Scissors. Sharp steel. Stainless, slave to a steady hand. Sever the strained ties that sleep beneath a serious smile. Stay away. Salvation! Salutations, separation!
Scissors cut things. They can be very dangerous. And you should NEVER run with them. You could hurt yourself, or someone in near proximity to you. Scissors!!!!!!!!! Angles are cool.
Ha Ha scissors,Hu Hu scissors,He He scissors,Hee Hee scissors,KHak Khak scissors, Khok Khok scissors, scissors scissors. Good bye have a nice day.
scissors are very necessary tool on every day life. Starting from hair to clothes to paper to anything even soft metal cutting requires a scissor.
scissors are very necessary tool on every day life. Starting from hair to clothes to paper to anything even soft metal cutting requires a scissor.
I wish scissors worked in the real world. I could cut you out of my life. I could finally move on. START OVER!!
When I saw them in the window of the store, I had to buy those scissors. Their golden color, and bird shape spoke of a time when me and my mother would sit on the couch sowing in front of the television. They were exaclty the same pair she had so often used to cut the treads I left behind when trying to have perfect finger like hers.
scissors are a handy tool. I love them! They cut things. There are different types of scissors too! Well they are all the same, but different uses. I don’t use the ones to cut cloth/string often, but I use kitchen sheers as much as regular all-purpose ones. I don’t need hair-cutting scissors since I use a motorized buzz thing to do my hair. Ah times up!
I had a pair of scissors. They were a beautiful pair. Red if I can remember. So good. I cut someone with these scissors and they were taken away by the police. I really hate those police. The ones who took my scissors. My doc says that what I did is wrong. I liked it though. It was nice.
The scissors flew through the air and landed in his eye! The person Cried in terror. SORRY!
one world
snip, snap. we love to cut: colored papers, dainty flowers, craft materials.
Would you cut your own hair? no, I wouldn’t do that. would cause too much trouble
We have paper, children, pinking shears, hair and scissors that cut chicken parts. So don’t run with scissors you may get cut. They are sharp.
Chris G
used to cut.
vmvmnvbnmbnbnb nbnbb,j hkjhklj ,jhh,kjkkhhkhk,jnhlkh h
VEry useful tool , Its always pair of scissors, often people spell it wrong as scissor, I used correct many on their grammar, To write about scissors is a strange thing to do,
Very good paper cuttings
Iam gonna write something about the strange persoon i met Last evening in my office, his name was Rao and he asked me for the way to the near by cell phone shop, I showed him the correct path and he was very happy and as a kind gesture he gave me the paper roses he had in his hand.
Thats how the freindship started, to my strange surprise I saw the the same guy in my Orkut, Only then I come to know he is one of my office colleagues brother in law.
May surprise everyone , but its truth… The word truth is the best label to make any one to make believe in any stuff.
Do you believe this short story. Write about your views on this!!!
Scissors. Rock, paper, scissors. Cutting up paper. Destroyer of projects. Creator of snowflakes. I like scissors now that I use them properly. No cuts.
Morgan Smith
The little girl and the Halloween costume. Despite her mother’s encouragement to buy a pre-made, plastic packaged costume from Target, you know, a pumpkin, a witch, a black cat, a scarecrow, Dorothy…she wanted to create. She loved the idea of prancing around with her jackolantern bucket collecting candy, in a costume she had thought up, designed, and made. She worked endlessly on this creation, spread out across the living room floor with her glue, scissors, fabric, glitter, and face paint. Finally, just in time for trick-or-treating, the seven year old stepped out of her front door in her homemade ballerina-witch-fairy costume.She had made it, thought of it, created it. Tutu, witch hat, ballet slippers, and all.
Don’t run with scissors. I was always told. Too bad I never listened to the adults. They really did know what was best, but now I run with scissors and kill. Kill so I don’t have to listen to others. I want to do things the way I want without others in my way. when I don’t want to deal with them I run with scissors. I show the world I don’t need to listen, and be like everyone else just me. running with scissors to get through life.
He grabbed the scissors and hacked at his hair; catharsis. I wasn’t there; I was out having dinner bought for me. But this is what I’m told. He was crying, I imagine, and maybe bits of hair stuck to the tearstreaks on his face. I still regret it. I would’ve liked to be the one there to assess the damage and turn it into a cute, stylish cut. He had such beautiful hair.
sharp pointed objects of doom… the paper screams as they cut
its not the papers fault, it did no wrong, it just wanted to be a different shape to its other papery friends
the scissors fall down… they are silent now, the paper is alone, the scissors are silent now.
i used to cut people’s hair with them. in my class. i made out like it was a joke, but i think that secretly i wanted to collect a little bit of each of my friends without their knowledge. it makes me kinda sad that that’s what i do, but there are much worse things.
He shouted our for her not to run, but she didn’t listen. Sarah continued running, scissors in her hand pointing forwards. The teacher shouted one again, but she still did not stop.
Kevin didn’t know what had hit him when Sarah tripped and fell on him.
To the teacher, time seemed to slow down and it was almost as if the speed of time had slowed down so the image he saw before him could torture him for longer.
I need to get my hair cut. I have split ends on my split end’s split ends. I haven’t been since right befor eschool started, which was what, Three months ago??
I need to get my hair cut. I have split ends on my split end’s split ends. I haven’t been since right befor eschool started, which was what, Three months ago??
to run or not to run?
What would mom say? i know what your mom would say. Oh, that was harsh. Sorry. And after all your mom did for me last night. Oh. Did it again.
they cut.
I am listening to the Masochism Tango so scissors bring to thought some strange things. Ew. Scissor kick, flips to the wall and swings out with a seamless flutter. Scissor sisters dance and prance across the stage belting out disco funkified Led Zeppelin.
but it’s the same again. i thought it would be different. scissors. maybe i should learn to learn about it before i dive head first. should. shoulda coulda woulda…
they cut. they help sew.
they are hard and cold but they help make warm and soft stuff.
i grab the scissors from the shelf and start chopping away what is left of my hair. i blindly grab and cut chunks of hair and wait for the outcome. a beautiful chaotic process in my dull life.
He held the scissors in his hands, poised above the paper.
“No!” she screamed earnestly but futilely.
The blades crossed, met in the middle. The soft crunch of shredding paper filled the air and then there was silence, punctuated a moment thereafter by the sound of the now cut report card falling to the ground and the dirt.
She knelt and scooped up the remains. “You’re a horrible boy!” she cried.
don’t run. Your foot will never heal, and you’ll be hobbling like a cripple for the rest of your life. You already have problems with your eyes man, don’t be stupid. How you gonna live if you can’t see and you can’t walk? This may seem like a good idea, but just put the officer down, and stop running.
Oh oh
scissors are kinda funny, you cannot run with scissors by the way, even though is great fun and stuff, lol i dunno.
I picked up the scissors and wondered what to do with it: cut my hair, try to teach myself to cut clothes out, or cut my brothers head off.
scissors chopping, leaping up and down, snip, snip, snip, bronze-coloured and shining with the sunlight glinting on them through the window glass as they cut through wrapping paper on a cold december day as xmas presents are arranged on the table ready to be enveloped in snowflake covered paper.
scissors chopping, leaping up and down, snip, snip, snip, bronze-coloured and shining with the sunlight glinting on them through the window glass as they cut through wrapping paper on a cold december day as xmas presents are arranged on the table ready to be enveloped in snowflake covered paper.
You do not run with scissors.
Maybe the world will explode if we do?
Has anybody tried it?
Did the world explode?
Did we cease to be, die off, croak?
Or did somebody just decide, “Hey man, that looks fun, don’t let it happen again”?
Scissors. Sharp steel. Stainless, slave to a steady hand. Sever the strained ties that sleep beneath a serious smile. Stay away. Salvation! Salutations, separation!
Scissors cut things. They can be very dangerous. And you should NEVER run with them. You could hurt yourself, or someone in near proximity to you. Scissors!!!!!!!!! Angles are cool.
Ha Ha scissors,Hu Hu scissors,He He scissors,Hee Hee scissors,KHak Khak scissors, Khok Khok scissors, scissors scissors. Good bye have a nice day.
scissors are very necessary tool on every day life. Starting from hair to clothes to paper to anything even soft metal cutting requires a scissor.
scissors are very necessary tool on every day life. Starting from hair to clothes to paper to anything even soft metal cutting requires a scissor.
I wish scissors worked in the real world. I could cut you out of my life. I could finally move on. START OVER!!
When I saw them in the window of the store, I had to buy those scissors. Their golden color, and bird shape spoke of a time when me and my mother would sit on the couch sowing in front of the television. They were exaclty the same pair she had so often used to cut the treads I left behind when trying to have perfect finger like hers.
scissors are a handy tool. I love them! They cut things. There are different types of scissors too! Well they are all the same, but different uses. I don’t use the ones to cut cloth/string often, but I use kitchen sheers as much as regular all-purpose ones. I don’t need hair-cutting scissors since I use a motorized buzz thing to do my hair. Ah times up!
I had a pair of scissors. They were a beautiful pair. Red if I can remember. So good. I cut someone with these scissors and they were taken away by the police. I really hate those police. The ones who took my scissors. My doc says that what I did is wrong. I liked it though. It was nice.
The scissors flew through the air and landed in his eye! The person Cried in terror. SORRY!
one world
snip, snap. we love to cut: colored papers, dainty flowers, craft materials.
Would you cut your own hair? no, I wouldn’t do that. would cause too much trouble
We have paper, children, pinking shears, hair and scissors that cut chicken parts. So don’t run with scissors you may get cut. They are sharp.
used to cut.
vmvmnvbnmbnbnb nbnbb,j hkjhklj ,jhh,kjkkhhkhk,jnhlkh h
VEry useful tool , Its always pair of scissors, often people spell it wrong as scissor, I used correct many on their grammar, To write about scissors is a strange thing to do,
Very good paper cuttings
Iam gonna write something about the strange persoon i met Last evening in my office, his name was Rao and he asked me for the way to the near by cell phone shop, I showed him the correct path and he was very happy and as a kind gesture he gave me the paper roses he had in his hand.
Thats how the freindship started, to my strange surprise I saw the the same guy in my Orkut, Only then I come to know he is one of my office colleagues brother in law.
May surprise everyone , but its truth… The word truth is the best label to make any one to make believe in any stuff.
Do you believe this short story. Write about your views on this!!!
Scissors. Rock, paper, scissors. Cutting up paper. Destroyer of projects. Creator of snowflakes. I like scissors now that I use them properly. No cuts.
The little girl and the Halloween costume. Despite her mother’s encouragement to buy a pre-made, plastic packaged costume from Target, you know, a pumpkin, a witch, a black cat, a scarecrow, Dorothy…she wanted to create. She loved the idea of prancing around with her jackolantern bucket collecting candy, in a costume she had thought up, designed, and made. She worked endlessly on this creation, spread out across the living room floor with her glue, scissors, fabric, glitter, and face paint. Finally, just in time for trick-or-treating, the seven year old stepped out of her front door in her homemade ballerina-witch-fairy costume.She had made it, thought of it, created it. Tutu, witch hat, ballet slippers, and all.
Don’t run with scissors. I was always told. Too bad I never listened to the adults. They really did know what was best, but now I run with scissors and kill. Kill so I don’t have to listen to others. I want to do things the way I want without others in my way. when I don’t want to deal with them I run with scissors. I show the world I don’t need to listen, and be like everyone else just me. running with scissors to get through life.
He grabbed the scissors and hacked at his hair; catharsis. I wasn’t there; I was out having dinner bought for me. But this is what I’m told. He was crying, I imagine, and maybe bits of hair stuck to the tearstreaks on his face. I still regret it. I would’ve liked to be the one there to assess the damage and turn it into a cute, stylish cut. He had such beautiful hair.
sharp pointed objects of doom… the paper screams as they cut
its not the papers fault, it did no wrong, it just wanted to be a different shape to its other papery friends
the scissors fall down… they are silent now, the paper is alone, the scissors are silent now.
i used to cut people’s hair with them. in my class. i made out like it was a joke, but i think that secretly i wanted to collect a little bit of each of my friends without their knowledge. it makes me kinda sad that that’s what i do, but there are much worse things.
He shouted our for her not to run, but she didn’t listen. Sarah continued running, scissors in her hand pointing forwards. The teacher shouted one again, but she still did not stop.
Kevin didn’t know what had hit him when Sarah tripped and fell on him.
To the teacher, time seemed to slow down and it was almost as if the speed of time had slowed down so the image he saw before him could torture him for longer.
I need to get my hair cut. I have split ends on my split end’s split ends. I haven’t been since right befor eschool started, which was what, Three months ago??
I need to get my hair cut. I have split ends on my split end’s split ends. I haven’t been since right befor eschool started, which was what, Three months ago??
to run or not to run?
What would mom say? i know what your mom would say. Oh, that was harsh. Sorry. And after all your mom did for me last night. Oh. Did it again.
they cut.
I am listening to the Masochism Tango so scissors bring to thought some strange things. Ew. Scissor kick, flips to the wall and swings out with a seamless flutter. Scissor sisters dance and prance across the stage belting out disco funkified Led Zeppelin.
but it’s the same again. i thought it would be different. scissors. maybe i should learn to learn about it before i dive head first. should. shoulda coulda woulda…
they cut. they help sew.
they are hard and cold but they help make warm and soft stuff.
i grab the scissors from the shelf and start chopping away what is left of my hair. i blindly grab and cut chunks of hair and wait for the outcome. a beautiful chaotic process in my dull life.
He held the scissors in his hands, poised above the paper.
“No!” she screamed earnestly but futilely.
The blades crossed, met in the middle. The soft crunch of shredding paper filled the air and then there was silence, punctuated a moment thereafter by the sound of the now cut report card falling to the ground and the dirt.
She knelt and scooped up the remains. “You’re a horrible boy!” she cried.
don’t run. Your foot will never heal, and you’ll be hobbling like a cripple for the rest of your life. You already have problems with your eyes man, don’t be stupid. How you gonna live if you can’t see and you can’t walk? This may seem like a good idea, but just put the officer down, and stop running.
scissors are kinda funny, you cannot run with scissors by the way, even though is great fun and stuff, lol i dunno.
I picked up the scissors and wondered what to do with it: cut my hair, try to teach myself to cut clothes out, or cut my brothers head off.
scissors chopping, leaping up and down, snip, snip, snip, bronze-coloured and shining with the sunlight glinting on them through the window glass as they cut through wrapping paper on a cold december day as xmas presents are arranged on the table ready to be enveloped in snowflake covered paper.
scissors chopping, leaping up and down, snip, snip, snip, bronze-coloured and shining with the sunlight glinting on them through the window glass as they cut through wrapping paper on a cold december day as xmas presents are arranged on the table ready to be enveloped in snowflake covered paper.
You do not run with scissors.
Maybe the world will explode if we do?
Has anybody tried it?
Did the world explode?
Did we cease to be, die off, croak?
Or did somebody just decide, “Hey man, that looks fun, don’t let it happen again”?