you stopped working and now I’ll have to find a new pair. Damn you stupid scissors just when i needed you the most you gave up on me. you insensitive, useless object!
i cut the paper with scissors because they are efficient and get the job done quickly. Like scissores
scissors can only do the damage once the paper can be taped
sometimes I attempt to use scissors for something other than paper
this doesn’t always go well
I try
i cut. i am cold, and just cut. cut everything. ties, relations, flesh. i make thing separate and bleed. the wish to be united or separate? i am not biased. i do not care. i just separate.
oh what a wonderful thing you are,
tall, slender, cool to the touch,
yet man always take advantage of you.
you split things into two, that is your job.
you can hurt people, you can make people bleed
yet people still want need you around.
why oh dear scissors?
Sara de Souza
Oh, the wonderful shiny metal
Good for cutting all kinds of things
What would we do without
Such a marvelous invention?
He cut the box open, slowly, carefully. Once he reached the end of the tape, he lifted the sides of the cardboard open and reached inside. He pushed aside the layers of Styrofoam peanuts and newspaper to reveal the best gift he had ever received. Finally, his parents had listened to him, and gotten him exactly what he wanted.
Heather 2
I think that I could use a new hairdo and so tonight I will be heading on over to the hairdressers for a new do. I like the feel of my hair after it has been cut with scissors.
scissors cut things. I use scissors to cut my hair when it gets really long and I know that I shouldnt really because thats something that a barber or hair stylist should do but I just dont have the patience or the care to spend the money on that sort of thing when it can clearly be spent on things like groceries! and now you know how I feel about scissors.
cutting through so deep. the blades are so sharp and they pierce into my soul. can they cut awake the fake fabrics that haunt my mind? can they free the slave from the master and let the heart be known? it is not just a child who cuts a piece of contstruction paper but carving away the excess to see beauty. this is what my life means to me. to love the product and not shun the pieces that are lost, even when they are overcut.
I need a haircut so badly. My hair is wild and untamed, and falls ungracefully into my eyes. But I can’t afford anything these days. So I lift the scissors to my head and start to chop. I’ve never done this before…I hope it comes out OK!
Scissors are pretty amazing tools. They’re like two knives put together. They are very nice when you don’t want to bother trying to use two knives together, as that is very hard and painful to work with. I wish there were things like scissors in every aspect of life.
in ballet, en pointe, it’s good to remember your body is like a scissors. Your center is where the blades are connected. Your legs shoot out scissors straight down and your upper body straight up!
Dont run with scisors you can fall and cut yourself and then youre an emo kid because only emo kids cut themselves and only dumbasses run with scissors!
“I need some scissors.”
“Sure,” Thea muttered. What, he couldn’t just cut off the strip with that stupid dagger? No, of course not. The edge would be ragged and it would drive him and his stupid OCD crazy. She rummaged around in the desk drawer, pulling out the first pair her hand could find.
Lex stared at her offering. “What are those?”
“Scissors,” she said stiffly, forcing the brightly colored childproof pair into his hands.
I know how to cut nice things with scissors,and I have many scissors
Robbin Jimmerson
i wrote a poem about scissors once,
i compared different lovers to scissors
in the end,
one stabbed me in the back,
one in the face
and one in the heart.
other than that
they cut things
they helped me cut out my peter pan costume
i cant wait for halloween
Snip snip snip. When will it stop? I can’t stand the sound. I can’t stand the feel. I can’t stand the smell. And I know I won’t be able to stand what I look like when she has finished. And that wind – my ears will freeze off.
Scissors are made for cutting. Cut. Cut. Cut. sometimes you cut yourself unless they are safety scissors. i had a pair of wolf scissors one time. I loved them. they were orange. my grandma bea got them for me. she smellled funny.
John held the scissors and deftly cut the hair of the person in front of him. “That will do,” said the person and left.
My godmother, Wilma, was a creative force in my life. She was a self-sacrificing woman, with three sons. She taught me to cut patterns and sew doll-clothes and make pecan rolls. She always wore an apron, no-fuss short hair and no makeup. In the back of her house she had a shed built where she painted and fired ceramic items. I remember painting a dog – a beagle, I think, because I always wanted a dog. Before WIlma died of cancer, my mom called her, and WIlma answered “what can I do for you?” WIlma always did for others, and a big regret of mine is that I never thanked her or wrote her a note. But she is often in my thoughts.
Hello scissors, you look pretty today, I’m sorry I got blood all over you, I really didn’t meann too. You are my only friend, you know that right, you just mean so much to me, soooo much. I love the way you flash when I wave you in the air and the gleam as you fall toward the target I have. Killing was never so much fun until I met you, my scissors, my death, my love.
scissors are used for cutting. cutting the strings on clothing or used to cut out hearts to make vday cards for the one you love. scissors are sharp and can cause pain…
They cut with startling precision, shearing across the fabric like dancers on pointe. Their gleam belies their effectiveness as they do their job with alacrity and skill. Left or right handed doesn’t matter, only skill, only the razor edge that hacks and slashes it’s way through the opposing cloth.
When I was little running down the hallway I noticed a shiny object in the peripheral of my eye. It was stuck behind the bookshelf full of the encyclopedias and bibles. I turned around to check it out, it was of course a pair of scissors. Scattered around them were passages from Revelations and the pages 23-56 of the K World Book encyclopedia.
S Cody
Scissors inspire some people to kill. Well, at least that’s what a popular movie that I haven’t ever seen might lead us to believe. In truth they just tend to accidently hurt people. But I’m glad they’re there anyway because even though they may present some hazards, they are mainly very useful things.
They cut my ear first. My stylist said sorry let me get a bandaid but how does that fit around an ear? How does it? I have never done that before. Like cellophane around a beehive. Sounds like a college prank gone bad. My ear is bleeding.
JJ Astor IV
run with scissors! Little chances and stepping out choices might be a good thing. you could fall in love with the doctor that sews you up!
maxine paradiso
I love it when two ladies performs the scissors.
Rubbin labia… gotta love it!
Smelly Poker Player
Don’t run with ’em. Number one rule.
Capn Kirk
scissors is one of those words i can never spell right
never could, maybe it’s because scissors was never a word on those third grade spelling tests
it was always something like ‘because’ or ‘neighborhood’
but the words that are realy important, like scissors
damn those thirds grade teachers
damn them.
i had a pair of scissors once, but i used them to cut out this construction paper gingerbread looking guy and it was like my teacher thought i was gonna axe someone with them because she took them out of my hands and made me leave the room? first of all i dunno how you can axe someone with a pair of scissors but that’s what she…thought..
sicisors ehh? it can cut any paper in half and even cloths.. wll its dangerous to run around with it becaus u may hurt ur self.
They all fall away. Eventually, one by agonizing one, the ribbons that connect you and me are severed,and you wield the scissors.
Piper B
It wasn’t that she’d ever thought of it before. The blades looked shinny and new and the colorful handles looked good against her skin. She didn’t want to do this. Yet, she couldn’t find a way to not do. She clutched the scissors tighter in her palm, preparing for the pain that was to come.
Such and unusual word with many S’s. And such a useful device to opening containers, or cutting out a piece of paper, or removing just a swatch of fabric from a whole piece so you can take it to the hardware store and get paint to match.
Like life
In its infinite
cut like a knife only blunter. Red handles shaped like forgiveness. some people call them snips, i prefer the traditional. Elongated and simple. It rolls of the tongue. Enough
cut paste sharp large small right-handed left-handed spelt with sc what else can u do with them, cut paper, cut meat, nail scissors, rounded ends, sharp pointy ends, safety, hand them to someone else not by the blades, never can find them when i need them, cut material for sewing with them, who invented them?where would be be without them? do they need sharpening? some do.
you stopped working and now I’ll have to find a new pair. Damn you stupid scissors just when i needed you the most you gave up on me. you insensitive, useless object!
i cut the paper with scissors because they are efficient and get the job done quickly. Like scissores
scissors can only do the damage once the paper can be taped
sometimes I attempt to use scissors for something other than paper
this doesn’t always go well
I try
i cut. i am cold, and just cut. cut everything. ties, relations, flesh. i make thing separate and bleed. the wish to be united or separate? i am not biased. i do not care. i just separate.
oh what a wonderful thing you are,
tall, slender, cool to the touch,
yet man always take advantage of you.
you split things into two, that is your job.
you can hurt people, you can make people bleed
yet people still want need you around.
why oh dear scissors?
Oh, the wonderful shiny metal
Good for cutting all kinds of things
What would we do without
Such a marvelous invention?
He cut the box open, slowly, carefully. Once he reached the end of the tape, he lifted the sides of the cardboard open and reached inside. He pushed aside the layers of Styrofoam peanuts and newspaper to reveal the best gift he had ever received. Finally, his parents had listened to him, and gotten him exactly what he wanted.
I think that I could use a new hairdo and so tonight I will be heading on over to the hairdressers for a new do. I like the feel of my hair after it has been cut with scissors.
scissors cut things. I use scissors to cut my hair when it gets really long and I know that I shouldnt really because thats something that a barber or hair stylist should do but I just dont have the patience or the care to spend the money on that sort of thing when it can clearly be spent on things like groceries! and now you know how I feel about scissors.
cutting through so deep. the blades are so sharp and they pierce into my soul. can they cut awake the fake fabrics that haunt my mind? can they free the slave from the master and let the heart be known? it is not just a child who cuts a piece of contstruction paper but carving away the excess to see beauty. this is what my life means to me. to love the product and not shun the pieces that are lost, even when they are overcut.
I need a haircut so badly. My hair is wild and untamed, and falls ungracefully into my eyes. But I can’t afford anything these days. So I lift the scissors to my head and start to chop. I’ve never done this before…I hope it comes out OK!
Scissors are pretty amazing tools. They’re like two knives put together. They are very nice when you don’t want to bother trying to use two knives together, as that is very hard and painful to work with. I wish there were things like scissors in every aspect of life.
in ballet, en pointe, it’s good to remember your body is like a scissors. Your center is where the blades are connected. Your legs shoot out scissors straight down and your upper body straight up!
Dont run with scisors you can fall and cut yourself and then youre an emo kid because only emo kids cut themselves and only dumbasses run with scissors!
“I need some scissors.”
“Sure,” Thea muttered. What, he couldn’t just cut off the strip with that stupid dagger? No, of course not. The edge would be ragged and it would drive him and his stupid OCD crazy. She rummaged around in the desk drawer, pulling out the first pair her hand could find.
Lex stared at her offering. “What are those?”
“Scissors,” she said stiffly, forcing the brightly colored childproof pair into his hands.
I know how to cut nice things with scissors,and I have many scissors
i wrote a poem about scissors once,
i compared different lovers to scissors
in the end,
one stabbed me in the back,
one in the face
and one in the heart.
other than that
they cut things
they helped me cut out my peter pan costume
i cant wait for halloween
Snip snip snip. When will it stop? I can’t stand the sound. I can’t stand the feel. I can’t stand the smell. And I know I won’t be able to stand what I look like when she has finished. And that wind – my ears will freeze off.
Scissors are made for cutting. Cut. Cut. Cut. sometimes you cut yourself unless they are safety scissors. i had a pair of wolf scissors one time. I loved them. they were orange. my grandma bea got them for me. she smellled funny.
John held the scissors and deftly cut the hair of the person in front of him. “That will do,” said the person and left.
My godmother, Wilma, was a creative force in my life. She was a self-sacrificing woman, with three sons. She taught me to cut patterns and sew doll-clothes and make pecan rolls. She always wore an apron, no-fuss short hair and no makeup. In the back of her house she had a shed built where she painted and fired ceramic items. I remember painting a dog – a beagle, I think, because I always wanted a dog. Before WIlma died of cancer, my mom called her, and WIlma answered “what can I do for you?” WIlma always did for others, and a big regret of mine is that I never thanked her or wrote her a note. But she is often in my thoughts.
Hello scissors, you look pretty today, I’m sorry I got blood all over you, I really didn’t meann too. You are my only friend, you know that right, you just mean so much to me, soooo much. I love the way you flash when I wave you in the air and the gleam as you fall toward the target I have. Killing was never so much fun until I met you, my scissors, my death, my love.
scissors are used for cutting. cutting the strings on clothing or used to cut out hearts to make vday cards for the one you love. scissors are sharp and can cause pain…
They cut with startling precision, shearing across the fabric like dancers on pointe. Their gleam belies their effectiveness as they do their job with alacrity and skill. Left or right handed doesn’t matter, only skill, only the razor edge that hacks and slashes it’s way through the opposing cloth.
When I was little running down the hallway I noticed a shiny object in the peripheral of my eye. It was stuck behind the bookshelf full of the encyclopedias and bibles. I turned around to check it out, it was of course a pair of scissors. Scattered around them were passages from Revelations and the pages 23-56 of the K World Book encyclopedia.
Scissors inspire some people to kill. Well, at least that’s what a popular movie that I haven’t ever seen might lead us to believe. In truth they just tend to accidently hurt people. But I’m glad they’re there anyway because even though they may present some hazards, they are mainly very useful things.
They cut my ear first. My stylist said sorry let me get a bandaid but how does that fit around an ear? How does it? I have never done that before. Like cellophane around a beehive. Sounds like a college prank gone bad. My ear is bleeding.
run with scissors! Little chances and stepping out choices might be a good thing. you could fall in love with the doctor that sews you up!
I love it when two ladies performs the scissors.
Rubbin labia… gotta love it!
Don’t run with ’em. Number one rule.
scissors is one of those words i can never spell right
never could, maybe it’s because scissors was never a word on those third grade spelling tests
it was always something like ‘because’ or ‘neighborhood’
but the words that are realy important, like scissors
damn those thirds grade teachers
damn them.
i had a pair of scissors once, but i used them to cut out this construction paper gingerbread looking guy and it was like my teacher thought i was gonna axe someone with them because she took them out of my hands and made me leave the room? first of all i dunno how you can axe someone with a pair of scissors but that’s what she…thought..
sicisors ehh? it can cut any paper in half and even cloths.. wll its dangerous to run around with it becaus u may hurt ur self.
They all fall away. Eventually, one by agonizing one, the ribbons that connect you and me are severed,and you wield the scissors.
It wasn’t that she’d ever thought of it before. The blades looked shinny and new and the colorful handles looked good against her skin. She didn’t want to do this. Yet, she couldn’t find a way to not do. She clutched the scissors tighter in her palm, preparing for the pain that was to come.
Such and unusual word with many S’s. And such a useful device to opening containers, or cutting out a piece of paper, or removing just a swatch of fabric from a whole piece so you can take it to the hardware store and get paint to match.
Like life
In its infinite
cut like a knife only blunter. Red handles shaped like forgiveness. some people call them snips, i prefer the traditional. Elongated and simple. It rolls of the tongue. Enough
cut paste sharp large small right-handed left-handed spelt with sc what else can u do with them, cut paper, cut meat, nail scissors, rounded ends, sharp pointy ends, safety, hand them to someone else not by the blades, never can find them when i need them, cut material for sewing with them, who invented them?where would be be without them? do they need sharpening? some do.