers and assassins

    Kayla Giles
  21. another roof? dont you guys have any other word to recommend? well tin tan on a tiny roof..

    eric walsh
  22. Upon the roof of my house there was a squirrel. It stopped, looked about for a few moments, and then scrambled down the gutter, jumping onto the lawn below. I raced out from my seat by the window, following the rodent across the wet grass. It led me to a small bush on the other side of the lawn. It had begun digging furiously. I stood back, not wanting to scare it.

  23. On a house
    Protects you
    Nesting place
    On buildings
    “Putting a roof over your head”

    Kayla Giles
  24. Roof over my head. You don’t really understand what this means until you don’t have one. I’ve had several points in my life where I haven’t had a roof….of any kind. Some cases were because I was poor and desperate and other cases were more voluntary like when I was in SERE school. Regardless, it’s not fun.

  25. this is on top of a house, often has a chimney with it. it can be slanted or straight, usually slanted I think. can’t think of much to say about a roof as I don’t think it’s a particularly interesting word. do you? I normally have so much to say, but not with this. Oh dear!

  26. I’ve never been on a roof, and I would very much like to be on one. On a roof I get to see stars and houses miles away. I love how it feels when you’re on top of everyone else, but its utterly painful too when you fall down.

    Diana Ng
  27. A girl on the roof,
    her head tilted to the sky,
    she’s not going to jump because
    the stars are bright tonight.

  28. We heard sounds coming from the roof. You looked at me with that “What are you going to do?” expression and I stared back with the “Wait and see, maybe it will go away” look. The sound became faint, and stopped. You burned me with your “How can you be such a coward?” face and I looked up with my “I wonder if I could really die jumping off the roof?” expression.

    Brian Slusher
  29. It reaches out above me as far as my mind will go.Sheltering me from heavy lead shavings of moonlight. And tinting the world with turquoise sunlight by day, it turns my life into a fish tank with colours that bleed.

  30. every night
    he would go to the same place
    every night
    he would look from below
    every night
    every night

    and she knew

    the rooftop dancer

  31. there i was, on the roof. The next thing i know there was an almighty crash when everything seemed to spin out of control. i had to laugh in order to stop myself from falling, but really, there wasn’t anything funny at all. it was just ticks and goblets. nothing gracious

  32. There is no roof. My possibilities are endless. I am who I want to be, and who I am. No one can change that. If you don’t like me, that’s basically tough shit for you. I am me. And that’s all I can be.

    amy max
  33. on the rooftop we drank cheap wine and smoked joints all night under the purple urban sky, the clinking of glasses below us and we above the world of boredom and expectations.

  34. house covers your top
    varies in color
    does alot to keep you warm and dry
    covered with shingles
    can vary from time to time
    is on every house
    santa claus lands on it for christmas
    keeps the house from leaking
    keeps animals out
    makes your house warm and cozy

    Chong Lee
  35. house covers your top
    varies in color
    does alot to keep you warm and dry
    covered with shingles
    can vary from time to time
    is on every house
    santa claus lands on it for christmas

    Chong Lee
  36. The fiddler stood on the roof, gazing at the city before him. He tucked the violin under his chin, and played his melancholy tune for all to hear. Yet it seemed that only the silent roof was testament to his music.

  37. on the tin table amazing with the fiddler. hot hot but not in may so we must stay

    eric walsh
  38. One Sunday afternoon, my cousins and I decided to climb their rooftop, just for fun. The climb was precarious, as we need to shimmy up one narrow wall and then avoid the sharp gutter.

  39. Roof always makes me think of my old neighbour Ruth. Her son used to lie about me and make my parents believe I beat him up.

  40. roof is a four letter word . its the one used to cover the top of the house, its synonym to top,
    it starts with letter r and ends with f , it has two o in it .
