
April 18th, 2009 | 215 Entries

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215 Entries for “salt”

  1. The white salt sprinkled onto the slug. The ugly slug melted and died.

  2. very bad for you not known to be many years back i do not add salt to meals only in cooking and that is less now than it used to be

    fred pigden
  3. Morton’s salt pours from the blue box. If you get any other brand of salt, it tends to mess with your salt shakers. It’s nasty. Always gets all clumpy and stuck in your salt shakers. Doesn’t matter if you put rice in there. Cheap salt is not beneficial to you or your salt shakers, so give it up and lay down the cash. Then, you can make sure you are not putting too much salt on your food, since that’s bad for business,

    Teresa D'Amario
  4. Salt comes in many forms, there is sea salt, table salt and epsom salt. I understand that the first two go on food and the last one goes in the bath. However, I have made bath salts with table salt before, it was fun to do and works well enough. I don’t really get epsom salt.

  5. pepper and lots of salt fish i love it

  6. salt is horrible wtf is wrong with salt who the fuck made salt?

  7. Quite a zesty add-on for any dish! I personally love salt for its myriad of uses in the kitchen and at the table. But its also a great sanitizer! Who would have thought?

  8. There was a small cafe in Paris. I remember it well because the salt shakers were little French males, and the pepper small French females. I saw her for the first time there, behind my eyelids. Wrapped in a mystery, I knew then I had to find you.

  9. salt reminds me of the sea, it is all dry and rough on your skin when you get out. salt always reminds me of summer, yes including the sea, just the taste that i don’t like much until summer comes. on anything and everything. yum. salt.

  10. Easy side of life, a top spice in the plan for vice, makes me bitter in a reasonable way
    trip on my creases,leaves me in pieces
    lines in a row of time
    at a table of virtue
    makes me feel new
    is all I can do
    sprinkle a little bit

  11. i enjoy salty popcorn, and corn chips.

  12. Most of the land is covered with small waters that we can drink. What most do not know is why the great seas are filled with salty. Fire, water, air, and earth, all of these are well known. But Earth had a brother, Salt. Salt was killed by water, who buried him deep under his greatest volume.

  13. He was the salt of the earth. At least that’s what they said at his funeral. Too bad they didn’t know the real man. Didn’t know how abusive he was or the things he’d done.

  14. she reached across the table and her elbow hit the salt shaker, knocking it down. for a moment she sat there, then reached back over to set it back up.

  15. After we danced for five hours and left the place and introduced ourselves and had sex and wake up and depart and never talk to each other again what I mostly remember is that you tasted like salt.

  16. I like salt a lot. I especially like salty things in combination with sweet things. Like those Nature’s Valley peanut butter granola bars, or whatever. Yummmmmm. Too much salt is certainly possible, though. Salt can also be deadly.

  17. salt in my stew, but never enough for the hubby. He adds the salt without even tasting my hard work! How does he know it needs more when he hasn’t even tasted it yet? I think that’s giving me less appreciation. What a topic is salt? I can’t think of what to write but at least my fingers are moving!@ yay it’s a start.

    Starr* R
  18. My roommate douses everything with salt. Somehow she remains a meager 100 pounds. As I carefully portion all of my food, limit my fat-intake and calories, and avoid sweets, I glare at the three pounds of salt she has poured on her already-fattening noodles. Tomorrow I’ll spend an hour at the gym as she sits in front of the TV. The day after that someone will make a comment about how tiny she is, and how tiny I’m not. Life’s not fair.

  19. i went off salt when i was 5 years old when i saw an advert that said salt could kill you. I have never tried it since.

  20. salt is like an elemnet right something to do with soduim. like Na and what else. probably alot of different thisng i bet you could mix it will all types of other elements. it tastes good on lots of stuff too. it looks like suger but don’t confuse them. chase then you will be rudly awakened! an

  21. salty chips fish bad for you high blood pressure, salty people, the sea, moby dick, pirates, hurts in wounds, also represents resentment, salinity, dissolve, chemical compound, NaCl.Dissolves and crystalizes in water,

    kayvan goa
  22. salt is salty. i like it. everyone likes it. isn´t it? well maybe not. but i do´nt know anybody who does´nt like it. it would be rather strange. because salt makes boring food very specia.


  24. salt is very salt.
    i usually eat this with chips.
    it is very nice
    i sometimes have to eat it by itself if there is nothing to eat.
    oh no. there is no more!
    i normally have to go buy lots of bags of it.
    not good

  25. on my skin. From swimming in the sea. The north sea. Where I live. In a small house with a room facing south. And a garden with a tree and flowers. In the middle of town. Somewhere far far away. Here there is nothing. Nothing but the salt on my skin. I forget where I came from.

  26. salt is sodium chloride
    used for seasoning
    types of salt
    cooking salt, table salt
    salt was main way of india colonial rule

  27. and pepper makes the world taste better. This was a word that was on Family Feud earlier today. The category was “Name a food that just doesn’t taste the same without ‘salt.'” I think the number one answer was potatoes/French fries. It took those morons about an hour to think of it. It was the first thing I thought of. I mean seriously, “Beef, doesn’t taste the same without salt?” How retarded are you?

  28. dog fun run man girl dude chick woman cool moon earth comma period quarter dime nickel kick scream adam lame run maker pepper salt moo burger fries fast food mcdonalds burger king

    fred fred burger
  29. I been washing my mouth out with salt water to clean my new jewelery.

  30. I do not like sodium, though it would probably be better if I had more of it. You see my blood pressure is quite low, and a higher intake of foods containing sodium would help. This is rather different than most people. Compared to the majority of the world, I’m upside-down.

  31. She looked at me in the booth at our once favorite diner and asked for the salt shaker. Still livid, I sat there, unmoving. “Salt, please” she asked again. I sat there silently. She began to raise her voice, “WOULD YOU PLEASE PASS THE SALT!?” I would not budge. She then slipped out of the booth and grabbed the salt herself. I still haven’t forgiven her for what she had done. Who in their right mind would ever wear that particular shade of orange, anyway? I tell you, the Versace brand is simply not what it used to be.

  32. Salt. A simple word, but so many uses. I woke up this morning parched and dizzy, and because if severely low blood pressure, I headed for the popcorn bags. Sprinkling a ton of salt on the popcorn, I was hopoing I woulodn’t feel lightheaded thee

    Captain O
  33. Sea without salt. Food without salt. Tears without salt. Sweat without salt.
    Life just wouldn’t taste the same.

  34. salt water tune, with Francis on a Tuesday. My former lover just texted me, I might have to take a break from my one word exercise to see what she wants.

  35. some foods can’t be eaten without it. all over my face when I am finished running…so much you could season your spaghettie. puffy big hands, puffer fish. to o much salt in your diet. maybe you should drink some water. swimmiing int he ocean is awful because of the salt.

  36. i like it,i lvoe it, i want some mroe of it! i really do love it, though. it’s great on food, and is absolutely scrumptious with fires, to be quite honest with you. i don’t really know what i would do without salt. my life would be incomplete! i wouldn’t be half the person i am today witjout the help of my good friend, salt.

  37. There was a salt crystal coronet in her h,and a slender thing too fragile to cry upon. It burnt through my skin and soul, scraping bones and leaving me raw.

    Nathalie (Spacedlaw)
  38. A little salt behind the shoulder for good luck. My mother’s tradition before she would go on stage. I grasped my cross in my hands for a second and waited for them to call my name.
    “And now, please welcome, Emily Jacobs!”

  39. it’s the salt of the sea on my legs, can you feel the sand ‘neath your feet?

    It’s go for a swim, on wards for a run it’s a gorgeous day today.

    The sun on your back, white dress floating against your knees.

    can you feel the warmth of the water on the land?

    there’s another early morning day, watch the sunrise with me.

    You think the sunset is gorgeous? nothing is like waking up beside you and knowing we were together last night.

  40. sea
    i like it a lot
    oh my
    how it must feel
    to be a grain of salt
    is this going to be a poem?
    magic happens when you play with fire
    how about a drive on the beach?
    we can eat some salt?
    swim in salt?
    steal salt
    the abundant world supply
    oh my
