
June 26th, 2009 | 123 Entries

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123 Entries for “sandals”

  1. As I ran toward the rocks I flicked off my sandals in a desperation to free my feet. Not even a moment later my face stretched from shock to delight. The sand was so hot that it stung for the first seconds. But as it oozed its way between my toes any uncomfort vanished.

  2. sandals keep my feet cooler than shoes do.
    but i need a pedicure or something before i wear sandals.
    you know the one sandals with all the holes in them?
    weird huh?
    or what about those burkenstocks??

  3. sandals are schmandels oh how I would love to step on the sand in my sandals and listen to Handel

  4. Your sandals
    kept me up last night
    they clicked and clacked
    it wasnt right

    I thought that once your foot was out
    they wouldnt move so much about!

    but oh alas, Ive done my share
    oh no….there goes the underwear!!!!!!

  5. summer fun in the sun. friends. good times. laughs. memories. hope it never ends. tears. sadness. heartache. for those who are leaving soon. will miss them forever. love them very much. want to tell them i love them. dont know if i ever can. i love you.

  6. women are crazy for different types of sandals. they make them look attractive and sexy. i love women who wear high heels.

  7. I love to wear sandals. I even wear sandals to mass in the Summer. Long flowing skirts and sandals is my attire. I guess it goes back to my hippie days when I was young.

  8. I think of thr beach …warm sand and walking along the water collecting shells…what great time me and the kids had…building sand castals

    Gayle Starry
  9. The cool breeze across my face feels wonderful as a walk across the sand. My sandals are worn in from the numbers of times I’ve made this trek. Little did I know this would be my last time before it happened…

  10. jellies were my favorite until they gave me blisters
    I still love them but will not wear them. :)

  11. my flip-flops are broken. it’s okay, though. i have for-real sandals, the kind with actual straps. they’re not exactly fashionable, but then again neither am i, when given a choice. it’s not that i don’t like being pretty. it’s just that it’s not me.

    grace h
  12. sandals
    all different
    like people
    none are the same
    they are one of a kind!

  13. Sandals? Ew. I wear sneakers, and sneakers alone. One exception? Combat boots. But they don’t look so nice with swim trunks. Not the best fashion choice at the pool side, shoes, so I go barefoot. Speaking of bad fashion, What’s up with socks&sandals? GROSS. Also, Crocs? BOO, I SAY! BOO!

    Toby Brock!
  14. jesus would have worn sandals if he’d been real

    amanda ott
  15. Sandals make life easy and comfortable.

  16. I love my new sandals but they rub my heels.

  17. Two weeks ago when I went to Wisconsin I broke the heel off the best pair of sandals I own. They are 12 years old, but classic-cool! I need a shoe repairman!

  18. sandals are amazing. i dont really like them on guys.
    they arent cute on them. i dont like feet.

  19. They are comfy and make me feel summery. The feet stick into them and finally breathe. Taking them off is a piece of cake.

  20. He told me they did not fit my feet, but I loved them and wore them everyday that summer. I had to wash them out each evening and hang them on a broom handle to dry.

    Shantelle Stephens
  21. sandals aren’t that great. they serve a good purpose, like when it’s too hot to wear proper shoes, you wanna be casual or you’re going for a swim. they’re alright in those respects… but they are mighty annoying between the toe… and sometimes you can get blisters from walking in them with wet feet. they fall off too easily and you go through a million a summer

  22. instinctively think of the beach and blue sky. need to reroute life to retire on the beach, kicking your feet in the sand with your new old pair of sandals

  23. I sat on my beach towel with a magazine in my hand. I stuck my toes in the sand, and dug down. my sandals lay beside me, lonely. They should know, nobody wear sandals on the beach.

  24. summer is here, time to take out those sandals you bought last year. i bought new sandals/flipflops this year. they are black and the strap part is gray/black plaid. my friend just bought a pair of sandals the other day at dsw. i think theyre gladiators, but i cant be sure

  25. the one who is focused in his approach and is directed towards accomplishing the target

  26. I sipped my sandals off for surely this was a holy place. There was no line of others outside the door but every cell told me this was right. I slowly walked into the cool dark church, ancient and hallowed.

  27. You wear them at theseaside to protect your feet there are beach or seaside tyoe of show to wear . they keep ur feet nice and cool and they are very comfortable .

  28. sandals are fashion. Paris, London, New York, women all over the world have sandals. So random, but so important.

  29. sandals remind me of summer, of kicking sand down the beach and throwing then off to run in the sea. After too much sangria, running along narrow paths swinging sandals in your hand, feet bruised the next day from pebbles and shell.

  30. Sandals are really nice to wear on a sunny day. They’re pretty and colourful :) I have pink sandals. When I was a little girl I used to wear little white ones with pink socks. Aw, I miss being a kid. Those were the good old days

  31. she wears them. Usuallz on her feet. Somtimes, to illustrate a point, on her head. She has guards to watch over her sandals while she walks barefoot to her throne.

    lilla kultsar
  32. Sandals are just not what is in my head right now.
    I mean who ever wears them anyway.
    School girls.
    Hmmmm I have the kinkiest little tartan school girl skirt that looks pretty damn hot with my 6 inch stripper heels and white underwear.
    White underwear I mean who ever wears that anyway?
    I (ding!)

  33. Snowy sandals sit
    Forgotten in the winter
    How summer sleeps

  34. The sand was burning the bottom of my feet, and its black grains sifted over the edges of my sandals to push points of heat into the side of my feet. The wind would whip up eddies of sand, too, hitting my legs with stinging hot grains.

  35. Sandy toes, dirty feet? No – the beauty of a natural, free and happy life reflected in those sandaled feet

    Ellen Hayes
  36. Sandy toes, dirty feet? No – he beauty of a natural, free and happy life reflected in those sandaled feet

    Ellen Hayes
  37. I don’t really like wearing sandals but I feel in the summer, especially at the beach that sort of thing is required. You don’t want to be the only one still taking off your shoes while everyone else is already swimming. Chances are, if you’re wearing tennis shoes in the summer you probably weren’t the first person they had in mind to ask.

  38. Things I never wear, it’s just not right.

  39. The type of shoe i love to wear, makes me feel closer to jesus. You see, Jesus also wore sandals, to escape from the barren, hot desert ground of his land. I would imagine it would hurt very much to be bare foot in Jerusalem. Poor Jesus needed sandals more than the next person. Thank you Jesus.

  40. Every time I get new sandals, I’m not used to them. The first time I wear them, I always get blisters on my feet. But sandals are better in the rain. My tennis shoes leak, so they get just as wet as my sandals, but sandals dry faster.
