When I think about running with scissors I wonder why we weren’t warened as children about other dangerous things we should avoid doing like listening to religious figures or blindly following politicians. Why were we never warned to always question our meme’s
mommy always said not to run with scissors,
but you did anyway.
and now there is a jagged tear in my heart,
right where you slammed into me.
(why didn’t you listen?)
messy hair, grass.
Meredith Ebersole
Meredith Ebersole
“The scissors plunged into his abdomen, shredding his skin and cutting his internal organs to shreds, and you expect me to think that he fell on them? The gouge is so jagged, and multiple entrances are evident. There is no way this was an accident. This was a crime of passion.”
Who in their right mind would put these on a kindergardener’s supply list? Because I sure as hell wouldn’t. Don’t teach em how to destroy. Teach em how to build. And to make and to know and to create. Because that is all this world needs right now.
She ran across the tile floor, scissors in hand and screaming at the children around her. The irony of the situation did not settle until the entire classroom of students were staring at her.
He took a small breath, and grasped the scissors in his right hand. He thought to himself, “Who invented lefties? They never worked.” He switched them to his left hand and put a hole through the photograph.
crafts and cutting different colored pieces of paper to make some thing that will hang on the refrigerator
I quickly jotted down her name. Glancing to my side, I saw the fire flicker. This was the only way to remove her. Asking the Gods, the heavens, and the universe, I wished her away. And with the slow snips of the scissors, slowly destroyed her name on the paper. She would be no more.
A sigh of relief.
I leaned over and saw what I was going to use to murder Jessica English. She was sitting there, quiet without a care in the world. I jetted over to the scissors, and grabbed them tightly in hand. I crept slowly over to her and placed my hands on her shoulders. “Hello baby,” I said delicately to her. She turned around and smiled ever so sweetly at me. “Hello you!,” she said and then slowly stepped her way up to me. I grabbed the scissors, and jolted them right through her heart. Her blood curdling scream filled the room, as my eyes glistened with pure bliss. I set the scissors down and walked away.
Aleczander Terrero
Ribbons and scissors, that’s what i was doing until the scissors suddenly disappeared from my very hands. I did not know what to do, I searched everywhere… I then ended up finding the scissors with ribbons wrapped around it right next to my favorite teddy bear…was this a sign?
scissors are great
The scissors close over the lock of hair, and all is lost.
Bound to the chair, he feels his strength flow from him, ebbing away like the waves receding in a drought. He looks up and tears fill his eyes, because it’s her face smirking down at him, her eyes staring back filled with the knowledge that she’s won.
J. Bohrer
Scissors are used as a tool to cut things with. Scissors are used a lot. Including: around the house, at school, at work, and many other important jobs and used for tasks. Scissors are of great use to people. They cut in straight even lines. Without having to rip things!
Aleczander Terrero
The scissors was on the floor, the blood stained carpet told most of the story. The rotton corpse told the rest. I picked up the scissors, my finger prints traced over the previous. Now im here for life.
elizabeth d
He looked at his victim endearingly, scissors in hand. His hand closed over her mouth. She tried to scream for help, but all she could do was clench her face in pain as the metal cut through her skin.
cut. cut. cut.
if only it weren’t impossible.
you still stand.
drying off and accusing me.
when will it end?
when will it begin?
but where to begin?
you were not the first.
cut the beginning
cut the end
but leave the middle
oh the middle.
you still stand
stand still
drying off and accusing me.
i don’t blame you.
My scissors were open and in an unfortunate accident I sat on them. It happened like this. I was dancing the mamba with my unknown next door neighbor when he swung me in a full circle. I collided with the coat rack, tumbled over omwar and went head first into the African violet potted plant my son gave me. As I stumbled to my feet the heel on my 5 inch stilettos broke, I fell onto the open scissors.
two silver blades
each other.
is lovers,
sharply and accurately.
razor sharp, it will
sever ties.
with us
or those
with past.
its cut
will leave per-
a scar of love.
Scissors. It’s a hard word to spell. I always spell it wrong. It always reminds me of a Pokemon named Syther. At least I think that’s how you spell it. I really do Enjoy Pokemon. I’m actually dressed up as Misty from the cartoon right now. You see, today is the day before Halloween and at school everyone’s dressed up. My best friend is dressed up as Ash. He’s the other main character from the show. I miss the old days of just watching Pokemon. Those were good times.
The scissors fell from her hands and she stared at her reflection in the mirror.
She hardly recognized herself. Her hair was jaggedly cut, uneven and almost awful-looking around her forehead and ears. She was surprised she hadn’t nicked anything.
Ten inches of long blond tendrils lay in the sink, soft curls that still shone.
Scissors can be very sharp. Once I accidentally cut my sister with scissors. Although dangerous, they are a very useful tool, and many other cutting tools have come from them. There are many varieties, like the kitchen pair of scissors, able to cut herbs or thick plastic food packaging, and the paper cutter, modeled off of scissors, which enables you to cut paper with completely straight lines.
My daughter cut her own hair off with scissors. She had no idea she was doing it. She came running in saying, “Something is shedding in the sun room.” It was her.
scissor me timbers arghhhh im a pirate
sharp and shiny yet capped with plastic. The tool for all ages and a toy for those with a penchant for destruction. got to love the noise they make when tearing through thin cardboard. beautiful.
When I think about running with scissors I wonder why we weren’t warened as children about other dangerous things we should avoid doing like listening to religious figures or blindly following politicians. Why were we never warned to always question our meme’s
mommy always said not to run with scissors,
but you did anyway.
and now there is a jagged tear in my heart,
right where you slammed into me.
(why didn’t you listen?)
messy hair, grass.
“The scissors plunged into his abdomen, shredding his skin and cutting his internal organs to shreds, and you expect me to think that he fell on them? The gouge is so jagged, and multiple entrances are evident. There is no way this was an accident. This was a crime of passion.”
Who in their right mind would put these on a kindergardener’s supply list? Because I sure as hell wouldn’t. Don’t teach em how to destroy. Teach em how to build. And to make and to know and to create. Because that is all this world needs right now.
She ran across the tile floor, scissors in hand and screaming at the children around her. The irony of the situation did not settle until the entire classroom of students were staring at her.
He took a small breath, and grasped the scissors in his right hand. He thought to himself, “Who invented lefties? They never worked.” He switched them to his left hand and put a hole through the photograph.
crafts and cutting different colored pieces of paper to make some thing that will hang on the refrigerator
I quickly jotted down her name. Glancing to my side, I saw the fire flicker. This was the only way to remove her. Asking the Gods, the heavens, and the universe, I wished her away. And with the slow snips of the scissors, slowly destroyed her name on the paper. She would be no more.
A sigh of relief.
I leaned over and saw what I was going to use to murder Jessica English. She was sitting there, quiet without a care in the world. I jetted over to the scissors, and grabbed them tightly in hand. I crept slowly over to her and placed my hands on her shoulders. “Hello baby,” I said delicately to her. She turned around and smiled ever so sweetly at me. “Hello you!,” she said and then slowly stepped her way up to me. I grabbed the scissors, and jolted them right through her heart. Her blood curdling scream filled the room, as my eyes glistened with pure bliss. I set the scissors down and walked away.
Ribbons and scissors, that’s what i was doing until the scissors suddenly disappeared from my very hands. I did not know what to do, I searched everywhere… I then ended up finding the scissors with ribbons wrapped around it right next to my favorite teddy bear…was this a sign?
scissors are great
The scissors close over the lock of hair, and all is lost.
Bound to the chair, he feels his strength flow from him, ebbing away like the waves receding in a drought. He looks up and tears fill his eyes, because it’s her face smirking down at him, her eyes staring back filled with the knowledge that she’s won.
Scissors are used as a tool to cut things with. Scissors are used a lot. Including: around the house, at school, at work, and many other important jobs and used for tasks. Scissors are of great use to people. They cut in straight even lines. Without having to rip things!
The scissors was on the floor, the blood stained carpet told most of the story. The rotton corpse told the rest. I picked up the scissors, my finger prints traced over the previous. Now im here for life.
He looked at his victim endearingly, scissors in hand. His hand closed over her mouth. She tried to scream for help, but all she could do was clench her face in pain as the metal cut through her skin.
cut. cut. cut.
if only it weren’t impossible.
you still stand.
drying off and accusing me.
when will it end?
when will it begin?
but where to begin?
you were not the first.
cut the beginning
cut the end
but leave the middle
oh the middle.
you still stand
stand still
drying off and accusing me.
i don’t blame you.
My scissors were open and in an unfortunate accident I sat on them. It happened like this. I was dancing the mamba with my unknown next door neighbor when he swung me in a full circle. I collided with the coat rack, tumbled over omwar and went head first into the African violet potted plant my son gave me. As I stumbled to my feet the heel on my 5 inch stilettos broke, I fell onto the open scissors.
two silver blades
each other.
is lovers,
sharply and accurately.
razor sharp, it will
sever ties.
with us
or those
with past.
its cut
will leave per-
a scar of love.
Scissors. It’s a hard word to spell. I always spell it wrong. It always reminds me of a Pokemon named Syther. At least I think that’s how you spell it. I really do Enjoy Pokemon. I’m actually dressed up as Misty from the cartoon right now. You see, today is the day before Halloween and at school everyone’s dressed up. My best friend is dressed up as Ash. He’s the other main character from the show. I miss the old days of just watching Pokemon. Those were good times.
The scissors fell from her hands and she stared at her reflection in the mirror.
She hardly recognized herself. Her hair was jaggedly cut, uneven and almost awful-looking around her forehead and ears. She was surprised she hadn’t nicked anything.
Ten inches of long blond tendrils lay in the sink, soft curls that still shone.
Scissors can be very sharp. Once I accidentally cut my sister with scissors. Although dangerous, they are a very useful tool, and many other cutting tools have come from them. There are many varieties, like the kitchen pair of scissors, able to cut herbs or thick plastic food packaging, and the paper cutter, modeled off of scissors, which enables you to cut paper with completely straight lines.
My daughter cut her own hair off with scissors. She had no idea she was doing it. She came running in saying, “Something is shedding in the sun room.” It was her.
scissor me timbers arghhhh im a pirate
sharp and shiny yet capped with plastic. The tool for all ages and a toy for those with a penchant for destruction. got to love the noise they make when tearing through thin cardboard. beautiful.