
September 3rd, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “samurai”

  1. This is the second time today I’ve done this and as before, makes me think of scary (large) Japanese men trained on the art of fighting with scary curved swords, maybe loyal to warlords or similar, take their fighting very seriously, codes and rites.

  2. Champloo, Afro, crazy stories wrapped up neatly into significant little bundles for my friends and I to enjoy. And the music, none of of could ever forget the music that helped shape us.

  3. Samurai, long-gone, swords sharp and long, waiting on the mountain, brush above the paper

  4. The Master of the Samurai was very stern, and made the students follow a strict schedule, which left little time for rest or for fooling around. Some dropped out quickly and assumed a life of orphans or beggars. The remainder were a disciplined troop and continued the tradition and loyalty to each other even after his death.

  5. The samuarai warrior stood tall as he approached the enemy. However, he shook inside because he was scared. He had never actually fought to the death.
