scissors are used to cut things in half
hearts take half the time to mend into place
cut out the shapes you’ve wanted to save
paste them all over place
over your walls, cover the marks
make something knew from the cuttings you lost
kimberly Manley
When I cut my hair last time, it was traumatic. I looked like a shrub. The layers wouldn’t lay right with the choppy ends. I hated it.
A man approached me in the store and said I was the sexiest woman he had seen in a long time…
love to cut lobster tails, and snip chives, and cut hair. they cut out snow flakes and cartuches for cooking. cut away till i am exact. hairstylists
Scissors are an instrumental tool we use in everyday life. Scissors help make life simpler. Scissoring is also something. It is when two girls spread their legs and make their genitals touch. You have to decide which form of “scissors” you like best.
i wanna cut time to stop it to have time to do everyting!!!!!
how could a pair of scissor stop time anyway??
I know i have all these random though:P lol
but i could then do ANYTHING I WANT no need to prioroze everything yeah!
cut… dont run with them…. Bld. Sharp. metal, aluminum, shiny, rubber grip, friscors. cut a straight line.
used to cut things, hard to spell comes in all diferent colors i have pink ones. you cant run with them and you cant give them to little kids. i love the art ones that cut little designs
The scissors snipped at the hair, cutting off her locks that she had spent so many years growing. She loved her hair- it was soft, brown and long. It was longer than Rapunzel’s, she was sure. But as her mom took the scissors to her hair, and it all fell to the floor before her eyes, she
used to cut stuff obviously. But you have to take into account the fact that the font is violet colour. This gives the impression that these particular pair of scissors is one of those pretty little things that you can find in kid’s pencil boxes.
A name
blades big slicing slicing sharp silver sliving thread and cutting through ribbons with ease like MY TOES MY TOES MY TOES MY MIND IS STUCK SCISSORS CUTTING OFF MY TOES.
i really love the reverly life, i like partys, girls weed and all that stufs, i like to enjoy every day of my life , live each moment, so i dont know why i talk about this.
Snip snip snip…Scissors’ blades criss-cross across a wuss…
Stuck inside the eyeball, and Daphne couldn’t pull them out. She wiggled, yanked, grabbed, but the scissors wouldn’t budge.
cut things that you want cut and to make pretty designs
Never run with scissors. I’ve heard it how many times? And yet there I was, with my eye mascara running down my face, liberally applying the scissors to my hair. It had been a point of pride for me — a point of contention between us, too. He’d asked me to cut it. I’d said no. So why was I chopping now, after he’d gone?
i wanted scissor earrings after seeing Kate Lanphear wearing them. this was a week ago.
that same week, my grandma lent me a pair of thinning shears
As far as objects go, a pair of scissors is the most dangerous thing you can find in a desk. The second most dangerous object is a gun. Why? Because you could use scissors to cut out a paper terrorist.
There were many scissors in my apartment. Barbers need them, you see. So I practiced every day with them, my razors, my tools, etc. Scissors are very interesting materials. One dull blade, one sharp. Dull catching, sharp cutting. One wonders who first came up with such a thing.
Daniel Burns
they are sharp and possibly deadly. Hard for little fingers to manipulate have to carrry them carefully. Pretend the line is a road when cutting. SHarp ones are good to use. DUll ones are frustrating.
Scissors are made for little hands. Cutting through the thick and fibrous construction paper, we pasted together all the parts of a jack-o-lantern. He’s in the window today, just like mine was 32 yrs ago. Sweet baby girl!!
cutting. smooth hard new
snip. snap. snip. snap. There are other girls crying. I don’t think I can, anymore. The next one. snip. snap. more hair falls to the ground. The guard laughs. It was long, and black, and the pride and joy of the shuddering girl. We don’t get to have pretty hair. we don’t deserve it. Snip. Snap. Another Strand falls.
edward cutting the little boys face by accident, he wants to open his own hair salon, but the fucking bank wont lend him any money. holla.
You cut this with them. you can hurt yourself. Good for arts ad crafts projects
There was a comedian who, as an adult, said he would call his parents in the middle of the night and tell them he was “running with scissors” because as a child they constantly told him not to do this! Hilarious!!
“You’re not allowed to use those special scissors until you’re older..” my mother always reminded me. One day, I used big girl scissors without asking, and then lied about it. It was the first time I had ever deceived my mother. I never forgave myself.
scissors are used to cut, trim and do creative things. Scissors are used in daily works and as a stationary. it is used in medical places and also for various purposes
Cut paper and place the bowl around you and then eat the birds that comes out of it, but be careful and aware that the dog in the inner self may deeply burn the cloak that will expire in the tarnished burner of the chimney, and then they may help yourself thinking that you will drink yourself to death, but you never know what may be waiting for you so carry on, again and again and again and forget about the rest.
scissor sisters are gay almost lite granna.
to cut paper, bein crafty. accidentally cut yourself. edward scissorhands is my favourite movie. I find it beautuful, the music is great, Tim Burton is a great director and I love Johnny Depp of course.
i already did scissors
i had to get ridc of all my scissors. that’s what happens when depression hits. for the final time i had to clean out my desk. no sharp blades, nothing i could harm myself with. do you know how difficult it is to live without scissors? they have so many uses. it’s frustrating, it really is.
sharp, run. metal, kids, school. worn, fall. paper. art. scissors are things that are on school supply lists and there are lots of brands. this is a stupid word to think about boo boo
ONe time there was a pair of scissors in my junk drawer. Normal day, my favorite pair of scissors. I went to grab them to cut a thread and when I reached in the drawer there were a hundred cockroaches! I Screamed knocked the drawer out and then the scissors fell and cut my foot. worst day ever.
asta ce pula mea ii
“I can’t”…
she wanted him to hold her, and tell her everything was going to be alright. but he couldn’t, for fear of harming her; he had scissors for hands.
scissors are used to cut things in half
hearts take half the time to mend into place
cut out the shapes you’ve wanted to save
paste them all over place
over your walls, cover the marks
make something knew from the cuttings you lost
When I cut my hair last time, it was traumatic. I looked like a shrub. The layers wouldn’t lay right with the choppy ends. I hated it.
A man approached me in the store and said I was the sexiest woman he had seen in a long time…
love to cut lobster tails, and snip chives, and cut hair. they cut out snow flakes and cartuches for cooking. cut away till i am exact. hairstylists
Scissors are an instrumental tool we use in everyday life. Scissors help make life simpler. Scissoring is also something. It is when two girls spread their legs and make their genitals touch. You have to decide which form of “scissors” you like best.
i wanna cut time to stop it to have time to do everyting!!!!!
how could a pair of scissor stop time anyway??
I know i have all these random though:P lol
but i could then do ANYTHING I WANT no need to prioroze everything yeah!
cut… dont run with them…. Bld. Sharp. metal, aluminum, shiny, rubber grip, friscors. cut a straight line.
used to cut things, hard to spell comes in all diferent colors i have pink ones. you cant run with them and you cant give them to little kids. i love the art ones that cut little designs
The scissors snipped at the hair, cutting off her locks that she had spent so many years growing. She loved her hair- it was soft, brown and long. It was longer than Rapunzel’s, she was sure. But as her mom took the scissors to her hair, and it all fell to the floor before her eyes, she
used to cut stuff obviously. But you have to take into account the fact that the font is violet colour. This gives the impression that these particular pair of scissors is one of those pretty little things that you can find in kid’s pencil boxes.
blades big slicing slicing sharp silver sliving thread and cutting through ribbons with ease like MY TOES MY TOES MY TOES MY MIND IS STUCK SCISSORS CUTTING OFF MY TOES.
i really love the reverly life, i like partys, girls weed and all that stufs, i like to enjoy every day of my life , live each moment, so i dont know why i talk about this.
Snip snip snip…Scissors’ blades criss-cross across a wuss…
Stuck inside the eyeball, and Daphne couldn’t pull them out. She wiggled, yanked, grabbed, but the scissors wouldn’t budge.
cut things that you want cut and to make pretty designs
Never run with scissors. I’ve heard it how many times? And yet there I was, with my eye mascara running down my face, liberally applying the scissors to my hair. It had been a point of pride for me — a point of contention between us, too. He’d asked me to cut it. I’d said no. So why was I chopping now, after he’d gone?
i wanted scissor earrings after seeing Kate Lanphear wearing them. this was a week ago.
that same week, my grandma lent me a pair of thinning shears
As far as objects go, a pair of scissors is the most dangerous thing you can find in a desk. The second most dangerous object is a gun. Why? Because you could use scissors to cut out a paper terrorist.
There were many scissors in my apartment. Barbers need them, you see. So I practiced every day with them, my razors, my tools, etc. Scissors are very interesting materials. One dull blade, one sharp. Dull catching, sharp cutting. One wonders who first came up with such a thing.
they are sharp and possibly deadly. Hard for little fingers to manipulate have to carrry them carefully. Pretend the line is a road when cutting. SHarp ones are good to use. DUll ones are frustrating.
Scissors are made for little hands. Cutting through the thick and fibrous construction paper, we pasted together all the parts of a jack-o-lantern. He’s in the window today, just like mine was 32 yrs ago. Sweet baby girl!!
cutting. smooth hard new
snip. snap. snip. snap. There are other girls crying. I don’t think I can, anymore. The next one. snip. snap. more hair falls to the ground. The guard laughs. It was long, and black, and the pride and joy of the shuddering girl. We don’t get to have pretty hair. we don’t deserve it. Snip. Snap. Another Strand falls.
edward cutting the little boys face by accident, he wants to open his own hair salon, but the fucking bank wont lend him any money. holla.
You cut this with them. you can hurt yourself. Good for arts ad crafts projects
There was a comedian who, as an adult, said he would call his parents in the middle of the night and tell them he was “running with scissors” because as a child they constantly told him not to do this! Hilarious!!
“You’re not allowed to use those special scissors until you’re older..” my mother always reminded me. One day, I used big girl scissors without asking, and then lied about it. It was the first time I had ever deceived my mother. I never forgave myself.
scissors are used to cut, trim and do creative things. Scissors are used in daily works and as a stationary. it is used in medical places and also for various purposes
Cut paper and place the bowl around you and then eat the birds that comes out of it, but be careful and aware that the dog in the inner self may deeply burn the cloak that will expire in the tarnished burner of the chimney, and then they may help yourself thinking that you will drink yourself to death, but you never know what may be waiting for you so carry on, again and again and again and forget about the rest.
scissor sisters are gay almost lite granna.
to cut paper, bein crafty. accidentally cut yourself. edward scissorhands is my favourite movie. I find it beautuful, the music is great, Tim Burton is a great director and I love Johnny Depp of course.
i already did scissors
i had to get ridc of all my scissors. that’s what happens when depression hits. for the final time i had to clean out my desk. no sharp blades, nothing i could harm myself with. do you know how difficult it is to live without scissors? they have so many uses. it’s frustrating, it really is.
sharp, run. metal, kids, school. worn, fall. paper. art. scissors are things that are on school supply lists and there are lots of brands. this is a stupid word to think about boo boo
ONe time there was a pair of scissors in my junk drawer. Normal day, my favorite pair of scissors. I went to grab them to cut a thread and when I reached in the drawer there were a hundred cockroaches! I Screamed knocked the drawer out and then the scissors fell and cut my foot. worst day ever.
asta ce pula mea ii
“I can’t”…
she wanted him to hold her, and tell her everything was going to be alright. but he couldn’t, for fear of harming her; he had scissors for hands.