The smell of it brought him back to times long passed. It made him think of better days. Of days when the sun shown, or when rain wasn’t the end of the world. And it made him thing of her. Because the plant and the girl shared their name.
Marcy added the ingredients to the pot, the chicken broth, the vegetables, the sage. Everything was going well this was going to be her first time hosting an actual meal at her new place. She wanted everything to be perfect.
Indian sage is the best sage in the whole world. All the world’s sages come from this place.
I am a sage because I am a beast. I think of Albus Dumbledore, because I am Dumbledore, just not gay. Vocab words in 10th grade honors english. I loved that class. I love my life. I really do. Yes. Wisdom. Birds in trees. More wise birds.
I don’t know the names of herbs. My mother always smelled like something, but I never knew what. It was Chanel No. 5, I later figured out, but to me she always smelled like her cheesecakes. She smelled like love and battle-scars, frozen in time and never going to heal.
The sage was sweet
and filled the room with smoke
She held her arms above her head
and sang an ancient tune
The words were useless
but the melody
Touched her heart
and made her swoon where she stood
She never looked down
and she never looked back
and she bacame
the some she never understood
she became the beauty
in the moon
sage was a girl. an unhappy girl. theres not much else to say. it wasnt like her life was partically bad. she had nice parents and a nice house. but she felt half empty. like she was missing something. theres not much else to say. sage was a girl. an unhappy girl
emily pierce
The sage was alone in the desert and was not very wise but he smelled very Christmassy and so got an endorsement for Glade as a plug in fragrance. Soon he was a tv star.
Old people, wise ones, “elders”, whatever you wanna call them, it’s still an herb. Sage. Comes after the word “parsley” in that one song.. and reminds me of OoT for whatever reason.
December 19th, 2009.
Christine D. O.
I already had to write about Sage here. Does this word ever change? But now I checked it in the dictionary. It means ‘wise’ or a kind of plant apparently. I still like to think of my friend when I hear this word though. The name suits her more than some kind of plant.
sage sage sage that’s all that I see this winter wonder land of sage brush of course green smelly someday i am convinced they will discover its true use and we will receive a check every year just like the Alaskans
I have a friend named Sage. Due to the fact that English is not my 1st language, I have no idea what that means, actually. But I do think it’s a pretty name and Sage is an awesome person. So I like this word. I guess I should check it in the dictionary. Oh well.
“How did you get so wise?”
He looked up from his cup of tea, studying the younger girl across from him. Her head was titled slightly, eyes studying him curiously.
“Years of experience lend their wisdom, often,” he explained after a moment.
I need some sage advice about now. Am at a dead end and don’t know which way to turn.
mythical man with knowledge of the world are as smart as they say? or do you think you being unwise is the the reason you are truly wise? Who knows I think I will ask a sage.
The Toad Sage of Naruto Uzumaki’s future apeared before. Him shall I become this wise man with strength and knowledge of Toads,useless knowledge. Probably not I’ll probably start going on and on in boredom till the cancel me and make a spinoff show
The Toad Sage of Naruto Uzumaki’s future apeared before. Him shall I become this wise man with strength and knowledge of Toads,useless knowledge. Probably not I’ll probably start going on and on in boredom till the cancel me and make a spinoff show
i went to elementery school with a little girl name sage. she had a twin brother named dylan. i changed schools but knew them up until i
When I look, at his copper hair. . I see the reflection of all the things I wish I would say. The three words that burn my throat when I sip. . I can’t help, but to look deeply into those sage eyes. . that capture me so I can’t say a thing. Then the world stops turning, just for a moment. . I love you.
Sage. What is sage. I don’t know the meaning of the word. Sounds like cage. A bird trapped in a cage. Life full of sage? Wise bird old with wisdom.
I wish I had it.
This old man standing in front of me makes so much sense.
But he too is a fool. Only he will never know it.
His generations will die before one more sage than he comes along.
So sad.
Albert Berg
once upon a time, there was a sage who was very popular in town. All the people love him but there was ones who doesn’t. He hate him.
I was caught in a whirlwind of sage. spinning me into forgotten times as she showed me her stage. the kitchen.
kelvin spears
A wise man (person? I guess a girl can be a sage). Some sort of herb. H-erb or -erb. Haha if you’re not American the pronunciation may change. I don’t know which makes more sense. What’re we talking about?
what the fuck is this word? i don’t know it…
what does it mean? is it english? or latin?
maybe it’s sega? the publisher of total war games? or saga like pokemon? lol i have so many things to say about this word that i don’t know what to write first….
i’m not a sage. at list i don’t think i’m one of them.
i’m just a normal boy that don’t know.
i saw the sage colored silk sheets. they were beautiful and unique. the stitching was perfectly done, a master at the craft apparently. i didnt know why textures and colors attracted me like this, but i was a performer of the arts; and i appreciated pieces of work like this. and expensive at that.
I went to an Indian reservation in Montana. We burned sage one night. It really cleared my head, but we almost started the building on fire….I guess you can’t have your cake and eat it too! (Sage advice right there.)
Mark S.
is a plant i think. or is it people use to cook. i also know that it is used as a name. i dont really like this word. s.a.g.e.
antonio f.
The wizened sage sat cross-legged at the end of the dark hallway. On either side, there were paintings of the men who had preceded the current Master. I gingerly approached the sage and knelt before him, awaiting the chance to ask my question.
Sage in my garden grows
abundant through summer
long wait in winters frost.
Melanie Bishop
sage makes me think of the magic roundabout, of quarter to 6 on bbc in my childhood, funny it doesn’t make me think of herbs or anything green at all – just had a quick glance at what i wrote (sic) – quite a few typos there acording to the rules i could write an endless sentence now but won’t.
The time is passing by, that green bar we can make it feel like life, i’m portuguese, so forgive my bad inglish. enjoy your life.
Pedro Vieira
has an s and has an a and has a g and it also has an e but sometimes i like to think of it as a spice. Also I cook my yummy meals with it!!!!!!! Yum. I’m naked. Are you?
A cup filled with cold water.
A sage and clean cut lemon float, the light shine between them.
The flavor are barely waking but then they tangle all in me.
Peter Lynn
Grows in the garden for spicing my food. Burned by the holy man for cleansing the soul. Wise and entrancing.
Sarah Dale
Sage makes me think of pokemon. Sage tower, sages, and the spice. i’ve never tasted it, but ive heard that it tastes good. Sage advice is always useful. I dont know why, but i keep going back to pokemon for thinking of this. It makes me want to play it.
The smell of it brought him back to times long passed. It made him think of better days. Of days when the sun shown, or when rain wasn’t the end of the world. And it made him thing of her. Because the plant and the girl shared their name.
Marcy added the ingredients to the pot, the chicken broth, the vegetables, the sage. Everything was going well this was going to be her first time hosting an actual meal at her new place. She wanted everything to be perfect.
Indian sage is the best sage in the whole world. All the world’s sages come from this place.
I am a sage because I am a beast. I think of Albus Dumbledore, because I am Dumbledore, just not gay. Vocab words in 10th grade honors english. I loved that class. I love my life. I really do. Yes. Wisdom. Birds in trees. More wise birds.
I don’t know the names of herbs. My mother always smelled like something, but I never knew what. It was Chanel No. 5, I later figured out, but to me she always smelled like her cheesecakes. She smelled like love and battle-scars, frozen in time and never going to heal.
The sage was sweet
and filled the room with smoke
She held her arms above her head
and sang an ancient tune
The words were useless
but the melody
Touched her heart
and made her swoon where she stood
She never looked down
and she never looked back
and she bacame
the some she never understood
she became the beauty
in the moon
sage was a girl. an unhappy girl. theres not much else to say. it wasnt like her life was partically bad. she had nice parents and a nice house. but she felt half empty. like she was missing something. theres not much else to say. sage was a girl. an unhappy girl
The sage was alone in the desert and was not very wise but he smelled very Christmassy and so got an endorsement for Glade as a plug in fragrance. Soon he was a tv star.
Old people, wise ones, “elders”, whatever you wanna call them, it’s still an herb. Sage. Comes after the word “parsley” in that one song.. and reminds me of OoT for whatever reason.
December 19th, 2009.
I already had to write about Sage here. Does this word ever change? But now I checked it in the dictionary. It means ‘wise’ or a kind of plant apparently. I still like to think of my friend when I hear this word though. The name suits her more than some kind of plant.
sage sage sage that’s all that I see this winter wonder land of sage brush of course green smelly someday i am convinced they will discover its true use and we will receive a check every year just like the Alaskans
I have a friend named Sage. Due to the fact that English is not my 1st language, I have no idea what that means, actually. But I do think it’s a pretty name and Sage is an awesome person. So I like this word. I guess I should check it in the dictionary. Oh well.
“How did you get so wise?”
He looked up from his cup of tea, studying the younger girl across from him. Her head was titled slightly, eyes studying him curiously.
“Years of experience lend their wisdom, often,” he explained after a moment.
I need some sage advice about now. Am at a dead end and don’t know which way to turn.
mythical man with knowledge of the world are as smart as they say? or do you think you being unwise is the the reason you are truly wise? Who knows I think I will ask a sage.
The Toad Sage of Naruto Uzumaki’s future apeared before. Him shall I become this wise man with strength and knowledge of Toads,useless knowledge. Probably not I’ll probably start going on and on in boredom till the cancel me and make a spinoff show
The Toad Sage of Naruto Uzumaki’s future apeared before. Him shall I become this wise man with strength and knowledge of Toads,useless knowledge. Probably not I’ll probably start going on and on in boredom till the cancel me and make a spinoff show
i went to elementery school with a little girl name sage. she had a twin brother named dylan. i changed schools but knew them up until i
When I look, at his copper hair. . I see the reflection of all the things I wish I would say. The three words that burn my throat when I sip. . I can’t help, but to look deeply into those sage eyes. . that capture me so I can’t say a thing. Then the world stops turning, just for a moment. . I love you.
Sage. What is sage. I don’t know the meaning of the word. Sounds like cage. A bird trapped in a cage. Life full of sage? Wise bird old with wisdom.
I wish I had it.
This old man standing in front of me makes so much sense.
But he too is a fool. Only he will never know it.
His generations will die before one more sage than he comes along.
So sad.
once upon a time, there was a sage who was very popular in town. All the people love him but there was ones who doesn’t. He hate him.
I was caught in a whirlwind of sage. spinning me into forgotten times as she showed me her stage. the kitchen.
A wise man (person? I guess a girl can be a sage). Some sort of herb. H-erb or -erb. Haha if you’re not American the pronunciation may change. I don’t know which makes more sense. What’re we talking about?
what the fuck is this word? i don’t know it…
what does it mean? is it english? or latin?
maybe it’s sega? the publisher of total war games? or saga like pokemon? lol i have so many things to say about this word that i don’t know what to write first….
i’m not a sage. at list i don’t think i’m one of them.
i’m just a normal boy that don’t know.
i saw the sage colored silk sheets. they were beautiful and unique. the stitching was perfectly done, a master at the craft apparently. i didnt know why textures and colors attracted me like this, but i was a performer of the arts; and i appreciated pieces of work like this. and expensive at that.
I went to an Indian reservation in Montana. We burned sage one night. It really cleared my head, but we almost started the building on fire….I guess you can’t have your cake and eat it too! (Sage advice right there.)
is a plant i think. or is it people use to cook. i also know that it is used as a name. i dont really like this word. s.a.g.e.
The wizened sage sat cross-legged at the end of the dark hallway. On either side, there were paintings of the men who had preceded the current Master. I gingerly approached the sage and knelt before him, awaiting the chance to ask my question.
Sage in my garden grows
abundant through summer
long wait in winters frost.
sage makes me think of the magic roundabout, of quarter to 6 on bbc in my childhood, funny it doesn’t make me think of herbs or anything green at all – just had a quick glance at what i wrote (sic) – quite a few typos there acording to the rules i could write an endless sentence now but won’t.
The time is passing by, that green bar we can make it feel like life, i’m portuguese, so forgive my bad inglish. enjoy your life.
has an s and has an a and has a g and it also has an e but sometimes i like to think of it as a spice. Also I cook my yummy meals with it!!!!!!! Yum. I’m naked. Are you?
A cup filled with cold water.
A sage and clean cut lemon float, the light shine between them.
The flavor are barely waking but then they tangle all in me.
Grows in the garden for spicing my food. Burned by the holy man for cleansing the soul. Wise and entrancing.
Sage makes me think of pokemon. Sage tower, sages, and the spice. i’ve never tasted it, but ive heard that it tastes good. Sage advice is always useful. I dont know why, but i keep going back to pokemon for thinking of this. It makes me want to play it.