
April 18th, 2009 | 215 Entries

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215 Entries for “salt”

  1. Sexual identitty is like salt. It’s a small part of the recipe, insignificant in comparison to all the other pieces that make up who you are, but it has an impact on everything. It can’t be extracted once added to the recipe – it’s impossible.

  2. Salt ocean. Salt lake. A place full of salt. A salt shaker. Two salt shakers. Two Salt Shakers having a battle, capes flowing in the wind and sabres clashing with bright intensity. They fight over the salt mines, thoes salt shakers, in a lake full of salt, in the middle of salt land. Its an epic salt struggle!

    Andrew Messamore
  3. salt is one of the best things to have with food. My mother always says it’s bad for you, but I’m my fathers daughter and we both love it!

    It also reminds me of maldin salt – Maldin is where my friend lives in England and I remember going there and thinking how run down the salt plains were.

    Salt is a groovy word, I think it could be used to describe some sort of interior design theme – I’d like my lounge room to look like ‘salt’.

  4. The tumultuous ocean roared and a salty mist covered the sky, accentuating the cloudy wisps forming in the backdrop. You are beautiful; and so was the crash.

  5. This is the taste of my tears as I cry for the times that I could have done something, but didn’t. It’s the aftertaste in my mouth after I lie to you about how “happy I am.” This is the reason I hated you so much when I was living with you, and the reason I miss you so much now…

  6. “The table salt is so bad for you.”
    “Eh, it will clog my arteries… but do you think I really care?”
    “Just about as much as you care where that bagel is going right now… fatty.”

    HA. HA. HA.

  7. nacl. chemistry. melts snow and there is a ton outside from this blizzard. highers (is that a word?) the freezing point of water. ah, chemistry.

  8. a mineral, and so important. the best flavoring, it makes everything better. a primal taste, in fact.

  9. My mama used to say that if I took too much salt, all my hair would fall out, just like the hair of her friend, who was undergoing chemo at that time. I didn’t know that, of course, so I just believed her and cut down on he salt.

  10. My friends and I played this game once. We took as many sugar packets as people playing, cut one of the open and filled it with salt. Then, we shuffled them, then dumped the contents in our mouths on the count of three. We then had to guess who got the salt…

  11. yestarday i go to the movies i asked for popcorn they gac=ve me salt i said can i have salt and theyw said salyty me good

    Caleb... Age 13.
  12. The first movie i ever filmed/starred/wrote was my junior year of high school. In the opening scene my character pours salt on the table and sets his glass of water on top, thinking that will keep his glass from sticking to the table, as opposed to just a napkin.

  13. a pillar stood, and the people cried next to it, matching. they pour a little salt into everything they do, to remember. rub it in a little, they say. the sting is good for you. learn and remember. know.

    were the tears?

  14. she spilled salty tears, and let them stream down her face. the dog licked them up, and she laughed, a choked, dying sound, but one with a smile. you’ll take care of me, right? she asked. he answered with a salty tongue.

  15. Salt. Wow, I love salt. Hmm, there’s a lot of salt in the foods that I eat. Soy sauce, fries, chips, burgers, ketchup, basically everything I eat has some salt in it. Kinda funny. Salt is a four letter word that is sodium chloride!

  16. oh god salt what the hell stumbling upon this site is freaking me out i keep thinking of lightning, but that’s glass not salt, lightning makes glass not salt, i’m confusing it with sand i think, although they are very similar, sodium, it comes from seawater, it comes in waves, it tastes delicious kind of but it will totally kill you.

  17. it killed him. ultimately, he died because of it. his heart hardened and his life ended with a gasp. regular food didn’t taste good enough. he said everything good was salt. this dress was the salt of the wardrobe. this sight was the salt of sights. it was all that was good to him, and too much of a good thing was his destruction.

  18. What is fish and chips without salt? Soggy fish and plain potatoe. Salt is overused and underapreciated! The word salt itself is undervaluded for example, when this is read and people realize what they have done it will be like rubbing salt into the wound! Haha!

  19. White and shiny. Small and bitter. Adds take to food as it raises your blood pressure. Delicious to some, unbearable to few and dangerous to all. Get it in your eye and you’re sure to cry.

    Jennifer Lima
  20. I felt something swell up in my throat.I just couldn’t bare it.The years of pain,the years of hatred,the years of ignorance that brought me here today.
    I tasted salt.
    Nothing seemed right.

  21. What dry and frail fragment of chemical you are. Sometimes I can taste you on the tip of my tounge. Other times, I loathe you sent. You make me want to cook. to be a better cook. But You make me uptain water weight.

  22. salt of the earth is my skin after a long hot day in the sun working in the garden, creating the nourishment for my body. Thank you for the opportunity to do this. Salt it keeps me alive and strong. salt, on my tongue after licking your skin. salt my sea of life.

  23. Pepper always gets the good rap. Its so healthy, so flavorful, so much more easy on the arteries… you’d think they would realize me, standing next to it 24/7, but nooo, good food revolves around pepper. Sure I get added once in a while to cookies and pies, you know, a sprinkle of salt, just a bit, but pepper- it can be in anything on planet salty. But on planet pepper, salt simply isn’t good enough. >(

  24. the salt of the earth. we’re all supposed to be the salt of the earth right..? enrich the world…. season life.. etc. i wonder if any of us actually feel like we’ve met the standards that were laid out for us when were born. we’re like little bundles of potential. sadly… we’re just salty, literally. not meaningfully… shrugs.

  25. I tried to forget.
    Now you don’t matter.
    I don’t love peanut butter.

  26. salt spilled on the table. wash it up and get ready for the day. /everything seems to be okay wuth the way i am

    Elizabeth M. Carey
  27. Just as fate would have it. I sit here at the lunch table, all alone. Next to me sits Hannah, and Abagail across from her. They chat about something inconsequential, and I stare at my book, pretending to read it. I hate this school. I hate this town.

  28. salt, like in the ocean right. I used to vacation down to the Jersey shore with my grandparents every summer. Not vacation as in the pompos asshole “we own a beachhouse ” way, more like the cheap motel way. I remember the sea, the taste and i always drank it, for some reason the sting made me feel alive

  29. recently i stopped being best friends with my friend, weve been best friends for 3 years now, it has turned into a salty situation? crap, i cant stop thinking about it so this doesnt even compare to the word, shit i messed up

    i miss him.

  30. sea salt brine, ocean wave, motion of the ocean, the Atlantic…salt on my Marguerita, salty dog salt on your tongue

  31. is a form of payment used in times ancient,it is also the stuff of life, necessary for most living creatures. It also is what makes the sea taste so bad when you accidently swallow some of it at the beach.

  32. my mother always throws salt over her shoulder whenever it spills at the table during dinner. my brothers and i just start knocking it over on purpose now. i always wonder if she realizes or if she continues to do it because she has to. and then she gets really angry. so of course, we continue to knock the salt down saying “sorry, mom, i swear it was an accident this time.”

  33. this makes me think of potato chips. and now i want some.

  34. Salt of the earth… if you spill the salt you have to through some over your left shoulder. Yeah, I’m superstitious like that. Assault and battery. Pillar of salt?

  35. french fries. soup. dog. tabitha. shadow. pizza. anna.bgtrnhgbfngfmhtfrnh rfhmr/nghr.njr.ngREng.5rt/nger.gfbe/f.d/

  36. I love it. I sometimes can’t get enough of it. Some say that means I’m missing potassium and should just eat a bananna. Salt and vinegar potato chips. Mmm, the way they make your tongue tingle and your mouth pucker. Some people say sour salty things help you focus

  37. soup garlic bread sugar love you strogonoff bear cheese

  38. My friend used to put a lot of salt on all of her food, and now she has really high blood pressure…. That sucks to be her I guess…

  39. I don’t use a whole lot of salt on anything. When I do, it is usually sea salt. I love the taste of sea salt, especially on almonds.
    One thing I love some salt on is restaurant eggs and hashbrowns, for some reason. But not on my french fries. Salt has its place, but I have seen it cause a lot of damage.

  40. They’re been driving for hours it seems, when in that barely concious state they breathe in the dry air salty and air, and know that they are home.
