
December 18th, 2009 | 196 Entries

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196 Entries for “sage”

  1. He said I love you. In such a clever way. Walking through the snow, holding hands, just talking. Slipped it into my hand, a note. He said I love you, I said it back. I knew I liked his smell of sage.

  2. Sage growing in my desert. The scent of it was carried on the wind during those summer nights. I remember how it seduced us, wrapped us in its magic. I had only just met him but the night was intoxicating.

  3. perfect misery:
    -1 cup doubt
    -1/2 cup fear
    -a dash of your troubles
    -a pinch of regret

  4. Muffins

  5. The sage read aloud from the book of secrets and I considered the blessing flowing my way through those words…thank you for the inclusion in this privilege.

    maxine henthorne
  6. it’s sage’s birthday today. she is turning 17, man she’s old. i think that i am going to go to a play with her, and a lot of other people too, i think it’s tuck everlasting. i’m rather excited for it.

  7. green. purple. comes in many forms, but so lovely, soft and scented no matter in which you come across it.

  8. i have no idea what the word sage means. i believe its a color but it seems as if it is an emotion as well. Can you feel sage? I guess you can feel blue so it may work even if it is a color (interobang)?!

    Justin Cameron
  9. Forty years old didn’t seem quite aged enough to be considered “sage,” but she accepted it. The fact was, she’d always secretly known she was a genius–somewhere inside, there was the incling, the clue, that she was graced with something . . . more. She looked out across the multi-colored sea of faces, smiling, self-satisfied, but not smug. “Sage,” would do indeed.

  10. I have no idea what this word means. sorry.

  11. Sage goes in the email field. And JUST the email field. In order to sage, you write SAGE, sage or even sAgE. But it must be in the Email field. If you write it in all fields. You fail horribly. Please die.

  12. He stopped in the garden. He looked around. The wolves were still running. It was rather late, after all. Everything was almost a soft gray color in this light, reflected by the snow, making it almost an eternal afternoon.

  13. What say you, wise sage? You told me you would always be there to tell me which road to take, and now here I am at the crossroads in my life and you are nowhere to be found. Will you return and share your wisdom once again, or are you leaving me now to discover my own?

  14. Sage grew up from the out cropping of rocks and Sara watched it contemplatively. The wind blew past and the flower’s heads bobbed gently. It really was a very boring day. She thought with a sigh.

  15. socrate was a sage in the french mening of the word. all that i know is that i know nothing, said he.

    grig jam
  16. sage is plant, that is all it is. Not a magical essence of nature but rather something of myth and superstition. It is a leaf and just as us it will wither and die…

  17. green as the thumb of the giant in the garden. Dark as the forest that shields the sun from your hovel in the overgrowth. the beautiful deep shades radiate life and instill a natural stance to the world around. the deep shades of green that remind us of the beautiful grass.

    Tom reynolds
  18. So etwas schreibe ich nicht. Kann ich nicht, meine Texte sind dumm. Genau das Gegenteil. Will ich geistvolles schreiben, will ich klug schreiben geht das nur daneben. Kann nur daneben gehen.

  19. Parsley, sage, rosemary and time. Time piles upon my life and I become sage. A sage on the side or a sage on the stage? Stages of development have brought me sagacity. Or have they?

  20. A sage is someboyd who is trying to learn the art of living by following austerity and simplicity of life

  21. Ah, the sweet smell of sage caressed my nose hairs gently. The saccharine aroma delighted my senses. Mmm. Mmmm. Sage. Mmmmmm. Twas one of the wolves from the Indian desert. MMM. Sage.. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  22. thanksgiving. in the dressing. zane grey and riders of the purple sage. sage advice, taken never given. i think that sage is

  23. she was very sage despite her young years. she would look at me with her big blue eyes and watch and twinlke and often hint at a smile. She said I was like the moon.

  24. come back to me, wise one, I miss you and my heart burns. I am lost.

  25. fever…cleansing smells. Indian rituals.

  26. A sage is a very wise herb that brings gifts at Xmas.

  27. sagacious sage thyme rosemary basil garlic pizza italian pasta delicious food good vegetarian carnivore galbi meat you miss I love you

  28. Sage is a very delicious herb and quite easy to grow in England. I like it with pork and with tomato and mixed with thyme. I am a sage or at least I like to think so – some advantages must come with age, surely?

    A Weir
  29. They knew better
    than we did
    clearing out the funk
    dead spirits
    with sage.

  30. Sages are supposed to be wise. But then again, sage is only a word. When you use a word carelessly, then there will be consequences. I know this guy. He’s intelligent, but proud and arrogant–kind of an idiot. All the other people who know him think he’s awesome, great, fantastic–a total genius. I’m the only one who thinks he’s a douche.

  31. sunsets in RDR look so real you can almost smell the sagebrush

  32. i don’t know what i that means. smart? green? club. i really don’t know what that word means. i have a hard time saying something about it. at school there is a sage house but it is for like smart people it is a frat of some sort

  33. Isnt a sage someone who is very wise and knows a lot. They meditate a lot and know everything and give you advice its apart of Hinduism and Buddhism. It is also an herb, I think.

  34. sage is a type of spice a spice that i had to use a super suppers super suppers is a place i worked in my life for 5 months at a place wen i was in school playing super friendship water game formerly known as assasine I like to dance and when I dance i like to fly in the air like a caat in the water that is drowning on antibiotics in the nighttime flowers that bloom in my tree for no good reason and my dog likes to think that he is a turtle

    taylor Johnson
  35. sage advice is beautiful i have neve rput a fish in my meatus

    maya rose
  36. sages are thought to be all knowing, at least as far as their field of so called “expertise”. i doubt they know much, but they’re old enough that they deserve respect. oh, sage is also a nice add-on to firefox, but i stopped using it because i didn’t need it anymore.

    eric, from utah
  37. The scent she left
    Sage leaves and pear trees
    Made me so happy just to be
    With her
    I think it’s the only cure

    Maybe then I’ll feel pure.

    just jes.
  38. sage is an herb that is used in cooking. i like to use it with pork, turkey, and sometimes chicken. It reminds me of the fall so that is yummy. it is green and very fragrant and i love to grow it in my garden.

  39. I traveled for hours to visit the wise one, the sage. I hoped he could help me find the answers that would give my life meaning, but I wasn’t sure. I knew that I needed something more, something that was missing in my life, but I wasn’t sure what it was, and while I didn’t believe that one visit to a stranger, no matter how wise, could really help, I was desperate enough to try anything.

  40. sage? what the hell is sage? I guess it’s supposed to mean wise, but anyone who uses the word sage will come off as pretentious and anachronistic. No one wants to be pretentious. So what’s the point of “sage”?

    Tyler Slack