cut sharp hurt painful blood pretty paper art metal sharp cold
The scissors were silver with blue handles, he grabbed them, inspected them, then set them down again. he hesitated not knowing how he would do it. He needed to. He had to. but when. time is what mattered.
they’re sharp and i’m not sure where there are the ones that arent’ shark..excpet the plastic ones you get in kindergarten to cut construction paper..but they were futile, they were useless and you had better chance of getting the job done by creasing it, licking the crease, and cutting it by hand…its crazy the times that were so simple we miss when we stop believing in our immortality
Yikes. Scissors were spiky, Pokey thought as he lifted them up. I want to poke somebody. Pokey was not your average child, but then again, these were not your average scissors.
i like to use scissors as much as possible. Scissors is something you use at school.
Anna Hutcherson
Scissor are cool , and use them every day .
They’re like two knifes put together with a handle so that you can cut things easily. Often used for ceremonial events to cut a ribbon which signifies the opening of a new building.
construction paper
Each day goes by like the snip of a pair of scissors. Snip snip snip. Moments pass too quickly to really make a mental picture, and life can seem too short to anything. Even a life can be taken in an instant.A fatal car crash could kill someone before they blink. Snip snip snip.
scissors are usefull items, they cut things up for you. how usefull is that, if we didnt have them we couldnt get hair cuts, cut up paper or food. we need things like scissors in our lifes to help us out for the stupid little things.
Scissors should be sharp but mine always seems to be dull or dirty. My mother always used to get mad at me because I would use her really sharp embroidery scissors for mindae things, like cutting paper. Now that I am older I can understand why.
The scissors needed to be sharpened, but I used them to clip out my coupons from the Sunday newspaper anyway. Today’s ads were going to save me over twenty dollars this week. I was very happy. With the extra money, I could afford to buy a drink from Starbucks on Friday.
cut everything off. begin again. it’s time for renewal, reinvention. it’s time to be you again. it’s time to be real.
“Don’t run with scissors!” was Julia’s earliest memory of her grandma. When she closed her eyes, she could still see the white tile of nana’s kitchen as she had run towards the living room, eager to begin her cutting project. Her nana was always grumpy, but for some reason, her voice didn’t echo in Julia’s head as being angry at that point. She genuinely seemed concerned.
they are wonderful contraptions using many of the mondern and historical(newtonian) uses of physcis, though safety scissors, while appearing useful are not, presenting a paradox on a quantum level.
my sissors are blue i used scissors to make my 18″ doll a Christmas carol book today.
The scissors cut through her clothes. snip. snip. Each step a step closer to her fresh clean skin. This was something he hadn’t had a chance to see in… well hours. It excited him all the same. As he finished up her breasts popped out jiggling a little.
The fireworks boomed overhead as millions of people watched the New Years Eve celebrations.
In her penthouse room high in the city she sat surrounded by the light show, feeling the occasional thud, each one pressing into the shattered remains of her heart.
The light glinted off the silver scissors as the next row of paper cut out men added to the pile at her feet.
Scissors. It’s a common misconception that only “emo” kids self harm. They don’t. I used to and I am not what they call “emo”. Scissors are not dangerous, it only depends on what you use them for. I just wish that people would stop going on and on about self harm, emo’s, and stereotypes.
sharpening life hard edge fear overtakes them that wield it fearlessly. So many functions, so much evils so many screams have arisen from you edge. You glinty lighty light shining in the sun. You don’t scare me scissors you help me. You help me do my homework.
sharp cutting things, tearing apart memories, sharp metal slicing, disconnecting things from each other, things naturally one, things impossible for human hands to sever.
rebecca flieg
There are so many kids of scissors. Pinking shears, meat scissors, straight scissors, curved scissors for grooming dogs, curved scissors for trimming cloth patterns. You could probably run with the curved ones and not get hurt to bad if you fell.
i have a really weird phobia with scissors or all sharp things really. They absolutely cannot come anywhere near my wrists! In fact, you can’t even apply any sort of pressure to the inside of my wrists or I’ll freak out.
i havea often said that scissors are like life – you cut you wish you hadn’t done that. You just keep snipping and soon you have a coat. See. It is proven. Life = scissors in motion. And there we have it people. Scissors are where it’s at. And when will this minute end I wonder. Neeeds cuttings.
when i was cutting ribbon the bits flew everywhere and then we cam upon some buttons and I made a hat and then it was time to go to bed. but this is what happens if you pick up scissors. Do you know?
there are things i’d rather not do for certain reasons but i do them anyway, to live, and to feel calm and to be free, in a different way.
i love my family and my lover, i feel my life changing for the better every second, i love and let love, this is our challenge
scissors are tough for us left handed folks. growing up i always felt like some kind of outcast. they never worked right! it wasn’t until my mom got me scissors made just for left handed kids did i finally feel like i felt it. seems simple but it affected me hardcore. also, it’s really hard to spell. i’ve learned that in doing this.
I stole her scissors because I didn’t like her. She never knew. I still use them to this day. Mainly to make bracelets. I hate that they remind me of her though.
I saw a video of a kid that threw scissors at another kid once. Hit him right in the forearm and stuck in him like a dart on a dartboard. There was no blood, which was shocking to me…..
Well, his hands had never been normal. But that was no reason for anyone to hate them THIs much. What had they ever done t anyone, exceopt dropt
I gripped the scissors in hand as I looked at the ornate package that rested on the dinner table. I don’t know where it came from. If it was from mom, she forgot to call me and tell me she was sending a gift. I snipped at the twine string. It fell off.
Now, I unwrapped the orange paper. And I opened the box. My breath was taken away as I peered inside. It was a box set of all the seasons of “The Twilight Zone”. I got up from the table and went over to the phone to ask if she had sent it.
Gouldin Lion
They can be sharp, they can be safe. They can make art or destroy. Scissors can be used for work or play. They are one of the greatest inventions of all time for arts and crafts.
With the scissors grasped firmly in her hands, she cut the hair she’d been so proud of for so many years. It was a memory of who she’d been, of who she’d become. As the errant strands fell about the floor, a tear danced down her cheek. She had loved him once, true, but now it hurt far too badly.
Scissors are a very quirky invention, consisting of two metal blades connected by a metal bolt, they can be used for a variety of things such as; cutting hair, cutting paper, edward scissorhands, cutting food or have been known to be used in murders.
Many scissors got together one day to discuss their future. Some where skeptical of it; zippers seemed to make the way of the scissor unneeded. But some held the future in high regard, such as the leader
Scissors were in her hand, poised just above his neck. She was seriously ready to kill him, regardless of what he said or thought. His eyes were bugged and crossed as he tried to plead his case. But he failed. With one final thrust, she stabbed him in the neck.
scissor cut paper and clothing.scissors are also used for stabbing although this can at some points be awkward as that is not their original purpose or additions scissors were the first thing created
cut sharp hurt painful blood pretty paper art metal sharp cold
The scissors were silver with blue handles, he grabbed them, inspected them, then set them down again. he hesitated not knowing how he would do it. He needed to. He had to. but when. time is what mattered.
they’re sharp and i’m not sure where there are the ones that arent’ shark..excpet the plastic ones you get in kindergarten to cut construction paper..but they were futile, they were useless and you had better chance of getting the job done by creasing it, licking the crease, and cutting it by hand…its crazy the times that were so simple we miss when we stop believing in our immortality
Yikes. Scissors were spiky, Pokey thought as he lifted them up. I want to poke somebody. Pokey was not your average child, but then again, these were not your average scissors.
i like to use scissors as much as possible. Scissors is something you use at school.
Scissor are cool , and use them every day .
They’re like two knifes put together with a handle so that you can cut things easily. Often used for ceremonial events to cut a ribbon which signifies the opening of a new building.
construction paper
Each day goes by like the snip of a pair of scissors. Snip snip snip. Moments pass too quickly to really make a mental picture, and life can seem too short to anything. Even a life can be taken in an instant.A fatal car crash could kill someone before they blink. Snip snip snip.
scissors are usefull items, they cut things up for you. how usefull is that, if we didnt have them we couldnt get hair cuts, cut up paper or food. we need things like scissors in our lifes to help us out for the stupid little things.
Scissors should be sharp but mine always seems to be dull or dirty. My mother always used to get mad at me because I would use her really sharp embroidery scissors for mindae things, like cutting paper. Now that I am older I can understand why.
The scissors needed to be sharpened, but I used them to clip out my coupons from the Sunday newspaper anyway. Today’s ads were going to save me over twenty dollars this week. I was very happy. With the extra money, I could afford to buy a drink from Starbucks on Friday.
cut everything off. begin again. it’s time for renewal, reinvention. it’s time to be you again. it’s time to be real.
“Don’t run with scissors!” was Julia’s earliest memory of her grandma. When she closed her eyes, she could still see the white tile of nana’s kitchen as she had run towards the living room, eager to begin her cutting project. Her nana was always grumpy, but for some reason, her voice didn’t echo in Julia’s head as being angry at that point. She genuinely seemed concerned.
they are wonderful contraptions using many of the mondern and historical(newtonian) uses of physcis, though safety scissors, while appearing useful are not, presenting a paradox on a quantum level.
my sissors are blue i used scissors to make my 18″ doll a Christmas carol book today.
The scissors cut through her clothes. snip. snip. Each step a step closer to her fresh clean skin. This was something he hadn’t had a chance to see in… well hours. It excited him all the same. As he finished up her breasts popped out jiggling a little.
The fireworks boomed overhead as millions of people watched the New Years Eve celebrations.
In her penthouse room high in the city she sat surrounded by the light show, feeling the occasional thud, each one pressing into the shattered remains of her heart.
The light glinted off the silver scissors as the next row of paper cut out men added to the pile at her feet.
Scissors. It’s a common misconception that only “emo” kids self harm. They don’t. I used to and I am not what they call “emo”. Scissors are not dangerous, it only depends on what you use them for. I just wish that people would stop going on and on about self harm, emo’s, and stereotypes.
sharpening life hard edge fear overtakes them that wield it fearlessly. So many functions, so much evils so many screams have arisen from you edge. You glinty lighty light shining in the sun. You don’t scare me scissors you help me. You help me do my homework.
sharp cutting things, tearing apart memories, sharp metal slicing, disconnecting things from each other, things naturally one, things impossible for human hands to sever.
There are so many kids of scissors. Pinking shears, meat scissors, straight scissors, curved scissors for grooming dogs, curved scissors for trimming cloth patterns. You could probably run with the curved ones and not get hurt to bad if you fell.
i have a really weird phobia with scissors or all sharp things really. They absolutely cannot come anywhere near my wrists! In fact, you can’t even apply any sort of pressure to the inside of my wrists or I’ll freak out.
i havea often said that scissors are like life – you cut you wish you hadn’t done that. You just keep snipping and soon you have a coat. See. It is proven. Life = scissors in motion. And there we have it people. Scissors are where it’s at. And when will this minute end I wonder. Neeeds cuttings.
when i was cutting ribbon the bits flew everywhere and then we cam upon some buttons and I made a hat and then it was time to go to bed. but this is what happens if you pick up scissors. Do you know?
there are things i’d rather not do for certain reasons but i do them anyway, to live, and to feel calm and to be free, in a different way.
i love my family and my lover, i feel my life changing for the better every second, i love and let love, this is our challenge
scissors are tough for us left handed folks. growing up i always felt like some kind of outcast. they never worked right! it wasn’t until my mom got me scissors made just for left handed kids did i finally feel like i felt it. seems simple but it affected me hardcore. also, it’s really hard to spell. i’ve learned that in doing this.
I stole her scissors because I didn’t like her. She never knew. I still use them to this day. Mainly to make bracelets. I hate that they remind me of her though.
I saw a video of a kid that threw scissors at another kid once. Hit him right in the forearm and stuck in him like a dart on a dartboard. There was no blood, which was shocking to me…..
Well, his hands had never been normal. But that was no reason for anyone to hate them THIs much. What had they ever done t anyone, exceopt dropt
I gripped the scissors in hand as I looked at the ornate package that rested on the dinner table. I don’t know where it came from. If it was from mom, she forgot to call me and tell me she was sending a gift. I snipped at the twine string. It fell off.
Now, I unwrapped the orange paper. And I opened the box. My breath was taken away as I peered inside. It was a box set of all the seasons of “The Twilight Zone”. I got up from the table and went over to the phone to ask if she had sent it.
They can be sharp, they can be safe. They can make art or destroy. Scissors can be used for work or play. They are one of the greatest inventions of all time for arts and crafts.
With the scissors grasped firmly in her hands, she cut the hair she’d been so proud of for so many years. It was a memory of who she’d been, of who she’d become. As the errant strands fell about the floor, a tear danced down her cheek. She had loved him once, true, but now it hurt far too badly.
Scissors are a very quirky invention, consisting of two metal blades connected by a metal bolt, they can be used for a variety of things such as; cutting hair, cutting paper, edward scissorhands, cutting food or have been known to be used in murders.
Many scissors got together one day to discuss their future. Some where skeptical of it; zippers seemed to make the way of the scissor unneeded. But some held the future in high regard, such as the leader
Scissors were in her hand, poised just above his neck. She was seriously ready to kill him, regardless of what he said or thought. His eyes were bugged and crossed as he tried to plead his case. But he failed. With one final thrust, she stabbed him in the neck.
scissor cut paper and clothing.scissors are also used for stabbing although this can at some points be awkward as that is not their original purpose or additions scissors were the first thing created