
August 29th, 2012 | 251 Entries

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251 Entries for “salvation”

  1. What is the sound of salvation? Can it ever be voiced or heard? It looks to the sun, hoping for warmth and heat, but the only way to find it is to save yourself. No one will save you.

    John Komarek
  2. salvation follows those who live righteously. You don’t need to be a bible thumping christian to live this way either. Be humble and honest, and forgive people. Pray for your enemies, and hope for your own future, live your life, and receive salvation.

  3. You await but not everyone gets this
    Salvation is the ultimatum you crave and desire

  4. Salvation is when you see an oasis in the middle of the desert. a little drop of water surrounded bei palmtrees. and… yeah that’s it.
    salvador dali!

    martin suter
  5. Salvation has arrived; it so clear and so beautiful. The end of the dark tunnel of seemingly eternal suffering has a light. Gradually the much too familiar pain her sickness brings fades into an echo, as a silent euphoria overtakes her. She lived longer with the pain than without it. And, it was a monster that does not become banal. The ending start; It was happiness and it was peace and it was silence and it was kind and it was a happy ending.

    The end of the tunnel has a light; It is Death.

  6. Could there truly be salvation after the awful acts he had committed? It seemed an impossibility. What type of world could offer him hope after he had betrayed so many? It seemed unjust, even to his own ears.

  7. I’m trying to desperately find my salvation in this rumbled mess of a life I live. Hoping that you’re the one; with every single pun intended. I have to find salvation whether that be in my mind or in my heart or in my soul. Help me find my salvation you’re my only one.

    Patsy Alcantar
  8. salvation – coming to peace with one’s own spirit and soul. to accept and be ok with what you find there.

  9. Perhaps he could have stopped. He could have turned around. Looked at me. Perhaps he could have smiled and waved and beckoned to me. He could have done all of that and more. But he just kept on walking.

  10. bad

  11. love is salvation
    hatred is salvation
    the choice between
    either redemption
    is the only important decision
    you will ever

  12. Salvation, in religion, is the saving of the soul from sin and its consequences.[1] It may also be called “deliverance” or “redemption” from sin and its effects.
    And when the Brahmin gave the the Chamaar a burial, he ironically gave him and his soul deliverance.
    Deliverance of the soul from hell is impossible. However, from purgatory you may after purgation of your sins go to heaven.

    Somya Tyagi
  13. Salvation is here. It’s been extended to each one of us and it’s ours to take, should we be willing. Christ is risen.

  14. a word that for some reason i associate with WWII. It brings to mind poppies and soldiers. it’s an open word.

    mahalia john
  15. This will be the breaking through, the cracking of the clouds to the blue sky beneath. Salvation in the form of soft hands, of sunshine and clarity and fresh air. Hope not only springing eternal but bursting through the cracks to overflow.

  16. Of course. He will come again. Our lord and savior. Our salvation will come back for us, he is always there but now he will come again to take us home with him. I hope it will happen soon. Faith is hard, the devil gets a grip on you through temptation, sin, and doubt. Take me when I have no doubt Lord! Take me when I believe in you. Take me when I can get into heaven.

  17. Salvation. I’ll be cliched and say that you were my salvation, you saved me from a multitude of tiny deaths.

  18. Ahh, salvation. I think it’s not surprising that most people would immediately think of God and religion when faced with this word. Salvation plays a really huge part of my elementary life because that’s when I accepted Him as my personal savior.

  19. Salvation? There’s no goddamn salvation, what the fuck is this? There’s no saving this world, we’re all going down the drain, and yes I understand that this is a very negative way to think of things but…shit dude, people are fucking stupid! It’s not that I hate everything, I just hate stupidity and that’s everything. So yeah…I mean….wow. This is sad.

  20. Jesus died on the cross for me! The revelation spread through Emma’s body like a cleansing flood. Her guilt was lifted from her shoulders, and instantly, she felt SALVATION. So this is how it feels? I LOVE it!

  21. zegening, redding, is nabij, maar van wie, en wie moet worden gered en waarvan? niemand zou ik zeggen, want iedereen gaat dood dus vroeg of laat of we nu zegenen of niet en wat moet je zeggen als je zegent? het regent, het regent

  22. to rescue someone from false believe and help to them he right way to leive is the best policy in the eye of god. he will be happy forever with you if he thinks and what yopu do. just get someone out of their hesitaiton about living life in a proper way . givng happiness is best the mankind can do because when the life ebds he/she has nothing to take back but only the deeds and thats what matters. its best to be a hero and not thew vilaince get the best out of yourself.l resue people and see whta life has to offer you.

  23. “Salvation my ass,” I muttered as I opened my door and closing it violently, probably racking the whole dormitory.

    Salvation my ass, indeed. What “salvation”? Being able to escape things only to haunt you in the future? Being able to skip classes only to suffer unbearable consequences?

    Or giving up the person you love, for the “salvation” those coat-wearing freaks promise?

    No. Fuck no. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it at all.

    I just stood there in front of my doorway, cursing them in my mind over and over. After the nth time, my knees felt suddenly so weak. I listened to their request, and down I went, along with the tears that wished to stream down, too.

    “I’m sorry,” I shouted in between my sobs, “I’m very sorry!”

    It took me about 20 minutes to regain my posture. It took me a minute to find the pills I take as an anti-depressant. It took me about 5 seconds to figure out that the case held 20 tablets.

    It took me only a second to decide.

  24. I want my salvation to be a dreamboat. He can save me — from myself, and the world, and the dragons — all at once. He will see the ways I need to learn who I am, the places I need to go and the things I need to do to become all that I can be.

    I want the Lord God to be someone I can worship here on Earth.

  25. freedom of speech . free to do what you think will make you complete , happy and make you need nothing more than breath and live the moment that you are right now . Liberation from everything that you want , but don’t really need .

  26. This is when I went to church one day and everyone was writhing on the ground, the pastor shaking a cobra and flogging it against the ground. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! But I was running out of breath and having a goddamned panic attack. I prayed with all the cells in my blood and oxygen in my brains for a pocket of peace & calm.

  27. It was too late for her; too late for salvation. She had been in the trade for far too long a time. She could stop, perhaps. But the demons would haunt her for years to come. If only he had came earlier.

  28. my savior, so important, to be free and open, my bliss, having been saved and safe, to be charitable and also loving.

    Sheryl Fatse
  29. Who will absolve those who give their absolution freely and without judgement?

  30. there is no salvation for those who hesitate, who neglect to jump in, dive in, into the unknown, forsaking all worries and fears. Those who venture shall gain, and if they do not gain they will loose, but it is better to have loved and lost than to never love at all.

  31. salvation = frustration = galvinisation

    Robert Wynne-Griffiths
  32. I never really understood what salvation was: saving? helping? retrieving from wreckage? I just don’t know. If I were to use the word, I think I would have it mean something to do with mental stability. But that’s just me.

  33. The propinquity of salvation is my panacea.

  34. She watched him go, a small, smug sensation growing in her chest. He was taking a piece of her with him yes; but it would be a potent piece, a loud piece. A piece that screamed in his ear as he tried to sleep, that whispered in his nightmares. No, he was not her salvation. Yes, she was left bereft. But she knew, at least, that she would be one memory he’d sleep with forever after.

  35. I remember I got my mattress in Rotorua at the Salvation Army for $12. I was so pleased with that, and that mattress worked just fine.

    I remember living with Cam, who I thought would be so cool to live with and turned out to just be a big douche bag the entire time. What a disappointment.

    That was a weird time period in my life. A pretty good one though, definitely good experience. Just a bit weird.


  36. The membrane between physical life and death is very thin; I thank him for my salvation.

  37. Atheism is my salvation. There is no god, there was no creation. There is the alpha, there is the omega. Christian scum, have false dedication. To the words of a priest, they bow at their feet. For redemption they seek, the salvation at the peak. They will never find it.

    Wesley Avrett
  38. my salvation is directly connected to Christ Jesus. I look forward, with anticipation to my mansion in the sky.

  39. I am your salvation.
    I am your creation.
    I am the flowing current.
    I am the burning sensation.
    I bring an end to your thought.
    I bring the end that you had sought.
    I am the devil.
    I am the reaper.
    I am the one your life sought.
    I am your keeper.

    Wesley Avrett
  40. you. Its you, its always been you. I think of you to get out of bed in the morning, think of you as I stir my tea, think of you every moment of the day. You are my salvation, my life, my love.
